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Other urls found in this thread:


what does it eat


Praise Fug



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Whoever made Dragon-Type is a stupid.


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Pokemon trainer's heads, based on a certain webm I've viewed and enjoyed.


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Based FUG

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What? No way! I'm gonna need to see some proof

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The most based legendary

So we can all agree that fyg is the best legendary right?
Is there a more amazing feel than accidentally stumbling on the sky pillar and scaling that bitch of a tower, finally reaching the top and find based fug?

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o fug :DDDDD

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pretty much. It was great that they didn't make a fuss about the Regis and Rayquazza in those games. Made encountering them feel like you'd uncovered a real mystery.

Aw shit nigga it's fug
I love fug

how did this bitch survive


We can't have onscreen deaths for human characters in pokemon
She became a cripple though



>That one webm where he rapes a trainer and then FUGs her head off



Someone post it

Just post it.

She's part Pokemon or something equally dumb.

whats happening in this thread


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Now she is full cripple.

And people say he's not the best Pokémon

>we will never get a proper delta emerald, complete with battle frontier
Feels bad man.

But hey, fighting deoxys was the single hypest thing ever done in Pokemon.

Giratina is better.

based, does he fuck the body afterward?

Cringe, but at least you didin't say Darkrai

I love the legendaries in this gen

Don't even get me started on the regis.
You had to stumble upon an ancient ruin deep under the sea.
You had to read braille and go to a irl library to decipher it like it was some actual ancient text.
Have 2 very specific pokemon in a very specific spot in your party and with 2 very specific moves to unlock the caves the regis were sealed away in.
Then you had to find out where said caves are and there you had solve a riddle/puzzle to actually get to them in said caves.
The amount of bullshit you had to go through was unreal and absolute kino.
Nu-gamefreak would never do such big brained mysteries nowadays.
Gen 3 was the peak of legendary hunting.

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The best legendary.


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And just when I was thinking about never having seen a drawing of fug playing a trumpet, cheers user.

Finding the Regis was peak childhood kino for me.
Fucking so many days spent figuring out what's going the fuck on in the underwater ruin.

Dropped out after R/S, do any of the sequels capture this feeling of uncovering something mysterious?


4th gen has a bit of it.
All other gens not really.

You left at the peak.

Kids these days can't even read a map anymore. IQ is in decline (source: slate.com/technology/2018/09/iq-scores-going-down-research-flynn-effect.html ) and handholding in Pokémon games is to blame, or maybe it's necessary. Either way we're doomed.


Every legendary past gen 3 feel so forgettable, except for Gen 6 for some reason.

Volcarona in Gen 5 was the closest it came.

fug :DDD

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Zygarde feels like fug's neglected younger sibling

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Is it even possible to top megafug at this point?
Best theming

Is he the final godking?

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I guess it's because it had the least amount of them since Gen1/2.

Gen 4 was pretty stellar as well for exploration and legendary hunting. Apart from the roaming garbage anyway, but the roamers are trash not worth catching anyway so it’s cool.

Whos the trainer?

How many legendaries were in gen 4? I swear it had over 10.

Can someone post the original Fug image please?

About 12 or 13 if you count phione as well

From memory: Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit, Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, Darkrai, Arceus, Manaphy, Shaymin, Cresselia, Heatran, Regigigas. Phione's a weird one that I think technically counts nowadays.

Literally the most based mon ever, genwunners can suck my green dick

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Still mad they didn't bring him back as a boss in Smash Ultimate, seemed like a no-brainer.

16, actually

5 had 13
7 has 20+ at this point if you count UB as legendaries.

little bits of crud floating around in the ozone layer

Getting Shedinja was pretty cool imo, it just popping up in your 6 pokedude roster, even when at that point you should have 6 pokedudes


I suddenly have the urge to replay ORAS and place a shedinja in my party.

You don't

>yfw those bells and drums play

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>go through all the bullshit to solve the regi riddles
>that moment where you finally enter the cave and one of the regi is sitting there with that mysterious theme playing in the background

i remember i got a similar feeling with the ruins of alph, but that was a complete letdown because there was nothing special about the unown

This is why gen 3 is still the best gen. Figuring out the regis without proper internet access is easily my top Epic gaming moments.

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B2/W2 > R/S/E > D/P/P > HGSS
The rest can stay on squallor under the power gap.

Why is rayquaza associated with fug?

/vp/ memes

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Flying is "Flug" in german, and a german once distributed Shiny Rayrays

Hey, don’t forget FR/LG. Might be the worst in that grouping but still a damn good set of games.

Be strong, Clarence. Be strong for mother.

Gen 3 was great with this stuff.
I remember freaking out once I talked to the one guy on the floating town and he said this island was appearing

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>You had to read braille and go to a irl library to decipher it like it was some actual ancient text.
The manual had braille alphabet, you know.

It was also in the first room of that cave. It just didn't tell you it was A-Z.

>tfw i got the game second hand without a manual and had no idea what braile was so all the tablets were gibberish to me
i recall i actually got the first puzzle right on my own by using dig on that one wall for the heck of it

oh my

>The manual had braille alphabet, you know.
Some of us only got the cartridge

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>got the game second hand
>and the in-game clock was already glitched so several mechanics including mirage island wouldn't work

That chick from the ORAS emerald chapter
She straight up trys to murder Ruby who Fug thinks is a bretty guud guy

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>they butchered sky pillar in gen 6
>fug is now no longer that awesome beast you encounter during the climax of the game and then hunt down at your leisure afterwards and instead another mandatory story legendary
>gets tied to one of the shittier characters of the series that only waifu-loving losers like

how do you fuck up gen 3 remakes when you had emerald right fucking there

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>tfw said -quay for so long that I accidentally switch my pronunciation between -quay and -quah sometimes

Zinnia's hilarious though. She spends her entire story trying to be the big hero and catch Rayquaza to save everyone, only for it to literally look right past her at the player.
Imagine spending your entire life being told stories about how your ancestors were top shit Dragon trainers, and their years of wisdom are to be passed down to you, and that you're the one who will partner with the effective Dragon God pokemon to save the planet itself, only for that random chucklefuck from the woodsy little town almost on the other side of the region to pop up and be the real chosen one.
Zinnia's story is one massive Poke-NTR.

