So, do you memeloving fucks have any actual argument against this game, other than "but muh cartoony graphics"?
So, do you memeloving fucks have any actual argument against this game, other than "but muh cartoony graphics"?
Other urls found in this thread:
its not civ 4
Does that make it bad?
Unit variety is lacking
Many of the gameplay decisions are questionable (builders have limited uses)
It basically forces you to build wide to be competitive (5 incentivized building tall but it was still very possible to build wide and be competitive, in 6 it's much less so)
The global warming system is garbage, you can't even flood the world, you just lose a set amount of tiles at the maximum global warming level
And yes, the art style is dogshit too, but it's the least of the game's problems
yes, it does
its not civ 4
What units are lacking in your opinion? It was the case in vanilla but they added plenty of units
What's wrong with the builders? In the end it's more or less the same shit, just wants you to plan a bit more, if anything, that's a good thing. You can't just let a worker auto improve and forget about it.
But civ is a 4X game, of course wide is better than tall. Civ5 really fucked up by making tall better than wide, it's absurd. Also tall is more than viable, it just requires proper city planning for adjacencies, the right wonders, the right policy cards, proper use of governors, good exploitation of terrain, and make empire building so much more fun. It is not better by default, you have to make it work. People win on deity with one city.
Global warming was never supposed to be an end game boss, same for disasters. Also people were complaining about sjw propaganda enough, imagine if GW was apocalyptic levels, the shitstorm... Firaxis played it safe, and people are still bitching.
And what's wrong with the art style exactly, it looks like a modern civ4.
>Also people were complaining about sjw propaganda enough
I need a source for that, or at least the reasoning why
Production gain is sluggish compared to culture and science and the scaling cost of buildings/units/districts.
The alternate leader mechanic is woefully underutilized.
The difference between the stronger Civs (Maori, Sumeria, Nubia, Australia) and weakers ones (France, Georgia, Canada) is night and day.
>what's wrong with the art style exactly, it looks like a modern civ4.
Civ 4 looks like shit too
The only two complaints i would have would be the incoherence of the world congress (active even if you haven't met all civs) and the fact that cultural victory seems a bit OP in G&S
It was mainly civ5 babies who didn't know GW has been in every civ game and were bitching about a political agenda and how it "broke their immersion".
It's also not Civ 5.
i love the game, play it almost every weekend with my friends but I really wish there was a mod that replaced the leader portraits with non-uggos
furthermore, I find most of the systems to be quite superficial. tacked on and interesting in concept but poorly or simplistically implemented.
the game has lots of fun toys to play with, and between the uniqueness of the different civs, the city states, natural wonders and so on, every game does feel different, and the game is often an interesting or even fun challenge of how to utilize the bonuses around you maximally, optimizing efficiency, etc. but ultimately the AI offers very very little challenge even on Deity, rendering Civ not a strategy game but more of a sandbox. a fun enough one, but it is lacking.
it is my hope that the mod community, as it always has done, will mold the ultimate product into something quite fleshed out and enjoyable.
I somewhat agree with the leaders, maori and inca are stupid op, georgia needs a serious buff. And I hope the next xpac will add more dual leaders.
But the production issue is there to make tall viable. In 6 production is king, not science and food. Like 5 penalised your research the more cities you have, 6 penalizes your production.
Civ5 is terribly bad like it's not even funny.
Totally agree, the WC needs tweaking. What infuriates me the most is when the same resolution come two times in a row, and how there is no way to punish co2 emitting countries.
And yeah, for some reason culture victory comes way too fast, even of you are no focusing on it. Hopefully we'll get a patch or two before the thirdxpac.
Find it funny, a couple of more leaders and guvenors, a bit more units and I would be happy.
Still have weird issues when playing LAN, like tech/culture screen not popping up when finished and random desyncs.
If you're a deity player, take a look at this,
V was better
The problem is the difficulty setting, i want the ai to be smart, not smart and having a huge start advantage
It really, really, really wasn't.
Only thing I can suggest is the steel and thunder mod for units, and modded civs. Nothing for governors to my knowledge tho. But keep in mind governors are supposed to replace the policy trees of 5, what other governors could be added?
