Can we have a thread where we laugh at how fucking bad Games Journalists are at their jobs?

Can we have a thread where we laugh at how fucking bad Games Journalists are at their jobs?

Starting with this classic:

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Other urls found in this thread:

US GAMERS amirite???

does anyone have the webm of the blogger failing the tutorial level in cuphead vs a pigeon solving a puzzle?

It's weird how "journalists" of other hobbies at least try to know and be good at what they're writing about, while game "journalists" don't know Jack shit about the game they're reviewing.
It makes me sad that companies hear to what they have to say, because those pieces of trash don't even pay for the games they "review".

Imagine working on a game for 4 years only to have some piece of shit journalist play it for 2 hours, not understand the controls, and slap a big fat 6/10 on the game you worked every weekend for the last year to make.

Having been an indie game "journalist" for a few years in the past, I can assure you that however bad you guys think they are at games, they're actually worse at them. One of the worst things in the world, and also simultaneously one of the most fun, is being stuck in a launch party with them with all the free booze and food.

I've never seen a games journalist that wasn't an indie-smaller site person even touch a controller at one of these things. And the few times I've had, let's just say the alcohol wasn't needed for a fun night.

Journalism is not a respected profession, regardless of subject.

Is it that braindead easy to become one, or is it all nepotism?

I thought games journalist is the job you get if you can't make it as a real journalist.

Game journalists are often losers that couldn't cut in other fields so they settled for videogames because of the low barriers of entry, which they have no respect for and regularly try to make their job political so it seems more respectable in their eyes, all the while regularly shitting on people that make, enjoy playing and actually give a shit about games.
Game journalists are some of biggest fuckups out there, I miss when gaming wasn't big enough to support people like this and only passionate people got into it for the love of it.

>game journalist parties aren't just massive LAN parties and console booths for round robin fighting game tournaments

It doesn't surprise me but I'm still disappointed.

>implying games journalists can read let alone write an article that isn't a buzzfeed tier list article

Btw any journalistfags wanna explain why the fuck list articles are everywhere nowadays?

I miss having a typewriter.

Its gone to the point that even warzone reporters are hated rather than hailed as heroes.

How can I be a game journalist? I want to be paid for my shitposts

Be parent of someone in charge.
Also be a loser for not being able to get a real job.

How can I be a parent if I’m a loser you dunkass?

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There's plenty of indie sites looking, but if you want to go to these events you have to live in the right cities. Usually you'll be writing for free and when you get reviews most sites let you keep the review copy. It takes about 30mins to write 1000 words so it's not a bad trade-off.

Your best bet would be just to open your own site though, it's not that hard to whip up a half-decent WP theme, though hosting costs are pretty bad.

If you wanna write for a bigger site it's definitely nepotism. Usually people go from games journalist to games PR agent, at least in my country.

I think PR agents know games journalists don't play games and so don't waste their time. There was an event for Killzone 3 (or was it 2, the PS3 one) where games journalists literally ran into walls when forced into a tournament. I placed second or third to some regular people that won a competition to attend.

>attached is an invite to a launch party

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If you want that, you have to go to game dev parties. The last one I went to literally just turned into a smash tournament drinking game, shit was lit.

Not webm, sorry, but Youtube video.

i like this post because Yea Forums will accept everything you say wholesale without a shred of proof because it confirms an existing bias, all while they pretend they are super discerning consumers.


I'm not a journalist but my theory is that they practically write themselves, anybody could compile a list of top ten whatevers in video games and throw a few in-jokes around to pad it out. It also creates an easy avenue for engagement in the form of comment sections (people saying that number six should be number one, honorable mentions, etc.) in order to make subsequent articles even easier to write. It also creates a perfect format for placing banner ads in between each list item, further maximizing the ratio of labor-to-revenue. In short, it's laziness, ad revenue, and the commodification of content into bite-sized chunks for easier digestion.

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weren't they the ones who fucked up the tutorial to cuphead

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Listicles get more clicks, why waste time writing something noone will read?
I am this guy

The Cuphead thing is honestly stupid. Yes, that was gameplay from a journalist, but not a game journalist. They've talked about games occasionally, but like 80% of their articles or more aren't related to games at all. Yeah, it's pretty dumb that they aren't even capable of beating the tutorial to a game, but they aren't really a gamer and constantly using that as an example of muh games journalists is just being disingenuous. There are plenty of better examples of games journalists being retarded.

ands thats why nobody should give a damn about scores
gay shit

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I can see why people complaining about artificial difficulty is so common now. Most of them have the reflexes and dexterity of a toddler.

How? My 3 year old nephew likes playing cuphead even though he's not good at all (hands don't reach all the buttons), and he could make it past that part of the tutorial without problems.

>writing for free


the fact that there are fucking faggots on this website that cite Metacritic like the fucking bible shows how programmed these fucking people are.
>MFW I can make good judgement's on games simply by looking at some gameplay and forming my own gut feeling opinion on it.
>usually am not wrong.

The only negative is that I miss out on games I would probably like but strictly out of principle will avoid because the gameplay looks nothing worth of note like most of the Sony exclusive movie games Ive seen.

>>being disingenuous
>being unable to read a 4 word instruction
>being bested by a fucking pigeon
>>being disingenuous
kill yourself dean

Why does Mr. Journalist think that playing offline is a bad thing?

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I lost all the images but the best one for me of all time was when Jim Sterling did a review of Halo wars and had obviously not played it. They then looked at his profile and it had like 1 hour played. They even had to correct the article but neglected to mention the 1 hour thing.

You are not prepared.

i seriously cant believe anyone from this place trust scores
we have too many zoomers nowadays

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Appropriate time for this image.

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meanwhile, at 2000s valve hq:
>we originally had a section where you had to jump dash to get over a section, but one playtester spent half an hour just jumping and dashing separatel, so we removed it

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I haven't played DmC5. Is the some kind of difficulty requirement for the sound or?

Jimbo also called everyone who didnt like sonic 4 a manchild

there's no way that the player was actually trying
either he was pretending to be stupid so that dumb niggers would keep posting webms about him or he was actually addressing his twitchcast subfollowers while mindlessly mashing on the controls to keep them entertained

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Sometimes I wonder if valve play testers live past their twenties.

"Social Experiment"

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I don't get twitter drama, what's going on here?

>you cant reveiw a game unless youre good at games
>you cant review a michelin starred restuarant unless youre a michelin starred chef
>you cant review a book on the new york times bestseller list unless you have also written a book on the new york times bestseller list

Brainlet opinions. Just because I can't beat all the bosses in Dark Souls without summoning doesn't mean that my opinion that it is a 6/10 game is invalid. In fact, it makes my opinion even more valid as I don't have a sunk cost fallacy of effort put into the game.