>Doing this battle for the first time
>Rayquaza dodges pokeballs and attacks with Fly
>Wipes my party the first time
Literally nothing since has come close to how awesome this was

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Sky Plankton

>Literally exists on its own in its own tier where there are no rules

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Chosen one nothing. The player character busted his ass and was just some dude who worked harder.

I felt sad for her to an extent tho.

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Why is he clobbering this girl?

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anyone based enough to post the rape webm?

Because she's a shit character.

uhh something something wild hostle pokemon
something something idiot tried to tame it because of some legend

She wants to ride fug to space but fug ain't having that shit


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fug dont like lolis

Zinnia is not a loli you dunce

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Delta Episode was all over the place.
>Zinnia goes "heh....nothin personell kid" and defeats people in literal hand to hand combat instead of a Pokemon battle

Zinnia, you have probably heard her battle theme if you played Smash, said theme is the only good thing about her. youtube.com/watch?v=jCJ2U8-7i5A

She's a bitch who sabotages attempts to save the world from a meteor without even bothering to explain why to people because WHAT ABOUT THE ALTERATIVE UNIVERSES!? And she is apparently even MORE of a bitch in the Pokémon Special manga.

She was asking for it.

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Ohmori is the director of ORAS, not Masuda

Tfw never ever managed to get to mirage island

>be fug, the coolest legendary to ever be
>usually come down from the skies to settle down the autism spergout of Groudon and Kyogre when they're being bitch-ass niggas
>turns out some trainer beat you to the punch, which means you can chill for a little longer
>"this kid's alright, I'll help him out in a time of need"
>time of need comes and a meteorite is about to hit the earth
>kid brings his GF along to ride to space with you
>some entitled cunt Ryuko wannabe shanks your chosen trainer, steals his keystones and says she's gonna help you save the earth
>you in turn save the earth from her future offspring for doing that shit to your favored dude

>hot guys with silly hats who are sluts
Every edit of coldsteel is amazing

>my dad
every time

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Is Rayquaza the most interesting individual Pokémon in everything he appears in? In the anime he was a maniac that spent an entire movie hunting an ayy lmao. Then he was somehow captured by those two Team Rocket admins from that Raikou special.
There's just something so intriguing about him.

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Ultra Necrozma has the same BST doesn't he?

unironically meteorites

Reminder that Mega Fug was so good they had to ban him from ubers.

Thank you based Fug

I'm surprised that no one recreated this thing on a 3D webm or something
Or at least a porn one

Don't forget Regigigas in ORAS.

The legendarys in 3 were peak pokemon even Deoxys that's supposed to look like a alien and not a Pokemon look better than the new design shit

>Mega Fug cripples a mary sue, nukes the apocalypse, curbstomps an alien invasion, and powercreeps god
How can literally anything else even compete?

>Nu-gamefreak would never do such big brained mysteries nowadays.
Not only various part of your post are wrong but this is, too.

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Fug doesn't need an item (even if its a Z-Stone), has a better ability, and Dragon Dance.

>they butchered sky pillar in gen 6
Except they did that in Emerald you wojaktard. And you still encounter it at the climax of the game.

Objectively the best Pokemon.

No it's slightly lower.
Mega mewtwo has the sane BST, but unlike megatwo and Ultra instinct Necro, Rayquaxa doesn't need a specific held item to mega evolve, so you can give him any held item you want.
You can give him shit like the choice items that increase his humongous attack or speed by like 50% which is ridiculous with his stats.

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Maybe a primal or mega Arceus but that’s just never gonna happen.

>Enter a cave

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All hail the king

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>Except they did that in Emerald you wojaktard
No they din't you brainlet.
The first time you go there to ask fug to tell Kyogre and groudon to fuck off you can just walk to the top, but when you come back to actually catch him, the bike challenge is back as well.

I don't like this as much because there's nothing telling you that you have to nickname your Regice and give it an ice item. The original Regi mysteries were great because it was something you had to figure out from the clues that was an amazing before most of us had internet. The ORAS puzzle here might as well require you to use the internet to figure out why the hell you need to nickname your Pokémon when there's nothing hinting at it.
Funny for Serebii's butthurt but that's about it.

Actually, you had a braile decipher in the ingame manual, at least for Ruby and Saphire.

Mega Mewtwo powercrept God first, and did it twice even.

>no they didn't, they did when you go there but when you go back it's like always
So they did. Retard. You can't just go "b-b-but they made it normal later" if it's perfectly fine when you go there the first time. A dungeon when a legendary resides and it's perfectly fine? Don't make me laugh. Not mentioning the Pokemon there are lower leveled than RS AND ORAS. The best grinding spot in RS died in Emerald.

That place always creeped me out.
Dunno, it felt like I wasn't supposed to be there.

While scy pillar was scuffed, it made up for it by flying into space and destroying a meteor ontop of Mega-fug
Buzzwole is the coolest pokemon they've made to date

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He just always feels like he can't be fucked with. Literally flies into space just to fight a alien. Gets to mega evolve and destroy every other mon in the game with no problems. Even the weather doesn't get in his way.

dont fug the fug

What was wrong with Regice name again?

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>over 400 hours and sapphire and 300 on emerald
>tfw never saw mirage island

games > manga >anime

>removing a dungeon entirely is the same as making a dungeon slightly easier the first time you go through it for story purposes before bringing it back when you go back for it's actual intended purpose.
Here is my last (you)

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To catch Regigas in ORAS, you need to give Regice a nickname.

Yeah, but why? its name is censored or something or just GF being retarded?

And a held item that relates to ice like nevermelt ice or just a shitty snowcone health item.

>felt like I wasn't supposed to be there
That's because you weren't.

>removing a dungeon entirely
But they didn't, retard.

>is the same as making a dungeon slightly easier the first time you go through it for story purposes before bringing it back when you go back for it's actual intended purpose.
Making it slightly easier when it should be the opposite? SP in RS wears you down with wild mons then puts you against Rayquaza. In ORAS's case that, Zinnia and Deoxys, even if they are much of a fight(unless you're unlucky and they get crits)

In RS and ORAS you have wild Pokemon facing you and a challenge coming ahead, and you probably wasted your masterball already. Emerald you just go, do the bike path while sneezing at wild mons, then chuck a ball at it and overpower the E4 with a legendary 20 levels over them.