Don't really know, sometimes it just feels like I'm dumping points into governors but they don't really do much, so having more governors, but way more specialized might make it better, like "this is a housing governor, it makes it cities super large, this is culture dude, the makes you way more culture" instead of having a scienece/culture and a industrialist/housing governor.
Shitty graphics style
Plays more like a phone game than a PC empire management game
Building tile improvements happens instantly, you have to keep churning out builders who die instead of managing builders over time and keeping them safe
Maps are smaller, engine fucks up if you mod in to many ai on a map because of hard coding into the game
Also the latest DLC, which adds back in global warming which was in fucking Civ 2 and some civs no one cares about, costs the same as a full price game
Didn't they change the EULA a year or two ago and start mining your data through the launcher?
The AI was always dumb, but the rules were much simpler. The 1upt was a great addition, but it showed how bad the ai actually is. Even in the vox populi mod where the AI is actually much much smarter, they have to give it huge bonuses even on low difficulty. At this point the best thing you can do is tweak a few xml files and use the adaptative difficulty mod that spreads the bonuses throughout the game.
D-deus Vult?!
Wow! 4/4 on stale meme complaints which were debunked years ago, good job user!
Really? I was trying to go for culture, and my victory was imminent for like 150 turns. I eventually won because French Elly is bullshit but fun.
The "data mining" meme was removed like 8 months ago. Google it.
Hmmm... never thought of it that way. But you are not supposed to do use governors the same way every game, they depend on your civ and what terrain you play. I never use the faith guy or the financer lady, but if I play Mali, Reyna is top priority, just to be able to buy districts to counteract the production debuff. I usually get magnus first, get the settler promotion, and then get Pingala, who will go in the highest pop city . You don't have to get both science and culture promotion, only the one for the victory you're going for. Liang for fisheries and to prevent damage done by disasters. I think having them more specialised would mean you will move them around way less, they are supposed to be dynamic. But when I get home I'll take a look at your idea, I just never considered it.
The fury of god can summon floods too.
Fuck every mainline Civ game after 2. Call to Power was the direction the series should have continued in. Fucking try and prove me wrong, zoomer scum.
Why the fuck do shill this garbage every day? Do you get paid for it?
Arguments are
>nobody good play it in MP
>characters are no name and look like trannies
>90% of Wonders are bad
>some nations are super OP
was just thinking about making a thread on civ vi. played a little civ v but never got into it much.
what's the consensus on civ vi versus civ v? is it worth buying the new one or does most of the community just stick with V?
But the new games added cool new mechanics. City states are fun, world wonders are fun, new spies are fun, trade routes are fun, religion is fun, the new diplomacy mechanics are fun. The series evolves.
watched a let's play of it to see what some of the changes were and immediately cringed at the disney art. all the portraits look like Diznee shit.
>religion is fun
Come on now.
Yeah, I get their supposed to be dynamic and useful, but since production is king, I usually just have 7 cities with 7 guvonors and and relocate the military guy since he has the least redeployment time. Sometimes it just feels "meh" unless you really know what you're going for.
You raise some valid points, apperciate it. Magnus is a great opener closely followed by Reyna/Pingala/Liang especially since the GS expansion, but the rest is just "meh". If you don't grab a religion one of them is borderline useless.
I personally find civ 6 funnier, because civ 5 was just build 4 cities, turtle and rush very specific wonders and always go a certain route of traditions, but it seems like most people are sticking to Civ 5 because they feel civ 6 is "incomplete", much like civ 5 was before the expansions.
But if you're a newcomer I would recomend Civ 6, looks nicer, works better and overall more enjoyable with friends or on your spare time.
Civ V is great
Because its a mostly boring 4x game that doesn't do anything special. Its an okay starting place for people to get into 4x but if you want something more, you need to move away from the civilization series. It doesn't really matter who you play as, as all the Civ's have the same gameplay mechanics.