>or is it all nepotism?

It's not nepotism, but you do have to subscribe to the right beliefs.

>One journalist points out how esports guys talk big about games, but won't cover stuff because muh clicks
>They don't really care about the FGC
>Says no one reads their articles cause they are shitty
>Promotes his own article on UNIst that is pretty decent

>Creature from the black lagoon comes in
>Says xers writing is amazing
>Tries to say his article is poorly researched

The fgc guy says journalists do shit coverage and only on the the most mainstream game and then complain that hardcore fgc players dont treat them like bastions of journalism.

IIRC the music starts to kick in the higher your style rating is.

Go advertise your shitty channel elsewhere.

Ian Walker is based and redpilled.

He doesn't. The tweet is from a dev of the game trying to justify being always online.

You can't review a game unless you're able to play them
You can't review a michelin star restaurant if you don't have taste buds
You can't review a book properly if you don't understand the language

Saying you need to be #MLGpro at vidya to be able to review them is wrong, but you need to have a basic level of competency in the subject to be able to project an opinion on them, this goes for everything
Lots of game journalists are literally just people who don't play games

Jesus how do these people live.

No it isn't, he is or was an editor at Polygon

Digital advertising and content aggregation is killing journalism, partially because clickthroughs are more valuable than content but also because everybody is getting news from aggregators, or social media platforms like Facebook or Google instead of host sites. Listicles were created for the sole purpose of getting the most clicks out of a reader, driving up ad revenue, except the business model turned into a bubble that lead parent companies thirsty for a fast buck to dump everything into digital, which is gutting newsrooms across the country because print is dying and digital content is being read elsewhere. Media literacy is the fucking worst it's ever been, mostly because there's no connection between readership/audience and publication anymore, but also because the relationship has been poisoned on so many levels it's practically impossible to freelance your way into the industry without connections.
Tl;dr I should've gone into cybersecurity instead of going through with my plans. This job isn't worth it anymore.

Aku no Hana
Holy fuck, that was a weird, unsatisfying trip.

That guy is genuinely that retarded. He also gave Mass Effect 1 a negative review because he somehow managed to finish the entire game without ever spending skill points.

If you can't ride a bike, maybe don't review bikes? If you can't drive a car, maybe let someone else review cars?

>It's weird how "journalists" of other hobbies at least try to know and be good at what they're writing about
That hasn't been true in a long time.

This is one of the difficulties of journalism in covering shit you're not associated with. An expert can write on a given subject with authority and clarity, but can't subtract their involvement with that subject from their content, thus creating an ethical conflict with bias, whereas a journalist who covers a subject without direct involvement only has their secondhand exposure to that subject, which affects their content by lacking context or nuance necessary for the audience to more completely understand the subject without being involved themselves.
Obviously the more time someone spends around a subject the better they understand it, but most games journalists don't have that as entertainment writers; they have to cover something and move on to the next thing, which leads to shit content.

Thats the way it goes for any artist. At least devs don't make 100% of the game so even though ffxv wasnt perfect, the music was amazing and deserves at least a 9

>review cars for a living
>test out a car with a manual transmission even though you don't know how to drive stick

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How about read a critic you like instead of a bunch of randos? Critics saved me so much money and I lost so much to shitty game I jadn't checked out before (paper mario sticker star still hurts)

You don't need to be some pro player to be able to review it, but if you're reviewing a book, it'd be a good idea to know you can actually read.

Who the fuck cares lmao

I'm pretty sure this guy was just too used to playing with mouse and was having a hard time adjusting to stick.

remember when an ign journo tried to catch a rose on a 2D screen with his hand

>equating a user to a creator
I know it's bait but I know someone who unironically believes this.

user I hope you know I've been watching this for the first time ever since you posted it and I keep taking breaks because it's so fucking dumb

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In my experience mostly opinionated idiots study journalism and any genuinely intelligent people interested in it stray away due to the field being such an over saturated shitshow. As a result there are no standards for quality outside of physical publications and major news website. Seriously, read a fucking gaming news article and count the basic grammatical errors. Not helping is the fact that gaming is one of the few hobbies someone can be objectively bad at. You can lack the ability to interpret a novel, but you can still describe it rather accurately

ian is still a massive kotaku faggot and watching chris g shit on him was hilarious.

I told you that you would not be prepared.

Actually they don't whenever you see a journalist that you think knows about the subject they're writing about it's usually because you know less than them but people who are familiar with the subject will decry that journalist

chris t.*

Jesus, this one still hurts to watch.

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This. The chorus requires you to get and maintain an S rank during combat.
This shows what the battle music is like as the player achieves higher style ranks

lmao it just keeps going

Fun Fact, the guy who made this somehow sneaked into an operating theatre for a video about how crystals cure everything.

How so?

This is like extra credits out of hell

Common knowledge since GG and le politics in the phillipines guy putting down all the people who actually played games.

He's definitely retarded, I've seen another hands on game preview from him and it's just as uncoordinated.

Problem is that Game Journalists are not Gamers.

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This is so retarded it wraps right around to being amazing

5 more (You)'s for my collection. Thanks retards.


That's Dean Takashi. He infamously was one of the reasons why Bioware cut the inventory system out of Mass effect 2 after he complained it was too difficult to use.

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>eventually figures out how to pass the big block
>couldn't even get through the first level after that

>Caring about (You)'s
There's more to life than that, my friend.

I used to wonder how some people could be so stupid and just ignore the huge holes in their theories and the fact that they were just trying to see patterns where none actually exist. Then I started playing team multiplayer games and there is someone in every game talking in all chat about how it's not their fault they lost even though they are 0/10 and it is all the fault on some other player who did 1 action at the start of the match 15 minutes ago. The human brain is retarded and you can convince it of whatever you want if you try hard enough.

Are objectively wrong opinions allowed here as well?

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just because your making a bad game journalist thread doesn't give you the right to shill your channel.
fuck off faggot

Vocals kick in when you hit S in the style meter and above.

Seriously though how do I get started on games journalism

>Dragons Dogma is the Dark Souls of Fantasy RPGs.
Wait, wouldn't that be Dark Souls?

My anger has ascended thanks to this article and soon the earth will crack.

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>Hello Kotaku, I would like to be a video game journalist. I'm not above sucking dick for a living so I think you'll be satisfied with my overall performance.

Start getting HRT (you can buy the drugs cheap on amazon) and spend roughly 6 hours per day mirroring their political opinions on twitter.

You don't. There's Gematsu for news and Yea Forums for video game opinions. We don't need anything else.

When the fuck did ''gaming journalist'' even become so rampant?
Last I've heard about it back in 2004~2008 or so, it was all about them actually writing some spoiler free review of games inside these gaming magazines. And I always thought it was cool because they always managed to make the games they described as interesting as possible without spoiling any of the story elements.