You can't just go "b-b-b-b-but it's fine because it's broken later", either it's always broken or it's not. Not mentioning that the wild mons level stay the same too when you return. And you have 0 reasons to return there after getting Rayquaza unlike RS and ORAS.

Rayquaza is the best fucking thing ever
>Literally flies FOREVER
>Can literally just scream at other legendaries to get them to knock their shit off
>Eats goddamn meteorites as its fucking food source
>Wants to fuck up Deoxys just for shits and giggles despite him being a cosmic threat
>Has the best design of any legendary ever
>Cancels all weather so he can have clear skies whenever he wants
>Can mega evolve without a stone because he eats so many fucking meteorites
>His Mega Evolution has higher base stats than GOD and a literal Black Hole that ate the Sun and Moon
>Ability literally moves almost all his weaknesses
>Has the best flying type move in the game, Dragon's Ascension that hits like a fucking freight train
>Can still hold items while mega evolving making it better than every other mega
>So broken that they had to make a tier specifically for him because he broke ubers
>Eternally has a shit eating grin because he knows he will always be the best.

You literally can not name a better Pokemon than Fug.

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this is a top tier post. my cousin told be how to get registeel and i saved two weeks of allowance to buy the strategy guide to find the other two and it was still a bitch. i forgot how much detail those games had and it's super easy to forget, i was 20 when they did ORAS and i damn near cried at how they handled it.

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How did they handle it in the remake?

it was a kino time to be alive

Exactly the same but you have to revisit Regice's Chamber with it having a nick name and holding a never melt ice to get Regigigas.

Fug is probably 2nd but I like kyogre better.

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probably not the best place to ask but can anyone recommend me a good emerald romhack? Looking mostly for quality of life changes, more pokemon variey, higher difficulty and no oc donut steels

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Megafugga is overblown. V-create was only available in 2014 and only to the Japanese, otherwise he ain’t shit.

Lucky faggot.

>what is hacking/injecting
>the thing every serious competitive player uses

Kyogre is a bro

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it doesn't need V create. V create is a good move to have on it but fug's got options out the ass.

This too, mostly need a one with the special/physical split, and maybe mega evo's.

Emerald Plus, I think it's called, is what you're looking for.

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rayy lmao

Was anyone else lucky enough to go to any of the gen 3 events? Still have my Deoxys.

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Didn't he get whooped by a solo base-form Deoxys?

What? He wrecked Deoxys.


Rayquaza's job is to fuck over deoxys.
And keep kyogre and groudon from getting too pissy

>Rayquaza dodges pokeballs

I was thinking of the Destiny Deoxys movie. Doesn't Rayquaza get beaten up in the arctic at the beginning of that movie?

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They fought but Quayquay won. He hit Deoxys with a point-blank Hyper Beam that destroyed most of its body.

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>remember how interested i was in all the legendary lore for gen 3
>completely lost it in 4
>5 was ok
>completely tired of the series with 6
>didn't touch 7
>don't like how 8 looks at all
Feels bad bros

>ctrl+f for "fug
>only 44 matches

what legendary lore in 3. outside the regis there's nothing

ctrl+f won't find

She almost destroyed the world. Twice. Without anyone calling her out on her bullshit. Fug did what Fug had to do.

Post bass.gif

damn these were good.

with fly, you can't throw pokeballs at him when he's in the air, and if you're not trying to damange him at that point well what do you do with yout turn other than waste it.

water, like any patrician should

>gen 3
>weather trio based on leviathan, behemoth, and fug ziz
>jet planes, wishmaker, mineral kings
>one ups mewtwo by having a DNA pokemon from outer fucking space
kino. gen 4 was pretty cool, too, even daring to get a little edgy with it
>fucking god
>time and space and alternate dimensions
>gay lake trio, kinda cool, but not as kino as the regis
>dreams and nightmares bro
>heavy metal furnace and future dwarven golem made to embody the regis essence i guess
>magic blue dog that overtly replaces absol as the spirit guide pokemon
gen 5 had, uhh...
>pretty neat plot idea
>a couple retarded pokemon designs
>a battle axe pokemon
>neato legendary trio, fire ice electric dragons while also copying yugioh fusion monsters
>best quality of life
...gen 6

4th gen is my favorite. The exploration and soundtrack are fantastic. Too bad Darkrai was event exclusive because the npcs hinted at him even without access

Well there's the Weather Trio but the Weather Trio is more silly then anything else. Hoenn as a country really should not exist. The fact that they're ruled over by 2 living apocalypses and these people still exist is nothing short of a miracle. I mean Groudon literally sets the sky on fire just by being awake. And the orb that wakes him up is in the care of two old people who run a cemetery. Which is probably why Rayquaza is never allowed to leave. It is lore but the lore is so wacky that it's not worth taking seriously in any regard.


Heatran is probably the most forgettable legendary next to Cresselia

>is nothing short of a miracle.
and his name is fug

>Volcanion is so forgettable that no one can remember it long enough to say that it's shit

>>weather trio based on leviathan, behemoth, and fug ziz
Being based on mythical creatures doesn't stop them being on just a slightly lower level than the "gods".

Huh, dude? What "ruled over"? Kyogre and Groudon are sleeping apocalypses that are meant to never wake up or wake up only when the world needs to be cleansed. There's a reason why you stop team Magma/Aqua. The "super item being in a retardedly easy place to rob -> hey young man YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED" is kinda a standards for japanese media i guess.

All hail Fug.

Are US/UM worth emulating?

>is stronger than Pokemon God
What did GF mean by this?

Arceus needs a storyline!

I agree with you user and that's the point of my post is to point out how truly ballin it is that those motherfuckers haven't absolutely wrekt the planet because of one bad ass dragon
>and his name is fug
Praise be the Fug.

