So uh, what's coming out for it this year?

So uh, what's coming out for it this year?

The Last of Us 2....maybe?

Attached: ps4pro-1544026048527_1280w.jpg (1280x720, 49K)

Left Alive
Death Stranding

DMC5 is out next week, in looking foward to that.

>idiot OP too dumb to google for PS4 releases
What a fucking retard.

Dragon Star Varnir (Censored)

>DMC5 is out next week

yes, for PC.

You ass in danger, my dick in action.

Days Gone
Concrete Genie
Thats it. TLOU 2 and Ghost Of Tsushima are 2020 games and Death Stranding is summer 2020

Your thread sucks pcucc

Wait til E3 for them to blow their load on late 2019 releases

And xbox and PS4. This is a PS4 thread user, you seem a bit lost.

Why would you play literally anything downgraded on PS4 when you can play it on PC?

Not much, but I'm gonna be rerereplaying Spiderman, Bloodbourne, KH2, God of War, and The Last of Us.

This is a PS4 thread. Why are you being off topic?


>still believing in a molyneux-tier-meme game

Maybe 5, but not 4 anymore. Same with Death Stranding.
Left Alive is currently already a trainwreck and bet it will be postponed in the west until SE fixes it.
So TLOU2 might be indeed the only one.

are you okay user?
you seem confused and in panic

>6 years on the market
>1 (one) game

I played the Dreams beta and it's exactly what they advertised it to be. Idiots who expect UE4 capabilities will be disappointed though

>Idiots who expect UE4 capabilities will be disappointed though
Why? It technically has more then UE4 from a feature standpoint. Sure it doesn't let you program your own graphics engine, and has one proprietary. But for the most part it is as powerful as an Unreal engine game.

>It technically has more then UE4 from a feature standpoint.
Not really. The lack of actual coding limits it a lot, and levels have quite a hard cap to how many things you can put in them (though load times are 2 seconds at most in my experience)
It's great for making quirky short games, and for artists/hobbyists, but it's not a replacement for Unreal/Unity like I've seen some absolute retards think it'll be

Molyneux also had many playable betas, didn't mean anything was released..
Only difference is, that Dreams is (almost) completely financed by Sony. But that's another argument that it will come as a starter seller for PS5.

They're commited to releasing it in early access on PS4 this spring, something Sony has never done before.
I'm certain it will come out for PS4, there will definitely be a PS5 port later, maybe even at launch