5 outfits

>5 outfits
>7 epilouges
>game unlocks 1 per playthrough
>i have to play RE3 7 times

I mean i'll do it i guess but damn RE3

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RE3 had such great fucking outfits compared to RE2. Leon's alt costumes sucked, and Claire's was only alright. Police girl Jill and disco Jill are kino, on the other hand.

daily reminder that the RE3 will have Jill running around in braids and a burka, so Capcom could avoid bad PR with the vocal internet roasties and neckbeard orbiters.

Pretty sure Capcom dont care about showing off skin m8

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RE3 didn't had the RE1 police outfit for Jill as an unlockable?

It's honestly kind of funny you think Capcom gives a fuck what roasties think.

Yes. It didn't look that great though.

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oh there it is, I know I wasn't imagining it.
I wish there was an easy way to play RE3 now aside from original hardware. The sound is fucked up on Donphin, and the items turn invisible in the menus. EPCSX crashes on me and it doesn't look that great being the most low resolution version in a LCD display. PC port is just a mess but it has the best texture resolution...

There are a ton of ways to play RE3 though. Its on PS1, its on Dreamcast, its on Gamecube, it had a PC release, its available on PS3 store digitally and emulates fantastically on that. You could do any one of those methods.

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I was talking exclusively about emulation and how it has its problems, specificaly to RE3. People say its doable with an older version of dolphin, I might check that out.

oh right. Yeah do dolphin i guess. People keep talking about something called "sourcenext" versions for PC with texture mods but i have no idea what that means or is.

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Choose Jill's outfit for RE3make. It's a 2 for me.

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RE3 Jill is unironically the most iconic and easily recognisable outfit Capcom have ever made for RE. It still gets used in spinoff games or refrences to this day, why change it? Its a perfect design.

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2 with the jacket from 4 in her waist

>Jill costume for Cammy
>the hair doesn't change

why? they did it for Laura with Gloria's costume...

3 or 4
4 is kind of the most tacticool and reminds me of Leon from RE4
3 looks the most like she was just out on the town and has an 80's look I like

How's this

>starts game as 1
>loses jackets running from Nemesis or some bullshit, becomes 2
>bit later, finds her jacket where she lost it, wraps it around her waist

yeah, something like that would be cool.
As long as I can unlock/buy the RE1 STARS outfit...

It shouldn't have been for Cammy at all
>not blonde for a start
>actually a cop
>23 in SFII
>Jill Valentine
>a cop
>23 in RE1-3
>they literally made the joke back in Gem Fighters

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Chun's bodytype is too much for a Jill costume, it would look weird.