They are not. It feels kind of hypocritical for me to say that considering the amount of time I've put into these games. And to be honest there are quite a few really good ideas in Sun and Moon. But the bad ideas that are present in this game are so cancerous that they almost blind the good stuff.

great typing and good stats. i really wish they made him a psuedo legendary with the twist that you could only catch them in that one spot on the mountain. heatrannie should not have been a legendary. and cresselia and darkrai were cool concept pokemon for endgame similar to latioas

The weird thing about Rayquaza is that with it being as powerful as it is you figure it would be the dominant force in the Pokemon world. But no it's largely unconcerned with what happens on the surface. It just stays in the sky minding its own business and gunning down any alien that intrudes on its territory.

it doesn't have to be a nevermeltice, it can also be a casteliacone or snowball

Rip Deoxys

>gunning down any alien that intrudes on its territory.
No illegal immigrants on fug's watch.

I'm going to go against the user and say that you should at least play it once. The cutscenes might make you straight up drop it though.

Is Fug the answer to the question, "could God create a being more powerful than himself?"

hello i have meteor can i come in


I stopped playing with Gen 1 and 2 due to being a poorfag back in the day. Which games are worth playing through nowadays?

fug was god before arceus stepped up, megafug is just him taking his title back by force

You are probably going to get a lot of conflicting answers but across years of bickering with people about these games I noticed that HeartGold and SoulSilver, Platinum, and Black and White 2 tend to get a lot of love

Black/White 2

The Gen 1 and 2 remakes are also good (FireRed/LeafGreen and HeartGold/SoulSilver)

i wouldn't fuck with those normalfag mortals, either. spend my days blasting meteors and fags trying to get in my planet for sport.

someone post the fucking webm

>my negro
also, i shill this in every pokemon thread, but play zeta/omicron on PC, it's free and it's awesome. it's not edgy, and it's endgame story takes after gen 3's plot. it's the most fun i've had in a game since ruby/diamond.

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I remember calling up a classmate on the phone to tell me how to do this shit. It really felt like uncovering a mystery.


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Fuck oras

>That's why you never go into the tall grass alone.

B/W2 are the perfect Pokemon games. Just the right amount of Gen 1 pandering for the boomers and a fucking massive post-game. Play the Mystery Dungeon games too, they're better than mainline.

shillin away
pokemon up to gen 5 with some gen 6 snuck in. fakemon are limited to legendaries or unobtainable with some rare 'delta' pokemon in the vein of Alolan ninetales.
quality of life is better than bw2

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Can i just take a look at what's inside the meteor?

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mystery dungeon was fucking dope. i wanna emulate or pick up another copy of sky for my ds.
still shillin
pokemon follow you.

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but you can have this meteorite instead....

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one more because this is one of my favorite features. you can moniter iv/ev and training them isn't a huge mother fucking pain in the ass. breeding is gen5 breeding, which is all i could ask for.

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Sir please comply with my demands.
If you do not cooperate then you will get fugged

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Dragon type was very clearly a PvE boss type from gen 1. It resists all of the starters, and electric and only shows up in one Pokemon line, a line that the player probably won't see until the final boss. There aren't even any Dragon type moves in gen 1. It wasn't until gen 2 that they started to make it into its own type, and then the fact it was broken overpowered started to become apparent.

I've been playing Sacred Gold. It's really good.

>female Vaporeon

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I fucking love Mega fug's design. They did him good.

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Genesect was kino, we need more bug legendaries

>breeding is gen5 breeding
I never got into breeding outside of "dump ditto in there and whatever pokemon you need a pre-evo for your living dex", what makes it different from other gens?


this is my favorite roster i made back in SS, but garchomp instead of hax, kingdra was also a female, and i had a female staraptor that i'd occasionally use instead of lucario.

252+ Atk Life Orb Arceus Extreme Speed vs. 6 HP / 0 Def Rayquaza-Mega: 94-110 (51.9 - 60.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Arceus has base 120 speed, so his Extreme Speed will go first and get the KO on turn two. Even if Rayquaza spends turn one doing a Dragon Dance, his +1 Extreme Speed wouldn't be strong enough to get the KO.
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Rayquaza-Mega Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 108-127 (55.3 - 65.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Life Orb Golduck Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Rayquaza-Mega: 452-536 (128.7 - 152.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

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What about Delta Stream?

they added tricks you could do with items like passing down ev's and more nature tricks i think. made it super cool if you liked to power train and it pairs nicely with zeta's iv/ev screen.
bug types are dope, i don't play them enough. i also like ice types

I liked X/Y for the life/death plot and the genocide of everything.
also, some QoL choices while yet dropping other stuff from previous gens.
every trainer and rival, except for your opposite gender rival were fucking shit, though.
OR/AS really became shit once I got Latias/Latios as a gift.
only good thing was free-roaming in the skies.
what do you niggas think about gen 6?

When a Pokémon with Cloud Nine is in battle, all effects of weather are negated (though the weather itself does not disappear).
Try again sweetie ;)

Really forgettable and inoffensive.

I was shocked as all hell when I learned of these pokemon a couple years after P
Playing the game.

Golduck ability Cloud Nine cancels out the affects of DS. It was actually a popular anti-meta pick in VGC 2016 when Mega Fug and the Primals were extremely popular.

>252+ Atk Life Orb Rayquaza-Mega Dragon Ascent vs. 0 HP / 252+ Def Golduck: 302-356 (100.3 - 118.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Golduck will never be able to outspeed mega rayquaza

What is focus sash

here, although I am bummed out that nothing was done with this or that one building in the wasteland.

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RIP fug

Something that prevents golduck from OHKO fug, if held

Fug is trash.

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>what do you niggas think about gen 6?
Wasted potential. I have a feeling they were planning on making an X2Y2, but somewhere along the line that got shafted for remaking RS. I figured they were foreshadowing things like southern Kalos to expand upon later, like how Unova got another section to it in B2W2. It does seem weird how Zygarde's new formes had to wait until SM at least.

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It means that arceus is eventually getting an even more bullshit form.

>running an item that mega fug will never be able to fully take advantage of outside of 1v1ing golduck
Truly, golduck is the predator here.

>As a fug

Just because it lives in the ozone layer doesn't mean it can't come down and eat some Pokemon

What are the elements of a good pokemon game?

