>dfw you will never exit the sewer and step out into Cyrodiil for the first time ever again, ready to begin your new life
Dfw you will never exit the sewer and step out into Cyrodiil for the first time ever again, ready to begin your new life
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Oblivion is the definition of a zoomer game.
>quest markers
>fast travel
>level scaling
Utterly disgusting. This board went to shit when people who were young enough to enjoy Oblivion without knowing better started coming here.
oh look a buzzword spouting retard, literally impossible for oblivion to be a zoomer game you stupid fat loser.
RPGcodex review of this game is tru boomer core. You can tell how different the attitudes were between that and Oblivion fans.
It will forever be a kids' game ala Halo. Nothing you can do about it.
Yeah, better play Skyrim. That game as handcrafted dungeons, unlimited quests and dynamic npc dialogue. I am not Todd Howard, and I'd recommend you buy it.
you're an autist and your opinion means nothing to me. seriously get a fucking life lol.
that's not what exiting the sewers looks like
Those are legit things though. Morrowind had you thinking where to go and avoid dangerous areas while Oblivion and games onward were 'follow the marker' collectathons.
Oblivion is so beyond broken on a mechanical level that it makes me think if Bethesda tested the game at all before shipping it.
Ah yes, the REEEEEEEing Morrowfag has been awakened
>"open world"
>NPCs stand around doing absolutely nothing
>zero world interaction unless the player is directly involved
>most people are mutes, just stand there mind reading entire conversations
>Clearly hit that guy in the face? LOL no you missed m8
>Enter tavern, can't even sit on a chair
>"Best in the series!" - Morrowfags smashing the keyboard with their landwhale fingers trying to defend this shit
Why are morrowfags so easily triggered when anything other than their autizmo game is enjoyed by other people? It's very strange. I cant fathom the level of Fedora their real lives must be.
Because most are old enough to have played the games at or soon after release, and having to hear people that were children and barely old enough to play games, parade things around as being pinnacle when in fact they weren't.
>when in fact they weren't
Tip, your opinion is not a factual statement. I'm 31, started with daggerfall. Oblivion is a vastly more enjoyable game to me than morrowind.
Did you play PC or console MW?
I'm not even the same guy. Keep raging, child.
Sorry, I meant Oblivion
I've only ever played PC TES games
Well then your experience is more likely to be more positive. Oblivion red ringed my console 3 times. Twice in the same day. Skyrim corrupted all my data on the PS3. Fallout 3 and NV red ringed my 360's once a piece, and Daggerfall was, well you know how that was at launch.
My favorite thing about Morrowind elitists is that they're too stupid to know that both Arena AND Daggerfall had fast traveling, but it was removed in Morrowind.
Imagine pretending that your game is superior when it removed features from the previous titles lmao
it was my first elder scrolls, I have some nostalgia for it, but I know it's a pretty dumb and shallow game underneath.
After that I got into Morrowind, Gothic, Fallout, Deus ex etc. and I think they are better rpgs.
But oblivion did have a great world to explore and unintentionally hilarious moments with the ai
>you damn kids, get off my lawn
>great world to explore and unintentionally hilarious moments with the ai
I genuinely miss the shit the A.I could get up to in Oblivion. They toned it down to stop "stupid things from happening", but in skyrim we were left with absolutely nothing unpredictable happening so the world felt a bit lifeless to me. Oblivions NPCs were daft as fuck but at least the world felt alive in a weird, quirky way.
Different game series but a lot of points hold true.
Hmmm, almost like Morrowind is the only good game in the series.
The AI is great because it's just as unreliable and unpredictable as real people would be.
It's not even better than Daggerfall. Try again, elitist.
>level scaling
literally necessary for gameplay in open exploration games like obliv/skyrim
>muh bandit armor/strong mudcrab
Who gives a fuck, its just another shitty Bethesda oversight that needs a mod. In Morrowind you walk into a random sewer and get one shot because they're 20x your level and you are forced to reload a save from an hour ago.
