Have you ever spent money on a F2P game?

If yes, how much? What was it for?

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Cute feet

Of course not.

Cute neet

Yes fortnite, its was shit.

like 15$ on World of Warships for some premium and +50% exp/credit permanent camo

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Anzu is such a good girl

spent well over 200 on maplestory 2

I always waste money on phone shit, which is why I try not to play them at all.

>I always waste money on phone shit
How much user?

Not obscene amounts but I'm sure I've bought $100 packs at some point because they make the microtransactions really simple and enticing.

>just tap twice and we'll give you all these gems :))
>don't worry about the price tag

It's yikes when I think back on it.

Couple hundred € on a game I don't play anymore.
Couple thousand € on a game I still play.
Don't regret it, but I stopped spending.

I spent like $10 on Yugioh duels links for card sleeves and a mat
I figure I got more entertainment out of it than I do most games so I’m ok throwing a little bit of change thier way

I've spent around 40€ on Battlefield: Heroes, when I was 16 - 17 years old.
The game had some slight p2w elements, so it was needed. Also it was the only online game I was playing back then due to bad internet speeds.

I bought $100 worth of Quartz in FGO. I uninstalled afterwards and still hate myself.

About 15 dollars on Path of Exile, because stash tabs are mandatory if you play a lot.

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£40 for two waifus
I've played the game daily for two years so I don't feel bad, but I won't be doing it again hopefully

You are supposed to say what game user

20 or so bucks on shadowverse

Various small amounts on a a few random games.
$50 on TERA.
More than I'd ever admit on Second Life

I got Waver when he was still the best at least, but I feel so dirty.

fucking the fake loli neet is free

I would give my money to Anzu so she can spend it on F2P games

Almost 4k on FEH
Had an account get lost that I had spent 500 on as well

quick post good pregnancy doujins

I think I dropped like two dollars on that Badge Arcade game on 3DS. Oh yeah I got the basic pack on Pokemon Quest back when I played it decently often because I figured I was at a large disadvantage if I didn't do it. I've played DBZ Dokkan Battle for about four years now and never spend a dime on it. At this point my main account doesn't even allow for DS Summoning much less spending money for DS. It's fun that way.

I have but it was only because I played the game a lot and I wanted to give the developers some money for their work.


I paid like £4 for the gems to buy Alexstrazsa in Heroes of the Storm
I also spent £15 on a Tsareena GX Box to use Tsareena GX in Pokemon TCG Online, but you get physical cards with that so dunno if that counts.

That wasn't requested in the OP

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God fucking help me.

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>tfw too much of a jew to spend money pointlessly like that
And when I do I regret it for a long time and remind myself of it every time I'm about to spend money so I don't fall for dumb buying impulse.

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Why are neets always portrayed as skinny twinks

Spent a few dollars on Dragon Keepsake Keys (basically lets you transmog items) after like 5000 hours on Runescape

>Almost 4k on FEH
>Had an account get lost that I had spent 500 on as well
>user had two accounts and spent money on both
What the fuck

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60 on maplestory over a decade ago.

For Feh and I have only spent money on the monthly deals which are like 20 dollars in Canada (I don't quite remember the cost.) I have started playing since last September and it was only in October I started buying those monthly deals so that makes it $100 plus the burger meal equalling $108.

He still is.

I've played Path of Exile since way way back and all in all I'm probably down about 600 bucks on it or so

Don't regret it though, still play the game and have played for many thousands of hours. New league in a few days!

Sort of, I've been playing GW2 since launch and always played casually, after about 5-years of playtime and because the game has no monthly fee I just decided to buy gold to get my first legendary which was Meteorlogicus, $200usd

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Didn't he get dethroned by that merlin fellow and some other chick?

$100-something on TF2 keys (to trade, not uncrate)
$30 on Path of Exile stash tabs
That's it.

Only skin I ever spent real money when I still played League was DJ Sona when I still mained her. My dick took control of my wallet that day, and I don't regret it.

Also stomping all the dumbasses who just played her because the skin and had no idea how to actually play her was hilarious.

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I think i've spent something like 400-500€ on dota cosmetics

He's still the best for farming (which is like 99% of the game) because of his NP charges.

Spent $60 for the T-55AM-1 in Warthunder because it's my tankfu.

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>Year of our Lord 2019
>Not having enough kscopes for Merlin to be sufficient for your farming
>Having to tap skills twice for 20% NP instead of once
Merlinlet cope

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I spent $10 on vault chests in Realm of the Mad God. Also bought a $50 bundle of vaults + characters, but it wasn't with my own money so it doesn't count. One of my friends shouted me out of the blue one day.

Yeah, I guess he'd still be great with all his skills.

In any case, I am glad I got off that ride. I really liked a bunch of the new servants and the ost was really good, but I don't think it's worth the bad parts all things considered.

I have 2MLB kscopes and I still use Waver since he lets servants with 50% NP charge like Ishtar NP twice. Get fucked, waverlets.