Everyone overstates the importance of this for some reason. It's just the random creepy thing of that generation. DP had the ghost girl and butler in the mansion, along with the painting that watched you and BW and their sequels had that girl who disappears on the bridge.

ight anons, thank you for the dope thread. i gotta go to work now. have a great day.

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life orb is never a bad item on a sweeper

Focus Sash M-Ray isn't uncommon, especially in VGC. It also has a lot more uses than just countering an irrelevant shitmon.

Honestly, Rayquaza never felt like "one of the most popular pokemon" material outside being a box legend, but whenver people actually talk about Rayquaza everyone fucking loves it.

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They'll make the plates be the item, and it'll be fucking busted as shit.

>Zygarde cells
damn, you're right.
S/M probably WAS going to be X/Y2 at some point.


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7 has some of the more interesting legendary lore in the series, in that

A) It shows how people deal with powerful Pokemon in their daily lives
B) It shows that the pokemon who are deemed as deities can be spiteful fucking cunts and there isn't much you can do about it.
C) It blurs the line about what can or can't be considered a "legendary" in that all animals are meant to be treated wit respect and dignity (which applies to the UBs).

Honestly people give gen 7 shit for the cutscenes, and rightly so since the pacing sucks, but there's a lot of cool ideas at work. The Tapus in particular have lots of cool lore.

So why does he want to fug deoxys so much?

No he means without an attack boosting item golduck won't be able to get a guaranteed ohko move.
Also mega fug can run assault vest and counter golduck just fine.
Gg golcuck.

Zinnia haters are borderline autistic. Tons of people call her out on her bullshit and she realizes what she did was a terrible mistake that may have killed everyone moments before you save the day.

Its like people think Zinnia is portrayed as some flawless mary sue and I genuinely don't understand why.

I misunderstood what you meant with your first post

>geez Arceus how come you get 18 mega evos

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Apparently fug was just using dragon breath one her.

A Golduck w/out life orb can still 1HKO Mega Ray. It's just a high 90-something percent chance instead of a full 100% chance. Assuming it's modest.

>Primal Arceus
>it can freely change types between turns

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He messed with Fug's ozone layer. Ray is an environmentalist.

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>eats its fucking Mega Stone
I still think that's bullshit. Might as well forcefeed everything else their damn rocks.

>dragon breath

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Kyogre only eats tendies

Tapus were a mistake that make me hate playing VGC or OU.

>was just using dragonbreath on her
yep, I would've survived that, too.
I wouldn't even feel a thing.

>be brainlet child circa 2003
>finally make my way to Groudon
>get hype and load up the battle
>time to catch this fucker
>check muh bag
>ONE (1) regular ass Pokeball and nothing else
>Say fuck this shit
>Don't even bother to damage it, just give in to defeat and throw the Pokeball first turn
>my brainlet child face when

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That is where the assault vest or literslly anyother defensive held item kicks in.

Sounds like baby's first genies

The start of Gamefreak's degradation of Pokemon games. There were signs in Gen V, but Gen VI was where the casualization began.

Ultra Necrozma makes me doubtful, I feel like they realized Mega Fug was dumb as fuck and tried to tone it down.

If you didn't play Sun or Moon and don't care about story, absolutely.

Genies were just as bad but I was able to live with them. Tapus just make me want to kill myself.

Lando-T is more obnoxious than any Tapu, the Tapus are way easier to deal with in terms of predictability.

How so? Pretty sure Fug is among the most popular aside from Mewtwo, Lugia, and probably Giratina.

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yep, feels bad

I meant "From my own perceptions of the pokemon"

I think the look powers, and roll of Yveltal and Xerneas were pretty cool even if the generation in general was kind of boring.

>magic blue dog

He's talking about lucario

I did the same once, had ultra/great balls and 1 single pokeball left. Decided fuck it and wanted to get rid of it so I threw it first turn. Worked like a charm. I don't normally name pokemans but I named him Groundy since I didn't expect it to work at all.

>200 in every stat

We should be afraid.

Reminder that you can still get the gen 4 and gen 5 events on your carts through fucking with your connection settings (and a mobile hotspot in gen 4).

Just got 2 Keldeo, a Genesect and a Victini a few weeks ago. Gen 5 is also the last time when they fucking bothered with ingame events, which is nice - its sad knowing we're never going to get something like the Arceus egg cutscene again.

How do I do this?

>It always changes to the type that's super effective against the enemy pokemon
>The only way to counter this is to have a pokemon that's fast enough to attack it before it switches
>The entire Arceus fight is switching pokemon and praying that you hit first

They just stopped bothering with legendaries in general.
Since ORAS all of them are in sone kibd of wormhole or uktra onahole if they are even in at all.
No puzzle dungeon, event or anything.
Not even something like Darkrai where you have to go to sleep in some abadoned house, because the island he resides in can only be reached through your dreams or like crescelia where some sailor's kid got cursed by darkrai and now he wants you to help him find crescelia in order to cure his son.
It's something really small, but it was still neat.
It's better than putting them in a random cave or a random wormhole and call it a day.
I know older games did the random caves too, but other legendaries had plenty of events or dungeons

>It knows Extreme Speed

How did hypnos get the rapist stereotype?

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>power to hypnotize
>look like old men
>one in FRLG kidnapped a young girl
They're basically the doujin mon.

What led to this happening? Also who the fuck is Rayquaza impaling?

I mean their power is hypnotism so it'd sort of lead to that.

that looks like a tmnt turned into a toilet seat

Also I want to mention how cool and cucked silvally is.
>ultra beast are a threat
>aether foundation plays god ala mewtwo and create a new pokemon based on their god with ancient sinnoh scriptures
>it copies Arceus stat spread abd ability
>but unlike arceus who is good at everything, it is just kinda bad at everything.
Such a cool concept, but such a shitty mon.

Attached: 1200px-773Silvally.png (1200x1200, 592K)

there's an entire thread that can help you out with those questions, just follow this link

>Extreme Speed is upgraded to Velocity of God

The funny part if you werent aware is she ends up in a wheelchair
dragonbreathe has a chance to paralyze

I love how it works as an evolution. It's just Type:Null but without the heavy helmet because it has enough of a bond with its trainer to control its powers, hence why only its speed increases. It's such a nice natural evolution.

