Why is Black Desert Online so unpopular?

Was it the early and steady strain of jewery that killed the possibility of the game ever picking up? The way too grindy for anyone's capability to undergo the pain release? The gender locked classes?
Looking at the barren wasteland that MMOs are - and note we are speaking of actual MMOs, not instanced lobby multiplayer games or such - BDO seems to be pretty much the only one worth anything at all right now. It's an actual world, with amazing visuals that are far above all others, much better combat, a gigantic amount of random shit to do just for the sake of immersion and exploration, free housing, actually diverse crafting; Hell it even has boob and ass sliders AND physics. Ass. jiggle. physics.
Considering how absolutely and literally nothing the rest of the MMOs are at the moment, with FFXIV/WoW being a "walk in a straight line" simulator, GW2 not even knowing what it wants to be anymore, and essentially every other MMO being dead, I am genuinely curious as to what people think.
Namely cause I have played the game on and off since the early release in the west alongside other MMOs, including those mentioned above, have suffered through BDOs early phases, and while holy fuck those phases were awful, literally every other MMO is absolutely atrocious or not even remotely on the same level of quality no matter from which angle you look at it, and every time I return to the game the glaring gap is obvious.

Long time MMO player here. BDO is full of jews, but the quality gap between it and every other MMO in the market right now is blatant. Why is it that it never manages to pick up, in your opinion?

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Because there's nothing to do in the game but grind braindead mobs that are never threatening. It's fun for a week or two and then you realize the combat system is all flash, no substance.
Because in traditional Korean MMO fashion the only way to progress is through RNG enchanting. Again, not very fun.
Because the P2W has gotten significantly worse over the years and is just blatant at this point, they don't even try to disguise it anymore.

Also, not sure why you're saying early BDO was bad. Most people I know enjoyed the game in it's early life. There was little to no P2W, awakening weapons didn't totally fuck up class balance, +15 gear was the cap and was actually feasible to obtain. I'd be excited to play some kind of BDO "classic" server where things were back to pre-Mediah levels.

System requirements too high, uglyass popin everywhere, P2W, it technically has a lot of "content", but it's really boring, PvP is really unbalanced, servers are trash.

When it was in development it was meant to be a sandbox game where you could just play as a simple merchant or blacksmith and none of the player housing was to be instanced. Then they reworked it for the asian audience and made it into an endless farming simulator like all other korean MMOs

I don't understand what you mean by "nothing to do", however. There's map exploration, there's a shitload of quests, achievements, knowledge hunting, life skilling, mount breeding, hunting. I mean, if none of that interests you, sure understandable, but isn't the variety then pretty much exactly the same as any other popular MMO? WoW and FFXIV are literally just rerunning the same instance with the same boss fights in the same order ad infinitum until RNG gives you a pat in the back and you get your seasonal stat-stick that you will discard immediately next expansion. Is it just more appealing on a basis of it simply being what is already known so you may as well suffer through old shit than tread new one?
Incidentally the PW2 factors seem rather irrelevant and only accessible by the kind of tremendous whales that would just pay in WoW for pre-made accounts anyways, so it never shocks me nearly as much as people seem to be. Sure I am not a fan either, would prefer it not there at all, but it really doesn't seem like anything that would affect about 99% of the players in any particular way considering even in the new market prices are locked.

As for what I mean, the early game grinding was absolutely horrendous. Having to grind chimeras for days at a time while getting ganked while squeezing every possible booster for a meh about of progress at best was effectively just artificial struggle. The gear then was about the same as it is to get a softcap Tri right now with the violently amplified economy of late and the constant vomiting of free money in your inbox, so that too was no real difference to me.

>Having to grind chimeras for days at a time while getting ganked while squeezing every possible booster for a meh about of progress at best was effectively just artificial struggle

It's literally the exact same thing now too. You just grind one of the two popular and efficient spots for your level, and you get ganked 24/7. Game is trash.

Uninstanced player housing sounds kind of retarded desu

I don't do any of that and have managed to get above softcap gear and level 60 with leisure though, it sounds like you keep trying the exact same formula expecting for it to appeal you when you could just not.

Should have figured out afk grinding skills isnt exactly the type anyone wants to play a game.

I'm sorry I'm not an autistic neet that can grind garbage spots 24/7 that yield shit experience and monetary gains.

Ah, you could have just said you are in a period of burnout angstiness lashout and we could have saved the effort of posting.

The enhancement system killed the game

what a retarded fucking question, are you absolutely fucking braindead?


right, my bad, no need to answer my first question.

because it's more rewarding to stay afk instead of playing it

Careful guys, we got a badass over here.

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I'm convinced BDO is a sheme of the PC hardware industry. I've seen people letting their game run for weeks without turning it off just to afk grind

I guess you could say I'm burned out from playing dogshit bottom of the barrel games, yeah. Also, don't say "we", because you're literally the only one in here unironically shilling for BDO.

It isn't though.
A perfectly agreeable complaint, on the other hand. The enhancement system is by all means some convoluted rollecoaster they are attempting to pad out with handouts.

