What went right?
What went right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Rebecca and Megan.
Not much. Graphics/music, that's about it
nothing did, shit game
deep lore
Delete this. Nezha is a buff boi now.
For what it's worth, the porn got me to start playing the game. It's not the first time that porn got me interested in something and it probably won't be the last.
trips of truth
I wanna breed that worm.
Very satisfying grind and being able to earn everything with platinum is neat too.
Also cool aesthetics/lore
>MFW the last mission of the chrome quest.
What bullshit is this?!
It has an aesthetic style no other game really ever tries to go near. It has just the right amount of familiar yet alien to it that you don't feel like you're in some generic modern setting with sci-fi bangles hanging from it.
It also makes the porn stand out and hooks in people like
Ask for some help
Wisp got the booty.
spider frame never
Just got my egg dog, this game is pretty great. No stink of any F2P jank. I probably won't be playing it over upcoming big releases, though.
I am downloading it right now to test my new 144hz monitor
What should I do first and anything to look out for?
Or get Frost, like I am doing right now. It would also give me another chance to get infested dogged companion after i fucked up when Excalibur got infected and I accidentally cured it.
Why do people like this game and not anthem. They're pretty much the same game.
there may be 26 million registered losers, but 26 million is still a huge number
take your time
the grind can and will get super repetitive
if you do bounties and level up in the plains (cetus,earth) you can get gara who is pretty boss
Don't spend your starting platinum on anything except warframe and weapon slots.
Never buy warframes from the market as 95% are easy to get.
Keep clearing the starchart and do junctions to earn start quests.
Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Come and check out
Warframe actually has loot
>Pretty much the same
dont forget to play on switch!
Based retard, let me educate you.
Nobody wants to abandon their shitload of hours and dollars invested into Warframe in favour of a game that plays worse and has ten times less content.
Same reason nobody wanted to play other (WoW-Killer) MMORPGs after WoW got a couple of expansions
Nightwave is an awesome addition for veterans to come back and play.
As a bit of a casual though, it's sometimes kinda stressful and makes me log on more than I want to because I'm worried I'll fall behind.
>MFW i got the Helios.
I fucking love to fill ingame libraries and this guy is a bless for me.
Warframe switch is unironically fantastic though.
Do they delete inactive accounts?
I haven't played in like 5 years and I cant recover my password.
People who play looter shooters are all what the industry terms 'whales' they're literally and unironically mentally ill all they do is feed their meaningless addiction
What do you get if you managed to defeat the wolf greiner that randomly spaws?
>Warframe is free
>Warframe has content
>Warframe has way more sex appeal
if you throw shit at a wall for 6 years some of it will stick
When the fuck is the muscle frame coming?
That was mfw I got a Tigris Prime, blasting down hordes with a double barrel was fun as fuck.
A mod or part of his weapon or both
I flinched when I saw the two 60-minute run weeklies. But I just made a little Moa buddy so at least I can spend 60 minutes raising him.
He can drop the stuff to make his hammer that you can throw.
He can also just give you complete garbage mods cause he's a bastard which is what he did to a group I was with after spending like 5+ minutes just wailing on him.
There already is one, user. Are you ok?
atlas is the muscle frame
Trinity and Mag
The musclegirl is coming this week they said. So probably next week.
People liking games with snail progression, and repetitive content
I didn't realize Saryn's that big.
Bacon Boy.
Maybe he means that female muscle one they've been showing off lately.
Nothing, the game is boring, DE forgot to plan for the future and decide to shit gimmicks and call them features.
They prefer to shit cosmetics for waifu faggots than fixing the whole fucking game, I hope DE gets fucked by the chinks and Warframe is shutdown.
saryn a balloon animal
you know fortuna came out right?
Because these are people who didnt play back when warframe still had fun movement and tonnes of promise so they're not embittered and annoyed with the dumb shit DE have been doing for years.