Fug is angry at the bitch for burning his buddy

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Oh shit, it's raykwanzaa the pokemon of african holidays!!

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>held items don't even boost stats at all so it's essentially itemless
>can't even use Z-crystals to change type either
>stats are cripplingly average instead of min-maxed like everything else relating to Ultra Beasts
I don't see why they couldn't have 120 in 3 stats and distributed evenly in the rest. That still makes sense lorewise. It's a failed copy of Arceus so it would make sense if they only got half the power right. Instead it's just painfully mediocre, weaker than basically every Ultra Beast, cucked out of an item, almost less useful than its pre-evolution and still a "legendary" Pokemon.

Fuck, I just assumed that it was from her getting tailed fugged but thats even better.

Postgame only sucks so hard, I'd love to play through with Type:Null as my starter.

even if it had 105 in each stat and maybe like stealth rock/spikes it'd be so much better

Arceus is just the demiurge anyway. It's powerful, but not omnipotent.

Fug is just a cool Pokemon in general.

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They should of chaned three stats to 120 based on which element he has. Would of been fun to see what game freak ties each element to statwise.

I'm on my phone user, just google or yt it its very simple

Just wait for Mega Fusion Arceus-Giratina XD - Gale of Darkness from the Sinnoh remakes.

>It's Protean

Quite a few people died in pokemon special(they get revived).

Rayquaza is a much, much better protector of the ecosystem than Zygarde. Fuck, Zygarde is such a mismanaged pokémon.

Zygarde is pretty fucking based

Tell that to Team Flare, they killed whats his face in both the movie and the manga. Malva died too in the manga.

Please don't be mean to Zygarde. The poor guy's had it rough already.

Isn't Perfect Zygarde also banned from Ubers?

The UBs are pretty cool too. SM really took a step in the right direction by making the legendaries a part of the world and story rather than the sole focus of it.

Zygard 50% is shit, Zygard complete with aurabreak is where it is at.

X was stone cold
He did not fuck around.

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Are there any Gen 3 romhacks that capture that "adventure" feel with loads of secrets and routes with a lot of side paths and hidden areas? These games make me feel something that no other game has made me feel.

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It's really good in Ubers but it's legal

bro what the hell is this how are people getting fucked vaporized and killed in pokemon?!

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There is something about Rayquaza and Fug memes that warms my soul to its core

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Where does sealguy post now?


No, but if there was just a regular Zygarde 100% with Aura Break it would be up their with Primal Groudon and Xerneas as the best. Being the bulkiest overall pokemon and Aura Break inverses Xerneas Fairy Aura, even at +2, Xerneas only has a 30% chance of killing a non invested Zygarde-complete. 96 spd ev's make it impossible for a +2 moonblast to OHKO.

By being pokemon, but also PG-13

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Ruby is the biggest chad in pokemon.

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Why the FUCK haven't they brought back secret bases?

Okay so exactly do Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza make their weather actually happen? Like scientifically?

>Kyogre subtly changes air pressure and temperatures so the atmosphere draws in clouds and becomes colder, creating rain
>Groudon does the same but makes it hotter instead, pushing clouds aware and making it rain so where else
>Fug can detect when they’re manipulating it and cancels them out, but even at neutrally kinda puts everything in equilibrium

nice ass, I'd hit it


It's in canon that Pokeballs, and ONLY regular-ass Pokeballs, get a massive catch boost when you are determined/have some GODDAMNED FAITH, can't tell me otherwise


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>Not Godspeed

You gotta keep up with the trends, dusk necrozma forced xern down to yveltal's level and people realized that zyggy was good so it rose.
They're all A+ in the Ubers viability rankings.

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For a song that plays so much in a game I'd expect to hate it or whatever, but man I still fucking love it.


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Why are fangames so shit? They run like ass and no proper xinput support. Are all pokemon essential games doomed to be like this?

You're right, I can't name a more based pokemon than fug
>more powerful than god himself
>controls weather to his needs
>face screams pure menace
>fucking fug
Fug is the greatest pokemon there ever was and ever will be.

>acts like a metrosexual faggot
>has atleast 3 girls on his dick
>and is the only MC who has GF.
>said GF is a cute tomboy who is literally best girl
Chad Norman genes are 2 stronk.

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I just checked smogon for Zygard. They are using my set I was posting in the forum, my exact ev spread. People ignored me like I was some idiot, but after DD Zygarde could outspeed and outcuck other uber threats like Gengar and ohko them. Thousand arrows is one of the best moves in the game since it hits most pokemon neutrally allowing his moveset to open up greatly.

Drayano hacka are pretty good.

Why are mega evolutions a thing if they are terrible for the pokemon?

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Pokemon are competitive, most of them like to fight, that is why they jump at you from the tall grass and in other caves. This is why its seen as a bad thing when people go into habitats and capture pokemon who are just minding their own business. Ash's Greninja wanted its own megaevolution so bad so it can keep up that they created their own. Its all about being the best and screw everything else.

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this concerns me like god damn

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>Mega evolutions are a cool way to make shitty.mons like.absol and ampharos more viable
>Also give busted mons like lucario, Blaziken, salamance and fucking mewtwo mega evolutions to make them even more busted.
No idea

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>vanillish used powder snow

No! A minor bit of snow, my one of many weaknesses! FUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGG!

Just brace it

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Why didn't Primal Kyogre become water/ground? Why did Primal Groudon get a amazing spread of everything but Kyogre got mediocre shit all around?

>delta streams u

>no delelelelwooop for cry
These are some top tier fucking picks user.

Anyone got that lewd gardevoir comic but censored with fug?

You mean the pokédex entries? That feels like a retcon more than anything, there was a load of trite in X/Y about how it's the strong bond between the trainer and the pokémon which make mega evolution possible. In S/M they make out mega evolution to be some kind of horrible abortion of nature, probably only because Z-moves were the new gimmick.

>That foot placement
Ho-oh my

>that lewd gardevoir comic
user, you're gonna have to be A LOT more specific.

what the fuck

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Ground is kind of the antithesis of what kyogre is going for, user

It's the only comic censored with fug, come on.

There are times where I think pokemon should do a soft reboot or something. Too many gimmicks and too much powercreep. Sure every gen had its busted pokemon, but its getting really bad.

