>horse archery was the most powerful military option possible until mass-produced firearms
>it doesnt appear in any games
>horse archery was the most powerful military option possible until mass-produced firearms
>it doesnt appear in any games
>he hasn't played mount and blade
Get out
>he hasn't played Total war games
I will conquer your couch
>He doesnt actually play video games
Not hom but m&b sucks (shitty simple floaty combat).
imagine being this gigantic of a pleb
I wonder how a meme phalanx would hold against a bunch of mounted mongol, firing 1000 arrows a minute each.
>conquer russia
>use cyrillic now
clown world
It's fun tk compaign but the combat is terrible. Very easy, no impact, floaty, etc.
>what is botw
just go watch a movie on your ps4 faggot, that's all you are good for lol
your mom is floaty
get out
Truth hurts boys. M&b has floaty combat, no moves, easy to master, shallow, etc.
What a shitty Mount & Blade bait, you ain't my knight and you ain't my liege
I'm not retarded enough to get into arguments with retarded anonymous strangers on the internet over their opinions anymore but holy fuck you're a pleb
>mongolian level
>this starts playing
It's almost Bannerlord release season!
Too much effort for the usual game
What I said wasn't an opinion. If you think the combat is good, you are truly the pleb.
>you will never sit around a campfire with your fellow horse archers croaking like frogs in a rhythm that carries across the planes, terrifying every sino in a 500 mile radius
>What I said wasn't an opinion
it was. objectively the definition of an opinion. Here's your last (you) from me
The combat being bad is an opinion, sure, but why it's bad (basically no moves, floaty, slow, no impact, easy to master) are all true.
are multiplayer still alive? I loved playing custom maps Siege. One person sometimes carry the entire team. Destroyable wall blew my mind back then
The combat is garbage if you think the otherwise then you are a retarded fanboy.It was good for it is time but there are now better games which improved and overhauled it is fundamental mechanics like chivalry, mordhau etc.
It's not loved for the combat mechanics dude.
i know but that guy wasnt admitting that the combat was floaty and garbage which it is
>horse archery was the most powerful military option possible until mass-produced firearms
that's where you're wrong kiddo
>floaty and garbage
Explain what you mean by "floaty". The main draw of M&B combat is its care for realism. Weapons are meant to swing fairly slow and feel clunky, that's the whole point. If it played like a Dynasty Warriors game then the game would lose its appeal.
>realistic combat
>mount and blade
you are dumb as fuck nigger
>get fucked by iberians
>the upper body acts indepently from the lower body
>bad animations
>floaty movement
>can spam attacks nonstop
>no sprinting
>no fluidness to its combat
>dude its the peak of medieval combat
>gets broken by two horses
Horse archers were a big thing, but they had downsides:
>had to train constantly all their lifetime if they wanted to actually hit targets
>at least one horse per soldier
>extremely inefficient in non-open areas
The mongolians triumphed due to horse archers and badass siege engines taken from China. Their leaders were also pretty great, they had an expertise in feint tactics, they'd pretend their horse archers were routing after getting hit by a few volleys and that would lead enemy cavalry into an ambush, after that the enemy infantry was without support and would always get crushed.
>youtube education
who would win?
>thousands of mongols invading hungary
>1 minor castle with a few bowmen
>siege engines taken from China.
barely used & couldnt take any castles
what if we teach a horse to dual wield shields and bows so the horseman can shoot guns
show tits or gtfo
The reasons for the Romans losing is Crassus' relative incompetence when compared to Surena and the fact they were in the middle of a desert with no cover. The biggest mistake of Crassus is marching into a fucking desert without enough cavalry support and thinking the Parthians weren't going to respond in force, that doomed his expedition form the start.
Europeans got trashed by mongols, only thing that stopped their onslaught was the Khan dying and triggering a succession crisis.
Depends on geography
>t. john green
even hungary thrashed the memegols
Werent they pretty good in AoE2?
If you think M&B combat is easy I guarantee you're a burger who exclusively plays singleplayer.
shit tunes mate
>Hungary trashed the mongols
>They got fucked at Mohi and sat on their asses while their entire population was genocided
>mongols only left because Ogotai died and Batu had to pay respects back at the capital
Sure did.