Big fucking nothing, a useless skateboard that can only be used on a shit open world map, why, and another boring open world, 10% of the game, let the skateboard be part of the fucking normal game, fix the damn arch wing, stop cramming cosmetics, improve on the combat and make it less fucking boring, overhaul the fucking game from scratch, make it good and not a shit skinners box.
Yeah at least they stack together and give 10k rep. Makes it worth and I've never farmed kuva before so it is succeeding in making me try new things
Sexualized characters, all you need to do is check /vg/ general, these are the people that nolife this game for 5-6 years. Almost every other post is about asses or tits.
More shit "content" that did nothing for the game. oof.
>overhaul the fucking game from scratch
How about you just stop playing the game instead?
Is it? I'm thinking about getting into it and wondering if I should go PS4 or Switch.
havent played the game in forever, stopped playing when the fields of eidelon came out and now theres another open world area too. I feel kinda overwhelmed wanting to get back into it... where do i start?
No robutts, no buy.
Same for me, I played it at launch and didn't like it, uninstalled in the first hour.
Then I saw some weird ass animated porn of one of the female frames (I think it was mag), I went back the next day to give it another go and cause I picked the frame I saw in the porn I ended up giving the game a lot more time to impress me. It grew on me.
Sexy characters in games are like sexy women irl, if they sexy you'll give them a whole hell of a lot of leeway for stupid shit.
If you're with some sexy bitch and she makes the worst joke ever told, you'll still laugh at it. If she is an ugly fat bitch you'll walk away.
Toku aesthetics
I was really addicted to this game, when you get the weapons and frames you want there is nothing to do. You log in and outside of the daily, there is nothing to do at all.
How the fuck do people play long-term?
sad that the clan got taken over by furries and redditors
Grind plat
How about you stop sucking DE's dick, and force them to fix their own fucking game.
Cosmetic e-peen.
You want a full overhaul from scratch. You want such a big change I wonder why you played it to begin with?
Ps4 for more graphics, Switch for portability.
I have both as well as pc and chose switch so I could play in bed and on flights.
Forgot to mention, Switch also has gyro aiming and it's amazing. I hate shooters with a controller but I'm almost as good with this one as I am with mouse and keyboard.
Years and years of updates and autism.
Have they addressed the moderator issue yet?
The devs are mostly a bunch of goofballs that just like games instead of being soulless corporate whores
Pinned comment youtube.com
euromutts everyone
Ah yes, the f2p non-whale non-retard's dilemma, sad story, keeps happening, enjoy your daily emails about new cash shop additions LOL
Whales are retards who should be killed.
At least meele is no longer a meme like in the old days
Because I didn't realize the game was a shit skinners box, after 400h and a prime frame, in Warframe everything is the same, you unlock the same thing with a different skin color, its fucking bullshit.
>mfw ended the mission with the Arcane Machine at 20 health
That's not much of a tradeoff, man.
this bitch whining is just as cringy as tranny tier faggot drama
these people that care so fucking much about a public chatroom in a game are fucking second life tier loosers
trap laying frame when?
>PoE global chat
>can almost say whatever you want (outside of blatant racism etc)
>can be accessed at any time, even during gameplay
>full of memes and bantz and genuine engagement
>relaxed moderation
>thousands of channels you can join, many with specific themes (#1 is politics, #2 is random, #820 is lootsharing etc)
>warframe region chat
>can only be "nice" and helpful
>no naughty words, no trolling, no bantz
>full of butthurt tumblrina moderators who will not hesitate to ban you for days for the most trivial reasons (I personally got banned for a day for saying "cyat blyat" as a meme ONCE while talking to russians); saying the word "trap" + "nezha" will get you banned etc
>can only be accessed while you are in your ship
>only 1 channel
this is like blizzard levels of moderation but even worse and a blemish on an otherwise great timesink game
Took me a sec to realize you weren't talking about Plains of Eidolon
>PoE global chat
depending on which mod is on.
global 1488 is Yea Forums chat and at this point heavier moderated than 1 or 123.