Everyone who played a civ game before 5 prefers 6. 5 is a bad joke that got somewhat salvaged by the god Ed Beach who was so good they let him in charge of 6. 6 is literally what 5 should have been. 5 is babies first strategy game.
There have been literally who leaders in every civ game. Who looks like a tranny? Wonders are OP af and look phenomenal, never wonder whored so much. True for the nations
Shit AI
Low production while everything is expensive
Forced to go wide
Shit AI
Climate change doesn't really bring much to the game
World Congress is lackluster
Shit AI
Shit AI
does anyone bring up the SJW infestation of Civ or is that verboten here too.
fucking Maori civilization? the game is called CIVILIZATION and the maori never had one. even if you just want more factions for additional content, doesn't it bother anyone that all the great artists, works, and scientists are largely european, with some asian and middle eastern (muh golden age of islam) thrown in.
hmmm i haven't had a great artist pop up from the maori yet , wonder why
LOL there's global warming in this game? jesus christ this game is cucked beyond belief
Fuck off. None of that has to do anything with the game itself.
I don't like the district system
Any essential mods for CIV 6?
Spies are fucking garbage.
Overall yes it's super fun, the wonders, the units are cool (warrior monks muddafuka), the promotions and all the strats that can be done. It does need tweaking and I feel the next xpac will focus on religion, no civ was faith based in GS. And they changed religion like 3 times already. The 1(ONE) thing I want is having more than 1 great prophet. Instead on crusading with 10 apostles, I want to crusade with 5 apostles and 1 great prophet.
And this is bad because? Civ is not supposed to be serious, and this art style has the advantage of aging very well.
>global warming is fake
So this is your brain on /pol/...
>talking about the game
>doesn't have to do with the game
k, zoomer
yeah, the art style is bad because it looks like it's trying to be disney, if you have shit taste or are underage, maybe it would appeal to you
Are you serious? They have never been more fun. In 4 they were fun but it could become tedious. In 5 they were a joke. In 6 they feel like actual spies. Blowing up a nuclear reactor while recruiting rebels is an amazing feeling. Flooding a civ by sabotaging their dams, assassinating their governors, all while defending your spaceports from being blown up. Late game space races are so fucking fun.
Understandable. I think it's the coolest addition to the series and makes city planning so much more interactive, terrain is crucial now. They wanted to do them in V but seeing how the game was dead on arrival they said fuck it it's too hard.
The powerlevel of the civs really bounced this expansion. Ottomans are pretty op. And Hungary is crazy too if you get it right.
>have all my spies defend my spaceports
>lol let me just steal 1400 gold
I like VI but I fucking despise spies. Catherine is the first one I wipe out when I find her.
Gameplay is shit and not as fun as 5 or 4.
Also since you get paid to post this, fuck off cunt.
> They have never been more fun. In 4 they were fun but it could become tedious. In 5 they were a joke. In 6 they feel like actual spies. Blowing up a nuclear reactor while recruiting rebels is an amazing feeling. Flooding a civ by sabotaging their dams, assassinating their governors, all while defending your spaceports from being blown up. Late game space races are so fucking fun.
This all would be great if the AI offered any challenge, but they suck. Never had an AI get close to space victory.
Well once in V when I was trying some retard things, but even then you can just go to war with the one winning or drop a few nukes, and since AI can't war you win.
Quo's combines tweaks, terra mirrabilis (not sure if updated, I'll check when i get home), steel and thunder, and the one that rescales the units. Check civfanatics or the workshop, I can't use the workshop since I pirated the game but many modders uploads their mods only in the workshop.
GW has been in every civ game.
the only thing wrong with civ V was the god awful Ai. The glaring issue with civ 6 is the god awful Ai. I see no reason why people should spend the money to upgrade to civ 6 because of this.
the problem i always see is that in a large ffa game, it's almost never viable to go for military conquest. there's a million win conditions and incentives that favor peace, it feels like choosing to invest in the biggest most obvious part of the game means you get the noob dunce cap. if you try to conquest, the defending player just needs a couple turns warning and then they can prepare for you and make it a slog. if it's not a complete BTFO immediately then one of the other 6 players will capitalize on all the research/population growth you missed out on, by taking a few cities which just gives you more unhappiness to manage.
i understand its a fine line to balance, but civ games get so boring just letting everyone play with their own legos, having almost no interaction and waiting to lose because someone got lucky with a petra or some shit
I've never played Civ but I want to, which one on Xbox one (can be backwards compact from 360) is best lads?
also civ 6 promotes people who try to win via one of the numerous peaceful conditions. 8 times out of 10 I play with a strong military playstyle. Playing civ 6 sucks because it punishes you for being a conqueror.