God damn it was such a good webum until that happened.

Welcome to Pokemon Special where half the gym leaders are evil at any given time, elite 4 is on some human genocide run and bomb cities an lava surfing is a job requirement to save the world.

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So you mean actually drawn with the fug in it or just edited as a meme with fug?
Again, specifics here my boy.
I have a lot of gardevoir comics and your description doesn't really help me out much.

The pokemon manga is actually pure kino, if you're never read it, I'd go check it out.
Very fun, evil gym leaders, a surprisingly solid plot considering the source material

Whenever someone tries to pull "the pokemon manga is edgy and mature" its always THIS picture and nothing else that gets posted.

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Ruby and Sapphire are the cutest couple

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>Forgetting the part where he tanked a Salamance

it's the one with "you grabbed the FUG" and the weird faces
if that doesn't jog your memory immediately then you just don't know what he's talking about.

this desu

not gonna bother until gen 8 arrives

Attached: gen1-7.png (2276x1204, 3.59M)

He's talking about the deception edit.

Why are pokegirls so best

The manga os pretty wild.
They even fixed team flare.
Instead of being rich dumbasses they were a /pol/-tier jew illuminati conspiracy.
They MCs literally had to live in hiding, because ((((((they)))))) would get them if they didn't.
Not to mention that time Tierno and Trevor had to wade through a pile of pokemon corpses.

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I don't think anything visually is this brutal later, really fun image. I wouldn't say it gets edgy but it doesn't have the same kind of protection pokemon later gets. Its a pretty decent shounen with a lot of cool stuff you would want out of pokemon.

Ruby and Sapphire is where the series peaks, Fire red and leaf green plateaus but it goes way down hill with emerald arc. I don't think there was anything in fiction that has ever made me go from loving it to hating it as hard and fast as emerald arc did. I tried likeing diamond and pearl, but its too slow and filled with a lot of japanese puns that the translators have to waste pages to explain. It was getting good when I stopped reading it, but I need more motivation to return.

Emerald was my first handheld game, so hearing about it takes me right back to those carefree days of youth, and also reminds me of all the autistic shit I did as a child
>for some reason pronounced it "Ras-quasar" (no fucking clue)
>named my character "Rayquaz", pronounced Ray-quaz
>blew my Master Ball on Rayquaza instead of the Latis despite it being trivial to just fight it repeatedly cause he NEVER MOVES
>kept it as second in my party for the entire rest of my ~550 hour playtime, literally never ever swapped it out
>taught it FLY
>demolished all my friends by just switching to it and spamming outrage
So it fills my heart with joy to know it's the literal best Pokemon in the game, which I personally already knew but wasn't sure everyone else did
Also he has the best fight theme in PMD youtube.com/watch?v=Gq4fCcwTrWs

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desu I'm sick of this meme. It's honestly no different than your average shounen. It's just that the setting being in the Pokemon universe makes it more "edgy" than it actually is.


I love Ruby and Sapphire!
I love butttrumpets!
I love Hoenn and its nature!

XY was a really good arc. Super underrated. Y is best girl.

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but he's right to some extend
why give a water pokemon the ability to negate fire damage, while a groudon gets: a secondary type, a buff for said type, immunity against a 4x counter and it even has an immunity to the other gimmicky move kyogre gets.
that's just rude to my orca boy

>Rayquaza and Deoxys are my favorite pokemon
>That one movie where they were rivals
Thats was the shit when I was a kid.

Attached: Deoxys.jpg (1920x1200, 192K)

i always thought the pokemon know what's coming for them but endure it because they love their trainer a lot

>Implying their rivalry ended with that movie

Attached: Deoxys-and-Mega-Raiquaza-pokemon-37783653-960-690.jpg (960x690, 121K)

>Defy the Legends

Good taste.

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I'm not saying that kyogre didn't get the short end of the stick, I'm saying giving it ground is a retarded fix.
That's the issue, groudon's buff is so natural
>how better to represent the earth's core with ground/fire, and it finally gives groudon STAB to get boosted by the sun
>buff sun, which normally weakens water, to delete it altogether
They did the same with kyogre
>can't really tack anything onto water type to better represent the pure, primordial ocean
>rain normally weakens fire, so now it deletes it
It's just the way things worked out.

I know right it's probably my top 3 arcs of the manga.
I aldo kinda liked that X was kind of an asshole.
Not even the usual kind of snarky smartass.type like joseph from jojo or Gold, but he was just a fucking dick.

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lol, i hope this is canon
i know it's my headcanon now

i had this one rayquaza card when i was a kid, never knew it was the best pokémon i just thought it looked cool, aswell as a regigigas and transparent eevee figure
lost all of those
im still heartbroken

CRT please go.

>along with the painting that watched you
excuse me?

pokemon peaked at emerald so you should play that one

Non-jokingly who?

Omnitype (Changes the pokemon's type to the move it's using and powers up moves of the same type)

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Kyogre gets the best move of all though an unassailable shit-eating grin

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So Protean?

good taste

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Water/Electric would be nicer considering how glowy it is, but the Ground weakness would be a pain in the ass.
Inb4 Primordial Sea cancelled Ground type moves instead

It kills me how silly Maxie and Archie's plan is

>Kyogre can create infinite rainstorms and violent typhoons with nothing but its existence
>We should wake it up and make a better world for Pokemon
>Oh God everything is dying! How did we not foresee this?!?

how about water/electric to give thunder STAB and to add insult to injury
honestly i don't know

>really love my girl Shauna
>did nothing in the XY arc after that pic and just held on to Tierno’s arm every other panel
Fuck that

Also considering it creates hurricanes which are accompanied by lightning storms. And it gets 100%accurate Thunder anyway

protean meets adaptability

that's how it should've been
Kyogre > Groudon but Proto-Kyogre < Proto Groudon
idgaf about Stats and shit, just at least try to balance all htat shit GF

You think X is an asshole but Lack2 beats him out on that, Meanwhile Lusamine actually won in the manga and Sun and Moon got stranded in Ultras Space for 6 months, oh and Ghetsis and N are about to fight each other using Zekrom for N and Kyreum for Ghetsis after Colros flash froze Lack2 and Whit2 and threw their bodies in the ocean the only thing saving them was Lack2 using a berry to undo frozen status at the last second, and speaking of Lack2 he not only got fired from his job for stealing Genosect he also got revealed as a sociopath who has no understanding of empathy or sympathy as his pokemon and Whi2 look at him horrified at how messed up he is.

