Wtf is western devs' problem with white people
Wtf is western devs' problem with white people
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Western companies are owned by Jews and deliberatly filled with liberals that are racist towards white people.
Is this Overkill's The Walking Dead?
i thought inclusivity and equality were about setting equal ground, not replacement
If you want more white people make your own game
why do you care? you're not white, you mutt.
I'm not American, but American whites are prob less cucked than european ones
Because companies know that they'll get free "woke" points from twitter, and that you assholes will talk about it constantly, thus they get FREE marketing, from the FREE living space you're giving them inside your head.
It's okay when we do it.
That's a good diverse cast
Leftists feeling guilty for being white.
Don't care as long as that black girl's model gets ripped into sfm porn that's all
epic, so as soon as L4d2 came out it stopped being 'diverse'?
This thread needs more clowns.
Well at least a single whitey could be found in the casts'
normalfags are racist/sexist as shit
get a clue
White isn't the default race
Want me to tell you how I know youre a nigger?
Well not in African or Asian settings, but western ones?
These are made in majority white countries.
The only defense for a game being full of nothing but niggers would be it being made in some African shithole.
since when?
When the average person that's in your country is white I'd say it is.
it is
t. shitskin
Before you throw a fit, there are white people too.
to make incels seethe
>Kingdom Come: Deliverance does this and causes a shitstorm
You can't win
these cucks are dead set on wiping out all white people by any means
I'm from Switzerland and honestly when I think of the "average city-dwelling American" then this picture comes to mind
are real white people still left in the us?
>This is wrong, let me in so I can fix it or else there'll be trouble for you!
>This is wrong, let me change it!
>Go away if you don't like it!
>If you want thing, do it yourself!
And it goes round and round and round.
This basically
youre fucking retarded
Blacks are only 13 percent of the pop but vastly overrepresented, If any one would replace white people it'd be the Latinos which are at dangerous levels
t. Ameriboo slav
bro i live in a literal 56% state thats filled with spics and you still see whites way more often than not, i also do research for my job and most naturalized latinos consider themselves, not saying they are but thats how they feel
*consider themselves white
Hello Paco
You aren't white and your spic Co ethnics are responsible for white genocide in America
nah, im a euromutt but not a spic
Meanwhile the natives in Canada are demanding more money. Guess history has shown which approach to conquest was better.
true many are white, look white by European standards that is, I know a Mexican guy that's p tanned but hates his Mexican side and refuses to speak Spanish, only English, so America is still good at integrating, how ever it'll be sad to lose average IQ as Latino mulattos are chill but stupid, also every Spanish speaker should be taught perfect English, California is specially at the danger lvl
What a coincidence filthy goy
holy shit you're right, they're all jews, ahahaha
Revolution and social upheaval only occurs due to white people
Globohomo kikes need to genocide all white people to ensure that a mutt breed underclass is forever too stupid and too unmotivated to challenge them.
False reasoning under the assumption that the group owning these companies now didn't own them years ago. That's why all these "SJWS and JEWS BE TAKIN OVAH!" is retarded; it assumes that recent non-white protagonists are a sign "Jewish control" when the same people have controlled the industry for decades; including when their were more White protags.
You didn't care then. But now something has changed visually, there's a crisis. You guys are dumb as fuck. Surface level intellect. If Jews control the media now, they controlled it in the 80s, 90s, and 2000s, too. How come you didn't care then.
Where did it cause a shitstorm exactly? Last time I checked people liked it and it sold quite well.
white people are less than 10% of the world population. They're just trying to grow their market share by pandering to non whites.
Twitter sjws went mad but they weren't the market, there is a anti kcd shill brigade on Yea Forums for some reason but as a fan of medieval rpgs I loved the game, played the latest ver with no game breaking bugs
but arent the devs ruskis ?
>not a single person said it was new ownership
everyone realizes changing culture can't be instant or it's obvious so it's done at a slow pace
>(((Daniel))) ALAH_ey
Is that an honest question or are you just niggerposting?
Before they were much more subtle with their underhanded moves. Recently they have ramped things up and it has become blatantly obvious that what they are doing is pushing an agenda. Also
>thinking it just started in the 80's
>6 replys of pure white trash
Im using this one everytime
They live amongst whites so they are instinctively ashamed of them.
I'm Mexican, and I'm tired of what the west is becoming.
I want the USA to be white, Mexico is a shit hole.
>inb4 pendejetes dolidos del culo
Most likely as Russian as are American Hollywood producers.
>war veteran
>girl next door
>ideal son in law who happens to be black
>badass balding biker
just accurate depiction of america
>why didn't you care in the 80s when you weren't alive yet
Do you know where you are, Goldberg?
>How come you didn't care then.
they weren't born yet
The whites would all be safe and won't have to deal with the evils of WWZ. They'll all have retreated into their luxury bunkers while watching everyone else die on the streets.
Plus... let's be honest. White people would be the ones who caused the zombie outbreak and they did so on purpose, being the lovers of genocide that they are.
