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Other urls found in this thread:



why the fuck is a gnome on my screen? get the fuck out of here with your eceleb shit.

Some guy who fucked a whore (who did it for free).


Only one man can defeat him.

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Is this someone from the new amazon lord of the rings film?

I want to see him get btfo by terf

How did Destiny even get popular?

Peter Dinklage?

Imagine being so small that you can't even be seen in a close up picture of yourself.

bungee maade halo before so people thought it might be good

He gets his ass reamed by anyone semi-competent at debating because he doesn't know shit because he's too busy streaming LoL or whatever the fuck he still plays.

a terf


Ask him about not changing his oil cause BMW didnt call him and remind him. /ourguy/ Destiny reminded him hes an idiot.

The biggest problem with this nigger is that he tries to trap people in gotcha moments by comparing situations that don't equate. He also argues for sport, not what he believes. He's argues in bad faith constantly.

this man is literally a hobbit


Being really good at SC2 but still losing to koreans

hes already been destroyed by metakour

>"rights are granted by the state"
You'd have to be an idiot to take this guy seriously.

And can he be both unironically funny and entertaining at times, yet a hilarious punching bag to be laughed at simultaneously? like it is usually only one or the other.


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fuck off gnomesteny

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>Destiny just harasses DSP because he has nothing better to do

The alt-right can be its very definition never be defeated. Our ideals are timeless and eternal, while liberals and other scum ascribe themselves to disease

he is somewhat right. While your rights are natural, they can not exist in the State of War, which naturally devolves from the State of Nature, and thus a social contract is needed to protect ones rights. But yeah I'd say "guranteed by the state," not granted

>be right wing
>havent even thought about desTiny this year

DSP sold his car the moment he was done paying for it.

Why are Australians so addicted to shitposting?

Not disagreeing but can you give me a couple examples of him "comparing situations that don't equate."?

How did you know I was Australian?

Jim fucked him, though

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>tfw stibun will never go back to the golden days of dayz and multiplayer sandboxes
>tfw completely burned out on yank politics so can't watch stibun
>tfw nobody does politics shit for yourope

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TERFs are just rabid feminists, feminists can't even form coherent arguments, they wouldn't stand a chance.

>wake up early
>it's Euro/Strayan hours
>catalog on every board is complete (more than usual) garbage

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>Our ideals are timeless and eternal

uhhm sweetie it's just a fetish

They can be protected by the state, obviously, but they're not something that can be given, only taken away. A human, unaffected by others, has all rights.
The problem is that he, and many others, are confusing rights with privileges. Healthcare for instance, is often mistakenly called a right by some, when it is a privilege.

What's a terf?

>siding with feminists

No thanks, I'd rather not side with people who want to castrate all men.

>clock strikes 2 AM
>Yea Forums is immediately flooded with off-topic politics threads and endlessly shitposting
>you will never get to see Yea Forums be exclusively for Merrikans and Nips
Only this 5 can cheer me up.

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All me btw

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trans exclusionist radical feminist

Feminists who hate men and also hate men who cut their dicks off just as much.

He keeps making a fool out of himself for money.

literally who?

Inb4 someone lies about pedoshit

Feminists don't want to castrate men, quite the opposite. They want men to become powerful by their own merits and not with privileges they didn't work for.

Did he need a stool to pose for that pic?

>tfw the based EU will v& Europoors who post here soon

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Nice try sugartits.

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he only does that against retards that aren't using any sort of facts
he has said he hates that shit
I've only ever seen him do that when the person he's arguing with is blowing shit out their ass, so he does it to fuck with them

>and not with privileges they didn't work for.
Like having a higher suicide and homelessness rate ? Or doing longer jail time than women for the same crime ?
Go fuck off and do your biological role, that diaper ain't gonna change itself.


>body of 12 year old boy
>head of a 50 year old man

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It's so fucking transparent too. I'm a night owl but for how often I visit this place I'm considering changing that, euro hours are truly insufferable.

>He argues for sport, not what he believes

>that sargon stream
Was sargon always this stupid or have I grown up?

Didn't this guy admit to beating his ex on stream?

jesus, reminds of a guy I used to bully

He has no values, he just does what he does now because it's his niche and makes him the most money he's ever seen for the little effort he puts forward. Truly a slimy individual.

He looks so creepy

You've probably just grown up, he was always a daft cunt with a nice accent.

>tfw said 12 year old 50 year old guy has more game than you


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What are you on about? Sargon embarrassed the fuck out of Destiny.

That's also what his son says anytime he sees a family photo.

>nightime Yea Forums used to be comfy and the off-topic threads were usually tertiary Yea Forums culture
>now it's just nonstop /pol/shit and /r9k/shit with low-effort newfag Yea Forums memes sprinkled in
It really sucks. I never thought I'd see the day where I would miss even the garbage 2010-2013 era of Yea Forums

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Someone post the picture of him getting MOGGED by that asian

It's not hard to get a gf my dude



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>That slow ass shaking

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fucking KEK

>He also argues for sport

Sounds perfect for Yea Forums. /pol/ niggers, Yea Forumseddit TORtanic scum and the like do this daily to shit up every single thread on this awful board.



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So he's a violent sperg. Lol

Keep telling yourself that, alt cuck beta male


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Is this real? Poor guy

So what's the difference between an right and alt-right person?

