>VR is a mem-
VR is a mem-
VRChat always looks like Second Life but with even more autism.
>Desktop subhuman spamming animations
How do you pronounce "mem-" without it sounding identical to "meme"?
Meme, yes
Man I took part in those but they always look so fucking gay to watch in retrospect.
Good thing I'm smashed at the time.
>trying to refute a concept as not being a meme while posting the biggest meme out there.
VRchat is just full of inconsiderate fucks.
Sick and tired of seeing faggots in full body gear ERPing all the fucking time.
It's just cringe
until i get a full emersion suit and can actually feel whats going on, yes vr is a meme
>all that lagging and spasming
>full body cybering with teledildonics is literally the closest thing to real sex as one can get over the internet
>hurr durr this is cringe lmao just fap while watching other people fuck on your screen like normal people you losers
>bunch of ugly neckbeards spazzing and glitching out at 10 FPS
What a silly opinion
>-ory I will always cherish. As long as its skyrim vr or fallout 4 vr
>the way she shakes that bunny tail
Imagine getting defensive over that. Unironically.
No, it's the closest thing to sex they will ever experience because their whole existence is degenerate.
If you want to be a colossal faggot, do it in a private world.
>no counter-argument whatsoever
you know I'm right
Yeah, you're pretty right about not being able to get laid.
Imagine all these neckbears dancing all alone in their room in a dead silence
>Le epic ironic weeb garbage
Yeah no thanks, I’m not a desperate loser weeb.
reminds me of the opening scene in Ready Player One
Imagine being this unbased
Man it's no wonder people are having epileptic seizures with that shit.
are you tasty
Pretending to be an anime girl while dancing with a bunch of neckbeards is based now?
being yourself, doing what you like and not caring about the opinions of others is the literal definition of based
I do think this would be the best cure for all VRchat trannies seeing how pathetic they are in their room.
>bought oculus rift for VR course im taking
>try VRchat for the first time
>Everyone is a piece of shit
If VRchat is face of VR then it truely has no future.
Aside from that, VR tech can be applied really well to non-games though. I'm currently making a 3d modelling tool in VR.
Pronounce the 'em' like "them"
>owned vive for a year
>never downloaded VRchat
>considered it a few times, then see webms like this and decide not to
Let that pit of cancer burn
my sides
It depends who you hang out with.
Streamers made the game popular but also brought a lot of cancer.
>you can be literally anything in vr
>pick to be a sluty loli
user asking the real questions
try and
it's a bit weird watching a staunch conservative friend of yours go be the little girl and vr chat and receive headpats and oher weird ass shit
like it's just so brazen
described the nightclub experience irl
Maybe like the start of "memmaker" pr "memory"
>staunch conservative is repressed homosexual
every time
This is why you equip your avatar with a frying pan and bash people's head in.
It's so satisfying.
>be poor
>have more rich friend
>he shows me VRchat
>his avatar is some white haired loli thing
>i ask him wtf is he doing with that
>"having fun with other strangers"
Jesus are zoomers so fucking pathetic, this is the closest they can come to women? fat men pretending to be anime girls?
no wonder most of you are incels
You know how many woman play this game? There are tons of them in Vrchat but people just ignore them so they can be faggots or trannies with other degenerates.
if they were repressed you'd figure they wouldn't be okay with prancing around in public being molested by neckbeards pretending to be anime girls too
you know normally they'd keep that to some secret fetish thing and not showing all their friends
it's just strange to think about
A fag with a high voice isn't a woman bud.
haha yeah but watch this
*teleports behind you and unsheathes katana*
"sorry to meet and it 2 end so soon"
*cuts you in two*
>take care of brother
>he asks for a VR headset for his birthday
>say no, VR is for fags
>see this shit
i made the right choice.
*unzips dick*
There are only a handful who could deceive you with their voice. Everyone else is a poor attempt or using obvious voice changer.
There is the problem of creating a VR experience that doesn't make some users sick, and looks real enough to not have an uncanny valley appearance. Further, there are no actual games for it.
>B-buh-but what about [insert vr title here]?
Most vr is glorified tech demos to amuse people who want to see something neat. It's too niche and isn't being seriously developed into anything viable.
as opposed to modern conventional game development which is literally all trendchasing?
i feel like the only games I'm genuinely hotly anticipating right now are cyberpunk 2077 and boneworks, because both of them are actually making something of an effort to push the envelope. Cyberpunk is mixing a lot of things no dev has risked mixing yet, and boneworks has new tech for days on top of being a team that already made an interesting narrative experiment in duck season.
one thing that's good to remember is that hl2 is kind of a glorified tech demo, as is portal. New tech begets innovation, it can only be a good thing.
yes, sex over the internet is cringe.
You can cringe me anytime user...
>that fucking video
Holy shit user I'm in tears
It's going to stay a useless meme until they get high quality tactile feedback figured out so I can feel waifus
It's even hotter when it's a dudes voice coming from the anime girl.
Fuck me those knuckle controllers are amazing, I really hope there is a way to use them with oculus.
Either that or oculus decides to reinvent the touch controllers for full finger tracking like that.
it isn't 10fps in reality. this is just a Yea Forums webm
Sounds in line with what I've seen on Yea Forums.
>get to legally be the bulli
What's not to love?
you can get 50% there by just having a pillow roughly the size of your waifu
Anime was a mistake
>/vrg/ trannies notice Yea Forums is talking about VR
>tries to shill their vrchat cult
Only creative people who do shit like this are a blessing to VRchat. Everyone else is gay.
Anime was the best mistake
Many such cases!
>this is your vr gf for tonight
>t. brainlet
Why would you lie, user?
Nowadays even 30fps is a solid smooth experience in VRchat.
>suicidal suicidal suicidal
based and HRTpilled.
I want the previous 21 cars!