Does this game have bosses or is it mostly content like Diablo's greater rifts? Neither of these?
>PoE chat
it has bosses great and small with specific drops to them (frame parts, materials etc)
some are a cakewalk, others need more investment with gearchecks (eidolons etc)
Nothing. It's a shit game made for people who easily get addicted.
there are mods in POE? i never see them
Post le toucan and you will see them
That is what you get when the devs create elitism inside the game.
>Drama nigger, who tried to ban people and tried to delete that dude's channel
>Drama faggot who constantly talked about dildos in his ass
All of them were backed by the devs, and part of the creators program, its DE fault for creating a shit environment.
say nigger of faggot once.
you get a 30 minute ban within seconds with a response from a mod.
with some mods they dont give a fuck.
basically nothing, how do people like this empty leddit trash
just say reddit you autistic trash, what does it trigger you that much you can't say it?
>Drama faggot
AGGP is such an asshole
having his sexuality be front and centre of his entire online personality is a giant red flag from the start
>tfw Vauban is so shit everyone forgets he exists
he's still my second most used frame because of how good he was back in the day
trinity is number 1 and they both will soon be overtaken by trinity prime and octavia
I tried to play, but I can't use female Frames because I always get a boner.
>what went right
>game has no content
There's plenty of content if you haven't put thousands of hours in.
Have you fucking SEEN Mesa Prime? Holy fucking shit, that ass is legendary
>there is plenty of content
>but not for veterans
>play game for 3 thousand hours
>omg it has no content anymore
just start a new account and farm everything again.
2k actually and I honestly hope they don't announce another open world map at tennocon.
Play Trinity Prime. She's got the best healing and energy providing in the game, and her butt isn't visible because of that skirt thing.
are those female robots?
they are rotting corpses of people
Is Warframe the Best action lobby mmolite on the market?
>they are rotting corpses of people
wait what?
Because Warframe has Guyver space ninjas and plays like it. Anthem looks like Iron Man but fails at making you feel like Iron Man.
Free game where the devs continued to iterate on it and keep the community posted from its inception.
They fuck up from time to time but I feel like I've gotten a ton of enjoyment from this game, even when it was broken as fuck in the early days
You're an edgy teenager with void powers that control a suit filled with someone's infested corpse
Better than Destiny. Certainly better than Anthem.
What else is there to compete? S4 League? lmao
>tfw Wisp and her special running animation
That’s not right you dummy.
warframes are stitched together corpses of rotting dead people that are being psychically controlled by 1000 year old space shotas or lolis.
i wish i was making this up.
pretty sure it is
>Better variety of gameplay options
>Better enemy AI, somehow
>Enemies go down quick, so even when you get bored of hitting enemies, you dont have to deal with them for long
>Better loot and weapon variety, weapons actually look different and work differently
>Actual melee options (especially with Melee 3.0)
>Story that has some interesting elements and enjoyable voice acting
On literally every aspect except polish, Warframe beats out Anthem. And even in polish, Warframe is comparable to Anthem
In all honesty, if they implemented some hit-stun with the guns and melee, maybe have a 'SSStylish' mode where the characters operate like in DMC or Bayonetta, I'd probably consider Warframe to be my favorite game
>Better enemy AI
Is this some elaborate fucking ruse?
It sucks that the Lotus grounded you and you can't go out with Little Duck.
Maybe I could be your Little Duck tonight?
Yes that's right.
A basic thing is that the AI will generally at least try to shoot you, the player. Or they'll take cover.
Really basic, but Anthem enemies will usually forget to shoot the player or just never take cover.
Also, something I didn't include there
>Better mission variety
There is an elaborate fucking ruse but it's not the one you're thinking of
>tfw you're in shape and want a muscle girlfriend instead of an out-of-shape one
sometimes they will actually try and hide from you
some also deploy air bags to act as cover to shoot you from
Sorta, the first Warframes were essentially human beans like you or me that got infected with a biotechnological virus that transformed them into violent battle bots
Right, here we go.
