DOA 6 is out since 3 days

>DOA 6 is out since 3 days
>no threads
you faggots are supposed to inform me of new games
the only reason i come here so do your jobs basement dwellers

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Other urls found in this thread:

>already cracked

Too much dog porn

Since when does Yea Forums play fighting games, even titty fighting games?

Yea Forums is gay for porn games and fighting games

Apparently it's pretty good. One of the better engines the game has had.
Has barely any content though. Expecting like 5 like 1,300 dollars of DLC.

No one is playing it so no one informed

>no threads
The shill had been making the threads nonstop yesterday. I guess they're on a break right now.

DoA isn't a game

Even with less content than 5LR it still has more content than 99% of fighting games released nowadays.

> one informed
where are all the faggots spaming marie threads and senran threads everyday

Greedy devs = no buy

Doa 6 is like Mortal kombat 10, the first step towards it turning into a complete sjw mess.

no gatcha and dungeon crawler arent games
fighting games are games

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shut up rewtard, theres been threads every day every hours

tecmo ran the worst PR campaign in history.

pissed off left and right, appealed to no one.


>dungeon crawlers aren't games.

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Looks like an uglier Marie.

>Finn vs Swede
It’s only natural.

says the one with 1 INT.

Fuck off Swede, new Finnish queen is in town.

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It's OK but there's so many fighters these days...

that blue hair is ugly

Who cares about DoA, Marie is forever and the only thing that matters

The game is pretty good honestly. They took out tag battles which sucks but I'm hoping for an update in the future where it gets added. Also, the costume unlock system is trash. You can't even choose which costume you want, the game jyst gives you an incredibly small amount of progression for random outfit unlocks after you complete certain scenarios in the game.

the PP is boosted right now you get hundreds per fight win or lose in ranked

They just put out an update that multiplies how much patterns you get by 10 in all modes except Quest

With the x100 event going on you can get 150 for just doing easy Arcade, and not even well either, which isn't really so bad. I just hope they realise their mistake and keep it going indefinitely.


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discount Marie turned out to be shit

post more NiCo

>100 dollar season passes
i hope tecmo burns

because this cancer game cant even fullscreen, look it up

Seething Swedes shouldn't be allowed to post.

Sure, she needs more and more content though. I'd welcome all open heartily.

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How would you want them to change the price? When you divide it by items, it's priced at around $1.37 per item. So do you want the Season Pass price to be lower so that you're buying the items at a 75% discount, or do you want them to include less content in the Season Pass so that it lowers the price?

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The game is pretty great, only the costume unlock system is cancer.
Supposedly it's fixed by today's update that increases the rate you earn points from clearing various modes, but I haven't had the chance to try yet.

I had a lot more fun this weekend playing than I expected. Time just flown by while I was playing ranked, it kept throwing me in matches after matches, I must have spent like 5 hours in one sitting and didn't even realize it. It was awesome.

she's so plain and I hated her being added in 5 but that outfit and the new model in DoA 6 do wonders for her

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Well, just wait a year or two and they'll release a new version with more characters and dlc anyway so who cares.

I meant post more with her body in the shot

Why arent you playing kokoro and tetsuzanking people to death?

Kokoro is boring to play

Everyone is too busy playing UNI[st]

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I didn't care about Marie until I saw her introduction, saying "I believe it is time to take out the trash" or something with an angelic face. I just wish she didn't act too cute in general for this lolidom stuff. I like underage smugness.

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What is this, gallons of cum spent?

It's garbage, and Marie is too stupid to be a dom. Plenty smug though.

I have to agree. I like her, but I would like her a lot more if she wasn't pusing this burikko crap.

I'm 75 missions into DOA QUEST and I'm going to be burning through the Arcade/Survival modes over the next few days. Hopefully I'll unlock everything before they bring the multiplier back down. I agree with you though, the system is shit, especially when you earn 500 points and unlock a 100 point costume, wasting 400. Pain in the ass.

That being said, I haven't received ANY points for Bass, Rig or Hayabusa. Are male characters rarer to get for? I've got like 6 Kasumi outfits unlocked.


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post better material

How is the multiplier? I got one (1) point for rookie. Does it affect Quest? I guess you can't repeat the same quests for getting the end bonus again. I got my favorite costume for my main accidentally but I want at least one for the others.

it's just bad luck, I haven't unlocked any costume at all for my main character yet, and I have done 60 DOA Quests too, played 100 ranked matches, cleared arcade on true fighter, time attack and survival on rookie (for 1 point lol).

It would have been acceptable if she just pretend until she gets the upper hand. Like she is cute shit in public the turn into a demon in private with someone she is in conflict with.

Shit system. The only reason I can think of is to sell dlc outfits and/or releasing weekly/monthly timed quests to make people come back.

Too bad in the story mode she only proved that her personality is actually 0.5 dimensional and not 1 dimensional as I originally imagined, and that she is completely worthless.

the arcade/survival multiplier got patched in about three hours ago, you can now earn hundreds of points a go.
Quest mode gets between 200 and 500 points per stage, and you have to complete three objectives to get them (bear in mind the first 50ish stages include the objective "Complete the quest"). Objectives are pretty easy and quite fun, so it's a good way to earn points.
You can't replay them, but there are over 100 quests so you should be fine.

I got 3 points for a Hayabusa costume from playing through Arcade on Hard. I scoffed and had to go for a walk outside. Could you imagine playing through arcade over 100 times to unlock a costume for a character you don't even use?

Dead game.
People only care about MK11.

Playing arcade over 100 times wouldn't even guarantee that you unlock any costume at all. For all you know each time it would go to completely random costumes that may cost 1000 to unlock.
This system is beyond retarded.

So, is the price of the season pass justified?