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Looking different is not a fucking argument for Aku no Hana. Look at Masaaki Yuasa's stuff. He has a distinctive style as well, uses techniques similar to rotoscoping (I'm not even sure if the straight out rotoscopes or not) and yet his stuff looks a hundred times better.

>you cant review a book on the new york times bestseller list unless you have also written a book on the new york times bestseller list
It's more accurate to say that you can't review a book if you're functionally illiterate

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>flawed logic
Damn all that's missing i-
>food analogy

Ahhh there it is.

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>5.5 in graphics
Literally how could anyone think 32-bit 2D DS graphics are in any way bad or "GBA-esque"?

>John Flynt
Didn't read.

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If that's the case then the high production scene isn't where you want to be, any game with a lot of money behind it will be picked apart and made in the safest way for the best returns, (some exceptions of course). It's best to follow the people who shy away from the limelight as there is less incentive to exploit their position for more attention.

A serious answer would be
1 - Most of these websites have a possibility to submit your own thought pieces. If you're accepted, that's a way in, assuming it gets a decent amount of views
2 - Something that sets you apart. For example, when Yahtzee started out, he made two videos on youtube, got hired by the Escapist and increased their viewership by 500% I believe.
3- Experience in gaming. Either as a dev or having worked in a vidya company.
4- Degree in Journalism or some made up Media course.
5- Possibly most important, networking. Know the right people and you get anywhere in life.

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Jesus fucking christ. I could sort of excuse the Polygon playing Doom since I don't play FPS's with a controller so I'd likely look the same, but this is inexcusable.

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tl;dr What he said

this makes me unreasonably angry

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>I've never ridden a rollercoaster before, the gameplay

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>try to sound profound
>end up sounding retarded

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/r/ing the kotaku dr.seuss image

Is it weird that I enjoyed Gone home on a a pretentious wanker level, but can still realise it's a piece of pretentious wank?

>"The MAJOR Problem in Cuphead We Aren't Addressing - Click Here"
So this is why most modern games have to hold you by the dick.

>without a shred of proof

The DK tropical freeze gamespot Wii U review still baffles me

His entire article sounds like he only played the first world and his "Every level follows the same set up" comment still makes no sense

well what is your take on someone reviewing a competitive game then? should they not need to have a competent encompassing understanding of the game's mechanics? if not, then what the hell are they reviewing?

it's the same as a game like cuphead: if you can't jump and dash, you are FAR too bad to objectively critique the game. i would even go to say that in order for your review to actually have meaning, you should have an interest in the genre too.. for example, you shouldn't have someone that resents RTS review a game like starcraft: of course they're going to not like it given the core mechanics of the genre. it's the same with someone that hates platformers reviewing cuphead.

personally, when I'm looking for reviews I try to find what I listed above, normally in steam reviews: competent, passionate, and encompassing.

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can someone accurately and competently review xenosaga 2 if they're gay?

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>the pause at 1:06 where he calls someone over to tell him how to do it

yes. the titfanservice isnt what makes the game great.

you should play it.

>Wu then edited Wikipedia to say Samus was trans.
>Citing his own article as proof.
>Protested that Wikipedia is transphobic.
Clown world.

>the harmful idea that transgender women only have societal value in their sex appeal
I don't think many people hold this ideal at all actually.

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It bothers me that some people still consider this man a legitimate game journalist

Unironically yes. You can personally find their review bad or whatnot if they hate it because of the titties, but sure they can.

then people calling dean fagatashi illegitimate because he can't make a jump are idiots

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I don't know if it's just my brain trying to cope, but I still refuse to believe this was a genuine person doing this.

Only if we can have a thoughtful conversation where it's not just children spewing shit, but something new and interesting is actually learned with wit and wait too late

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Shit dude, you really destroyed everyone by finding a poster that would answer your bait question in the affirmative, you got us.

No you don't, typewriters are trash and every time I have to use one at work I want to kill myself

If you told someone unfamiliar with this whole situation, you could easily lie and say that it's a monkey learning how to play a game.

>I don't think many people hold this ideal at all actually.
They don't. Wu just has a coy "kyaa don't look at me silly boys" gripe and has projected that onto the identity of transwhatevers.

they can copy pasted without credit and no one will care and it's impossible to prove the original source anyway, and you don't have to fact check a list of opinions

But user, they're just saying that the guy's reviews are bad because of what he's complaining about. He can still review things
Also this is just my opinion and not theirs, don't be retarded on purpose

why would you think those are mutually exclusive?


he's telling the truth, i work with him


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Wow! Now that's deep.

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>i cornered someone in a badly worded logical trap, I win
A fag can review Xenosaga 2 because appreciation of tits is just one aspect of the game and a nonessential one at that. I wouldn't trust that same poof to review straight pornography though.

One thing I found out is that criticizing games (or movies actually) is really easy because you can make the most vague statements and not clarify them. Things like
>The story is terrible
>The controls are bad
>Stage design is bad
>There's so much untapped potential
>The developers should have just worked on this game another couple years to polish it up
And sometimes these vague complaints are even true, but when they don't follow it up with examples it infuriates me.

Greentexting + reaction image isn't an argument dude

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>logical trap
are you fucking delusional, why do you think i'm so machiavellian retard? i just asked a fucking question and responded to the guy

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I don't know how anybody can take game journos seriously

I'll always think of that rock band 4 preview where the writer was too busy sniffing his own farts instead of talking about the game itself as the prime example. While it rarely gets that fucking bad, I feel like I see people an article in that same vein of "pompous retard desperately tries to justify their job instead of just reviewing/previewing a game, doing a normal interview, etc." at least once a month.

>Fuck you retard blah blah
Stop 'pretending' to be retarded

I've never understood the need for video game journalists anyways. I know what I like and there are plenty of resources to check to know if it fits within my tastes. Why would I need some asshole to decide what video games are good for me?

The only thing you need to look at to know journos are just as big pieces of shit now as they were 5 years ago is that every single big name involved in the events of gg still parade around as journos and act like nothing happened

>Nathan Grayson
>Ben Kuchera

I mostly just can’t find a central repository for gaming news beyond Yea Forums. You guys generally regurgitate shit enough that if I happen to find an interesting nugget I can follow up myself. The rest of the time no one provides anything enough that I’ll frequent their website.

It’s like gamefaqs. It’s a 20 year old corpse of a platform, and we could do WAY better than the text based faqs they’ve produced over the years, but does anyone come up with a better platform? Nope.

