>((((they)))) want to keep this game a hidden gem
>ask yourself; why do ((((they)))) want this?
>(((who))) made you not buy it?
>someone must be behind this right? ;)

get woke

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do they call it blackpilled because your brain becomes a black hole

don't toke

Stop it Todd, give Mr 900 hour his account back and maybe we'll talk.


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What the fuck are you talking about?
What does this post even mean?


... wtf, why have I never stopped to question Jeremy Hambly's motives before?

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>release shitty Fallout 4 multiplayer mod full of bugs and nothing to do

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the load he put on servers was equivalent to 40 players

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How is that a blackpill?
And why are you using the word "woke" in this context?

>why do ((((they)))) want this?
Yeah, I ask myself, why would they want this?

Seriously, is this some attempt by some Bethesda intern to shill this game, but only took 10 minutes to research Yea Forums memes and threw them together without knowing what they meant?

>Yea Forums is so contrarian they’ll defend this shitheap
not even surprised

Its bethesdas new shill AI
hence why it sucks

>Bethesdadrones are now unironicly believing this

Here's how must Arguments against 76 go.
76 is a shit game lol.
Because it's really buggy and bad.
while I agree that the game is in a unreasonable buggy state at the moment I'm sure ironing out bugs is a top priority with Bethesda.
Well it's online that defeats the purpose of a FALLOUT game.
Oh child, they already butchered the fuck outta the FALLOUT Franchise, I thought 4 was everyones wake up call.

So what's the latest fallout 76 fuck up bethesda made? People only ever seem to talk about it whenever there's another disaster caused by an update or announcement.

>four parenthesis
discord trannies trying to spam misinformation

OK, Zoomer.
Go back too Overwatch

It was shit, but this one is worse because every single quest involves finding a holotape, and the world somehow feels even deader considering the only NPCs are enemies.

> I'm sure ironing out bugs is a top priority with Bethesda.
So what?
They should release the games without bugs, that's never an argument.

they banned their #1 fan for having too much bullets

This guy is fucking based and redpilled Trumpkino that dabs on libtards epic style.

Classic Bethesda. Why do they even try?

You're right, they shouldn't but they did.
That shouldn't be forgiven, but once the bugs are gone the main problem is over.
And yes most Quests are dog shit because it's just following a trail of breadcrumbs, but it's not ALL quest, you can just go do anything whenever you want.(But this main Quest is shit, but so is FALLOUT 3 and 4's)

Yeah I heard about that...WHY THE FUCK BETH!?!

>buy Fallout 76 Power Armor edition
>get a cardboard disc
>get a buggy game
>get a shitty bag
>$200 down the drain and personal information gets leaked by customer support

He got beat up by some faggot in a dress though, hes a fucking beta
I dont know why Yea Forums has memed into liking him

The thing is, at least Fallout 3 had a semblance of RPG elements.
This one doesn't, this is their attempt to create a Destiny-like lootbox shooter driven by microtransactions, like EA has done with Anthem and Ubisoft with The Division.

This game is just worse in every single way.
And let's not miss the elephan on the room: no mods, when Fallout and TES games are modding platforms first, and games second.

Everyone here is a BETA lol
(Except ID fans)

>buy video game special editions

you deserve absolutely anything bad that happens to you

Fuck off Todd. You contrarians are the real NPCs
I bet you think everybody agreeing ATLAS is shit is also some fucking media psyop


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True, FALLOUT 3 is better then 76 (Not like that's saying much)
And you're right about the whole No Mod thin oh with no you're not, Because Beths modders are so good they're already pumping out mods.
And I don't remember the game having loot boxxes and nothing you can get in that shitty fucking recycled context atomic shop really gives you any advantages over other players.

Why would I buy a Bethesda RPG with no modding support?

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everything will be OK child.
Just keep playing...

You gotta point user.
But a better question is.
Why would you buy ANY Bethesda game?

Todd you have to go back to the Bethesda forums, why can't you understand that we can't just delete responses you don't like here?

Have you really deprived yourself of the fun of Bethesda games because of posts on Yea Forums?

You haven't, right? You realize that the todd stuff is a joke because we actually all love Bethesda games, right?

>there is a dude at my place of work that unironically likes fo76
hes chill dude but i couldnt help but feel sad when i heard him praise it.

So anyway, has tood howard actaully said anything about how poorly its preforming? And is it possible that it really could somehow kill bethesda? I mean surely they arent gonna bankrupt and shutdown from this? (they acutally almost did go bankrupt years before they got there hands on fallout)

Joke, sonny jim


>So anyway, has tood howard actaully said anything about how poorly its preforming?
Do you think companies do this? Have you ever paid attention to anything ever?

>And is it possible that it really could somehow kill bethesda?
Hhahahhahaha no

>(they acutally almost did go bankrupt years before they got there hands on fallout)
No they didn't. Bethesda turns more of a profit by percentage than probably any developer in the fucking games industry.

FUCK! All I want is a scaver game that's a mix of stalker and harvest moon.

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so Fallout 4?

>In 1997 and 1998, Bethesda released two The Elder Scrolls expansions based on Daggerfall's code—Battlespire and Redguard—neither of which enjoyed the success of Daggerfall and Arena. The downturn in sales was not limited just to The Elder Scrolls franchise, and the company considered filing for bankruptcy as a result.


>mfw this game flopped so hard among every considerable demographic that todd has literally resorted to shilling it to racists on Yea Forums
>mfw i have no face

Recently, a player with over 900 play hours was banned lifetime for very vague reasons that seem to be tied to how much ammunition he was carrying. Right now theory is their system auto tracks how much of an item a player acquires, but not the source or context. He was trading items and ammo back and forth between multiple accounts (yes) to test weapons and play styles, and he dinged their dupe/hax protection because of how many resources he had accrued - but he had accrued them from legitimate play, just from across multiple accounts. Because 900 fucking hours

>I'm sure ironing out bugs is a top priority with Bethesda.
Have you never played a Bethesda game?
>Oh child, they already butchered the fuck outta the FALLOUT Franchise, I thought 4 was everyones wake up call.
How... is this an argument? It's OK that it's shit because the last one was shit?

Fallout 4 if it wasn't the most shallow low effort shit ever

fuck you then fag

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I'm so sick of hearing about F76 mistakes that it's also preemptively made me sick of hearing about Anthem's bullshit.

this is what gaslighting looks like.

Fallout 4 is garbage.

Fallout 4 sucking is not where it ends. It even infected other games. Metro Exodus tries so hard to look like F4 it's crazy.

Even old Bethesda is largely overrated

Try Kenshi. You can build your city, fight hordes of cannibals, RP, it's online yada yada yada try it you won't regret it.

Metro was always kind of a fallout clone, i don't think the author ever denied that.

he was hacking and lied about it

See? Your NPC wojak meme is now being used by FO76 marketers. Drop all wojaks and start using something new, anons.

Hello everybody, should buy Fallout 76 it is a great game by a great studio.

unironically based
I bought the game on launch but only started playing it 2 months after (because of all the bad (((press))) ofc)
I absolutely love it

I have thousands of those atomic bucks and nothing to spend them on because all the cosmetics are dog ugly. You find better looking outfits just lying around in the game world.

fuck off todd

Fallout 4 was shit but 76 is a new level of shit

It's time to lay off the shitposting my friend

I agree with OP.
Fallout 76 is perfect in every way imaginable. Godd Howard did it again.

>bethesda shills trying to create conspiracies about their game so people will actually play it.

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