>Dead game in the West
ftfy. idk what the fetish for ultraviolence is about in the West, look at Doom and Gears and anything by NRS and how well they sell, it's a joke.
MK is a fucking trash fighting game anyway, I'm so salty that it's gotten this popular. I say that having the last three MK games just to see if there's any worth.

>gatcha bad
>MMO good
>cost of gatcha: as much or as little as you want
>cost of MMO: base game + expansion 1 + expansion 2 + expansion 3 + cash shop + yearly subscription
I'll stop posting about gatchas when MMOs aren't allowed.

People try to justify it by doing the math so it comes up with a costume costing 1-2 dollars, I honestly don't remember.
Personally I don't think it's justified at all, but if you don't like the price you can always not buy it so that's what I'm going to do.

yes because you can just pirate the dlcs

So there is no multiplier in Quest mode? Damn. It was 200-500 on the weekend as well. Kind of hoped one will guarantee one outfit with this. I will see what the other modes offer when I get back from work.

The lowest Arcade setting now gives 100 of them, at least.

nah her honest cutenes and how well it fits her is why she is so popular to begin with, other characters like hitomi also try to act cute but it doesn't fits her and end up looking retarded

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The cancer and literal gambling you have to put up with in order to make costing "as little as you want" greatly outweights its benefits.
Gatcha is just pure cancer. Cash shop in an MMO also don't have any place for sure but that is still a million times better because at least you are guaranteed to get what you pay for unlike gambling addiction bullshit gatcha.

Fuck off.

How about survival? It seems the fastest because no loading screens and one round per character (however it seemed slightly harder on rookie than the other modes)

something something core values

I only care about the girls

Anyone having issues with loading times, change your voice language to Japanese. I've found that cuts it by about 75%.

The game seems kinda unoptimised. I was checking my stats menu and when I moved to the next page, it displayed in Japanese for a split second. Feels like the game loads everything in Japanese first, then English. This may include voice tracks, which is why it takes so long to load between matches.

this, I remember when a new MK game was announced after years and how surprising the sales were. Like does pandering to dudebro tertiarys really pay off? my fucking god sois will buy anything that just looks like something a guy "should" be into even if it's trash

Speaking of dungeon crawler and fighting games, I miss Tobal and Ehrgeiz's adventure modes, Wish it caught on.

I don't know, I don't recall getting any to be honest.
Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention at the time. I was just having fun.

I want to fuck NiCO and have her run experiments on me.

It really does. Filling your game with single player content and pandering to dudebros by giving them various cool stuff to do offline absolutely did pay off for Mortal Kombat, even if said dudebros drop the game after 2 weeks, since they bring the money in.

I'm actually more surprised the Japanese haven't realised this yet.

Everything went back to normal relax, only some boobs are slightly smaller (mostly ayane).
This is also the first DOA where asses bounce (of the main series at least)

>Want to buy DO6 and support the series
>Shitty marketing that pretty much insulted the fans
>Big lack of costumes
>Insane grind for the few costumes there are
>A lot of cut characters
>Graphics aren't that much better
I can't do it bros. I think that objectively it's better to stick to DOA5LR at least for now.


I want to mating press the genius out of this whore

>new characters are this abomination and a failed cholo

Don't bother.

DOA has literally always been shit

Multiplayer against people not in the same room as you is killing society.

The game is great though in spite of all those negative things you listed.
I hate that the marketing and game journos focusing on boob controversity completely destroyed this game's image in the general public's mind. Under these circumstances of course it will flop, and it pains me that there is not a single thing I can do about it.

Been playing them for years

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There have been several threads. You just haven't been here.

Still waiting for KT to get their SHIT together so we can get some Yea Forums lobbies going up in here. Ranked online is great but I do want better competition than the waifufag fodder I've been laying waste to.

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>not wanting waifufags in THE waifu fighting game.

uhm OK

>I'm so salty that it's gotten this popular.
>Mortal Kombat in current year
Are you really trying to tell us that you've been rooting against a series of fighting games for nearly 30 years? How sad is your life?

I've been climbing fairly steady despite being complete shit in the game, occasionally running into people who can actually play and completely wipe the floor with me. The worst thing is that they are gone after we finish the sets, and these players are rare. So without lobbies I have no chance to play against people who are actually good at this game, so I don't have a realistic chance to get better until lobbies are out.

this game has some pretty good tracks

The music is seriously a huge step up compared to any doa game before. I love it.

Lobbies will kill the ranked scene which is a an awful trade off. New people don't want to sit in a fucking lobby and watch tryhards fight each other for 10 minutes until it's finally their turn to play and they get bodied because they don't spend their whole time on this game. They want to just get into matches as quick as possible and with little hassle as possible, like this user said .

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OST is fucking great

I usually don't join lobbies that have more than 3 people with me included because I don't like waiting for my turn.

They're fixing the costume grind permanently.

thank fucking god

Exactly this.

The popularity of MK around Armageddon is about where it deserves to be. The surge in popularity as a result of MKvsDCU, carrying momentum into 2011 and X and now 11 is insane though. The actual fighting aspect is junk, it's just dressed up nicely with lots of single player content and a cinematic story (that apparently everything should be imitating now)

I promise you, it wont. People will always want those sweet titles and golden/platinum tags. Same as in Tekken, SFV, DoA5, etc.

>not playing with japanese voices by default.

>highleg leotard


You are just being salty as fuck. The fighting was indeed garbage in the Armageddon days, but they have been taking inspiration from other fighters that are being taken seriously, and they made a serious effort to create a solid fighting system, and they succeeded in 9 and X, the trend seems to continue with 11. The fighting is actually pretty solid now, denying it would be just idiotic. It's fine if you don't like it but stop talking out of your ass and mistake your opinion for facts.

Good news

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A 100 matches was enough for me to give up on the online completely. Since the community proved to me I have nothing to gain but pain and suffering I don't care about anything else. I will just get some costumes and come back some time when they release some free updates.

