I'm glad that I can't play it. I don't like movies anyw-

I'm glad that I can't play it. I don't like movies anyw-


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Nobody plays the game like that

But it's fun


Why is Yea Forums completely incapable of recognizing a good game? Cannot wait until part 2 gets 90+ all across the board.

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>all this scripted shit

compare it to this then kill yourself

Platforming games do not contain complex gameplay. Take your nostalgia goggles off, Spastic.


I do. Just restart encounter before the next checkpoint, and when you finally want to get past it using minimal resources THEN you play it all stingy and stealthy one time and move on

From the looks of it he's saving all his ammo and then replaying it on higher difficulties, that's why I'm saying nobody plays it like that. I still don't think tlou was anything special, it was just a generic cover shooter. Most critics only talked about the story

These bits aren't scripted.

Whoever made this video is a delusional weirdo, so many of those gameplay segments aren't similar even a little and the ones that are are not new or unique to AE3 and were in previous mario games.

>this is your brain on nintentardation

The multiplayer was great. The combat system itself is something special and not really generic at all, even now for a 6 year old super popular game. The single-player encounters vs the AI were not as good at showing this; the game really shined when it was player vs player w/ teamplay. Very tactical and sneaky and lots of mindgames

What am I supposed to see here?
Its just gameplay of the game.

Yes, jumping high, fighting dragons and robots,(in a mechanically different way, just saying), traversing ziplines, and swimming were all pioneered by Ape Escape 3. My bad. I just have nintentardation.

It's not that I've ever played any other platformer ever in my life that came out before 2005.

You're the delusional weirdo, I take it?

>I know where the enemies are and have played this checkpoint a dozen times to get these clips

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>fully upgrade weapons and get tons of ammo on easy difficult
>hey guys look how i'm playing on grounded!!!!!

seething nintendork

>jumping high, fighting dragons and robots,(in a mechanically different way, just saying), traversing ziplines, and swimming

These are also not exclusive to m*rio. Other titles have done this literally decades before.

Stupid, infantile nintentard.

That was actually my original point. glad you understood me.

I said 'and were in previous mario games' because they were, which means they weren't new to ape escape, and I would never say that they originated in Mario. Because that's stupid.

Do you get it, user? you can only plagiarise from a game if you're stealing ideas from it wholesale, and the things in that game were unique enough to that game that it's fairly evident. lots of the things in the video are in so many games, even other mario games. hell, even other ape escape games.

Do you get that, user? Do you understand what I'm typing? Do you get that you're the retard who can't read this time?

Except that wasn't the original argument, incel. read my post again. I said these weren't exclusive to m*rio. The whole concept the video was referring to was a concept created by ape escape.

nintentards win gold at mental gymnastics.

It's not the gameplay that's bad, it's the fact that every 5 minutes is interrupted with an unskippable cutscene.

>Yea Forums manchildren would rather BING BANG WAHOO than connect with a narrative on an emotional level


>Cannot wait until part 2 gets 90+ all across the board.
Because it's an SJW game.

The narrative is bland and awful outside the prologue, which I admit was good, but it gets boring after that. Sorry kid, just because you like something doesn't make it good.

>Why is Yea Forums completely incapable of recognizing a good game?

They do recognize that it's a good game, that's why they're all seething over it because they don't own a Playstation.

>just because I like something
Uhh, you're implying that I'm in the minority here. The majority of people (who aren't incels) agree with me.

Sorry that you're too jaded to appreciate a good story. I genuinely feel bad for you. Years of being surrounded by incels and watching rekt webms has completely drained you of your soul.

What am I looking at? This looks every other 3rd person movie game, what fucking point are you trying to make?

Not a TLOU fag , I haven't even played the game , but if gameplay like that looks scripted to you , you have obviously only ever played nintendie games in your life. Just because it doesn't look videogame-y doesn't mean it's scripted.

There was nothing in the video that was specific to ape escape. Which is what i said.

Then you responded, quoting me talking about something from the video and said 'well, they're not specific to mario either'

Which has nothing to do with what I said, and nothing to do with the video that I'm responding to. And is something that is obvious to the world, and something that my response didn't even argue against.

So what's your point? what are you talking to me about? are you just saying things and pretending it's a 'gotcha' because you changed the fucking subject?

