ITT games where no matter how hard you try you can’t get the girl

ITT games where no matter how hard you try you can’t get the girl

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What's the story here?

Real life

>dude saves girls life
>gets cucked by his best friend
>she shows up years later with a kid
People got pretty mad about that ending. I dropped that shit 3 episodes in.

The guy was in coma during years after spending half of the show saving her ass.
She married his friend when he was at the hospital at the end. Yea Forums was mad as hell

More like games that setup a romance but shipers completely ignore it.

No such game exists. I get the girl in every game I play. Even in multiplayer.

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Guy saves girlfriend from a serial killer. Killer makes Guy end up in 15 year coma and girlfriend fucks his trap friend.

Oh, I know one like that.

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>the whole villain's motivation for killing
Kek, who wrote that shit?

30 year old man time travels 20 years in the past to save a school friend who got murdered (which subsequently led to him being framed for his mother's murder in present day)
Angry spergs think it makes sense for a 10 year old to be a love interest


The source didn't ship her with MC, he was happy that 2 people he saved were doing well.


what was it I don't remember?

Real life.

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>Even in multiplayer.
Hope you're into NTR, if you run into me.

idiot should have punched the whore but animu weebs love their self insert cucking

>what was it I don't remember?
Something about he can only live if he fucks over the MC or some shit.

Reminder that people shipped a 29 year old time traveler with a 10 year old.

any games for this feeling?

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What's wrong with that?

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>that nigger on the couch

You cheeky motherfucker

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This one.

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Self insert retards got mad about the ending. It was never about love, he just wanted to save the girl

>motive is basically “filling a void in his heart” for the most of the show

>last episode reveals that he’s in love with the protagonist that saved his victims, and almost committed a murder suicide.

Maybe people would be fine with that if they also included the pizza girl more, because in the manga she's the love interest.
It's just a shitty adaptation.

Why? Are you afraid I'll steal you away?

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God i love this anime. Some of the heaviest feels i have ever had watching anything. I am incapable of crying for this stuff, but it would be my top 3 or so most emotional animes. Number 1 must be Steins gate tho.

brandon is the greatest cuck of all time