No Rachel
No mommy-G
No big tiddies

Why would we talk about this one?

Hitomi a cute

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What exactly is your problem? That you got destroyed online ranked, and have no desire to get better? In that case why the fuck would you come back when they release free updates? To mash some buttons against AI?

You're quick to give up. Weak user.

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>finished quest mode
>it will be fixed and finally can get 5 points per match towards my favorite 1000 points costumes

also for any AMD users having crash issues on like jungle paradise, change your graphics setting to


First game where i actually remember she exists. That winning pose is pretty cute.

>That winning pose is pretty cute.
Agreed, I love it too.

Yes. I have two types of matches, when I destroy someone effortlessly and when I get destroyed without a chance. The ones who are above me are so far I will never get there so there is no reason to play online any more.
>To mash some buttons against AI?

I'm playing since DOA2, I only got worse.


I also actually prefer her English voice over the Japanese, which is pretty rare.

>The ones who are above me are so far I will never get there so there is no reason to play online any more.
This is the attitude that will ensure you will never amount to anything in this life if you keep this up.

Christie is a miracle of the universe

>To mash some buttons against AI?
According to psn stats for games that guve thropies for doing an online match (most games) 75%-82% of players that played the game never even play against somebody online, even less play another player offline. Yeah it appears most people like to play the games single player. I know you are a badass though, there's no need to tell me, but I know you will anyway.

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>AMD users

lol everytime

there has been threads literally every day. Do you just look at page 1?

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I personally don't use the English voices, but it would be great if Street Fighter's character by character toggle to switch between voices would be standard across all fighting games by now.

>tfw I realize I'm already a decade older than the girls that used to be older than me

That's a pretty extreme way to view things and pretty competitive in a non healthy way.

You'll never be the best at fighting games user, you literally need to dedicate your whole life to a single game to even be in that league. So why fret over it user? I know fighting games are the most personal when it comes to losing or winning but just be happy with your skill level which is bound to improve. I mean unless you are not enjoying the game that's a really silly reason to quit.

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I wish I had noticed that deluxe costume for Phase 4 before deciding against buying the deluxe edition.
If it had been for Kasumi, I would not have missed it.

I like the winpose too.

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feels bad man

I dont care about doa6

>>Want to buy DO6 and support the series
>>Shitty marketing that pretty much insulted the fans
fans knew it was the same marketing as 5 and didn't care. Idiots that only cared about X3 didn't understand
>>Big lack of costumes
like 5 vanilla. More costumes at launch than most fighting games anyway
>>Insane grind for the few costumes there are
it just got fixed today
>>A lot of cut characters
They just cut the guest characters, the NG characters and Alpha. That's not a lot.
>>Graphics aren't that much better
get glasses, 5 was a lot worse in terms of graphics. You get that impression only because it's the same artstyle.

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Yeah that would be great. I would also be curious about them speaking in their native tongues though i can see how it would not work for a lot of characters. Mostly i just want to hear Helena speak French

How is a flat ass good news?

How to enter photo mode??? I need some screens with my Nico :( And Im mentally retarded so I dont know how :(((

Isn't the full game like 200 USD?
Fuck them.

>Tfw fat, balding
>Tfw soon my facial features will be lost
>Tfw I have become the hentai ntr villain after being a dense attractive anime protagonist for years but not getting a girl

>They just cut the guest characters, the NG characters and Alpha. That's not a lot.
Not to mention it's a pretty safe bet that they will be added back eventually as DLC, since even a guest character Mai is confirmed returning.

Probably closer to 6x that.

>You will never hear Helena sing in French in a beautiful opera house while outside the unwashed savaged are rattling the gates

It will be available sooner or later. I like watching Phase 4 but not playing her, but yeah her costume is much better than Kasumi's in my opinion. Love the contrast and that skin indentation umf

flat/10 ..... hope the upcoming updates make the girls more attractive , god damn it's been awhile since the last time i felt regret after a purchase

This. First season pass is KOF themed, they'll probably do a NG one, and a legacy one.
They've already said in interviews they know Momiji is one of the most asked for characters.

Nigga just click the modes until you find it. You can use it in saved replays or just have the CPU fight itself on the spot.

full game is 50$.
Unless you think you need all costumes DLC ever released to have a full game.

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they also say " if the game does well we might add her on a future dlc "

I'm a bit mad that we can't use Phase4's costumes as Kasumi because I see no reason as their models are identical, but I have no interest in playing Phase4.

This is why fighting games make such limited lobby systems, so that you dont kill rank. Because look at ark system works games. Rank is kill and everyone just plays in lobbies. A bare bones KOTH lobby wont kill ranked

like everyone marketing a game to be fair. Considering the first season pass stops in June, they got stuff planned until January at least

new lobbies will allow multiple matches at the same time at least.

>Holding content hostage
Ah, classic sign of a nice Dev that doesn't want to milk his customer dry

I stopped dedicating a lot of time towards a game when I clearly see the wall. Spent years on a lot of games only gaining the smallest amount of progress. Which wouldn't be that bad but my rank is always completely mediocre, something that anyone can achieve with a fraction of my playtime. I always liked DOA, probably that is why it hurts the most. Putting in so much work and never getting anything out of it.

>adding rings to make her edgy

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ooooh, that's pretty nice actually. Lobbies still promote snobbish gating behavior in my opinion but that's a big step to making them more appealing.

>playing western MMOs

Don't get me wrong the Korean MMO cash shop items make a huge difference, but the base game is usually free and I've never paid for extra content

I think I just didnt unlock them because I went streight up to survival andd online mode... or maybe Im just stupid. Thanks anyway user.

well they sure milked my wallet with doa5 , jesus i spent like 900€ on that game i dont feel regret thought

>Buy SC6 or we will literally kill the series!!!!