You start the game. You're a warframe. Lotus tells you to do shit through planets until you hit our good buddy planet Urectum, where weird alien shit starts happening and Lotus fucking abandons you to the winds.
short version of the next series of events: ancient evil space machines are waking up and it turns out Lotus was one of them all along, using a simulacrum of your DEAD space mother to trick you
Spacegrandad (lotus' dad) sends the Stalker, some edgy not-tenno faggot to go to the moon (that's been missing the WHOLE GAME up to this point and you NEVER FUCKING NOTICED you unobservant faggot) to kill the source of your power. You get there, and hurf derp duur you're actually some Autismkid with Void powers remotely controlling the warframes
Some irrelevant shit then happens in the War Within that makes you remember how to use your fucking legs, you cretin. Now you can play as your Warframes AND yourself.
Quest with another edgy autismkid happens.
UMBRA quest happens. We learn whhat Warframes are:
The Orokin (Ballas mosty, the wanker's-cramp-armed blue git) infested great warriors with the Technocyte technovirus shit that you already know about, cause it's the same thing that resulted in the 'Infestation'. Ballas strapped them onto a table, tortured and experimented on them, and when he was happy with the result, slapped armor and skin on their gross-ass infested forms to be used as 'frames.
Warframes are the infested, tortured, half-living bodies of orokin warriors, and you're an edgy autismkid who controls them with void powers.
11/10 story writing.
Now don't play Warframe, because the devs have swallowed the trannypill way too hard, and suddenly think that forcing you to play OLD content, is somehow NEW content.
Also Rebecca is a slut and preys on young boys.
how fucking horrifying
what a harlot
Know what else is fun?
Because the Infestation and the Warframes are essentially constructed of the same techno-bio-virus shit, the infestation can talk to you.
They want you to 'come home'.
"Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh."
"We are countless. Consume us. Be reborn."
"We embrace you. Why do you defile us?"
Reminder that the warframe devs are forcing you to swallow tranny related bullshit and does not intend to stop
Region chat is pretty fun on PS4. There is a kickbot but it's mostly used to trick retards into getting banned for a week. Tumblerina mods are a big yikes for me though, I gave them 20 buck for the few hundred hours of fun I've had so far but that will probably be the last.
And all of this tarted due to the forced Hiring trannies
bitches never believed me when i said deep lore
>Warframes are the infested, tortured, half-living bodies of orokin warriors, and you're an edgy autismkid who controls them with void powers.
Isn't that only Umbra? Didn't Ballas single him out to torture him with a prototype Warframe-making-Technocyte-Virus that left him with sentience while most other frames are more or less super Infested with only animal level self awareness that is suppressed to make them essential comatose if not be under direct control of the Tenno?
Even when I'm not playing Resident Evil, I'm still dealing with Umbrella's shit.
All I ever see in my regional chat is people making mildly witty remarks followed by ^^ and MRlets asking dumb shit.
Must be a problem with your country really.
>see reddit take a stand against this
>oh shit they grew a spine
>no mention of pushed ideological bullshit
>no desire to get rid of gay rules
Utterly hopeless community. As long as a game has a block button, the only 'moderation' should be against spam, doxing, and illegalities.
The Umbra quest was just the introduction of how warframes were made.
Umbra itself was a prototype that didn't obey and went bonkers.
The Umbra quest was a twofold thing: teaching you how frames are made, AND rescuing Umbra from its problems. Pay attention to the actual dialogue; the only reason 'frames don't go apeshit is because voidkids are there to keep them and their MEMORIES in check. That was Umbra's problem, it couldn't cope with its memories til you thrust your meaty void mindcock into it.
>bill gates is trying to release a supervirus in africa
even when im not playing resident evil 5 im still dealing with brown peoples shit
Post your favorite frame, primary, secondary, and melee and be judged.