No one gives a shit about your obsession with America, retard.
>a burger
>at this hour
t. shitter that plays with auto-block/auto-attack on at 40% difficulty
>The struggle seemed to be going terribly for the Mongols; in two hours of fighting, they suffered grievous losses, and were just barely saved from being routed by a charge of Hungarian knights by the firepower of their siege engines. At the end of the second hour, as the Hungarians were preparing another charge to shatter the Mongol lines, Subutai, who had been delayed by bridge-building, attacked the Hungarians’ rear flank.
this is despite bela not rallying when the skirm started which would have made it certain victory
>Confined within the camp, mood among the Hungarians turned to panic after their sallies were ineffective and they sustained repeated bombardments by stone and gunpowder. Terrified by the flaming arrows, trampling crush of their comrades resulted in the deaths of many soldiers. The nobles inside the camp felt little loyalty to the king, and likely would have deserted had they not already been surrounded. Béla's brother, Coloman, rallied enough men to sally out and charge the Mongols, but his attack was driven back. The Mongols used their siege equipment to pound the camp's fortifications, and set fire to the tents. Finally, the demoralized soldiers decided to flee. They tried to escape through a gap left open on purpose by the Mongols, because fleeing soldiers can be killed more easily than those who, with their backs to a wall, are forced to fight to the death. There, almost all of them were slaughtered.
>Archbishop Ugrin was killed along with another archbishop, three bishops, and numerous other high officials, but Coloman and Béla managed to escape—though Coloman's wounds were so serious that he died soon after. While the Mongols had suffered higher than normal casualties themselves, the Hungarians had lost almost their entire force. Thomas of Spalato, who interviewed many eyewitnesses, claimed that the route the Hungarians tried to flee along was strewn with so many corpses that the ground had become dyed red from their blood.
good job quoting wikipedia brainlet whats your point
That they got fucked.
Because it would be boring as shit.
>Enemy gets too close
>Run away
>Get in range
>Shoot him with bows
Rinse and repeat.
k why post it to me?
How are you meant to play without the auto block?
>Europeans got trashed by mongols, only thing that stopped their onslaught was the Khan dying and triggering a succession crisis.
Europeans would had beaten back the Mongols the same way, Vietnam and India beat them back.
By using guerilla tactics and uneven ground where horses would be ineffective. Also if the mongols got west of Hungary then all of europe would go on a crusade to stop them.
I dunno user, maybe you could try looking at the enemy's super telegraphed attack
Kingdom Come had horse archery, and pretty good archery in general
>super telegraphed
Except when it's not. And even then it's basically hoping that the game does what I want it to. Half the time I tried to manually block my character just blocked in the wrong direction.
>nintendo fan calling anyone faggot
You seemed to be attempting to prove that Mohi was not a clear Mongolian victory, when it was. It crushed any hope Hungary had, meanwhile the Mongols took some casualties but were absolutely planning the conquest of Western Europe afterwards. A single instance of brilliance from the Hungarians' part is barely worth mentioning at that point.
I'm not defending that the Mongolians could've kept a hold on Europe. If anything, the Mongolian style of rulership doomed the Empire and its successors to eventually fall.
>Also if the mongols got west of Hungary then all of europe would go on a crusade to stop them.
No. They technically did assign a governor to Hungary but he fucked off soon after as the situations was unbearable after Batu left. The HRE had an anti-pope and was on extremely bad terms with the Pope in Rome. Europe was very divided politically at the time. Don't overestimate the hold that religion had in the Kings and Emperors of Europe at the time, they very much only cared about keeping their own realms safe and being opportunistic as fuck.
First play through was me pretty much archery on horse back while kind of dressing like a mongol with tartar armor.
Great for early levels since you'd get fucked in a group of bandits in melee if you didn't know what you're doing.
>Big overhead strike (probably one of the most telegraphed attacks in existence)
>Widely rears his arm back on his right/left side
>Pulls his sword back and exposes his left side to you when going for a thrust
The only attack that's remotely subtle is a forward thrust while using a polearm and shield, but that's a very weak attack unless they're really far away or moving towards you on a horse.