Stop pretending any of this shit is exclusive or even close to being the worst.

At least we can enjoy the doujins about schoolgirls losing to old men cocks.


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You'd have to be dumb to not get that nobody would support a game not selling

Don't you get entertainment out of it, my rank is nothing either but i have fun just fighting against people. I am very casual when it comes to fighting games too but i have a lot of fun with them that way.

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Ayyy lmao

take this 3dpd out of here

Would there be a senran kagura cross over again or too early to say?

And how does the photo mode work exactly, guessing its not a matter of chosing a pose but rather pausing gameplay right?

>We love our fans and make sure to support the game with more content
>If you guys buy enough shit we will grace you with more content

Over time almost everything will lose it's early "entertainment". When you play a couple hours every day for a couple years, at some point you do it more because it's a habit than anything else. It's hard to distinguish between something being truly entertaining to you, or just you enjoying something because it's a habit (and your brain rewards you for sticking to your habits)


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It is either 3-0 or 0-3 for me. It is very rare a match is close. I love those though. As soon as one player realizes the other lacks some fundamental thing about the game or the character they play against... it is a stomp.

but that's not what they've said.
They've said they'll support the game anyway (they've supported DOA5 for 6 years), but that some characters would only come back if there's people playing.
It'll be just costumes otherwise.

yeah, it's pausing gameplay and manipulating camera angles. There's some picture mode jedis on Deviantart (of course)

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>Would there be a senran kagura cross over again or too early to say?
Shimbori said he wanted to in a JP interview


lmao nigga the game just came out.

What's with the new vocaloid character?

fun is a buzzword

I'm afraid that's not mine but i subscribe to your sentiment user.

>this is a serious fighter with serious women, we’ll tone down the tits and jiggle
>preorders tumble down, old fans are insulted, sjws still don’t want to play your tiddie fighter
>oh shit who could’ve known
>backtrack on everything, it was just a misunderstatement bro
>genius producer, it was just a giant ruse
How much of a shill do you have to be to believe that the marketing was in any way good?


I see, I've been born to be a villian. I always thought to be the good guy. But I guess someone has to be the enemy

nobody said the marketing was good, just that it was literally the same thing with 5

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wow she has nice skin

I'm surprsied someone actually cared about Rachel.

surprised im not seeing more from twitter, seeing some good shots popping up, still a shame I can't have what the senran kagura games have (preset poses filters etc)
when that's out I'll give in and play


>check plot spoilers
>expect Honoka to go full Raidou and use the Torn Sky Blast on the ninjas
>used literally as a cow to milk magical power to fix Raidou

that's for doa7

Rachel is hot as fuck

I'm kinda baffled that Ayane and Honoka being sisters was supposed to be some kind of big plot twist reveal, when it was pretty much obvious day1 when her trailer dropped when she was being added as DLC to 5, when she displayed Raido powers.
I honestly have no idea what they were thinking with this story mode.

Yeah, they basically pulled a DBZ Cell with Raidou, and Honoka and Ayane being 17 and 18.

Rachel is patrician taste. Rachel x Miji is the mark of the chosen.

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I had multiple anons tearing me up another asshole on my back for wanting her back, calling her some washed up whore and that nobody cared about her at all.

Of course I do she's perfect.

Oh user is just an affectionate moniker.
Like Cummiji, or Thotmiji, or Breedmiji, or Throatmiji

Tecmo need to scale the stages in proportion to the size of the characters. They always look too big.

wtf! Momiji is a shy maiden of the shrine

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What? There is nothing wrong with the scale.

>the C*lifornian responsible for "I'm a Fighter" not only was allowed to keep his job and not even demoted, but also put in charge of doing the same thing with DOA6 but even harder

The degerate horde of mariefags (or f**tfags as some more dirtymouthed people call them) are a blight and should be ignored, no, combatted at every turn

>Ayane, Rachel and momiji constantly share ryu's underwear and pictures and then have angry frustrated yuri sex.

Matingpressmiji is a shy maiden when there are people watching.
When she's alonemwith her lover, Doggymiji turns into a ravenous cumslut

Honestly i was very disappointed with that whole plot, what a complete waste. Raidou is the biggest opportunity for drama you can have in this series, it should have been way more elaborate and a lot more personal and vicious between him and the siblings, instead it's just a big nothing. You get more fucking character development in DOA Dimensions than you do in this game.

I was hoping for all sorts of cool stuff too, like they could have made special animation for Kasumi's break blow against Raidou where she uses Rending Wind, stuff like that. It was a big let down, Team Ninja just can't write story, period.

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I want her. Her playstyle is fun and agian, she's hot as fuck.

I admitted that I was salty in the first post, you fucking narc

reminder that Nyotengu now wants Ryu's d too

lol. Momiji was allways in the top 10 meta picks ppl just wanna complain about something.

Agreed. Massive missed opportunities.

Also am I the only one who found it hilarious that Rig's subplot didn't move forward even 1 inch compared to 5? They just did the exact same scenario again, but they didn't reveal anything and did not move the plot anywhere, and obviously there was no resolution either.
Like, what was even the point?

>Ladies and gentlemen, your DOA community

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Good enough to warrant you defending it calling all the old fans low iq for not being able to see through his epic ruse.

Nyotengu wants everyone's D at this point, and everyone wants Ryu's D too.
Nothing new.

She's been my main for years, I love her so much. Having a bob cut option has given me a huge boner, and the subtle eye movements as she bends over legit makes me want to jerk off every time I see it. Getting through the tutorial was a real challenge.

When its done its done man.

The rings are where her electricity comes from. Remember she does this with SCIENCE, not magic ninjutsu.

Based weaponized finnish autism.