You've got it backwards. I got Merlin but no Waver. It sucks not having Waver for events because you gotta use the event CEs to stay efficient.

Like 2k or 3k on FGONA

I spent a few hundred on Sonic Runners before it died in order to get all the characters

buy all characters pack (2 games) for a grand total of 30 burgers

I've spent ~20k on FGO.

I don't miss a rate up, I did have to sell my car to pay my credit card bill though. Not sure what I'm going to do when that money runs out

but I have both

Dota - the first ever Compendium shit
HotS - Bought Desert Zagara Skin the moment it was released and it was ages before 2.0 update came (aka lootboxes).
BangDream - 60 usd worth of stars due them releasing the persona event too early than expected.
Fortnite - Season 4 Battle Pass, despite not actually playing the game.

*improves your cun*

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Living off 2 cup noodles a day will do that to you

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>I sold my car for a phone game
Are you at least aware of your gambling problem, or will you insist it's not gambling?

wait is that a boy?

About £3k on Tera and about £500 on Warframe.

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Cars are overrated and too expensive to maintain and keep fueled.

Nice improvements

Stop breathing.

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i can't do that sorry

It’s not gambling since I can’t make a profit out of it you mouth breather

And Gatcha shit is any better?!?!?!?!?!?

That's not what I'm saying.

Dude, it's one thing to spend $20,000 on a stupid phone game and not have it affect your finances because you have a bunch of money you aren't spending on anything else.

If you're spending money you don't have and selling your car to make up for it, you have a serious mental illness and self destructive lifestyle.

You're dumping bags of cash in the toilet. The servers will be shut down in 3-4 years. There is no return on your investment, and you're paying to grind because there is no end game.

cute and funny!


made a few hundred steam funbucks and roughly 130 bucks in real world money

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Genuinely, why? What could possibly be worth it for that? Do you run a youtube channel and make videos to show off the latest updates to the game and make money off that at least?

Yeah, it always comes off Christmas gift cards since I’m a cheapskate though. $13 on LLSIF to push through an event, random increments on Transformice (including a 15 dollar name change only for them to give every existing account a free one when they switched to the tag system), some scraps on TERA for cosmetics on characters I ended up deleting anyways... no huge whale chunks, but I’m sure it’s added up

I dont believe if you but if you are genuine post your FC so I can leech off your whale servants

I spent $100 on skins for LoL because I was playing with friends at the time

It's a mental illness preyed upon by the game's design.

Somewhere there is a disconnect in these people's brains that if they
>push button
>money is stolen

and so they don't feel the consequence of doing it. I'm willing to bet that if people had to physically hand cash over to make a transaction, they'd be less likely to rack up debts like this.

not until I've cummed inside this onahole

I want to know specifically from his point of view though.

I'm not wasting a cent on your mom lol

I bought the Warframe founders pack.

I honestly forgot how much it was that was like what 6 years ago? A couple hundred I think.

Still have an assload of platinum and my gold excalibur makes all the pussy wet.

Yep, several hundred bucks on FGO across its lifespan on banners that interested me. I spend like 3-4 big packs a year. I got all I wanted. Yes I know there's no return investment here, I have cash that I can chuck into the gacha, but I will not do it for just any banner.

3 big packs this year:
>summer Nero

If I dont get them, welp, that's that. I accept that it's just gambling for jpegs.

>spending money on a censored game

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>he bought

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whos this lil c*nny bunny

Why dont you ask iqdb?

I dont like niggers, so whitewashing Emiya is ok by me.

I didn't want to fap tonight, op. yet you post this? I know that you posted it specifically to force me to masturbate. you're cruel, op, and I hope you're happy with yourself

Her name is not important

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Student Council Prez from Girls und Panzer. Forgot her name.

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Because I don't want to be put on a watch list for using a search engine to find a delicious little treat.

Anzu Kadotani

Thank you user!, She really is a cutie


I've though about it but then I remember that games are bad and I refrain from spending any money.

I wanna use anzu as kirsti bait

spent $15 on south park phone destroyer.
got 1000 coins, 500 premium cash & two imp tweeks (epic cards)

also, love the ending of the campain mode lol

I have a friend who starts to play free to play games, decides he likes it, drops 30-60$ on bullshit, then stops playing a week later.

This has happened at least a dozen times. It's sad really.

The VIP Pass on Idle Poring and 30 Paid SQ on FGO for the guaranteed gacha. Those are the only times I've spent money on f2p games.

20 euros on Clash Royale, i kind of regret it.

Too bad

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I want to c____ in the c____

>spent 80$ on KanColle
>its fucking dead now
RIP in potatoes my beloved fleet ;_;

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lamo deserved it fucking retard shoulda invested more in c* like ChadzurLane

Yeah sure, I try to spend $20-50 on any F2P game I really enjoy as a way to pay back the devs.

I've also spent a couple hundred at least on SL.