No. Best Civ game. It was the most complete Civ game at launch and since Gathering Storm added the diplomatic victory, it now has everything + all the news things they added. The only thing that really was holding the game back was the AI, but it has been reworked and bettered several time, and it's behaving properly now.
this post really does look like you got paid to make it. like a press release
Why are half of the leaders female, specially in western civilizations?
Genuine question
Inca have to take the cake for most OP civ.
You don't need multiple spaceports anymore. And yeah, you can finance an army by stealing money, stealing GW to get a cv without making the great works yourself, lower loyalty all while defending yourself. They feel like actual spies.
>the only thing wrong with civ V was the god awful Ai.
And the tall meme, global happiness, the garbage art style, the fucking policy trees, no wonder movies, why the fuck is everything so zoomed out, why does everything look dead and washed out, why the fuck are enemies civ spawning a billion light years away, the elevator tier soundtracks, the narrator that sounds like he's about to die from boredom, the 4 cities tradition rush national college turtle science victory meta, the shit barbarians, the mind numbingly boring early game. This game is a stain on the series.
>So, do you memeloving fucks have any actual argument against this game, other than "but muh cartoony graphics"?
>complains about "bad" arguments against game
>anytime someone says 4 or 5 is better OP just says "no it isn't!!1!1!!"
OP is as always, a massive faggot
gsg>4X games
The AI has been fixed. The interest most civ have in religion (and wonders to a lesser extent) has been greatly reduced; they won't do one-sided trade deals anymore; they place their wonders much more logically; they calmed down on conquering city states (and there is now the emergency system to deal with it); warmongers penalty has been reduced several times (and there is more ways to avoid it or counter it). The only thing you can say against it is that they are still bad at war and the difficulty levels are about how much they cheat. Still, it's pretty good overall now, when it single-handedly ruined vanilla Civ 6.
Yes, firaxis pay me to post on Yea Forums, it's impossible I would just like it and starting to get tired of people criticizing it for dumb reasons (stuff that have been fixed for months and months, and the game having "who?" leaders when there is like 50 leaders in the game)
How do you play Incas? They seems useless to me. Well, they get a lot of food, that's nice, but what do you with it?
I think it's just some guy who's adamant on trying to talk people into playing the game. Paid people at least use different arguments or try to seem like they're more than one person, these threads always have the same guy saying the exact same lines with the exact same pictures.
Let it go, Civ guy. It's okay if you like a game and others don't. Spend your time on something more productive.
Unironically 6
I do know there is a guy who gets paid to shill since he works on civ 6 and they recently had pay cuts due to shit sales. This is just my two cents here but op can fuck himself.
Female leaders have always been a thing user. Also, you know thers have been female leaders in history right? And Jadwiga, Eleanor, Tomyris, Gorgo and Mommytarja are cute.
Well, get absurd high pop, like 40+ pop cities thanks to the obscene growth, and you literally do whatevet, science or culture. Get communism for the bulkshit strong bonus pop per citizen and voila. They are strong at anything since they are not focused on anything other than op growth and production.
>Civ 5 stops going on sale ever since people stopped caring about Civ 6
The game is selling like hotcakes and is among the most played on steam. Kys. I am also the guy who makes all the Resident evil and dark souls thread, I just like to shitpost while at work or at the gym. Seeing civ5 babies going apeshit is fun imo.
Isn't growth pretty limited in 6 with housing?
The climat change is a fucking useless gimmick. Just mass produce coal generators and ignore it.
The future era is non existant and an insult to the player base.