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Twitch chats are cancer, in other news: scientists effectively confirm that water is wet and fun things are fun

fun is a buzzword don't use that

Yeah i don't think they know what to do with Rig other then wanting him to be the "bad boy". Do you think they would be additional story content released given the gaps? i doubt it but it would be nice, also hope the game survives to the point where that's even a possibility.

Funny you post that since NiCO's fatal rush is based on Misaka's railgun attack.

>Team Ninja just can't write story, period.
See ng3

Post cute Kokoros

Can't wait for momiji to invite her to the"women that Ryu sexually frustrates" club


Spurdo has to be the purest meme there is. It's so incredibly retarded and simplistic but it always ends up getting me.

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Honestly, I seriously doubt we will receive any story updates until DOA7, and of course that is a big if we ever receive 7.

i don't know what you are implying


Wait, people actually play this game?
I thought you're supposed to just look at the porn and move on.

Yeah, people play games.

Got any more brain busters?

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Nioh is proof enough that Team Ninja can make a fun action game but cant write worth a damn to make the whole thing interesting to follow. Even Omega Force can make some nice stories. DW7's story is pretty fucking kino.

It made sense to build it slowly, although we all knew, what sucks is the payoff. As in, no payoff at all.
Not surprised at all. Tekken took 7 entries to solve the Mishima conflict for good. DoA is at 6th, could be the last one if this bombs, and we still don't have the full ninja conflict solved
>Ninjas snooping around cyborgs
>Kasumi and her mother being pen pals
What the fuck
Nobody knows who Fame Douglas is, nobody knew who Victor Donovan was until DoA5. They took way too long to establish the bad guys. By Tekken 3 we knew the people working with Jack were good, and Bryan was bad (Abel vs Bosko).
I think this is where they jumped the shark, beside the fact the synopsis is wrong (he was evil from the start and let himself be turned into a super fiend).

I wish Nico had natural hair color instead of ANIME LIGHT BLUE. She would've been a real contender for Marie.

That they already have proven themselves to be terrible at writing years ago

>He doesn't want to pay with his waifu

>I'm 18 so sex us ok

Are you a bot?

Every one with anime candy hair is a raidou spawn. So it's rpbably important in Nico's story later

Does anyone else find hold really hard to do? You need guess the right 1 of 4, and then you also need perfect timing. I can never hold anyone and usually I just get counter throwed instead.

Patiently awaiting DOA6 Last Round

Error error. Subject suspicious of simulation.shutting down, shutting down

Anyone upload a complete save file for CODEX yet? I own the PS4 version for MP but have the pirated version for benchmarks sake (surprised my GTX970 can run this game pretty much flawlessly at 1440p with everything turned up)

But you don't need perfect timing at all, the hold window is very lenient.
Having 4 options to choos from is kind of the point, it's that way to balance it. You are now forced to make educated guess on which hold to use instead of just spamming it and hoping for the best, that would result in incredibly dumb gameplay.
This way if you make a mistake and guess the wrong hold, you get punished hard. But if you guess right, the payoff is pretty big, you not only stop the pressure, but turn it around and deal serious damage too.

The point is to use your braind when you use hold.

Enjoy waiting since that formula has been done away with since Street Fighter 5.

>lost paradise scenario crashes my game
kill me bls :-DDDDD

It's a reference to her namesake nickel carbonate aka NiCO. This is what it looks like when you mix it with water.

Attached: 0298309131.jpg (532x800, 40K)

The models are done pretty well. I cant wait for xtreme with 6's engine

nah, no red eyes, i think it's just anime hair dye.

Attached: huuuuuur.webm (900x506, 2.92M)

see you on PS5. You'll need to buy the game again there anyway

Still seems like a weak option compared to strikes. Strikes counter throws, can also counter strikes, and can be mixed up to make them hard to hold.

I heard this game called rock paper scissors, but really rock is the strongest, paper is okay, and scissors is situational at best.


She would be cuter if she was a little chuuni.

Some moves can be held on reaction, the rest you need to read your opponent which involves having some knowledge of their strings, if your new to the game it's normal. Spamming holds is actually one of the biggest newbie mistakes, because the punishment for failing if the other person is on point is really high. The window is also very lenient unless you're doing a special hold like Kasumi's Sakura Madoi, but there's also a damage bonus to holding a move just as it's connecting to you.

Attached: Offensive Hold.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

I think only the devs try to perpetuate this rock paper scissors bullshit who don't understand that it doesn't work how they think it works.
In any case, holds aren't supposed to be a viable alternative to strikes. Holds are a defensive option that is there to use when you are being attacked, either in the middle of a blockstring or being in the middle of getting comboed. In those cases, strikes aren't an option but holds can turn things over if you guess right.
Hold definitely has its uses, and is in fact a major part of the meta. I think it's just newer players don't really understand at first how to use them.

that doesn't matter that color looks shitty as hell

she's finnish?
voi vittu
that's bretty ebin and basedd :DDDDDD
now i have to ged dis game :DDDDDD

Attached: 981d598f.png (377x330, 6K)

She is. Have you played the game? What do you think the silly poses are for? She even makes a bunch of kamen raider references. She's even voiced by Uesaka Sumire.

NiCO spurdo edit when?

Attached: Spurdo.jpg (1600x900, 102K)

>Became friends with a fellow rapebaby
>Became friends with her sister kasumi
Ayane is gonna make it

Me on the right

oh fug :DDD

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Attached: WHO.webm (1280x544, 595K)

It's completely fixed, they increased the patterns by x100 now. Meaning a single ranked match nets you a crazy 250 to 300 patterns. Completing arcade gives you up to 800 patterns.


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me on the left

You thought the game was just holding back and forth? Of course strikes is the main form of offensive. You also don't have to hold every single strike you know? There is a block button, there is nothing stopping you from blocking unsafe moves and punishing with the correct frame move while the opponent is on minus, just like every other fighting game.