It's not dead at all.
It's only a matter of proportions.
There are more ironic weebs in the states gobbling up Chinklane cock, than players on a JP only phone game

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Why am I so addicted to cute smooth 2d anime feet?

what happened?
before you would see people post about shimakaze but now you don't even see her anymore

It's because you're on your way to true enlightenment

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yeah I bought the initial battlepass on fortnite.
I think that's the only one though

Game stagnated. Personally I think they had the advantage that they were a few years early to the whole gacha party which made them so successful, but there were a couple of things in the game that were just bad mechanics or art that other gachas did better. And they were too afraid or lazy to make any big changes, so people eventually moved on to better games like Azur Lane.

only 5$ on world of warships for the closed beta access that was on humble bundle couple years ago

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~$400 on Hearthstone, used to buy 60 packs at each new expac. No more though.

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I spent $10 bucks in path of exile for stash space

a few bucks on Azure Lane, its the only mobile game ive ever played consistently for more than a few months so i feel ok supporting the devs even a little bit

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So you admit that you are, without chance at any payoff, burning through money at an rate, which threatens your very existence?
What makes you think, you are in a position calling others mouth breathers?

Probably $20~ on Girls' Frontline.

yes, for runescape membership

Yes, about 20$ in total on Realm of the Mad God for extra character slots and vault space

Path of Exile
You can play without stash tabs but its a pain in the ass. The $60 felt justified since it's an actual game I enjoy and its not like the stash tabs expire unlike purchases in some f2p games, I keep them indefinitely. So, I just look at it like purchasing a game anyways.

Spent 20 bucks on Azur Lane so I could get a skin and wedding rings

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like 150 eur on LoL
like 150 eur on BDO (kind of f2p i guess?)
I think that's it, honestly nowadays even the B2P or sub based games have a cash shop and i wouldn't be surprised most people spent more on those than on F2P titles.

Writing this, jesus christ the absolute state of our hobby, anons

watch out trannie jannies are on their suicide watch

what is this pose called? it makes me harder than diamonds

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Around $70 in Kancolle for extra ship slots. Spread over a year, so I don't feel bad.

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>buying gold
>not buying the legendary directly which costs a fucking fraction
it's true that people with money have no idea how to spend it

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I tried to do that
after 1 month I started shitting blood and stopped

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Pretty sure I’ve spent $1500+ on league, feels kinda bad but been playing for 5 years and have over 6000 games so I warrant it as worth to not want to kms

It is the "loli presenting herself" pose

After hundreds of hours of Warthunder the grind finally cracked me and I spent 7€ on some wheeled scout car.
Then I never touched the game again.

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i'm small time compared to many others but i've spent about $300 in Path of Exile, maybe $200 in R6S (which is not even F2P but still, games as a service is a cruel mistress). bits and pieces all over but thats the most i can think of right now for single games.

hell knows about subscriptions, played FFXI for 5 years straight, and another 5+ years on and off, i don't wanna add it up.

bought a few stash tabs on Path of Exile

paying for anything in a f2p game that isn't functional makes you financially retarded

She isn't a loli though.

bought the founder's pack in paladins because i thought hirez were doing something good but it turned out shit like everything they do.

>he spent money on mobatrash

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10 bucks on war thunder for pay to win tank shit

Roughly spent $300 on TF2, and I bought it before it was free

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Yes. I spent about $100 on maplestory, and maybe another $250 on getting a complete card collection for the tcg for it.

I spent some money on runescape too, back in the day for membership, wasn't worth it.
I've spent google opinion reward money on dokkan pulls but I don't consider that money spent, really, I wouldn't use it on anything else.

Yeah I know she's 18*, but as the saying goes, what matters is what's outside, not inside

I put about $90 into firefall

CSGO, I only bought a black skin for my Glock because I thought that Glocks would look better if they were black.

She doesn't look like a loli in that image though.
You might as well be calling Megumin from Konosuba a loli. You'd be laughed at.

>Megumin from Konosuba
She looks like a long loli, yeah

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I fucking hate anime, Japan loves to use anime as a biological weapon against the west. They love producing trash to you filthy westerners.

she's seventeen you nerd

Shhh, she's 18* (for legal reasons).

Spent $20 on Realm of the Mad God.
I earned about $20 trading and farming items and selling them for real world money so I broke even.
>except the cost of time spent
Eh, the time spent was autistic but I liked it.


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Probably 500~600 on Shadowverse. I can justify it because I put over 3k hours into the game.

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Ye, feet

nice brapperino

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Path of Exile $10 currency tab + some other shit

I spent around 200$ on Path of Exile. Mostly on supporter packs so I could buy stash tabs.

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Approximately 1.5k+ on hearthstone
$300 on hero of the storm
$500 on battlefield free to play
$1k on home on the PS3

Ok, now this is based


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somebody post the brap edit

The first three I can kind of understand. Not quite how much, but I get the why.

But WHY THE FUCK did you spend $1000 on PS Home?