>I can't beat all the bosses in Dark Souls without summoning
That's sad if you've been playing games the majority of your life and definitely does invalidate any official rating you try to assign it. I don't even like DaS that much either.


it's 8am on a monday morning and i'm single and friendless at a dead end 8 to 5 wagie. why the fuck do you think i would pretend to be retarded

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why don't you incels just leave these journalists alone and get a life

My parents have hardly played vidya and they figured this out pretty quickly. I've played vidya with genuinely mentally retarded children and they don't get this confused by simple maneuvers.

Vidya journalists and playtesters are indifferent to vidya or outright hate the medium. They mistake their own total removal from the well established controls and accepted rules of design of the medium for the average player's experienced skill and understandings.

Game journos are just like car journos, and both of them have ruined their respective "fields". Same thing in the car field, 90% of those sniveling journos are pasty nu-males who live in urban zones and don't drive or like cars regardless, but their opinion is taken as gold and manufacturers stuff cars full of bullshit to appeal to their complaints.

This is intentional, right?

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that's not the argument being put forward retard
jesus christ it is always the extremes ends of the argument with stupid cunts like yourself
it's like you can;t even think beyond the extremes, let alone rub two brain cells together for that matter

Nobody. NOBODY is saying you need to be a professional gamer to review shit, but is it really that unreasonable to believe the person reviewing this shit is at the very least a hobbyist who plays vidya in their down-time?
Of course daft cunts like you would call that unreasonable just to shit on people who want trustworthy people on the job

holy shit just take this (You) and get the fuck out of here and never come back

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>and act like nothing happened
nah they still whinge on about how they were persecuted by anime avatars on twitter five years ago

siliconera is good.

I was more referring to them all spending years making definitive statements that there is no collusion in games journalism and it's a conspiracy theory, and it's just a massive coincidence that all the major sites always agreed with each other and posted very similar articles to each other within hours on the same day. Then gamejournopros was revealed to exist, so they have absolutely zero integrity and there's no way anyone with a brain could believe them ever again.

honestly I'm half convinced it is because journos have this fucktarded huge hateboner for sonic and desperately push the "sonic was never good" meme so hard they'll even shit on the genesis games. I guarantee you that one webm of some fucker falling through emerald coast in SA was rehearsed. I won't defend how buggy that game is but that isn't possible to do if you're playing normally, you have to go out of your way to cause that to happen.

This is 100% correct.

Most games journalists see video games as just "video games so its for kids," which is why they cling so desperately to shit with a cinematic story or whatever to justify their occupations in their own eyes, yet at the same time will deride gamers for being entitled because "lul its just a game grow up incel!"

There are actually really passionate people in the industry, it's just that their reputation gets fucking tanked by the shitters that can't play games and have to rush through them as fast as possible to pop out a review in a mad rat race to the absolute fucking bottom.

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>>you cant review a book on the new york times bestseller list unless you have also written a book on the new york times bestseller list
you cant review a book unless you know how to read

>this book has too many words and having too many words is a sign of a ancient bigoted times where books were only made for those toxic readers that know how to read

Memeing on how much he sucks at Cuphead and video games is fine and all but the guy has enough of a history doing actual journalistic coverage that I'm not gonna fuss about his job despite him clearly not being qualified for hands-on demoing (which he wasn't even supposed to do to begin with).

cut your own balls off then start to see a lot of child porn

>not qualified for hands-on demoing
Not qualified to play video games or be trusted to put the round block in the round hole if that footage is anything to go by. He has a history of jounralistic coverage in games that is all retroactively called into question because of how OBVIOUSLY UNFAMILIAR the man is with games.

Is that a lie though? Is it really?

>"dude holy shit can you believe that there's a hidden group where journos interact with each other?!"
no fucking shit they exist. how do you think journos keep in touch when they have to review unreleased online games that have literally no players?

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>no fucking shit they exist
They all stated that it didn't exist. It did, and they lied. They have no integrity. You are exactly like the people who spent all of the 2000s calling anyone who said the NSA had comprehensive domestic spying programs 'conspiracy theorists' and then when PRISM was definitively revealed through the Snowden leaks went, "well OF COURSE that kind of shit existed, what are you dumb lmao". Get cancer.

journalistic coverage isn't the same as reviewing and critiquing, retard.

>(which he wasn't even supposed to do to begin with)
It just bothers me that he wasn't even supposed to be mildly decent to begin with
>but the guy has enough of a history doing actual journalistic coverage that I'm not gonna fuss about his job
I do think you have a point, but I'd also like to point out that covering some forms of media doesn't automatically qualify you to be good at reviewing others. I mean, I might think someone's book review was a little less viable if I found out that the guy reads one page an hour because "well he's just not that good at reading guys", especially if he complains about things being too confusing

I hate how these people feel like they can talk as if they were transgender too. These clowns just keep putting words in our mouths and make us look bad.

This hurts my soul.

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That doesn't absolve him of obvious inexperience despite his field.

Wu is most definitely transgender. I don't know who Ellen is but I assume the same.

>"t-this one guy tried to deny it and that means I got all of 'em and they're all corrupt! get rekt"
whoever denied it probably did it because of retarded flamingos like you

Just do meme reviews on youtub

Is this the most generic post in this thread? Reading it left me perturbed, I mean it reads exactly how I would expect an AI to answer a thread. No substance in the post yet acts like they are contributing, types in a generic, easy-to-digest manner, and throws in filler words every sentence for good measure.

So an accurate reflection of the gaming community?

Anyone got the one of the journalists confusing Nero for Dante, then trying to damage control?

They both are.

I mistook Wu with Zoe Quinn. I guess we're just doomed.

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>muh gaming community
You mean the same people, myself included, who complain about casuals and tell people to git gud?

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I think you don't need to pretend being retarded with those life choices lol

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Someone post the doom webm, you know the one

Read the thread.

>bad at their job
>gets payed more than you in a month than you get payed in 3.

Attached: 민희WEBM.webm (302x800, 346K)

People think that's hot?

That's pretty doubtful actually. I think you severely overestimate what these small-time journalists pull.


Attached: minhee3.webm (608x1080, 2.98M)

The sequel to the cuphead gameplay, by the same journalist:


Well, that looks a little better, I guess.

Admittedly I don't think it's NOT hot. But it's kinda tame.

>browse thread
>not one webm

You’re a fucking idiot if you can’t find them.

>That Ace Combat 7 review

there's nothing lower than a game journo

Attached: 1546534208924.png (1021x267, 200K)

are you retarded, i have posted like 5 of them

Attached: 다혜webm.webm (640x1136, 2.37M)

I never played Sonic. What's going on here?

Dunno, the people who post twitter screencap threads on Yea Forums are pretty close competition

Player doesn’t understand how loops work. Just run along the loop.