>no threads
You wish.
But I told myself I wouldn't shitpost anymore.

It's alright. I miss Gen Fu. I'll consider the discounted purchase if he ever shows back up

i hope someone makes it soon

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ebic :-DDDD

Yeah I'll probably just stick to that for now and stop trying to hold.

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why not put one of those electricity rings around a dick.

>not knowing Sumipe
Goddammit Yea Forums

Attached: 131381.jpg (374x500, 56K)

Running that experiment sounds like a nice plot for a doujin.

No ones dick is that small

on a clit then



i mean hold may seem weak now, but like every fighting game once you get into its flow and start to see everyone's flowchart - it's a viable nevertheless

like i wouldnt hold low when mid match when there's likely a mid launcher yadda yadda yadda

>you faggots are supposed to inform me
typical Yea Forumstard in action

Before 5 ultimate maybe.
She was at the bottom of popularity polls with Lisa anyway

Nigga how this shit got approved in the first place.

treat like low parries or guard impacts, just do it when you know its coming

i dont play a lot of fighting games - but this tutorial and training is REALLY good

would you say it's better than arcsystems? who comes close?

>Nico's body is little chunkier compared to Marie but still petite
I-Is she based on Ai Uehara by chance? I've watched enough porn of her to notice that familiar build of hers.

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>Killer Instinct


Killer Instinct has a similar tutorial

Ahahaha no user. Skullgirls I can agree though
Not him but even if she was still more used than half of the cast.

I assume they tried to copy the loot box mechanics from Blizzard&co games, probably to appease to the western audiences.

>you will never be sparring with rachel and accidentally grope her boobs while trying to perform a hold on her
Why live lads

Why not GG?

Attached: Nah.gif (177x300, 147K)

Because the game is still complex as fuck.

I also noticed those delicious chunky parts but I didn't attribute those to Uehara. Now that you mantion it, you may be right.

Nico model extract to Honey Select when?

git gud shitter

But the tutorial is very in-depth and explains everything...?

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stop posting this pedo shit here, take it to Yea Forums

It's the chubby arms + modest breasts. Most JAVs are either skinny or thicc.

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>almost 100 dollar season pass
>over 1.000 dollars in dlc for DOA5
Yikes user I prefer to pirate that.

i wouln't call her petite her proportions are average

this outfit would be way better without those retarded wrestling boots

She's still very small compare to the rest of the cast. She's only a few cm taller than Marie

>she killed millions

Fuuuuck, I really hope they bring back Sarah Bryant.

I can assure you that you're wrong

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is that a yellow pinkman suit?

then they fucked it up because Blizzard games usually have some currency where you can buy the items you want, even if it's a long grind it's possible at least

i get it , its expensive if u want all the dlc and is shady af from a customer perspective but ffs there's no need to pirate just buy the base game or keep the pirate thing for urself dont go around screaming it

How gay can one man get? Jesus.

This is such a shit design of a character.
>>kuudere, maybe
>>jimi no ko
>>zettai ryouki I guess
She has a maximum of four tags, that's it

do you think nico is lonely?

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Her deluxe outfit shows off her absolutely delicious figure and it does things to me peepee so it's fine, fuck off. Gays not welcome.

Pirate fags are like foot fags, they would literally die if they did not scream it at every opportunity.

Not even him but how could you not? It’s not even a ruse user. This is how 5 worked and considering the 100 dollar pass they’re gonna pump new costumes after they go through the SJW scan. Which for some reason is working.

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>characters should just be a stack of generic design traits
this design by commite shit it what makes the new DOA girls in penus vacation look so soulless.

You forgot
Youre probably the type who'll just label Honoka as moeblob and big tits

>there's no need to pirate
Not even him but are you serious?
There's not even a concrete list of whose going to be in and if you played Momiji, Rachel, Ein, Gen Fu, or any of the virtua fighter characters you're shit out of luck and have no clue if your old main (which was played often by global stats) will ever get in

SFV got worse shit than this for not having Sagat. This is absolutely a pirate game.

Attached: 1AoNyqZ.gif (250x188, 910K)

I want a Christie wife so bad

Case in point, these obnoxious faggots exist and they think there is nothing wrong with what they are doing.
Piratefags are the scum of the earth.

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Blame your dumbass boss.

Honkers IS a moe blob with big tits, the bitch has no stake in the plot she came out of nowhere and sudenly she can fight on par with the worlds best ninjas just because she watche kung fu movies growing up, shes dumb as a brick and her best friend is a lolidom character whose also dumb as a brick. They both feel like they came out of different series to hang out here like Tekken or Rival Schools or something just like Nyotengu and this new Nico chick who I can't tell is a robot like Alisa or just a chunnibyou like Kokonoe and Faust or just an artificial human like the murakumon girls

Nico is for bullying

Attached: doa6___photo_mode___phase_4_vs_nico_x_by_doacatfights_dd18djz-pre.jpg (671x1192, 109K)

her body is not the problem it's her atrocious hair and style

Me on the right

>no one posting honkers
cmon, Yea Forums, you're better than this

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she's beautiful you faggot

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>he doesn't know

>sudenly she can fight on par with the worlds best ninjas just because she watche kung fu movies growing up

yes, that's exactly how things happened...


I've been really enjoying it. Once you get into Ds online you really need to understand the hold system.

I'm here for Marie

Know what? Are you making fun of me you bastard? All I know is that 6 shit on Kasumi again after finally giving her some breathing room in 5 because apparently Kasumi is never allowed to be happy how many times can someone be kidnapped and cloned against their will?

>imagine actually buying doa

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here's her big sister

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NiCO is the new hotness, Marie is old and busted.

That's not Helena

>how many times can someone be kidnapped and cloned against their will?
The fuck are you talking about? That happened exactly 1 time.

