Play Serah's game
Play Serah's game
For a moment there I thought that to be an Astolfo cosplay.
>play Serah's game
I already did ~8 years ago. It was great.
I'll play her game instead
too bad the port is beyond ass
XIII-1 and XIII-2 are some of the worst ports I have ever played. LR is a bit better but when you go from 1080p to 4k or even 1440p the game is pretty much unplayable.
Feels bad the people don't fully appreciate how fucking good Caius and his theme is.
Already did, it wasn't that great
Absolutely kino.
So you lurk FF threads too now, aceman
I post in them at times.
i'd rather play her armpits if you know what I mean
at least XIII runs at 60fps most of the time(even though it forcefully caps at 30 in certain locations), XIII-2 you barely even get 30.
I'm pretty sure there was a very obscure registry tweak that you could use to fix that but it was even more obscure to make it work if you were on windows 10, I'm getting frustrated just thinking about it again.
is that a man?
XIII's port was worse than XIII-2's at the start and then they stole a fan fix to patch it up. Now LRXIII's port was actually great.
I forgot to add to that but there is absolutely no way to play LR in ACTUAL exclusive full screen if I remember correctly.
you can remove the frame pacer but it will desync cut scenes and some other problems occur.
>pirate PS3 version with DLC
>DLC equipment is invisible
Fuck this gay earth. I just wanted my fucking bikini Serah. Is the game still worth playing for the actual gameplay?
the ports are bad because nips don't care about PC mustard race and SE hates Westerners. We are just pay pigs to them.
>DLC equipment is invisible
What, why?
But I am. I think I like it more than XIII already.
I installed the DLC before the update because I'm fucking retarded. Deleting those files and reinstalling isn't doing any shit, so I probably need to redownload the game.
Too much of a hassle for just bikini tits
B-but what about the bikini tits then?
the rain effect is horrible tho
XIII is the only final fantady game that I just dropped and never returned to.
I can't imagine its sequels are any better.
Until LR, Serah surprisingly had the biggest breasts of the sister duo.
Change my mind.
show some dedication for you waifu you pleb
the lack of fanmodded outfits for this game is offensive.
I bought XIII 2 during the Square sale and now I'm worried I made a mistake seeing people talking about how horribly it performs
How good is your rig?
Fairly good, runs pretty much every new game at high settings at 60fps on a 1080p monitor still
it won't matter how good your PC is, there are hard caps coded into the game.
I keep trying but I get bored at the Archylte Steppe every time and end up dropping it.
There is a fan patch for it.
I think there is
I did, but I was hoping you could get her original outfit.
What you're implying isn't true.