>unironically posting cherrypicking bullshit
>being a weeb
>and causes a shitstorm
So what?
Not that user, but how where they more subtle? In fact we were more in their control back then then we are now. Back then you were basically forced to have one opinion, news channel, newspaper. Now you have choice, also black people or Asian people or Latinos being in media more isn't a conspiracy. It's a Capitalistic response to the fact that other races exist and they can make money off them.
everyone can cherry pick when will you retards learn this.
>go through 98.287% of American media and see that it is overwhelmingly dominated by white people
>a couple games/movies don't have a white person in it
Why is it that Valve is the only major western dev that can design likeable black characters (yes, I'm even including Rochelle, she was actually kind of interesting before they cut a bunch of her voice overs and lines from the game)?
Every other major western dev just seems to design the same garbage black "characters" that you see in shitty CW shows and the like, but Valve puts actual fucking effort into their black characters and makes them somewhat memorable.
Feels like they actually have black people on staff who aren't just token coons doing whatever their liberal white masters tell them to do.
It's a sickness and I don't think we'll ever be rid off it.
>overwhelmingly dominates by "white" people
it's called confirmation bias. low iq mouthbreathers usually tend to fall for this when they have to get mad about something
You had a bunch of 34 year old liberal journos on twitter bitching about it for a week and then the game went on to sell quite well; similar to Witcher 3
Of you don’t like games with “diverse” casts, buy games which don’t have that
>Before they were much more subtle with their underhanded moves
Oh, so you fuckers were willing to let it slide, because you were still getting White protags. That's the definition of being a cucked faggot. I was right. It's either that, or none of you faggots knew UNTIL you started noticing more non-White protags, then started losing your shit and searching for reasons online. You didn't know shit about "Jews" until you watched some YT videos from people just as dumb as you. People like you are a transparent as fuck. lol.
>thinking it just started in the 80s.
Naaaaaaah. I just went as recently as possible so you zoomer bitches wouldn't moan about not being able to relate. You fuckers are dumb, as aforesaid. I've read people on here saying degeneracy only started in 2012.
Dont care
See nigger, dont buy game. Its that easy
Show me a western woman who is as much cutie as that Japanese woman.
You can't just because there isn't.
Zoey is cutie
Culture changes media
Not the other way around
There is no race, only a genetic trail.
Choke on your boyfriends cock and die you dickless shitskin faggot.
>outside variables, artificial corrections, and a forced atmosphere of fear of blacklisting do not exist
>Every other major western dev just seems to design the same garbage black "characters" that you see in shitty CW shows and the like
This shit pisses me off so much because white people CANNOT design a decent black character anymore.
Every single time they're some boring blank slate or uninteresting fuckwad that they can't bother to present as a flawed character because every whirr person is a giant fucking pussy nowadays.
Imagine buying a dead business
Shouldn't Spanish or Mexican be the default race?
How is this any different than people complaining about the lack of black representation?
>minorities have no drive at all to create something of their own
>minorities are raised knowing that whitey will fix all their problems because reparations for slavery and shit
>it's white people's fault that media are overwhelmingly white
Imagine being so liberal you actually, unironically believe that everything is whitey's fault.
Blacks are 13% of the US while whites are (still) the majority, lack of black representation is either an accidental omission or accurate, lack of any white is an obv agenda
Is it really not possible that the artists just felt like making black characters? Why is that not a possibility?
cuz it's about time biiiiih
What if the artists felt like making white characters?
>People only want to play the asian girl
This game has a map in Israel, who would have thought?
because you said representation didn't matter
Why are you dodging my question? I asked why it's not possible that the artists felt like making black characters.
to make incels such as yourself seethe
They look fine.
Sssshhhh, don't try to ruin the narrative
I'm worried about Warhorse being bought out, and confused as to how it happened. I thought KC sold gangbusters, where'd all the money go?
imagine being naive to believe the vast majority of newspapers and news media that are owned by a small handful of billionaires was actually owned with the intention for profit
Aren't they working on kcd 2 rn
When aren't they demanding something?
And despite all this they still act like niggers.
People have always complained about the Jews owning media. People have always said Jews promote degeneracy. Yes, even in the 80s. Sometimes it's tough interacting with you zoomers. History didn't start in 2015.
What is /pol's problem with keeping their autism out of 4channel?
because i don't like looking at ugly women when playing my vidya, holy fuck is that so difficult to comprehend you racist pigdog i genuinely hope you find a cure for yourself one day. god bless you.
>IQ as Latino mulattos are chill but stupid
i'm sure that's got everything to do with DNA and not the easy to procure legalized weed you morons decided to give everybody.
fuck sake figure it out.
>"i want fair representation"
>"i want over-representation to make up for oppression"
>"no more white characters, please"
Who would have thought that whatever ideology is controlling culture wouldn't keep getting greedy until they have everything. It's like the 90's christian fundamentalists wanting to ban every media that wasn't christian propaganda never happened so we couldn't look at a parallel example on the opposite side of the ideology spectrum.
this is from 2008 (11 years ago) nigger things were different back then