The diplomatic win is the most boring thing ever.
But the new civs and the natural disasters are cool.
Not that much with incas, you just have to make it work. Some civs are more suited to tall, inca is one of them. Terrace farm give you housing for each two, and basically you have to get everything that give housing. Get 6 cities but with obscene pop. The challenge will be amenities, not housing. Plan your wonders and luxuries well, and turtle in your mountains.
Civ 6 a shit. All it's good for is funding the next XCOM game.
The new world council system is utterly awful. Natural disasters feel too bland and artificial. Production focus and science victory still op. Naval based power still too weak on every non meme islands map.
I'm indeed just a guy, but I'm not "civ guy", I rarely participated in a civ thread here, and I don't take screenshots. I'm just saying it like it is: the game is features complete, and has more stuff to do than the other civ games, I really don't get the criticism now
Play Civ V
Subversion, tumblr graphics and dumb as brick combat AI.
Subversion? What? Explain.
Tumblr graphics? What does that even mean.
True for the AI. As lo g as they keep the 1upt model, the AI will perform bad
Civ5 is garbage.
>we're never getting another Rhye's and Fall, Realism Invictus or Fall From Heaven
The biggest problem with 5 and 6 is how shitty they are for modding.
Is the AI even capable of going for Domination or any other victory other than Science for that matter?
>I just like to shitpost while at work or at the gym
This is why we can't have nice things. That exact fucking phoneposter normalfag mentality.
the ai is fucking useless at war so every game defaults into domination victory and the game turns into a simcity esque slog when you reach the industrial era onwards
>Tomyris, Gorgo
It's not CivRev
Well civ5 has vox populi, among the best civ experiences to date. They will provide the code for 6 when they are done with it, like they did with 5. And one of the many reasons they chose this art style for 6 is to make it easy to modify.
The board is filled with threads about games I don't care about, yet you don't see me complain about it in those threads, I just don't open them. Every single day there are multiple DoA threads with the same images, dmc threads, weebshit thteads, even fucking pokemon, FUCKING POKEMON, on a 18+ imageboard. If those threads are allowed, and are not considered cringe or shilling, I think I can post one civ6 thread a day.
They're selling my information but so is literally everything else I use that is connected to the internet so I don't care anymore.
I think I'm going to replace my laptop I use for bedtime browsing soon. I think I'll finally swallow the Windows 10 pill. Too lazy to pretend to care anymore.
>every civ uses the same musketman, infantry and tank model
>mfw seeing Germans and Russians using Sherman tanks
>mfw I have no face when Nubia builds the pyramids and was kings and such
One argument against it in favor of 5 is how you can just switch your bonuses depending on the situation, where in 5 you progressively create a deeper focus through your policies.
Kinda like how having a character build in an rpg can be more appealing when you can't just snap your fingers and change it.
>world wonders are fun, new spies are fun, trade routes are fun
Those are not new mechanics, they all existed in ways in civ2.
>religion is fun
Hasn't been done well. Not mechanically or thematically.
Are you still forced to worry about religion because of how easy it is for the AI to get a religious victory?
Nubian leader looks too much like one of my old roommates who was super thirsty for my dick but I wouldn't have any of it because I'm not into black oompa loompas.
Well kinda, the AI is better at winning and if you are not careful they will convert everything.
Religious victory was a mistake.
Didn't they add cultural diversity in GS? Pretty sure units have unique skins and colors now.
No, if you don't like it turn it off. More victory conditions is always better.
Why the fuck is the governor cast a bunch of people from different ethnicities? If im playing a chink i want nothing but chink governors. Im not even bothered in a /pol/ way, this just ruins MUH IMMERSION
>sjw cancer
>dumbed down
>shit ai
>mobile graphics
>retarded braindamaged blogger facebook tier quotes
>shit gameplay
>shit selection of meme civilizations
>brown ugly cancer tumblerina shit
Its is a vessel for propaganda and only the ultimate braindead c ucks consume that shit.
