Anthem can crash your console

What went so fucking wrong?

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Proof? Like, actual live proof. Not one guy's reddit post

Great game EA 10/10 I'm a biodrone now.

Check the comments of the video
there are a fuck ton of people that say their console either froze midgame, crashed or got a black screen and had to pull the plug to restart it

>game crashes
stop the presses

you forgot put 'the console' in that greentext

God what a fucking shitshow
Why the fuck hasn't EA given up on Bioware yet?

People who bought this garbage deserve it to be desu

Sony is giving refunds to Anthem owners because of it.

Fucking Sony.

And here I was thinking of getting this game in a few months just to dust off my ps4
Guess I'll stick to pc then

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>considering getting an fps on a console
>considering paying for multiplayer when you don't have to
I like my Sony and Nintendo consoles but you might be retarded.

The walking simulator that's the hubworld doesn't count


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don't you aim and shoot guns like destiny? how is this game played? i thought it was an actual destiny clone

gameplay is more like Warframe but with ironman suit that flies

This is what happens when 80% of your workforce is artists and idea guys.

Isnt warframe an fps too? It's in third person

>bioware's last game is going to be a shitty loot shooter that bricks consoles

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It's crashing on PC too. PSU failure.


Note: PC and Xbox players are also affected

This is fucking hilarious

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>even THINKING about supporting this atrocity, and their makers with a single cent

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Hey I thought that maybe it'll get better like Destiny
Having a lot of doubts now

>it'll get better

How about buying any one of the literal THOUSANDS of games that are already finished and doesn't need to "get better", instead of paying for unfinished products?

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