Ash (Koga), Sonicor, Zakti, Nikana Prime (Ryu skin). I don't have a favorite primary, so I listed two secondaries.
I could be working on the game, but I'm too busy handing out handing out this bans.
Just finished the tutorial quest.
What do I do now?
I assumed I need to save my resource for another warframe?
Which one allows me to be an edgy energy wielding warrior?
volt(not even prime) n/a n/a any staff so i can spin it really fast and roflcopter my way across the map at voltspeed
Nova Prime
Braton Prime
Jat Kittag
I feel like someone will know who I am from this
start making your way to and through earth
umbral excalibur(quest frame) is pretty edgy maybe nekros or nidus otherwise
Just clear the star chart and go for Fossa, Venus as that's where Rhino is dropped and he's a great beefy warframe for new players.
LIMBO, Opticor, Angstrum, Jat Kittag
gara is best starter frame
You mean Khora?
muh muh muh muh muh coptering
i want a real spiderframe
That's a bdsm catlady with a jungle gym.
What a weird frame.
>I could be designing cosmetics for the game, but I'm too busy handing out this bans.
Work on the game, fix arch wing, improve the combat, improve the difficult, improve the level design to allow better movement, improve enemy movement.
Fuck cosmetics.
>the only reason 'frames don't go apeshit is because voidkids are there to keep them and their MEMORIES in check
But outside the multi arm autistic shit Khora is the same thing.
Khora has nothing catlike about her outside owning a cat.
>cant be assed to farm kuva because pain in the butt
>inventory fills up with riven mods
>cant be assed to spend X hours to sell those mods
>now feel like I have to spend plat to buy riven slots so i can do sorties in peace
>autism says fuck this.jpg and I finally stop playing after sinking 500+ hours
im free now i guess
Didn't Blizzard unironically use this excuse with Overwatch?
Real heckin cute.
no webbing
no wall climbing
no eating live prey
Corinth/Any Shotgun
Redeemer (Prime)
I'm just paraphrasing Glen when he was banning people. At least I think it was Glen and I think it was during the PC gamer sword skin update? I don't have the picture so I don't remember.
>literal ponyfucker
Yet another glimpse into how depraved the DE staff are when they're not shoving their PR speak down everyone's throats, or sucking off their twitch/youtube partners.
>no webbing
But she creates a hard web that smacks enemies, one that traps them, and another that catches all of them in a web cage.
>no wall climbing
Because everyone can do that.
What would this spiderframe do? I'd rather get a centaur one that you can ride, thanks.
>one that you can ride, thanks.
riding on top of something that is its self a vehicle
Vauban just looks like a guy in a suit and not a flesh golem like the other frames lmao
Disclaimer I haven’t played in a year
Saryn, Daiko? Daymo? The longbow one. Akstilleto prime, Guandao
Special mentions to Ivara, Torrid, Corinth, and Nikana Prime
Trinity Prime
Mirage with a maxed out Opticor is still fun as hell
Shame bosses have invulnerability gimmicks
Actually using your enemies as platforms and combine your weapons and powers in a combo form....oooohhhh yeah.
>i'm a pickle morty
what did russians mean by this?
Less shitty than Destiny and Anthem because it plays well, but shitty everywhere else and has an awful grind
Chroma Prime
Boar Prime/Strun Wraith/Corinth
Vasto Prime
Redeemer Prime
>Just got my egg dog
>No stink of any F2P jank
Arca Plasmor
Twin Rogga
Broken War
I wish I was a young boy to be prayed on by Becca
How do I get more damage output? I have a strun with maxed out damage mod and that does well for up to level 30 mooks, but I join sessions with people that instantly melt bosses and I just feel like a useless babby
Is it really good though?
Honestly, it's hard to say what mechanics or adjustments would make the combat hit that level. Good action gameplay is a mystery to me. I can feel it but it's hard for me to say what actually creates that sensation.
