This is my wife.
Also, Metro Exodus thread
This is my wife.
Also, Metro Exodus thread
your wife is a slut and gets filled with radioactive cum on a daily bases
why does it take so long to get the crossbow
Fuck you, she's pure no matter what
Based slavs having the courage to include attractive females in their games.
>Ugly Khazak with half her face burned and mommy issues
My wife is the loli Nastya
Because they wants you to use the so "Cool" air gun.
How Skyrim should have looked.
Skyrim was about whites, not slavs.
why the long face
Skyrim came out in 2011 you fucking mongoloid.
Fucking dirty mongol, how an I suppose to feel sympathy for literal subhumans? They've enslaved Russia for 1300 years and it's only fitting that the favor is returned keeping them in cages like the animals thry are.
So? Crysis came out in 2007.
I thought about this also. A single woman onboard a train filled with stressed out men? She must've at least offered a few handies to the men to take the edge off.
And it looks like soulless shit
t. russian whose body is 98% mongol cum and 2% krokodil
no one fucking cares about your stupid fucking country and i'm sick of your fucking self importance just because, what, you have the highest infant mortality rate of any 'white' country? lol
So? Where is viewdistance like that you retarded chimp? You are unironically braindead.
They aren't spic sailors who fucked jungle monkeys user. It's called self restraint.
T. Ghengis Khan
Go back to eating you're shit smelling beef lol.
>Muh Crysis
You graphics fags are why everything is cinematic shit now, go play in traffic.
The worst offended of this game. Hate weapon exclusive slots.
лoл oдepжимыe
All the metro girls are stinky as hell
So does Skyrim, it still shouldn't have looked like Gamebryo garbage.
Speak English.
Whatever Leon
They're slavs. Also, if you read Skinners conclusion on why women shouldn't be allowed in the army, he reached a similar conclusion.
Nah I'm pretty sure thry bathe.
>where is viewdistance like that in crysis
Do you have brain problems? You fucking underage subhumans have no idea how any of this works and should be publicly executed.
very good.
>Self restraint
And this is how it should looked.
Being a graphicsfag makes you superior over the bean brains who can't comprehend them.
You should also kill yourself.
>read novels
>Really like games for the human aspect and the nature/scenes with the Dark Ones
>Metro Exodus throws all that away
What the fuck, why?
CryEngine has absolutely zero problems streaming data. In fact, it's better at it than shitty Gamebryo which still loads levels when you enter a city or cave.
Dark Ones had two fucking games about them, it was getting old. Did that mean going Mad Max desert? Of course not, but they should have kept up finding the Russian Enclave for some answers.
Yeah that's great bro. You are fucking retarded if you think that would've worked in Skyrim. I need you to die.
Of course it wouldn't have worked in Skyrim, since it relied on the garbage Gamebryo engine.
>changing the engine wouldn't have worked because it used the old engine
manjaw 6/10
These are males.
>Being the reason devs now can sell shiny shit because during their tantrum for graphics devs found out consoletards would buy shiny shit
You're scum and the reason cinematic games exist, the entire lot of you being jettisoned into the sun would only be a net gain for humanity.
Bethesda needs to ditch that steaming pile of shit engine if they ever want to step into the modern age.
>crew of tightly knit together Spetsnaz mutant killers with active commander on board
>huuuuuuuuur RU
No they don't. It does different things. You can stop shilling your garbage tech demo any time now.
I'm probably the one who liked desert level but disliked taiga and novosibirsk for being linear maps.
>slavic "men"
And you are shithead in the wrong medium, who doesn't understand that we play VIDEO games so that we can see moving graphical things. It's the single biggest advantage we have over books and tabletop games.
If any of you ever says ray tracing is unnecessary while simultaneously claiming to not care about graphics, I want you to shot yourself in the head with a shotgun for being too stupid to live.
It's fine, just like their animations are fine. Right? Nothing to do with the whole company being incompetent at all levels.
Animations are fine, you understand what they are trying to convey. You are fucking retarded if you think these games were any good past Daggerfall.
Morrowind gets a pass here because it's still sort of RPGish.
The Demon mutants were far more attractive than any female posted in the thread
There is a thing called industry standard. Something resembling the average of all triple A games. Bethesda puts out content on a level below the average on a continuous basis.
Hardly, literally everything is dogshit and have been for a long time.
You are just trying to muddy the waters instead of defining anything.
I wanted to see some more paranormal aspects to the game. When I saw the dead city I thought I'd be able to explore it freely but nope, back into a metro and then the game ends still enjoyed it though
As opposed to "lmao bethosda suck dick muh crysis XD"?
that does not look attractive
Will they be in the DLC? Both felt like loose ends
Today I will remind them.
Granted, Skyrim looked maybe only 2 years behind the industry. It was Fallout 4 which was grossly dated.
Never played it, Fallout is garbage.
Its a fucking shame you only get the railgun at the end of the game. I hope mods fix this.
Also, the only way to play is in russian with english subtitles, the english voice acting is fucking atrocious.
>the only way to play is in russian with english subtitles, the english voice acting is fucking atrocious
Are there any background conversations in this one? You missed a lot of them in 2033 and LL because they weren't subtitled.
A lot, but they have subs too
no regrets pirating it
what the fuck were they thinking with the AI and that desert map? why did taiga reek of cut content? why did they force you on a shitty boat when you return to the metro?
Pirating this denuvo epic store shit felt good indeed.
we know you didn't play the game
>Oy vey, blyat
old white cunts
whatever you fucking bitch ass cunt. she only looks decent cause faggots stateside are instructed to literally make female characters as unassuming and homely as possible. It's not that slav niggers make attractive characters, it's that they aren't instructed to make ugly ones. Just because your incel ass is biased doesn't mean everyone else is some sjw roastie with a hard on for incel suffering. Jesus christ you jews need to slow your roll
chill out sperg
>Enslaved Russia
the average sl*v is far manlier than the average westerner though
>most of them are old hags with average or below average looks
Russian voice acting is worse though.
The russian VA is worse, you just don't realize it because you can't understand it.
> play in russian
> hear her voice
> it's basically some sort of tadjik female version
> mfw