Why do the weakest people advocate the most for solving disputes by violence?

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I think it mostly has to do with the popularity of Bungie, though it's okay in it's own right, just probably not worth the price unless heavily discounted.

A lot of the shitposting still comes from nocturnal Americans, you see it in the bigger Yea Forums discords. Granted, everybody in those are insufferable, meme spouting contrarian fucks, but they're all the type that shit up this board any chance they get.

all people who 'debate' argue for sport

He would actually fucking struggle to reach for a door handle!


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You grew up into thinking letting biased people determine what hate speech is when it comes to transgender/misgendering issues is a good idea?

That turned out well when it comes to criticism of Israel didn't it? Surely no one will be unfair when it comes to determining intent and maliciousness in misgendering cases.

Sargon is dumb and lets himself get caught in semantics when the whole thing should be about hate speech creep and who gets to determine what hate speech is. Steven is a sociopath who justifies killing ICE and conservatives because the only morality that should be considered is one that concerns his favorite pet groups or friends.

impotent rage

stop it you meanie heads :(

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I'm a conservative man and support feminism, because it unironically gives more power to average man than other ideologies.

Those issues are supported by patriarchy. Patriarchy just laughs at suicidal men and lets them die. Feminism tries to prevent male suicides and give more life options for men.

Why is he touching his dick?

user, you are literally acting like a white nigger, mate.
*smugly chuckles*

Take this shit to /pol/ faggot doesn't even play video games anymore

>rights are not granted by the stare
Who holds (or tries to hold) monopoly on violence? Who holds all (or tje biggest) guns in the arsenal? Rights are laws and laws exist since a guy with a big gun exists.

though you could say the popularity was SHORT-lived

This guy is like politics version of this?


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feminism ignores the fact that boys and young men are falling behind in both employment, wages, and education.

It also ignores the wider issue of blue collar work disappearing and how it affects men in particular.

There's nothing egalitarian about the movement in practice.

>Why is he touching his dick?
He's checking if he's a Trump supporter, since they have larger penises. Destiny has vowed to personally destroy all Trump supporters with his bare hands

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>I'm a conservative man
>isn't actually conservative
calling yourself something doesn't make it true

Modern feminism is a corporate movement, owned by corporations, with corporate goals (force women away from motherhood and into a worker-consumer role)

You should have learned long ago that any time you see a social movement, its motivations are not moral, they're political

>Feminism tries to prevent male suicides and give more life options for men.
Like have men consume onions, behave like submissive cucks then refusing to reproduce with them once you realize that they're not manly anymore?
Also, opening borders to brown shitskins that will rape and enslave you, just to own the white man, genius.

>destroy all Trump supporters with his bare hands
If only he could wrap those gentle, delicate hands around someone's throat in the first place


c a b e z a d e v i e j o
c u e r p o d e j o v e n

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He banged this, btw.

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>Modern feminism is a corporate movement, owned by corporations, with corporate goals (force women away from motherhood and into a worker-consumer role)
Also, it lowers birthrates and thus gives them an excuse to import unskilled, underpaid workforce.

And you haven't banged anything

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What kind of angers me is that how proud he is that he "destroyed" a 70 year old black conservative in a debate which is desu not a huge accomplishment.
Yet he milks the shit out of it and even uploaded a video where streamers react to it on his own channel:

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looks like shit

found the triple digit iq

Women will do absolutely anything if they think they can get money from it.

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Unnecessarily rude :(

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Destiny is just libtard Ben Shapiro

There's off topic threads every 5 minutes. And you decided to sperg out in this one. You're not fooling anyone

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Destiny literally has off stream pre-interview with the people he's going to "debate" just to make sure they won't embarrass him.

He started doing this after he ragequit a debate with Sargon of Akkad, a literal retard.

>he uploaded something he knew would make him money because people wanted to watch it

wow i am shocked. The nerve

this. shapiro, peterson or even molymeme would hav eripped destiny apart there

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Whats worse is he gave Thorin shit for doing that exact type of thing.

Destiny was always an opportunist. As long as he makes money, he'll stick to the current dominating political side. If the alt right was more dominant in the US and wasn't deplatformed by corporations, you'd see him appeal their talking points like a good boy.

this thread is so fast nobody will notice I'm gay

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Lol is this acceptable in the Twitch Terms of Service?

Christopher Hitchens vs Destiny

Who would win between these two great minds??

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>destiny shills appear
>point out jontron was right about rich blacks committing more crime than poor (or any whites)
>they go bananas

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Link me some other off topic threads on Yea Forums that belong on /pol/

Ill wait

Did destiny beat Jim in a debate?

>muh emotion

yeah no

how good is he at shouting, strawmanning and talking really fast?

alt right is an ethno nationalist ideology with the end goal being the deportation of all non-whites legal and non legal. That's the actual definition.

>Link me some other off topic threads on Yea Forums that belong on /pol/
That's exactly my point. You posted in this one because it had Destiny in it. You already outed yourself as an obsessed tranny

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>Yea Forums constantly screeches /pol/ at the drop of a hat
>Yea Forums continuously felates destiny

this guy is a gishgalloping sociopath with a superiority complex that feels the need to dominate everyone he talks to, he's a terrible debater