>he really doesn't know

sorry we ran out of Marie but we got cheap discount imitation NiCO

Attached: 1542554528_275611_1542554575_miniatura_normal.jpg (480x270, 21K)

>you will never walk into a high class restaurant with christie in a beautiful dress next to you
>you will never see everyone turn their head to take a look at her, whiel she snuggles up to you to make the men even more jealous
>christie will never casually tell you she wants you to help mindbreak helena locked away in the basement while chewing away on some food
>you will never have christie tell you to fuck helena faster while she sits on helena's face

Attached: 1535974728199.jpg (500x500, 57K)

marie is helena's servant, not her sister

I was told it happened again in this game! Who the fuck played me!?

NiCO is better than Marie though

why are so many girls interested in wearing skin tight white clothing? They're only going to embarrass themselves when they take them off in the locker room and notice skiddy marks a mile thick

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It's not VF but its the closest thing I'm gonna get user

we need animations depicting this

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That has to be one of the best game screenshots this whole year to come out.
It's fucking perfect.

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I'd prefer being exclusive to her though

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Did they not confirm in 6 that she's another of Fame's bastard daughters? My theory was always that Marie was an android, created by NiCO (who clearly has knowledge of robotics since she works on cyborg Raidou), and placed in Helena's household as a spy for MIST.

still playing faggot

implying that's not hot as fuck for girls and guys alike.

skindentation is a patrician preference after all.

i bought my chubby ex gf rave clothes that were way too small for that exact reason. it plays into the slut/sub play for the girl's interests, and it just looks hot as fuck for the guy.

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Why do people pay money for games solely designed to be fapbait? There's nothing more cucked than fucking paying for porn in the age of the internet.

>you wake up one morning with a knife on your dick
>just for our understanding user, you may fuck helena, but you only love me, you understand that right.
>you can do anything to me what you want, but just know that your heart is mine, and mine alone.

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How do I git gud with Brad Wong?

Are you mixing her up with Kokoro?

How do I git gud with Kokoro and NiCO?

Get drunk and mash buttons

that's really fucking hot

Attached: trib.png (625x514, 735K)

This might come as a surprise but most people like the game AND the fap bait.
The game is genuinely good, look around, and you will see everywhere on the internet that once people take the focus off the tits and the ass, they universally agree that the game is solid.

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Don't mind me.
Gotta clean this shit thread.
What a mess!

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you should have seen how wet she was my dude, the little shorts smelled for days afterwards. they fucking love it. you just gotta make sure your gf isn't too overweight and reel them in. luckily i love baking so if mine is too skinny i can put some meat on her bones pretty easily.

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She's infinitely better than Marie so that's quite the bargain

what did he mean by this?

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>makes the new DOA girls in penus vacation look so soulless
Not-Kaede is great.

>Not-Kaede is great.
not-kaede is a hag and soulless.

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I find that hard to believe. I've never ever seen a thread on Yea Forums about DOA that wasn't waifu-posting. There's never any discussion of the game mechanics as such.

I want to have half black children with Hitomi.

I really like Nico's stupid design.

this is a qt is she in the new persona game?

That's not how she rolls

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marie rose dlc skin

Because this is Yea Forums, people hate fighting games here. No one discusses any game in depth here and you'd be an idiot to come here expecting it. I'm not saying it's ok or condoning it but that's just how it is. There was quite a bit of gameplay discussion on the game on /vg/ during the weekend.

why does every female in this game have the same face

You must have missed the beta threads then

I would but I sold my ps4. I'll pick it up on ps5 maybe this year.

Ah ty user.

i cant play online right?

NiCO's combo challenge is good and 8PP > 236P is the best way to end most launchers. For Kokoro just mash her elbow and shoulder charge.

>Brad Wong

I'm not a rocket scientist user

>and yet Nico has more relevance as a character while Marie's sole existence is to be beat up and scream HONOKA-CHAAAAN

Maybe they'll have finished adding back in the missing characters by then.

First of all Honoka is sisters with Ayane, she's part Raidou. Secondly the whole ditzy school girl thing is an act so that her opponents underestimate her. Read about the Art of War pleb.

user has his whole life figured out, god damn

Attached: migoto.jpg (1366x768, 149K)

Fuck you guys for putting me off this game, its inbcredibly satisfying to play and simpler than Tekken in all the right ways. Its super hot too.

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What the fuck is this madness? Devs actually listening to the players?

She is nothing like Marie though. The only thing they share in common is probably the face. They don't even share the same body type.
Nico is more like Mashu. She's just missing a senpai to dote over.

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Christie does think youre exclusive to her. fucking helena being cheating is something christie cannot fathom. Cheating is only if you fuck another human, and helena is just an animal shes breaking up. Whether its her with sexy toys, or her lover using his dick, its nothing special. The only thing that matters is that her boyfriend understands that helena isnt something he should get feelings for. At least feelings other than one would feel for a toy.

Same with christie dressing up as a stripper or dominatrix, she knows she exciting other men, but she can think of them little other than horny fools. Sex with them would be bestiality and she wouldnt sully her body with such filth.

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Dragon Kick

give me combos user

n-no, ayane-chan, ganbatte.

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I buy if some cute anons want to play now and then. oh yea you cant even do that HAHAHAHAHAHHA

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D/B + K

I fucking hate fighting games. Especially this one. The fucking inputs are so fucking retarded, 'lmao get gud' lol i'd rather play an actually good game than learn how to play this fucking trash.
I'm on that DOA quest bullshit since its the only fucking way to get costume parts (GREAT IDEA FAGGOTS) and i have to do some kind of lower semicircle throw as Bass, absolutely no fucking explanation of how to actually fucking do it, even the laughably weak 'character specific tutorial' doesn't mention anything about throws whatsoever, which is fucking retarded for A WRESTLER.
It doesn't help that OF FUCKING COURSE the game doesn't let me use my stick and forces me to play with my fucking dualshock because ITS FUCKING RETARDED AND DOESN'T LET YOU CHANGE THE MAIN CONTROLLER WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF FIGHTING GAME DOES THIS OH YEAH DOA5 DID IT TOO.