Finally, even through X and co killed Lysandre and stopped his weapon Malva survived it then using her position as the media blamed the kids and the abuse they got from the citizens was making them so nihilistic and apathci they started to agree with Lysandre's "Fuck the world" mentality til AZ snapped them out of it. Imagine that, you save the world but everyone hates you and treats you so bad you start to want to agree with the villain.

Oh and Zinnia isn't crippled for life, she'll recover but Steven stole all of her mega stones that she stole to give back to their original trainers as well as any others she collected except for the one for her Salamance.

6 generations of power creep is not easy to fix. Even if GF did give a shit about it

I'd be fine if they just balanced the trio around itself

power creep didn't really set in until about gen 4 though
gen 3 was still overflowing with slow mixed attackers and defensive 'mons without reliable recovery

Well if this leak is true armor might have one up on primal and mega, I don't know anyone who resorts to a Z move

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>another charizard
>another mewtwo
yup believable

>Pop in Pokemon Emerald Cartridge into my Gameboy SP
>Internal Battery dead

It still upsets me, I love playing this game man.

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Marriage when

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I didn’t know there was such things as deepseatooth or deepseascale in gen 3 until like 2 days ago.

I would say even Gen 4 was relatively balanced. At least compared to today. The biggest problem in 4 was the hazards, specifically stealth rock, and the fact that only a small pool of Pokemon could deal with it. Meaning life was hell if you were a Flying, Fire, or Ice type. Also Ghost types ended up being in vogue to counter the few pokemon that could spin them away since Defog isn't a thing yet and Steel was always a fantastic defensive type that gets better since it doesn't care about sneaky stones.

Gen 5 however is when power creep really became evident and Gen 6 is when the power levels lost their fucking minds.

Myboy emulator

You can still save n'shiet, but no espeon/umbdeon or mirage island4u

>all Gen 6 bros in the same tier
That's kind of nice. Zygarde finally made it with the big boys. I can't help but feel happy for it even if it didn't get a game.

Another game like Colosseum with non-conventional starters would be cool.

gen 4 did start minmaxing harder and giving pokemon with great typings also great movesets

Fuck, that's even better.

M-muh berries...

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colosseum had relatively generic starters in the form of umbreon-espeon though and gave you a gen 2 started like 15 minutes in

>Eevee line
Eevee is just as generic. And now Let's Go cements that idea.

>tfw battery ran out before mirage island appeared

They alluded to it in the XY anime at least with Korrina's Lucario going mad from its power.

emerald was the last game with true soul. BW2 and HGSS were great and all but they came out in an era where everyone had the internet and was being spoiled on the secrets before it even released in the US

QUICK, post your idea for a gimmickmon.
Mine is a fire-type themed around oil that has an ability that makes its fire moves super effective against water.

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god I wish it didn't end in guro

Oh fuck you, why did you goddamn remind me. Why does someone so talented need to only make guro.

Oh shit, it's the real rayquaza.

Attached: rayquazett.png (1640x1486, 1.14M)


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A Poison/Psychic type with Illusion and Imposter as its abilities, basically meaning it can be any of your opponent's pokemon or any of yours

Or mystery dungeon, since until Gates they had a pretty good selection of starters.
I've been entertaining the idea of ditching starters altogether and just letting you catch some generic off of route 1. Feels like it would be a neat idea since it would be a lot more relatable to have your best option be "catch whatever is in your local wildlife" rather than "get handed a special rare pokemon".

Attached: adventure squad starters.png (778x966, 288K)

a pokemon based on Yea Forums that's a grass/poison type and looks like a clover

>armors and soccer in pokémon?

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The basic normal-type pokemon of the region can become a ghost/normal type if it levels up in an area filled with ghosts because it becomes possessed.

Submitting to Pokemon Clover right now

Starters are a thing because they're stronger than any wild mon you're bound to encounter for at least three gyms
Except in gen two, but nobody even knew about skarmory anyway

A fire electric based around kinetic energy. I don't know what such a pokemon would look like though

There's a portrait on the walls in one of the rooms. The eyes glow red when your character is facing away, but turn black if you look at it.

please post it

They're also used to demonstrate the type match up system, but of course this could be remedied by just giving the early route mons more substantial stats and diverse typings.

It would look like Zeraora. Such wasted potential..

What? Where this stuff with Malva came from? The normalfags just didn't care and thought the kiddos were criminals based of how dirty they looked (they just came out from the final Battle). The consensus was that the normalfags just didn't know the massive danger they just avoided and the kids refuse the parade sycamore offered.


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It might be bigger than fucking Rayquaza judging by that thing's pokedex size

>43 base speed

Attached: 1200px-738Vikavolt.png (1200x1200, 449K)

Biggest disappointment of the SM dex.

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You had to fucking remind me.

>that one theory where Jirachi is a pokemon born out of a literal wish to save the world

Look at that build. 43 base speed??? What does it do, just hover towards you menacingly like a dumb bumble bee?

>Those first seven seconds
Satisfying mechanical feedback would be a lost art if it weren't for nintendo, the switch joycons have that same feel to them

>almost 500 replies
>no webm

i'm fucking approaching pride toward you cunts

it can fly pretty fast, however it's railgun takes a long-ass time to charge

>those first 10 seconds
every time

Attached: 1542582798763.gif (267x200, 1.17M)

>your motherfucking life ends once I get these Agilities up

So how many anons can still recite the entire thing by memory?

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What webm?

Probably the guro one

This one?

Galvantula laughs at this shitmon.

Attached: 1200px-596Galvantula.png (1200x1200, 697K)

>when you get fugged before you get chomped

>It zips around, on sharp lookout for an opening. It concentrates electrical energy within its large jaws and uses it to zap its enemies.
>lowest stat is its speed

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Imagine if Rayquazza was real.

Name a more A E S T H E T I C type than Steel

Attached: 600px-376Metagross.png (600x600, 199K)