Game has female warriors

>game has female warriors
>game treats them as a joke

Attached: 1551700122070.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

makes sense female anything is a joke females are only good at giving birth.

One of the reasons I love Dragon's Dogma.

Attached: my wife Mercedes ~.jpg (720x608, 196K)

>game has competent female
>she's still impeccable as a mother and housewife
Truly Senhime from Rance is best girl.

>OP has last two braincells
>doesn't use them even as a joke

Bitches can't do shit cept suck dick

they can't even do that. boys are better at it and cuter looking.

What are you insinuating about my goat waifu?

>Strong female warrior
>Gets raped by goblins,slimes,orcs,insects and so on

>daughter of one of the strongest Bracers in the world
>trained in the joke weapon type her father uses to handicap himself
>her best combat skill is cheering up her ubersoldier boyfriend
>jobs to almost every antagonist
>is incredibly endearing, with a wonderful, radiant personality and strong backbone so she continues fighting even against hopeless odds

Attached: 1538044975704.png (666x841, 145K)

That is the only correct way.

Attached: emma2.jpg (646x505, 124K)

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that's gay but okay

Dare I say it?

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Attached: download.jpg (1024x576, 91K)

Married Warrior Emma

Attached: 働くアイリがキリ斬りス ver1.00.jpg (804x619, 235K)

As a quote I once read said
"If you need to send women into the fight, that means the war going horribly bad for your side"

Why? NTR cuck shit?

You're slow, blind and dumb.
You'd be the perfect husband for her.

Attached: emma3.jpg (638x477, 132K)

who is this rape material?

>females are only good at giving birth
They used to die a lot at it too before men decided to invent germ theory to help them out

>game has female warriors
>game treats them with as much respect and seriousness as the rest of the main cast

FFT couldn't be more based, could it?

Attached: Agrias.jpg (883x1600, 545K)

Female warriors aren't a joke. They are self delivering cock sleeves. It's very convenient. more women should be taught to be warriors

Please advise on the source

This bimbo's only power is hugging edge out of kids

>female warriors

Attached: aocaNM5gPwTHPqAU)12.jpg (640x360, 52K)

These are kind of female warriors I like.

Female warriors are the most patrician kinds of waifus.

Attached: image.png (350x495, 356K)


Attached: Beastmen_Gors.png (512x640, 864K)

I need more games and shows where female knights get defiled for losing. There's so few.

>(Japanese)game has female warriors
>people are inexplicably terrified of them

Attached: Erza_in_OVA_8.png (300x300, 145K)

delusional faggot

Women fighters are ludicrous and should only exist in porn

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Fucking when, at most they just are jobbers, but weeb games always idolizes them anyways
based etc

Patrician taste.

In Japan, women actually did fight in battles, either as onna-bugeisha (on the defensive) or onna-musha (on the offensive). A wife of a samurai would sometimes be able to fight just as well as her husband. And then there's Tomoe Gozen, one of the most famous warriors in Japanese history.

Women in armor are hot, ergo I want playable women in my shooters and fantasy games.

Attached: 69906228_p0.jpg (3000x4000, 2.09M)

The only good answer in this thread

Women in full armor is hotter than bikini mail because of the gap between them being armored and them being naked.

Attached: Knight Mother.jpg (1000x1000, 74K)

Kiseki has a high percentage of tough women

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>pregnancy armor
That's stupid

Not really, compared to the amount of tough guys.

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Not necessarily. Could be padding under there and she's not pregnant, making some people hesitate at the thought of striking a pregnant woman.
Alternatively, it could be a setting where warrior women get raped often by monsters, so fighting pregnant is commonplace.
Even more alternatively, it's just a bunch of pixels on a screen.

Attached: Boobplates.jpg (600x600, 59K)

The fact that you have to make so many justifications proves how dumb it is.

Fuuuuck this is so hot!!!

Normally it's because the universe also has things like magic which can even the playing field.


I'm now unironically more attracted to women in full body outfits where you can't seen an inch of skin.

Attached: 28009-1512176807-804938340.jpg (1800x897, 306K)

The fact that you need justification for a jpg on the internet shows how unpleasable you are.

Very rare nowadays

In the case of Agrias, if she was a man her story wouldn't have differentiated her enough from the rest of the male cast to be as likeable or relevant. She would have gone the way of Thunder God"I would put this holy sword on anything else but his stat block is just too good' Cid.
Plus having a platonic female in the core party centered as the princess' protection helps round out the cast in a way that doesn't require extra script work. If it was a guy then there definitely would have been a more convoluted character arc trying to explain the gay away.

*dies jobbing anyway*

Attached: unstoppable.jpg (943x1590, 254K)

I can't tell what's going on in this image.
First panel shows two people.
Second panel shows a third person, presumably being hit by the first.
Third obscures everything.

Attached: 1551360231742.jpg (1280x720, 293K)

Now that's patrician design.

Now that's the stuff.

Attached: 1550400979569.jpg (388x372, 93K)


>weebs unironically believe this


Great design, but I wouldn't consider Brown Dust a good name for anything. That's what you'd call the flaky remnants of a stubborn shit on the rim of your toilet after endless wiping.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] GATE - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.11_[2015.08.15_18.12.47].jpg (1280x720, 509K)

>Alternatively, it could be a setting where warrior women get raped often by monsters, so fighting pregnant is commonplace.
That's even more retarded.

>female anything is a joke
Have you ever heard about female comedians?

imagine being called booze.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] GATE - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.43_[2015.08.09_01.27.23].jpg (1280x720, 389K)

Trying to justify hentai shit as if it makes a sliver of sense as a "setting" is pure autism

Whatever you say, man on Yea Forums. have a point there.

>Search for the tags "female:masked" on Exhentai
>Tons of results
>Every time without fail, the helmet/mask is off by page three

Attached: Femdom.jpg (547x1200, 137K)