I really want to write stuff about things i encounter in fighting games and those small strategy techs I find myself employing, should I do it? I do like fighting games but I mostly play them pirated/emulate with my neighbor. is it risky

can someone explain to me why people that don't like videogames choose a job that is literally completely about videogames?

Attached: angry_doge.jpg (500x500, 27K)

YT link is in the OP. Tell Hiroshima to raise the filesize limit, enable sound and I'll post the webm.

Attached: oba-san JAV.jpg (448x597, 74K)

Sure, go ahead, write a blog. Just don't expect anyone to read it.

To run through the loop, you keep pressing forward, the retard behind the crontrol thought you had to press left to continue the loop once Sanic is facing left, breaking momentum.

I meant one webm of the time ign played Doom

because no one else would take them.


Attached: file.png (209x96, 11K)

>SMT is the dark souls of persona game
I'm pretty sure the article was written with the sole purpose of baiting autists into reeeeeee

Attached: n1dad.jpg (200x247, 14K)

Classic video

Honestly, that'd be my course of action as well. At least now. Maybe if I played it as a kid I would've just held forward.

What profile? Also do you have anymore information or other source? All comments are gone from the article.

who gives a fuck, what are you, a fag?

Attached: 민희WEBM2.webm (298x900, 1.79M)

Cultural Marxism. Those who control the narrative control the public opinion.

>Exclusively Games
>Christ centered gamer
any other good vidya journalism websites?

i mean you just listed two shit ones so..

Attached: 4a39b06869f2980bd3bd9a3d0a1259c8b53840ebd331d9f5d2d8f9e6c1afc853.webm (1022x574, 2.91M)

Well porn's banned in Korea so they take what they can get

I'm surprised you didn't bring up trannies

fuck off pornfag

>if you don't like me spamming off topic waifushit you're a fag
stop killing this board you thirsty neanderthal

He wasn't trying. He was just dicking around and people assumed that that was the review for the game. Yea Forums collectively lost its shit causing the whole "gamer's elitism" debate to unnecessarily start again.

While it's stupid as a concept, its quite hilarious if you analyze its seperate parts. Just look at the three, and its really silly just to see them listed
Any attempt at trying to take the current generation of games seriously can be countered with "thanos dabbed in fortnite." Any cinematic experience, any claim that games are art, any attempt at saying that games are a medium worthy of critical interpretation, that games can be used for self-expression, that games can define gender and politics, that games should be treasured for their emotional impact: thanos dabbed in fortnite
It tumbles their pretentious tower as thanos falls from the sky, smashing their supports, and he dabs as it collapses, running away to collect his chicken dinner and kill some 12 year olds

Attached: image0-8.png (750x1334, 1.59M)

the problem with living in korea is the government is pretty tech savvy, at least juxtaposed with the western democracies. pornhub is actually straightup ip banned, and VPNs/work arounds are actively hunted down. luckily the government looks the other way with regard to prostitution in the form of actual prostitution and kpop. i would not recommend bringing a HDD with porn on it to korea though, they spot check them at customs

Attached: 다혜2.webm (1080x1920, 1.67M)

I don't get that one.
I mean, that's bad but not that horrible.
Whoever played that only got hit once on the plane part for example.

How the fuck is it not? If this guy ever said in any review that something isn't properly explained or the controls weren't intuitive enough, you can completely ignore him, because he's a fucking retard.

It would be like a blind man reviewing a movie, he may be a damn good journalist in other fields if given the chance, but he's completely unsuited for reviewing a visual medium.

If you're bad at videogames, you really shouldn't review or cover them in any way, because your inability will colour the piece you make about it.

>Christ centered gamer
This one is pretty good. They actually play through the games they review.

reminder: the term "pigeon-brained" makes no sense when pigeons are actually really smart birds

>he was just dicking around
He was clearly trying and unable to solve the puzzle laid before him. Why are you such a sycophant?

It's more like you can't review a book if you can't read.

The word you're looking for is cronyism, nepotism is hiring family, cronyism is hiring people you know over people more skilled for the job.

do you have any idea what's the difference between the human brain and the brain of a bird?

This. Fuck every thread that's about a goddamn number some noob journalist smacked on the game

That's the game developer's fault for not making the protagonist a gay black woman.

>"Hello I am an expert in reviewing burgers, I have decades of experience in writing food reviews, today I will be reviewing the Big Mac from McDonalds"
>gets the Big Mac
>looks at it for a while, completely confused
>hits himself in the face with the burger, not even taking it out of the wrapper
>hits himself in the face with it again
>tries to pound it into his stomach, which just squishes the burger even more
>tries to wear it like a hat
>tries to put shove it up his asshole
>hits himself in the face with it again
>tries to put it on his head again
>hits himself in the neck with it
>picks up his cell phone, calls his friend and asks him how to eat the burger
>finally manages to bite into it, still in the wrapper and squished and covered in hair and fecal matter
>"0/10, this burger sucks, you should trust my opinion because I have been a food reviewer for decades and the fact that I can't figure out how to eat a burger doesn't mean I'm not an expert in burgers!"

Attached: 1551529321154.jpg (720x706, 54K)

Roughly the same as the difference between the brain of a bird and the brain of a gaming journalist, apparently.


tfw dostoevsky was actually a massive poopy fart brain because he shared the same medium as captain underpants

Not as smart as crows parrots. Also, it's just a saying. When people say "pigeon-brain" they refer to the size of their brain. Similar to callin people "pea-brain". It shouldn't be taken literally.

>Christ centered gamer

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Fuck it's the first video and I'm already triggered
I never played the game but it looks sick, looks like it's really smooth the controls

Im really glad to see one of my posts become a pasta

I would pay money to watch some guy shove a fucking Big Mac up his asshole, holy shit

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>pigeons are considered stupid
>owls are considered wise

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it's actually an amazing website and his reviews are really good

Because he was clearly not trying. He wasn't trying to review it. He literally just walked up to a booth at a con, picked up a controller for a game he doesn't usually play, played around and thought the footage of him not getting shit done was funny, so they upload it with the title "XY dude failing at Cuphead" instead of "Cuphead Review by XY dude".
You want to be angry at journalists because that's what you have to do on Yea Forums. Don't call me a sycophant when you are this whipped by Yea Forums's echochamber.

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>"0/10, this burger sucks, you should trust my opinion because I have been a food reviewer for decades
except he said the game was great right from the get go and published the footage because he thought it was funny how shitty he was at it. Fucking retards are convinced games journalists hate hard games, see one sucking at a hard game, and just assume he blasted it. But that didnt happen and you are going round thinking your god damn head cannon is reality and making long posts about it


>being this upset about a game made for literal children

And here I thought Spirited Away was a great movie, but now that I know it was made at the same time as Adam Sandler’s Eight Crazy Nights don’t I feel retarded.