>Half the time I tried to manually block my character just blocked in the wrong direction.
Literally just get good. Moving the mouse the way you want to block is easy. How do you even mess it up? Move it directly left, right, up, or down. That's it.
>Europe was very divided politically at the time. Don't overestimate the hold that religion had in the Kings and Emperors of Europe at the time, they very much only cared about keeping their own realms safe and being opportunistic as fuck.
If a large as a threat as the entire mongol horde was going to invade you can bet they would unite. They did in the past to fight off Islamic invasions and the ottomons.
I never said it was 100% realistic, just that it's more realistic compared to a whole lot of other medieval combat games.
>retard shitting on the combat is bad at combat
Every time. Can't you mongoloids just accept that there are some games you'll be bad at until you git gud and stop blaming the game for your shortcomings?
Whether Europe would have united or not when facing the mongol threat is getting into alt-history and predictions. I already mentioned why I think they wouldn't have, so we can both keep our opinions after reflecting on each other's.
>move the mouse to the left
>character blocks down or up
It just doesn't work. There needs to be an indicator like For Honor or KCD has where you can actually see where your weapon is.
And you conveniently forgot to mention all the short sword strikes most of which are too fast to react to manually .
Nope. The game doesn't do what I want to do.
>. I already mentioned why I think they wouldn't have, so we can both keep our opinions after reflecting on each other's.
Ok but they did unite before so...
>There needs to be an indicator
>too fast to react to manually
I agree, the combat should be QTE with pause and press-X-to-awesome insta-kills
>It just doesn't work
Of course it does. You're obviously doing something wrong. Combat controls are very tight and if you're moving the mouse correctly you'll never mess up. Why would you need an indicator for where your weapon is? It's always in a neutral position until you block or attack, then it goes back to neutral. The camera is back far enough so you can always see where your weapon is unless you're blocking a forwards thrust. Also all the strikes I mentioned are done using swords. Higher level troops don't use short swords, and lower level troops don't have the proficiency or stats to swing them so fast that you can't react. You just need to play until you get it. It's one of those situations where there's nothing wrong with the game, it's just a matter of skill.
>They did in the past to fight off Islamic invasions and the ottomons.
Ottomans weren't a thing back then and the only proper islamic invasion I can think of is that of Iberia, which was repelled in Tours solely by Charles Martel back when the Frankish Empire was at its height (controlling so much territory his contemporaries considered him an heir to the Western Roman Empire). So Europe did not 'unite' to fend off an attacker, it was already united beforehand.
The Europeans developed a mastery at breaking down bulwarks against muslims though. Their fourth crusade against the Byzantines pretty much doomed all of Eastern Europe to be conquered by the Ottomans centuries later. Kind of ironic that one of times they kind of united they just opened their back door to muslim invasion.
>You seemed to be attempting to prove that Mohi was not a clear Mongolian victory, when it was. It crushed any hope Hungary had, meanwhile the Mongols took some casualties but were absolutely planning the conquest of Western Europe afterwards. A single instance of brilliance from the Hungarians' part is barely worth mentioning at that point.
It was literally a flipped coin that the mongols won, solely on Bela's incompetence. Further Batu wanted to retreat given he lost a bunch of personal guards etc in the battle. Hence my statement they got thrashed which they did.
In the bigger picture their trashing was more of a prick from a needle than a proper beatdown. The ones who got beat and totally trashed were the Hungarians.
How can I possibly fuck up a simple mouse movement. It doesn't work and no matter what you try to say here won't change that. What probably happened is that you realized it's a bad system but kept using it until you automatically started to adjust for the faults.
And short weapons are frequently used in tournaments, early game and several mods, you can't just say that they don't matter.
There is just no reason to not use auto block unless you intentionally want to make the game harder.
Subutai was going to win them the fight whenever he arrived; the Hungarians, and Western Europe, didn't ever really stand a chance. Lucky for them that shit happens so we'll never know what a Mongol dominated Western Europe would've been like.
>uses autoblock
>complains the game is too easy
I didn't say the game was easy, I said manual blocking is bad and anyone who uses it wants to make their game harder.
Composite shortbow that horse archers used was useless against armored knights.