>le majority
lol so I guess Marvel movies are also the pinnacle of cinema then, right? You are a mind control victim, son. You were probably raped as a kid. That's why whatever daddy media says to you, you buy into it. Naughty Dog raised their SJW flag a long time ago which is why media outlets praise whatever turd they put out. Only retarded people agree with them like you.

Me and two friends meet for a "pass the controller" type game session every other week or so. One of them insisted we must play TLOU because some random normie told him it's the best thing ever. After 3 hours we just stopped, none of us was even remotely interested in the story and we unambiguously thought the gameplay was a drag. Ended up playing through DS3 instead.

I didn't change the subject, you just have shit reading comp. Go back to school

That was your argument, not mine. You implied that only I liked a particular thing, and that because only I likes it it didn't make it good.

I then eloquently pointed out that my opinion is not a minority opinion, to which you seethed.

Please, stay mad, incel

You're just a delusional weirdo who is happy to act smart because you're saying shit that literally doesn't matter in a way that is intentionally obtuse when you're literally not arguing against anything that anyone things, and All i said was there was nothing special or unique about the AE3 footage that would suggest that Mario, or any other of the tons of platformers that have used so many of those concepts are plagiarising.

fuck off and kill yourself, because you're either missing the point, or missing it intentionally, and that makes you a delusional weirdo.

These are video games, not books, you autist.

That literally makes no fucking sense. You are an absolute retard.

You liking something doesn't make it good.

A half-million retards liking something doesn't make it good either, faggot.

that braindead ai and broken mechanics so amaze
kojima you geniouse u did it again

If I wanted to connect with a narrative I would be reading a book, you fucking simp. I expect gameplay from games, not some rejected TV script full of emotional manipulation and cutscenes.

these games have gameplay you fucking moron

What a retarded statement. You're completely dismissing the potential of video games by saying "I only want gameplay! Don't give me a story!" Isn't it a cool idea to you to be able to play a story? It's like you're stuck in 1991 and don't realize how much video games have evolved since then.

Not very good gameplay, you absolute tard. It's there as an afterthought for the cliched, manipulative narrative. It's like oscarbait but for consoles.

The potential for what, for turning into interactive movies? They already tried that in the 90's with FMV games, champ, it bombed spectacularly. If you're in this hobby for the narrative, you're very clearly doing it wrong. There's no value in a video game's narrative if there is little or no gameplay to back it up, or if the gameplay itself is an afterthought.
This kind of shit is built as cheap bait for normies to think they're into video games and make them pay for a console. And oh boy, is the plot some cliched, self-fellating pulling at the heartstrings bullshit.

if you want bing bing wahoo take it to the nintendo thread champ.

If you want movies full of melodrama go watch the Lifetime channel. It seems more up your speed. Video games are not for you.

It still looks like shit tho
great AI

the last of us was a good game .

If I want Lifetime/Hallmark tier narratives, I could turn on the TV at any point.

It's not a good game, at all. The entire thing is structured to hide loading screens behind ladder/pallet sections, as well as forced walking segments as the two characters talk. In terms of actual "game" there's fuck all going on beyond brief stints of generic OTS third person action/stealth gameplay that's been done a million times over. The Last of Us doesn't deserve even 10% of its awards, and calling it the "Citizen Kane of gaming" is a fucking joke when everything it's done is not unique, nor will it ever be unique. It didn't revolutionise shit.

Yes, keep watchin TV

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I'm not seeing what I think I'm meant to be seeing. I played TLoU through on most of the difficulty settings, as well as grounded, and this just looks like cuts of basic gameplay. There's nothing special about any of this.

Also, holy fuck I hope TLoU2 has a similar mulitplayer mode to what the first game had. That shit had no right being as good as it was.

It's weird when shit-tier bait becomes accepted by retards as fact. If you'd actually played the fucking game you'd know this to not be true, you dumbfuck bait-taking motherfucker.

Fuck off Neil
Fuck off you stupid fucking kikes
fuck off you fucking casuals
Fuck off lesbian faggots
Fuck off newfags
Fuck off shills
If you like TloU, you need to leave Yea Forums.

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Good point user.

>If you'd actually played the fucking game you'd know this to not be true
Not that guy, but it's generic fucking garbage. Completed it once, never went back to it since. 6/10 at best.

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