I actually meant you and I could have both saved ourselves the effort, but yeah, sure. I am not much for shitflinging memery for the sake of it today though so, sorry the game ain't your thing. I got no intentions of whiteknighting for Pearl Abyss or Kakao out of all things.

If they got rid of the bullshit enhancement system they have now, I know at least 20 people that would pick it up again

Well you asked why the game isn't popular, and I just gave you answers.

That's alright, I understand the angle. I simply don't find them to be strictly objective, see them as something mirrored 1:1 on other popular titles, or as something easily bypassed if one actually wanted to.
I don't discard the game is simply poor at handling how to properly give people the options that they do in fact have as a result of the violent switch from full sandbox to sort-of-sandbox, and has since then spiraled into a bigger issue than they expected it to be as a result of poor PR, poor management and word of mouth.

>Why is it that it never manages to pick up, in your opinion?

Because its a game made by koreans for primarily koreans. It feels just foreign and alien and not in a charming/endearing way like a jrpg for instance

>designed around store/microtransactions, everything's locked
>gender locked classes
>waifu generator
>"knights" and "wizards" dressed in lingerie
>grind up the wazoo
>retarded anime style combat

If Koreans like this I'm not gonna bash them for it but I'd rather play Project 99 instead. I'm sick of modern style/asian MMOs

I suppose that's fair. Despite the actual world and environment I find to be actually very fresh and nicely detailed, the actual player characters and their respective gear are very over the top anime-tier flashiness for the sake of it, and I can wholly agree with the fact that most female class' outfits skip the "sex appeal" border into "oh shit girl what are you doing."

That being said I will also say GW2 and FFXIV are as offensive, if not more, in the "what the fuck is even going on with that outfit" department. But one's fault doesn't take the other's, no.

Kike koreans, which is a shame because the combat is fucking awesome

bns is better

How so?

better pvp and fun dungeons, i don't really like bdo's style.

>release korean game here
>tell americans you will remove p2w
>everyone is happy
>wait 1 month
>reintroduce all the p2w shit patch after patch
these goddamn fuckers can all die, just as bad as nexon and playing their game is encouraging them

I got full TET gear from AFK fishing. Never bothered with enhancing.

You just roll your fingers across the keyboard against shitty mobs and PvP.

Also I can just jerk off to porn so why would I spend money on bdo much less spend money to look like an uninteresting fantasy fuckdoll? Can't I just pirate skyrim and do that?

Where are the raids? Where's the meaningful gear progression? Why are classes gender locked? Why do dudes get shafted in customization? Why $30 panties?

Shit was never good for more than a quick gap and even tranny fantasy xiv held my interest longer.

>last 5 levels take literally forever
>those last 5 levels are literally only grinding mobs
>the only good looking armor in the game is bought from the store, rather than obtained in-game through effort, despite the game not being F2P

idk, I never got far enough to encounter any other major problems but those 3 are glaring enough

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That's fair. Granted that seems to be every single company's angle these days, hell GW2 is just a gemstore with a dressdoll simulator attached to it. But I can understand the start of the game leaving a bad aftertaste to people aware of it at that time.
Understandable, I suppose, though BnS is too cheaply made and overall low-effort for me to consider it much more than an overall failed project. A shame, too, since I loved Magna Carta(I am like, one of the three people that did, yes.) so Hyung Tae-Kim making the artwork hyped me for it. (And not for the hentai, either.)
Unfortunately the game's everything else beyond the player models came out as uninspiredly cheaply made as it possibly could, and my tolerance for cookie-cutter Tera-esque interfaces at this point in life is low.

I am not sure I understand most of that logic if FFXIV held your attention at all, but raids are... not a thing because it's not that kind of game, so not really sure how that is surprising. The gear progression is in fact far more meaningful than in any other MMO I would say, but again, not sure what that even stands for in your post really. Classes are gender locked because they have different skeletons and animations for each given class/gender combo. You can like it or not, which is understandable, but the other alternative is FFXIV's "every single race and gender have the exact same animations" (which is jarring as fuck), or GW2's awkward mixing of shared animations but also locked animations per class.
The customization matters have improved quite a bit, actually, though as for the twenty bucks panties I'd say that's about the same angle as any other MMO's "super special item of amazingness" tied to the chash shop; basic corporation tactics.
I can understand most of that, yeah. (though, the game is actually F2P. I really don't think 5 bucks counts as p2p.)
I do feel inclined to point out there is no real reason to get to max level and softcap is more than enough to stand on par with pretty much 99% of the players barring autism brigades. And I feel the autism brigades find the means of fucking shit up regardless of the game.
That said I can totally agree on the notion that at least more gear should be accessible outside the pearl shop, even if it can now be bought much more easily through the markets.
One thing I can give GW2 is that before it went full jew mode, it set a ground of freely accessible, varied armor sets that you can at least easily live off of. And while I would say many average armors in BDO do actually look nice (I.E I absolutely detest any and all pearl armors for tamer, but most of her normal outfits are great, same for Soceress or Maewha.) the selection is not nearly wide enough.