In the battle if Angora (1404.) few hundred Serb knights held an entire flank against Timurids thousends of horse archers.
It was great at killing peasants without armor.
They obviously would have united but it would never have been necessary (Bela even rejected alliance proposals post invasion). You guys have this absurd meme about mongols from gay youtube videos that just want to denigrate europeans. The reality is they failed to conquer any castle (except one supposedly). They would literally never have been able to make it into Europe proper with the hundreds of castles they had, the total lack of fodder (forests everywhere) for horses and the crops which would have been burned. They failed to take any of the few pisspoor castles Hungary had and after they fucked off he just built more castles and then they raped the mongols in the 2nd invasion.
>the Hungarians, and Western Europe, didn't ever really stand a chance. Lucky for them that shit happens so we'll never know what a Mongol dominated Western Europe would've been like
Fuck no, the Mongols wouldn't have lasted a whole year beyond the Spree river. Central / Western Europe was way too good fortified / the terrain was useless for the mongols.
>he hasn't played a single medieval RTS
Horse archers are the most pain in the ass units in total war
Half the mongol army got crushed despite a massive failure in Hungarian leadership. You're delusional.
You're retarded
I'm disagreeing with him. FFS the mongols couldn't even take Vietnam.
>no moves
shitty bait, try to be more subtle son.
You literally did
>Truth hurts boys. M&b has floaty combat, no moves, easy to master, shallow, etc.
You're still wrong about guerilla tactics/uniting. They would have made it logistically impossible (what little they would have to do given the natural environment) for the mongols to invade and if they suicidally attempted to they would have just met them in force. The idea that horse archers can stand against heavy cavalry is very wrong. They are used as skirmishers and in the mongols case to amplify logistical capability (which would be null in this situation).
archery on mounted units are all over the place
I dont remember beast wars being this gay
you can be horse archer in Mordhau
Is it true? Won't the horse fall on the men?
Kill yourself annoying cunt.
>you know remember mass horse archers + portable shields on stronghold crusader
>you know remember
the testudo was a shit tactic anyways, the only reason why the Romans were successful in the long run was because they had discipline which barbarians lacked and good logistics which other empires lacked (if they faced off against another empire with the same military discipline and logistics they got btfo'd on the regular)
>Mongolian horse archer
>with a fucking longbow
>The Crusaders and the Mongols hired them as mercenaries to take back Jerusalem
>They could never get there at the same time
>the testudo was a shit tactic anyways
I'm sure your tactical genius holds more weight than the collective acumen of the roman generals that used this formation.
>watching my dad play stronghold crusaders when I was a kid
>begged him to build horse archers all the time because I thought they were cool
Good times
>came to say "zelda"
>people are talking about history
Lots of delusional people here. The mongols would've fucked western Europe in the ass. What's the point of staying in your castle if your entire countryside gets razed and you have literally nothing to fight the mongols with if they were to return?
>gay youtube videos that want to denigrate europeans
How to kill any argument you had 101. Europeans aren't inherently superior to any other ethnicity just as other ethnicities aren't inherently superior to europeans. Everything here is talking about a single piece of history concerning like 4-5 years of Mongolian conquest, when the Mongolians held the largest empire in the world while Europeans bickered over which Pope was best. The Mongolians would've gone west, and if the Europeans there holed up in their castle, they'd have razed everything to the ground and left with the spoils to come back another day. Mongolian dominance was inevitable during Ogotai's reign.
Absolutely fucking enlightened.
>have a tactic that excels in open wide spaced like stepps, deserts and chinese grassland
>come into hilly, mountains and foresty regions of Europe where your whole advantage goes down the shitter
>Harass a unit
>when it starts routing and fleeing, switch to wide formation, and charge them with melee to kill them while taking no damage
>play attila
>pick huns or white huns
>build doomstack of horse archers
>proceed to rape the entire map with 0 losses
Oh i enjoyed every minute of it
>There needs to be an indicator like For Honor or KCD
Open the damn options menu.
ok nigger
Well yeah some 20k army fucked up my 100+k Mongolian army in the alps in Ck2 so I guess this user is right
>horse archers + portable shields
boner inducing, goddamn
Well, let's ask our friend Crassus, shall we?