Surprisingly good. They have a morality rating as well but they do a great job of keeping that as a complete separate aspect to the review, basically for those that really care for it.

Christian game-review website that I believe has two scores: how good the game is and how good it is for the moral and upstanding Christian individual

Bayonetta scored like fucking shit on the Christian part but his actual review was pretty damn good and he recommended the game otherwise

They rate gameplay and morality seperately, so you dont get " 4.8 too many boobs" reviews, because its a 8.7 gameplay, 5.2 morales for lewdity, violence, and incest and lesbian jokes
Theyre surprisingly down to earth and humble people, as they occasionally find these threads and have good conversation

He displayed a total inability to interact with video games as a medium. Reviewer or not, this was an absolutely embarrassing display for someone whose job it is to be familiar with various aspects of video games.

What you say is true, but that’s not the case here. The journos being complained about don’t even have a good secondary command of the subject, or tertiary for that matter.

The sideline reporter girls at an nfl game are better prepped and researched than these guys.

Not expecting them to be ever able to hit a dragon punch in a game. DO expect them to know the difference between a 2d and 3D fighter. If the sports reporter is confusing soccer with hockey, he deserves to be shat upon.

First make a twitter account with your preferred pronouns. Second is to pay a tumblr artist to make a steven universe-esque drawing of your own face

It's a her. She actually came here a while ago, someone must've told her about one of these threads and she answered some question. Nice lady.
Also it's surprising how she manages to keep those two things separate. Must be the only time I've seen this sort of reviews not muddled because of the reviewers' personal belief.
>86% score
>20% morality

the dude is a tech blogger thats talks about the games industry sometimes and does a review once in a blue moon. I genuinely dont understand the seething anger that this guy who isnt really a games reviewer doing shit at a game.

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"Normal" journalists failed entering some humanities school, gaming journalists failed the journalism one. They're the epitome of incompetence

He did the equivalent of deliberately shitting his pants in the park. He played the “pretending to be retarded” game and won big. He’s the one with the mike, so I have ZERO sympathy that he didn’t get his messag over, or even corrected it.

That's pretty stupid. I sure hope there aren't people who actually care if a game has Christian morals in it or not, unless you're a middle aged Christian mom buying games for her kids.

im a loli guy not a trap guy

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And this same retard made a video on CTR Nitro Fueled.

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He should really stop covering the games industry, it's clear he's out of touch.

youare assuming you know whats going through his head in contradiction of what he and everyone around him has said. Its not totally impossible that what you say is true but there is 0 evidence for it and it seems weird to hold a view this specific and strange for no reason other than you feel this way

You’d be surprised, especially in the Bible Belt, or where evangelicals or Mormons are the majority in America.

Some of those places get downright weird.

Some people are like that. As long as they don't try to modify whatever industry to their whim, might as well let them be.

it's not intuitive that the crouch button would allow you to jump onto higher objects. this guy just didn't know about crouch jumping. i guess he should have done the tutorial but this isn't that stupid.

it did take him a while to figure out that he should use the pipes though.

>Can we have a thread about Games Journalists
Do we really have to?

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Not exactly wrong, half the minigames are completely unneeded for the sake of variety and sometimes its too easy and obvious, but it clearly is a videogame, a detective videogame if thats a genre, has this person ever played Ace Attorney or any game that requires deduction?

in software development we do many tests. a colleague of mine said that one test in his game company was to pass the 'journalist test', they get monkeys to play their game and if they can its ready to let journalists play

Has reason to lie
>everyone around him
Will take any opening they get to defend their ilk against the gaming public

> get invited to a preview rock band event before the game is even out
> talks about fizzy drinks and food
> tells everyone you hate rock music, hates your job, thinks all video games are stupid and hates your own life
> not a single sentence on what's new in this rock band compared to older rock band games, not a single sentence of the new songs in it

Ladies and gents, this is your average gaming journalist. It's a wonder how they even have a fucking jobs.

Attached: polygon hates their job.jpg (1488x4352, 1.01M)

They spot check every hard drive in customs?
Isn't that an impossible task?

A random pigeon won't be able to spontaneously replicate the trick in that video. That particular pigeon had been taught to push crates.
Pigeons have an impressive ability to find their way to destinations that are located far away, but I'm not sure if there's anything else particularly notable about them. They're okay enough, but there are a lot smarter birds in existence.

Attached: Epstein-Insight_in_the_Pigeon-Nature-1984.jpg (488x794, 95K)

There were attempts to make christian propaganda games way ahead of sjw's trying to propagandize games for their ideology. Used to be threads about them way back for laughs.

Kingdom Come Deliverance is absolutely heretic.

> has this person ever played Ace Attorney or any game that requires deduction?

Yes he has, as you can clearly see, he praised the shit out of Gone Home. Despite the fact that it's a garbage walking sim that's clearly so inferior compared to everything else out there.

But that's because he's personal friends with the garbage dev that made Gone Home so he's going out of his way to praise this crap out of this garbage while clearing shitting on Danganronpa because he has a agenda against anything anime like most gaming journalists.

They were always bad. At least the gaming magazines had cute girls

>everything except presentation is 5 or higher
>endscore is 4.9
Yeah, fuck these faggots. They can't even keep consistency within their absolute garbage reviews.

Dude thought he was going be writing for the NYT or BBC news LMAO

LOL. I’m actually being charitable. His pants shitting performance really doesn’t need any extra context. But, in the interest of openness and fairness, i’ll Bite. Give me the BEST, most authoritative defense whatever buddy or colleague of his made for that.

Reminder: Gone Home only got a 10/10 review because they were personal friends of the dev. It really has nothing to do with how good the game is since it's clear by now that the game is a garbage walking sim.

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> make garbage game
> be personal friends with some of these journalists... aka probably sucked them off
> get 9s and 10s in your reviews

That's how corrupted these journalist are.

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I'm laughing so fucking hard

>that almost full second of delay before the flag drops and he hits the accelerate button

Maybe that's why he's so shit at video games. He has the reaction time of a potato.

So him making that cuphead jump wasn't skill but just sheer luck and brute force of eventually getting a lucky press rather than using his reactions to 'jump+dodge'

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brianna, please

It's ok user everybody eats garbage

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It was intended you dork. He was playing it for laugh.

idk man, pick up a golfing or hunting magazine next time you're in a dentists office and you can tell the writers inside actually have some pedigree when it comes to the subject matter, same with sports writers and automotive journos. Not even music journalists are as bad as vidya ones.

Top 10 Anime Storylines

> faggot couldn't find the fireball spell so he shits all over Ys

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No it wasnt. That guy is notoriously shitty at videogames, theres a whole legacy of it.