I want to say a big part of that is physics and the sensation of force and impact, but that's not just it either I think.
Jaime Griesemer (one of the designers for Halo) mentioned that the core of all games is a 30 second loop that is repeated over and over again in different situations or with different conditions, but the things that the player does over and over again is basically the same. The question is if that core loop is good and if the variety of situations you apply that loop is good. I think that that's the issue with Warframe, which is that that loop doesn't have the longevity of a normal Action game like Bayo or DMC or even fighting games, but it has the sheer variety for that loop that it keeps people going when they might normally get bored.
If they could polish that loop more to make hackingslashing enemies more satisfying in of itself, then I'd be playing this more consistently
it's okay
Status mods
Also just stacking mods that give more damage, since the normal damage+ mod for every weapon isn't the only mod that gives more damage
The other aspect is DPS, that is higher fire rate and critical damage and chance and stuff like that.
It's solid. Not the best shooter or action game you'll play but it'll fill the void between the higher quality releases.
It's just junk food, it's snack food
When you do a slashing motion in warframe it is the exact same when you do it in the training room as it is when it connects with an enemy
One cool new thing fighting games are doing are different animations if the move is whiffed, blocked or connects. It doesn’t change the timing or frame data if the move, but it’s a small visual cue that tells you something’s happened and adds weight to the input. I feel like something like this could benefit Melee combat in general greatly.
Thanks. Does that mean you should swap mods based on what faction you're targeting (corpus, grinder, etc)?
Daily reminder that ATTERAX is the most OP melee weapon in game, second only to the Zaw ATGEIR polearm
and its the 1st whip you get ingame
Yes, but only at very high levels (150+, or even 200+), a good viral + radiation build will take care of any faction on a good weapon, and will obliterate any non-boss of the Redeemer Prime or Tigris Prime.
Invest in a couple of heavy damage crit weapons for stuff like the Wolf, Teralysts or Lephantis (on Sorties).
I don't think so.
Honestly. Just do the Nightwave stuff, it seems to be on a decent rotation of the game's content and gives pretty sweet rewards. After you get your groove back, you can do some targeted grinding.
Yeah, but only at levels 20+ when shit gets harder and the enemies health start to outpace your damage progression
Also, there's two things to note about status effects and weaknesses in this game:
>All damage element types, includign physical ones (piercing, slashing, blunt) and hybrid ones have unique status effects if you proc them
>All enemies are made up of different materials that react to different elements differently
Consult this wiki for all your questions
Thank god, I'm not the only one.
That would be good, definitely. The thing I'm talking about, though, is something more foundational to how good action games have enemies react. It's not just something in the polish or aesthetics but in how every entity reacts to making contact with another, whether they're being hit or doing the hitting.
Though I definitely agree with your point, and they said they're doing some of that with guns to so that eveyr gun has a different hit-effect based on whether you're hitting an enemy or not to give some audio indicator that you hit a target
I love when DE fucks up, they always manage to make it over the top
6+ years of developmental mercy given to it.
Frames that don't need to exist:
Eternally a joke frame special shoutout: Mag
They should slow the game down by gutting the AOE meta and numbercreep, but as a result half the amount of time you're meant to be farming for shit. You put in more effort, but also earn your rewards faster for the game being harder. Right now it's kinda braindead.
>gara is the best starter frame
Yeah bro just farm level 40 bounties with that Mk-1 Braton on soem fo the most armoured enemies in the game.
I bet you think Garuda is also new player friendly.
Garuda is fun as fuck tho and isn't as worthless as all those others.
I love the gameplay but the endgame fucking blows and DE doesn't seem to care. Long time players are leaving because there's literally nothing left to do but grind for Dojo/Orbiter cosmetics.
Mesa prime.
Vox Solaris rep grinding is fucking aids.
>he doesnt know
Because people fucking eat whatever they release, they are the magical child in the eyes of people, they have a free game without "aggressive microtransactions".
poorfags with more time than money. Warframe is fucking cancer.
