is this real?
Is this real?
how can this be real if our eyes aren't real
>league of legends is as easy as gacha shit
Fuck I want to play God of War
but it is
Whoever made this really needs to take a break from Yea Forums
get dabbed on op
>t. never played the game or frustrated bronze fag
Using "nu" doesn't make you sound smarter btw.
>gameplay has been simplified
ooohh nonono
Since you have to ask and can't think for yourself, then yes it is
>mobas are easy-as-fuck casual bait
>b-but I don't play them even if it would be free money, they're baby games
See you at Worlds/The International.
bro im not reading all this shit lmao
I got to plat which is a good rank, but league players have this view that unless you’re above diamond 5 you are bad at the game
whoever made this needs to fucking breathe. it's not good to be this mad that people enjoy games.
post your rank shitter :√)
> How dare people like things!
Hello nufaggot.
Thanks OP. This thread reveals nu-Yea Forums by reaction.
>How dare people like things!
>a false sense of fun
Also you can tell this is a souls fag who thinks the point of video games is to provide as much of an arbitrary challenge as it can so your epenis feels bigger
>people who makes these kind of graphs only human interaction is on Yea Forums and youtube so they think that people unironically drink onions outside of commiefornia
god some of you people are so dense and should stop taking every meme as granted
Mobafags got triggered epicly
It's true.
can someone please explain to me how odyssey, botw, and smash bros "convey liberal values?"
Why is 3 seperate from New Vegas, they're essentially the same game?
>actually NV is for contrarians, so they're kinda right
if you're having fun then you're having fun, there are no varying degrees of fun you idiot.
The consensus seems to be that Diamond 2 is where shit gets competitive.
Even the other things, if they kind of have an agenda they wear on their sleeves. They still all have competent gameplay, even if it isn't like groundbreaking or deep.
This is an image made by a very insecure, confused, and scared man and I'm kinda worried for him.
/pol/ pretty much meme'd the Switch as an essential thing for the Sóyjak picture so enjoying Nintendo games = sóy
They don't but let's just pretend they do because we're bored.
Probably some conspiracy that your estrogen levels increase until your infertile if you aren't playing hardcore difficult games on a daily basis
>A new type of none-fun
It's semi-true, I guess. The Neo-Fun slot doesn't interest me iin the slightest, nor does the Witcher III or any of those, apart from Stranding. Won't buy any games in the last slot. Only bought Uncharted 4 to play it on Crushing and die repeatedly (I enjoy that shit).
all the seething onion boys in this thread show that it is pretty much real
>enjoying things bad
>play Warcraft 3 since 2004 or something
>younger brother has a period he plays LoL, asks me once to fill in for him while he goes to take a dump
>fuck up everything without knowing builds or whatever
I can always blame other people in game being scrubs, but MOBAs fucking suck and are easy as fuck. Might be why they are so popular, though.
>you thought you were having fun but I'm here to explain that you actually weren't
Basedfun is unironically spot on though, those people don't really play for the gameplay (considering they're 25+ playing a game made for kids under 14), but to escape back to their childhood when things were good in their mind.
uhh no they didn't, Yea Forums did. Not liking something doesn't make it /pol/.
cool story bro
Has /pol/ run out of steam? Why are their bantz and memes so stale and repetitive? Get new material already
I didn't know onions caused reading comprehension problems. Where does it say those games push liberal values?
most of the good OC creators from /pol/ moved on, it's mostly election fags and reddit tourists there, hence why every other meme is either Wojak or Pepe
You're brother is probably really good and got rid and setup so it didn't really matter.
The problem is definitely oversaturated. Even if there was original shit there it'd probably get drowned out by 50 pepe MAGApede threads from reddit-fuges
>ResetEra trannies obsessed with /pol/ too new and/or delusional to understand console wars try to push that sonygroes are /pol/
Rent free