Polygon gave Sim City such a high score on release...

...only to have to backtrack on the score after everyone found out that the game was so broken upon release that the servers closed for 2 months to fix it. Bet the initial score was paid review.

Attached: Polygon_SimCity_Image.png (517x483, 247K)

he's not wrong tho

dumb sjw journalist claimed sim city cannot be playable offline no matter what... only for hackers to make it playable offline on the same day. Meanwhile Sim City officially did the same a week later.

Attached: arthur sim city.png (542x497, 41K)

I don't think I would even manage to tell the difference between a good and a bad golf review.

>the autistic retard ITT defending takashi when hes known for being terrible at games

Jesus christ

>it's good because it's different, and terrible styles are REFRESHING
Ping Pong is refreshing. MP100 is refreshing. Having a read of Voynich Hotel or Oyaji is refreshing for a change of style. This guy is defending a terrible style because "It's not what I'm used to, therefore it is good".

Attached: god hand.jpg (972x900, 262K)

I don't see why people defend this guy just because he doesn't review games. He's doing a huge disservice to the developers and potential consumers by poorly representing the game. It doesn't even look fun the way he plays it.

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What does the US have to do with this?

Uh-uh, that's why they later, after the backlash, changed the title to imply it was a goof, right? fuck off, retard.

US gamers are fucktarded.

no, that's the retard from Polygon who took points off of Bayonetta for "objectifying women" even though he was subscribed to porn sites

all game journos are bootlickers

>complaining about objectification of women while being subscribed to porn sites
Literally nothing wrong with this

Is this the most generic post in this thread? Reading it left me perturbed, I mean it reads exactly how I would expect an AI to answer a thread. No substance in the post yet acts like they are contributing, types in a generic, easy-to-digest manner, and throws in filler words every sentence for good measure.

>all game journos are bootlickers
They are incentivized to be to ensure they get the early access necessary to be an effective platform
It's rigged to encourage soulless shilling

Sure, if you an an enlightened egoist and hypocrisy has been revealed to you as a spook, but for the brainlets with moral systems, they usually don't like that sort of thing.

This. At least these religious conservatives don't actively trying to ruin the game or the developer. At most they're trying to do is to ban the game to their region (which, no longer works since the internet age). As long as they don't threaten people on twitter because the devs don't want to change the game to conform to their belief like a certain group of people, I'm okay with them.

I don't know if it's been posted but a writer for VG247 reviewed Uncharted 4 and said "it felt repetitive"

it turns out she was playing Uncharted 2

How is Bayonetta bad but actual porn OK?


Felghana is a legit 10/10 game, fuck those people

Attached: patrick.png (1778x546, 120K)

Clearly not a white person here.

I removed Bayonetta from my quote because I don't agree that game specifically is objectifying, I just think the general sentiment of being against objetification while being subscribed to porn isn't a problem at all

They all denied, then the list was leaked, including conversations about denying coverage to certain games because one of them found it objectionable to his/her personal politics. It was a shitshow.

>getting this many replies with such shit bait
Yea Forums needs to be deleted

Porn is, for all intents and purposes, an exercise in what some might call objectification. People are performing sex not out of devotion to the partner, but for the gratification of a viewer. Slinging objectification as a pejorative while still indulging in porn is hypocrisy to most.

lol was just about to say it looks like an AI learning to play from scratch

There is something I've always wondered about gaming journalism

somewhere, buried beneath all this dogshit are there legitimately good "gaming journalists" who actually like video games? I don't think so, but I'd love to be proven wrong.


There's traditional game journalists and then there's youtubers
youtubers actually like video games, whether you think they're "good" is up to you

yes, but most of them are on youtube, you have to go out of your way to find them, and they usually only review games they personally like instead of trying to review every big game that comes out.

niche gamer is the only site I can think of

I still stand by Dorito Pope. He had a good idea in trying to get outside advertisers that would free up journalist from being tied to the publishers, but then the advertisers got tied to the publishers, leading to the same outcome for journalists.

Attached: untitled.png (660x2702, 691K)

>this is the same guy who made a big stink about THQ Nordic going onto a shittier chan to try and do an AMA and documented almost every detail on twitter

Attached: Patrick Klepeck, Game ''journalist''.webm (654x485, 2.08M)

All casuals must leave, for the good of every media industry.

>Those legs

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Yakuza 0's videos weren't even mildly explicit. It was a bunch of women in swimwear vaguely gesticulating, sometimes with the three or so props they had lying around. The telephone cards were infinitely sexier.

Of every industry really

That's one of the better articles I've seen. It's just going through what happened in the testing. And I understand how smart AI flanking can appear like the game is cheating, at least in FPS's. If it was top down and you could see the flanking happening, that'd be something else.
But it also comes down to who the play testers were.

patrick is the slimiest piece of shit in the business

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>DarksydePhil quote
>pic is a camwhore

How the hell do the numbers for God Hand average out to a 3?!

Not defending game journos as a whole, but honestly, there's absolutely nothing suggesting that lighting the torches would make the chest materialize. It sure isn't logical by any means. I personally missed this one at first too.

I thought you needed to backtrack here from much later in the game, when you have a key item that would let you explore some sort of "shadow realm" version of the old zones, and that's where that chest was.

Attached: 'The.Claw'.full.796459.jpg (450x600, 72K)

t. games journalist
they always fall back on muh "children"

>gaming journalism
oh you mean the guy who had a shit degree and couldn't get an already bottom barrel job at any newspaper or online news portal so he's now playing a video game for 1 hour then makes a full review about how every single white male is a nazi, and how can you fit a controller up your ass?

Attached: randy-stair-plays-newdoom.webm (718x404, 1.99M)

How fucking desperate for brownie points do you need to be god damn

It was very nice of him not to include a source or quote from Nintendo

>Only 14 playable black women in history
This upsets me more than anything else. You can have your stupid opinions, but don't make up stupid 'facts.'

Salty amanda is so fucking dumb

Well you objectively can't be expected to be taken as a respected journalist if you don't know what the fuck you are doing.

What about torrent sites, boorus, and this very website? Are those also banned?
I only ask because I am considering a job offer in Korea.

How the hell did you get dumber

>Get send to do some soulless dicksucking for a game as usual
>Have a existential crisis instead
>"I'm sure that everyone would love to hear about how I didn't do anything and questioned my life choices and not what's new about some dumb vidoegame!"

read what it says after 3.0.

No, I just expect more complexity in games nowadays, down to basic things like an input you have to make to "run through a loop". Which translates poorly in retrospect, when games were simpler in many aspects.

Your entire comment is absolutely retarded.

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Nah, it's just you who's retarded.

