Vidya men you'd fuck into oblivion general

Vidya men you'd fuck into oblivion general

>inb4 hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer

Attached: Alistair.jpg (270x380, 21K)

hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer


>hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer

hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer

hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer
But for real I've been on a Leon and Chris thing for some reason. Capcom knows how bangable they are.

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man i didn't think this was still being posted

hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer

Not gay but Alistair was a fucking manchild, you have shit taste faggot


I'd fuck Leon no homo

Attached: Leon model.jpg (650x638, 52K)


Back to sage

urmagerd git oft mae internnetz fagboii

this isn't the place dude, there are a bunch of fag boards for you.

kill yourself

>mfw installed some stupid mod to make him romanceable as a dude
>turns out to be a total weenie
Man that isn't even something I'd normally do, I don't really know what possessed me. He just seemed like a snarky bro at first, why'd he have to turn out so horrible

You have an entire board specifically for you to be a faggot on. Go there.

Faggot, get out of my vydia.

Seriously now, go to /lgbt/ you asshole. This board is not for this kind of proclivity, this board is for videogames and anime waifus. Commit sudoku.

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Shit I didn't mod it but I did do a female play through to see the romance
>start to notice he's kind of a whiny bitch
>turns out he's a big fucking pussy
>fuck this guy, I'm going with Loghain
And I used that run as the basis for my world state for 2 and Inquisition, too. Fuck Alistair, honestly.

Every time

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>Quits the Wardens if you enforce their rights to gain a seasoned veteran and tactician
So much for it being an important part of your life and it being a valued brotherhood. Alistair overreacted like a massive manchild, sure you can be furious but to desert was fucking stupid (not including the marrying anora/king ending)


fuck off discord tranny

I always found it strange that the most genuinely gay bioware character was straight, but just about everyone else bends both ways or is a total fag.

Go die of aids somewhere else

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Attached: quads.png (611x507, 781K)

baiting or just huge newfags?

>o-oh no, I'm called out again
>these toxic transphobic assholes!!!
>better call them newfags!
>t-that sure will work, r-right?

>it was just the OP baiting to get more replies


I want newfags to go and stay go