What do you like to eat while you're playing video games, Yea Forums?

What do you like to eat while you're playing video games, Yea Forums?

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Nothing, can't focus on games while eating

>playing video games, Yea Forums

Creamy brie with soft salt crackers.That shit is delicious, and classy.

Ur mom lol

ham and cheese sandwiches

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Whatever I eat while playing games just disappears in an instant. If I kept getting snacks I'd way overeat. So just drink water and focus on games.


A can of beans

>drink water
what a faggot

third worlder with no access to clean water detected

I'll have you know only the coolest people stay hydrated during their gaming sessions.
Don't you wanna be cool?

>another thread invaded by waterfags

I hope you know I was just joking. A play on the word "cool" and acting like it's a big deal that I drink water. Please tell me there aren't people who actually believe there's a "waterfag" subculture that invades threads about food

I'm water cooled unlike your PC


Crummy pails of water

>americans can't take breaks to eat, they gobble down bacon infused cornsyrup in the middle of a gaming session.
A wonder evolution didn't give you goblins a third arm yet.

Nothing. I don't eat while I'm playing videogames because i'm not a fucking slob.

Absolutely obsessed.

Chinese food. Or any fast food really. Its usually with a jrpg because I can't imagine playing a fast paced game and eating at the same time without creating a mess.

The tears of waifu shitters i bash in every night.


>Nothing. I don't eat while I'm playing videogames because i'm not a fucking slob.

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i don't play vidya

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Stay mad and fat, 3rd worlders.

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Yogurt covered peanuts are my new jam

>doesnt even know what third world means

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Mad? You brought up America out of nowhere, because you can't stop thinking about it. Stay upset and obsessed.

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kino gamer fuel

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Usually a large mug of tea. Sometimes candy.
Also peanuts or cashew nuts, although then I risk getting spice mix all over my keyboard.

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Chocolate, candies, sweets. Snacks like chips, cheetos, salted peanuts. Veggies with dip. Donuts.
I drink Pepsi Max for pretty much every situation and rarely anything else. Milk for breakfast but I don't eat breakfast every day.

cute and drinkpilled

Canada is less degenerate than america.


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definitely not

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>implying you dont want him to pin you down and shart in your mouth
its ok user

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Can't prove me wrong though.

Everyone always uses it wrong.
First world is the US, and everyone who was on the US side during the cold war. Britain and Nato and whatnot.
Second world is the USSR, and everyone on their side. Russia, China, former Soviet Block countries.
Third world is everyone else. Most of Africa and South America, but not all, and it also covers neutrals like Switzerland and Finland.

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no, i only have two hands plus i don't want to get the controller/keyboard/mouse dirty

Are you Not able to eat without getting everything dirty? Do you know where your mouth is?