Attached: jason.png (1918x788, 401K)

Not that user, but I agree with him. You're not looking for complexity, you're looking for something else to blame except yourself.
You literally hold right to go through that loop and there isn't one game that does it any other way unless it's a poorly developed obscure indie game.

But user we live in the digital era, EVERYTHING must be quantified.

>>Citing his own article as proof.

That's basically what gaming journalist did to smear gamergate. With no actual proof, they just kept doing this shit.

Also the same tactic the left uses to smear trump everyday.

How dare you talk back to me.

This is the exact review that made me stop reading reviews.

Attached: 1471904759131.png (500x500, 83K)

That isn't complexity, that's control ineptitude, I'd expect that from an early platformer that was still struggling to come up with ways to do cool things so they broke their engine and control scheme.

You are retarded, the system is genius and shows an amazing degree of integrity.
Imagine if all reviewers used a similar system, leftist reviewers could just introduce a "woke score" or something and leave the rest alone. That way Gone Home gets a 9 for wokeness, but a 3 for gameplay like it should. It's the best for consumers, whether they align with the reviewer's ideology or not.
As long as a system like that is implemented, it doesn't matter what are the personal beliefs of the reviewer, whether they are Jesus lovers or tranny allies.

didn't he say he was gonna run for president awhile back? whatever happened to that?

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When one of your platforms runs on the statement "We need to keep people away from the moon because if someone throws a moonrock at earth it'll destroy entire cities", you don't have much of a chance.

fuck off you piece of worthless trash """"journalist""""

Want to massage those socked feet desu.

>falling for I was only pretending to be retarded

My guy, what happens if you immediately stop your momentum when you go up a hill? You can't be that dumb

>scores are 5, 6 , 7, 2.5 and 5
>give it a overall score of 3

Attached: 1504522836331.jpg (220x336, 39K)

this is funny considering james portnow had a mental breakdown over gamergate while defending zoe quinn and all the scummy game journalists she fucked.

well it's no secret that gaming journalists can't do math. That's why they are jounralists.

>I have gone home, and I have gone home... but I am not home

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suck dick

>that thread title

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remember when Briana was caught editing Samus' Wikipedia page to the point where they IP banned 'her' permanently

this sounds like some shit you'd write in Highschool

Wu was the Jussie Smollett of gamer gate.

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i dont know about journalists doing that but I remember when Etika thought Nero was Dante when dmc5 was announced

>implying he's wrong
Whatshername looking fucking creepy is what sells the whole story. Otherwise it's just another "woe is me this hot animu qt wants my dick !!!".


I don't know about you but the relationship in that story was unhealthy no matter how fucked up the faces of the participants.

Games get rated on two scales

how good it is objectively
how good it is morally

Most journalists have a bias and mix the two

> pictures before, during and after the time he claimed he was harassed out of his house and had to live in a hotel

lies upon lies. He never moved anywhere.

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When a review site that has a separate ranking for how morally ok the game it in Christianity standars but the actual game review is unbiased and properly researched and edited unlike other “real” sites, you can tell that the standards of the field is garbage.

You can achieve that effect without the whole production looking like cheap unfinished trash
The stills don't really do justice to how shit the whole thing was.

You pay your rent in foreskins, goy.

Don't pretend you don't know the target audience m8.
When Nakamura is a hot anime chick the whole point missses because everyone just goes full
>tfw when no mentally ill gf

my sister does this and she's only just turning 30 and living in Oregon

Even real ronery fucks probably wouldn't go after goods that damaged.

That's not the controversy was about though and you know it. There's a reason the most picked screenshot for related Yea Forums shitposting is the one where formely attractive manga character looks fucking ugly.

Dude, most people didn't like the entire animation style, not just the fact that half of the characters contracted downs.

weimar america is only getting started

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remember that thing we all surely did? where you double up on what you wrote previously but in a different wording to pad out space.
these retards are paid like ten cents a word, so more words more moeny.
ignore these fucking morons, thats how they get paid

Wouldnt that make the story more effective though?
The audience is already repulsed by her looks in the show so her fucked up personality doesn't hit as hard.
Just spitballing as I dont know shit about this series

he was literally a pre-quake or something boomer tier old guy.

We're already very well past Weimar

People eat them up. They know they're bad and don't even have to put effort or research in.
"OH MY GOD THEY'RE SO STUPID" is exactly what they want. Why spend time doing proper research when an outrage or troll post does even better?

>Even as a fake troll, she praised herself


>imagine damage controlling for a games journalist

Most people only read the headline. Lists are basically 10 headlines in a row.

Dean Takahasi is shit at video games in general. There are several links in this thread with shitty gameplay featuring him on this thread.

wew, an anime where the asians look like they do in real like

Guarantee this has been posted but I'll post it again.

>He doesn't even JUMP
Kill me

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I can't listen to this

I just can't believe it's real.

Is that the one with the part where the weird girl forces the guy to wear the girl's swimsuit he stole under his clothes while hanging out with her, then she throws a bucket of water on him so the girl can see he stole her swimsuit?

The journo is a pedo defender too.

"Game Journalist" is probably the least respect profession out there.

All those faggots clapping at everything at E3 and lapping all the big studios' shit up constantly should tell you everything there is to know about it.

Why do americans do this? Put the guy that clearly don't like the thing the game is about to talk about the game? The local magazines in my country had the racing dude, the rpg guy, the strategy uncle, etc.

Guaranteed clicks because of manufactured outrage. It's Polygon's and Kotaku's MO.

Americans have the gamer gurrl, the nonbinary g@l, the minority quota and the Steve the "ally".

Anyone else dream about shoving your cock down Anita's mouth?

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this is amazing

I remember watching this one morning before going to work and being late because I watched the entire thing and nearly suffocated from laughing

The biggest hungarian vidja gaming review thingy when Dark Souls came out called it a dogshit game because you cant set difficulty and its a hard and unfair game unlike GTA where you can also not set difficulty but its alteast not hard.
Then when everyone called them out on the dogshit review they removed the video and when Dark souls 2 came out they called it a masterpiece gave it their first ever 10/10 out of fear and got called a fucking cuck again for giving that dogshit game a 10/10.
I think that was funny :)

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Nah, I'm not into 3D.

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Less than a minute in and I already quit.

>mfw i have a bigger ass than them, and i'm a guy.

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She's alright I guess

If we're being honest nobody should've given a fuck about Anita and I still don't give a fuck about Anita, I honestly would've preferred that she stayed completely irrelevant to begin with

>"Maybe... the real Gone Home® was the friends we made along the way"


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That's not an accomplishment, fatty.

dude, this guys propably just playing with a gamepad, lmao

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>Vocals kick in when you hit S in the style meter and above.
Why does the game punish you for playing well?

This thread reminds me why I fucking hate everything.