Really not a fan of the Plains/Fortuna-styled content. Really wish they would stop focusing on that and focus on things like making actually enjoyable boss fights
>slow the game down
go play a different game retard
t. adhd saryn
But yanking enemies all over the place is just plain fun.
titania can be used to cheese certain mastery challenges and wukong has a niche as hes basically unkillable
hes getting a rework right now though
So he's going to get hit with the nerf hammer?
God I want to stick my nose up her shithole and just take a deep sniff.
Inaros is better for never dying.
Excal has no ass what's she even doing
>grab oberon prime
>grab melee weapon
>make spin2win macro
>beat all content in the game
what's the point?
inaros is more fun to actually play but you can go do dishes with wukong and still be alive when you come back
>Implying all the shit youentioned is easy to do and doesn't require loads of farming first.
macros are a bannable offense.
oberon p is like 70 plat and a primed melee weapon set is like at most 40
recently switched over to Destiny 2 because the new content looks pretty good. At least Bungie understands how to make challenging endgame content and not just more standing farmfests.
so can you do the 2 survival nightwave challenges together?
what happened to warbros?
t. stopped playing around 2015
non looping macros are 100% allowed in warframe.
Getting goat prime is trivial and cetus rep farming is easy mode once you get murkray bait.
and as a new player you still have to grind shit to sell for plat dumbass, plus the resources to craft that shit like nitain
they got infested by furfags and unironic redditors
>trinity maine
holy FUCK that lobster booty though
Seriously, does the whole Nightwave/Nora Night shit reek of Borderlands writing to anyone else?
Which is the newest warframe
A tribute to SJW everywhere. A bodybuilder woman that uses shield for her abilities.
Baruuk. Not only is he a pain in the ass to get, he's also just a shitty atlas with sleep instead of stone. Don't bother.
its the "thanks doc" version of Zarya from overwatch
>love the game
>sick of the youtube and moderation drama bullshit
Not him but i'd agree with you if only 99% of a fps PvE weren't fucking puzzles
>The Umbra quest was just the introduction of how warframes were made.
>Umbra itself was a prototype that didn't obey and went bonkers.
>The Umbra quest was a twofold thing: teaching you how frames are made, AND rescuing Umbra from its problems. Pay attention to the actual dialogue; the only reason 'frames don't go apeshit is because voidkids are there to keep them and their MEMORIES in check. That was Umbra's problem, it couldn't cope with its memories til you thrust your meaty void mindcock into it.
Further proof of this youtube.com
I think its good that people keep DE on their toes when it comes to that shit. Having like 3 people dictate what tens of thousands of players can say is pretty fucking ridiculous, even if it were just a bot that would be better.
I still dream about a warframe where abilities are more powerful but theres no energy system and everything has its on cooldowns.
I am pretty much done with the game myself at this point because it seems like the only difficulty that can be achieved in this current meta is 1shot bullshit and your only choice is to play frames with 90% damage reduction abilities and just spam shit.
but I dont think they will ever rework the basic combat.
It's not the drama itself, rather it's the fact that they're so tactless about this and refuse to nuke the guides along with the moderation, they refuse to do anything about it and it drags the issue out while those fags keep getting away with their shit, it's disgusting.
Also someone needs to purge aggp asap, annoying whiny little cunt.
this is what happens when you hire friends and dont have the backbone to fire them when they fuck up
I don't think they will. Seems that the focus now is on making star chart more interesting. Also, apparently, there is a new faction coming.
Umbra was left with his memories and let loose to live them out for eternity as Ballas's vengeance, As far as Ballas was concerned there wasnt a single problem with Umbra.
>Pay attention to the actual dialogue
Ironic, since Goodordis straight up tells you they can't have memories, which Umbra is revealed as the only exception later, for normal frames, if they act violent or anything like that its probably their infestation speaking instead of memories. It's more likely non-Umbra frames are mindless clones, infested empty shells.