And thank fucking Todd for that. Bethesda games are all shit. No exceptions.
I'd say it's a bit more extreme than that. Oblivions NPCs, in terms of BG story + A.I, range from mildly autistic to outright insane. If you ran a sim of it for 10 years half the population would probably end up dead via shenanigans.
It's literally necessary for players with short attention spans and no sense to avoid high level tombs at lvl 0.
There's no feeling of progression when everything is made baby easy for you. You're just going to the next mark of the radar and clearing it out in any order.
>be retarded autist
>want open world game with linear difficulty
>be given new vegas
>walk into giant rad scorpions and die at level 1
>stand on rock shooting ghoul from a random outhouse for 5 minutes straight until it dies (rip if melee build)
>still wont shut the fuck up already
>Wanting a challenge is autism now.
Go the fuck back to your baby food then.
oh wow you're actually retarded enough to think rpgs are skill based. you know those numbers and stats aren't just for show right?
Every game is numbers, you idiot. It's knowing how to use them.
oh sweaty...
Pew Research Centre says millennials are born between 1981-1996. So Oblivion is definitely a zoomer game as it was dumbed down for a younger audience.
Am I wrong?
yeah zoomers were playing oblivion when they were 6 years old you idiot
yeah, rpgs get easier as you play because your stats go up whereas an fps gets harder while giving you better weapons while still requiring you to use more skill as the game goes on.
The target audience was literally fucking Millennials and younger Gen Xers. The middle ground of Gen Y on Oblivion's release was ~18, so teens and young adults across the age band.
Oblivion was absolutely before the time of "zoomers".
>ywn lie to EB games about your age to buy Oblivion (R13) in 2006 again
>tfw they ask your DoB and you panic and give them a date that would still make you 12
>tfw that walk of shame back into the store with my parents
I guess somebody who only played casualfest RPGs would think that. You never had to think on what attacks to use because you only used one that was auto-configured for you, right?
>You will never exit the mine and step out into Nehrim for the first time ever again, ready to do a fetch quest to kill some rats and collect some soap
I uninstalled Oblivion after 6 hours of playing and bothered to replay it 2 years later after some mods came out. And even then I removed that shit 4 hours later and never bothered with Oblivion again
Totally agree with this. Oblivion was a shit game and was seen as a massive downgrade from Morrowind. Level scaling was completely broken, Radiant AI was a fucking lie and HORSE ARMOUR you zoomer cunts. Fucking horse armour.
Your stolen goods are now forfeit!
I forced myself through Oblivion despite all that grind and overwhelming blandness of the late game, but Skyrim was too much. Couldn't simply fake interest past halfway point
And then get bored an hour in
But you can fix all of those with Mods.
I remember asking my parents if I was allowed to buy Swat 3, used to play the demo all the time, felt great to walk out of the store with a mature game in hand.
on the contrary they banned me from playing the Die Hard trilogy, but only for a few months or so, weird parenting strategy..
>casualfest RPGs
you mean like the ones we're talking about right now, retard? Do you not only want linear open world games, you want them to be turn based too?
Wow you're fucking dumb.
yeah I'm the one talking about how oblivion hack and slash is all SKILLZ
>Oblivion is a vastly more enjoyable game to me than morrowind.
Imagine being proud of being a casual LMAO
Yup and it's all toned down so you never have to worry about making hard decisions like not going into the dungeon full of monsters too tough for you.
so is it morrowinds hack and miss combat that is all skillz or is it wandering to your death accidentally and reloading saves that is all skillz?
What is it about oblivion that draws these autists out every time?
>Oblivion came out in 2006
No, it was just an early zoomer title. The first zoomers were 10 years old when it came out.
The 'skillz' is using your brain for once, equipping and customising all the weapons, armor and spells you'll need and not being a bloody idiot with who you fight, because the game doesn't hold your hand.
Your idea of challenging gameplay is hitting things with a big stick while the game does the thinking for you.
> or is it wandering to your death accidentally and reloading saves that is all skillz?
Yes, exploring is a skill.