> (You) (OP)
Blame 5
>>sjw cancer
>>dumbed down
No, after the turdfest that was 5, they brought back what's to be expected from a civ game. The main complaint 5babies had at release was, uhhh it's too hard
>>shit ai
On par with 5. Not like the bar was high, but as long as there is 1upt the AI will be shit
>>mobile graphics
You must be joking, or have a toaster pc. On max the game looks AAA as fuck
>>retarded braindamaged blogger facebook tier quotes
This is true, many quotes are shit, not all, but many
>>shit gameplay
Explain. It's standard civ gameplay with more stuff to do.
>>shit selection of meme civilizations
Such as? What is a good civ for you?
>>brown ugly cancer tumblerina shit
Can you repeat that without the meme words? What's tumblrina exactly? And are you really conplaining that not all civs are blond blue eyed aryans?
>Its is a vessel for propaganda and only the ultimate braindead c ucks consume that shit.
The propaganda meme. What exactly is propaganda user, please tell us.
And I am not sure what your image is supposed to show. Dido and phoenicians were semites, in 6 she looks jewish, in 5 she looks roman, 6 is better.
yeah this is lame, different ethnicities from different time periods and they look like even more retarded caricatures than the leaders do
luckily you only see them when you open a menu briefly but aside from easy recognition they dont even need faces
they should bring back leaders wearing age appropriate clothing and remove other dumb shit like balloons existing on the entertainment district in the medieval era for a start
Interface is pretty shit too.
Fuck you, hexes are cool. I bet you can't even pollinate properly.
Because they wanted female leaders in the game.
Would you raher have the system from Civ 2 where you could choose the gender for the leader and get a representative of said gender?
IMO, the only shame is that they haven't focused more on matriarchal societies when picking these. Like Vietnam and most of SE Asia or pre-Sinicized Japan.
You'd get these funny pieces of history like that time when people got so good at pleasuring themselves they stopped fucking the other sex, kingdom faced a decline in population, the queen ordered all women to wear revealling skirts and guys get dick implants (ribbed for her pleasure TM, plus you have to nut if you want to pull it out).
It's so fucking out there you'd think this was some lewd greentext, but it's actual attested history of the region.
Abe should take notes. Also those implants sound dangerous as fuck.
>Abe should take notes.
Japanese were on it as well. It's one of the things they dropped as a part of the westernification.
Yakuza actually do get those very same implants done today, albeit symbolically. Much like the gigatic tattoos that Japan was known for and dropped, again only kept among Yakuza members.
I guess obligartory skirts with no tights is the most old man can do.
>dumb shit like balloons existing on the entertainment district in the medieval era for a start
That shit triggers me way more than im proud to admit.
They still haven't patched a game breaking bug where a spy perpetually siphons money from your district.
Having played both for stupid amounts of time civ V is easily the better civ game
I mean he does this every day, it's pretty telling.
Maybe a spy just spams the steal money option. I do it for the richest civ.
I tested it with a single city and two 3 fully upgraded spies. Theres no way someone successfully steals every time, and if theres a mechanic that allows it to work 100% of the time it needs removing.
If the initial release can't stand on its own, it's not worth getting an expansion for. That's the iron rule at hand and you shills are going to accept it & like it. Civ VI was hot garbage when it came out, shit game then, shit game now.
>Having played both for stupid amounts of time civ V is easily the better civ game
That's nice and all, but it's subjective.
If you actually played Civ games for any period of time, you'd know that every single game in the series is better than the ones that came after it.
The reality is simply that Civ games maintain a status-quo. For every feature added, they take one out. Personal preference comes down to the set of features the particular game has.
There is only one objective truth in Civ and that is that Alpha Centauri is the best of these games. But that's because Alpha Centauri is the origin of games like Endless Space/Legends and not just another new Civ clone with Tutanchamon instead of Ramsese.
she cute.
Another bit of odd beauty standards I remember is how the Vietnamese (and Japanese and I think East Asia in general) found blackened teeth to be attractive. So French soldiers going to Indo-China had to cajole and ask their Vietnamese waifus (I forget the term. Conai or Congai or something C and something ai) to not blacken the teeth.