>big thicc bitch in a skintight outfit that is complete eye candy
>also doesn't speak whatsoever and is basically just a muscly sex doll you pilot
You can dislike musclegirls without making it political you know.
Can I rush the map, one-shot the boss and be rewarded for that?
Muscles are fine, but they could've made her torso not look like a fat lumpy midget.
>get a warframe gf
>about to have sexy time with her
>take off her armor skin stuff
>she looks like this
I think they were just going for accuracy. Bodybuilder chicks usually tend to be flat as fuck unless they get implants. I wish Hildryn had some fat Saryn tits anyway, though.
The just ride on Dark Sector fanbase.
isnt this the game that has a slut community manager who goes around kissing people?
They could've picked a 'toned' model for it, instead of one that has been shoving her face full of roids for the past 10 years.
Well i guess, that appeals to some people, but i'm just not one of them.
There's a Dark Sector fanbase?
Because it's free and the movement is fun as fuck, unlike Anthem. Anthem genuinely wish that it was Warframe.
>that appeals to some people
Yeah, me. I still like huge tits though.
>adding in an ethnic Black Radio station in futuristic space setting that in no way resembles any part of modern society.
>adding in a Pacifist WARframe
>warframe's were designed to fight infested, IE: designed for WAR
Idk, I still Warframe because I've got a lot invested in it. But this game is slowly transforming into another Illogical SJW shitfest. The lore is becoming "who cares" to the max, and nothing makes sense.
The lore was always "who cares" to the max. I remember playing this game and half of the established shit got retconned by slow-release, lazy writing. They made the game first and the universe second.
I find it kind of funny that the only reason I know about Dark Sector is from someone comparing DmC's glaive weapons to Dark Sector's
Idk, the story was interesting for awhile. It had some decent story arcs to follow.
Over the years it seemed they were finally getting BETTER at story missions, and character depth starting with The Second Dream and The War Within.
Now its just regressing into a shitshow of:
>log in each day to grind
>don't question why everything is retarded now!
>lotus is replaced by a black radio talkshow host!
>i have never watched The Warriors
>muh Borderlands
>>adding in an ethnic Black Radio station in futuristic space setting that in no way resembles any part of modern society.
because the underground black host radio DJ is one of the most common trope in the universe dude, stop reaching, the devs just finished a stream where they made sure to display the fat ass of the newest warframe.
they never gave a shit about politics, the mascot of the game is literally a retarded clone talking like a pokemon while using weapons like a w40k ork
Except for the fact that the first two were always present and the last one is completely false unless you think all the Syndicate leaders replace Lotus, which is completely fucking retarded jesus christ
>a late 1970's style gang movie's writing belongs in a futuristic space setting about traumatized teenagers piloting robots to fight Cloned mutants, Greedy cyborg types, and diseased malformed creatures.
Its just fucking stupid, who cares which place they are ripping it off from.
>lotus is literally in her sentient form dicking off in nowhere's burg
>now a black woman is talking to me in nearly all of my missions, and in my orbiter
Its entirely true.
>stop reaching
kek, im not. Its literally the stupidest fucking thing.
>my pornframe makes it ok!
You are literal cancer. Go be a virgin somewhere else.
these are the same devs who thought FISHING would be a good addition
Saryn Mommy
But it's not you colossal fucking retard, she only talks to you when you do shit for her syndicate, and """""""Lotus""""" is still present in every single mission speaking every 20 seconds.
Stop making up random crap.
As opposed to talks about flowers and nature and everything humans do is bad fits the setting? A dude with a smooth voice acting like an anime villain fits the setting? A malfun-n-n-n-WORKING funny fits the setting?
Lotus still won't shut the fuck up in every single mission, what the fuck are you talking about
Purple "Lotus" is actually Ordis mimicking Lotus
Warframe doesn't brick your console or crash your system
No shit.