I forget what mod it was, RED or something else in Civ 5, but that should be mandatory for every future Civ. I haven't done Civ6 yet so I don't know if it is or not, but it should be for every unit that you have a suitable reference for and cultural blocks for those you don't. Say, a specific Kongoese spearmen for the medieval period but just a T62 for their modern tank. Or Germany and France sharing a generic European medieval spearman but having distinct musketeers and tonks.
I was curious
>In the Visayas, pins made of gold, ivory, or brass were inserted in young boys through their penis heads, according to research by the pre-eminent historian of pre-colonial Philippines, William Henry Scott. As the boys grew older, these pins would be decorated and they would later fasten bluntly spiked rings for the stimulation of their sex partners.
>In Barangay, his study of 16th century Philippine ethnography, Scott wrote, "these ornaments required manipulation by the woman herself to insert and could not be withdrawn until the male organ was completely relaxed."[2] Scott added that there were as many as 30 different kinds to "cater to a lady's choice."
>Pearling, called 'bolitas', has become a common practice among Filipino sailors, especially among the older ones.[3] Journalist Ryan Jacobs, writing in The Atlantic, reported in 2013 that sailors use bolitas to differentiate themselves from other international sailors, especially to curry favor from prostitutes.[4]
>Both young and old males pierce their penises with a gold or tin rod the size of a goose quill. In both ends of the same bolt, some have what resembles a spur, with points upon the ends; others are like the head of a cart nail. I very often asked many, both young and old, to see their penis, because I could not credit it. In the middle of the bolt is a hole, through which they urinate. The bolt and the spurs always hold firm. They say that the women wish it so, and if they did otherwise they would not have communication with them. When a man wishes to have intercourse with a woman, she takes his penis not in the normal way, but gently introduces first the top spur and then the bottom one into her vagina. Once inside, the penis becomes erect and cannot be withdrawn until it is limp. t. Antonio Pigafetta
old fucker.
civ games are stale, bland and boring
But is it better than Firaxis' other game?
user, civ6 vanilla was way way more solid that both vanilla civ4 and rnf civ5. It was the most solid vanilla release in a long long time.
If vanilla 6 was hot garbage, so was 4.
Pro tip: it wasn't
xcom ew (long dong 1) is better than xcom 2 AND civ 6
I love how the AI always rushes great baths.
You can get very tall with neighborhood districts.
i've had the AI get Stonehenge in like 6 turns from start on harder difficulties, while i'm playing China of all things. The AI is a bit braindead, but they really gun for you for no particular reason, other than to make it personally more difficult for you, the 'player'.
My current game i had 3 civs expand towards me directly, and away from tons of exploitable resources, just to get rid of my ability to expand past my 2nd city (without going into barren tundra), despite there not even being anything there but one rice resource amidst all the cities placed down.
IV > III > VI > V
Are any of the older ones worth playing?
In a way, the AI is coded to fuck you up. Better than letting you do your thing. Same goes for diplomacy, you have to work for their friendship and maintain it, they can be backstabbing cunts. At least the backstab emergencies are cool and if they backstab you the other AI turn on them. But I don't like how friendships became easier in GS, hopefully a patch will fix it soon.
6 is better than 3, otherwise I agree.
The AI is really dumb
Immortal is too easy and deity requires you to play a very specific cheesy way because the bonuses the AI gets to pure numbers mean you have to
>But I don't like how friendships became easier in GS, hopefully a patch will fix it soon.
I'll take that over every AI hating me just for existing. Thank fuck they toned down the effect of the agendas because the way it swayed their opinion of you even if you were literally helping them was fucking retarded.
They reworked how agendas work and how strong their efdects are, but now it's just too easy to be friends.
True. It gets better with every patch and considering the complexity of the game it's impressive, but if you are a very good player I can understand the frustrstion. I am an emperor/immortal player so I still have some challenge but I feel for deity players. You can always give them infinite amenities in the xml files so they expand and perform much better overall.
Unit variety is fine and builders are great. Unit balance is another story, but I don't know how that is in storm expansion
too time-consuming