>smug anime jpeg poster
>actually seeing someone in a fighter
doubt it

left honk, right honk, brap honk

No, I know Kokoro is Helena's half-sister. There were a lot of theories going around about what Marie's background would evolve as now that she's no longer officially a dlc character (Honoka's was pretty obvious from the start).

I love her. Shame NiCO wasn't Russian

gassed up shawtyyy said i need bout fortyyyyyy

whatever you say friend, have fun with your soon to be dead game lmao

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I don't get it.

She was supposed to be originally. That's why they hired that VA. I can't remember the reason why they changed.


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>how do i semi circle!?

Are you sure you're not plugging your fight stick into the disc drive?

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I know but still, I wouldn't want to spend my precious energy on anyone other than my cute sociopathic wife

I think it's because they remembered Bayman is russian, which is fucking stupid


That's really it? When there's a billion burger and rice ball characters around?

>implying she isnt wet as fuck after abusing helena and drags you to bed to ride you dry

Attached: 1534013235426.webm (562x720, 2.73M)

i hate those combos that have a dash and qc at the end

>ride you dry

ride you until your nuts are dry

Well, japs like finns more anyway

Am I the only one who likes Mila?

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Just do 26 for the qcf.

This is why I specifically said "everywhere on the internet".
I tried to imply other than Yea Forums too because I just knew you were going to say this.


Attached: 1515613330863.jpg (1280x720, 307K)

that works?

I just said I'm using a DS3, I'm sure if I had my stick connected it'd be easy, but the way this game registers inputs from my dpad is making it fucking impossible.
Personally I think I've outgrown fighting games, a billion fucking moves and you need to use maybe 2 of them to dominate online lol.

I ignored Christie for too long. I've noticed the appeal lately.

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imagine being this retarded

it's way to early in the morning to be a grammar fag but dry affects the verb of that sentence, not the object: and (she) drags you to bed to ride you (adverb).

imagine if it was and (she) drags you to bed to ride you (hard), it would mean that the riding was hard not that you are hard.

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Japs are honorary Finns
You can bet that Nico was endorsed by the Finnish embassy since who's apparently run by an otaku

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No, she's adorable and kicks ass.

Attached: 1512778523531.jpg (1024x576, 57K)

it's way too***

disregard my whole post, i'm an idiot

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>implying I didnt pick STEM exactly so I could forget all this faggotry

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Man, Nico is really underpowered.
Her attacks do really little damage and you have to rely to dishing out lots of attacks to even get people to half health while you can just button mash as people like Jan Lee or Honoka and they'll be dead before you notice it. Feels bad brehs

Attached: 1525929157787.jpg (3840x2160, 646K)

> a billion fucking moves and you need to use maybe 2 of them to dominate online lol

Not in DOA.

If you can't do a half circle on D-pad i don't know what to tell you. If it was a full circle i would understand, i actually switch to analog when doing that motion for Izuna Drop or Momiji's equivalent.

Attached: 1547411831840.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

l2 critical burst

Yeah, if I don't do it that way I end up doing NiCO's 6P instead on my shit pad.

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I need someone to make a mod that enables break blow violent version against NiCO, Marie and Doglover

>Want to buy DO6 and support the series

the pc port is trash
the dlc is insulting
it's not even worth a pirate

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i assume the input must be really fast then or else you just do 6p regardless?

>the pc port is trash

There is nothing wrong with it.

anyone else getting frame drops when objects blow up on pc?

pc version load times are incredible, low input lag and good online.
everyone already knows what the dlc model is like for doa for 4 year nows.
it's not worth pirating because you can't go online.

are you fucking stupid? the port is the exact same shit as 5 which was labeled piss poor and trash
how exactly is "nothing wrong it" now? you mother fucking shill nigger

Any way to play online using the pirated copy yet? Don't want to give KT jews any money until they add lobbies and don't shove $100 worth of launch DLC in my face.

I'm in the same boat, I feel like there are at least hundred others as well.
Something about her doa6 appearance really sparked up her attractive points and now I realize how blind I have been, it's weird but welcomed.

>good goyim buy the game now when in a couple of months there will be a f2p version and ultimate super duper last round edition with all dlc characters at a fraction of the cost
eat my ass

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Imagine defending a flawed system just because fighting game developers are too fucking lazy to actually improve the formula they've stuck with since the mid 90s.
DOA5 was like that, learned like 2 moves for hitomi that would just wreck anyone I encountered, pretty much only lost because my boner lifted my stick from my lap. I pirated this one so i'll never know, but the gameplay feels broadly the same except with added press R1 to win gauge.

>good online
yeah getting matched against the same wifi warrior 30 times in a row because there's no matchmaking settings is amazing

>the port is the exact same shit as 5 which was labeled piss poor and trash
First it's not a port. All versions of the game are missing lobbies and they're coming in March. So it's not the exact same situation as 5.

Are you ok? Literally none of what you said is true.

The only stupid one here is you

I find the minimum req is a bit high for a fighting game, especially on the CPU part. I'd say it's pretty unoptimized.

I got matched with all kinds of people, and I could just reject the wifi warriors, and had great matches with green and wired connections. Sucks to be you.

I don't give a shit if you buy it or not, wait for F2P if you want, the point is the PC version is not bad by any means.
I see more wired connections than wifi in my experience.

lmao I'm done with you pathetic shills, even if I did a port comparison you would refute me with "LOL U DUMB" because you have literally zero arguments to defend your corporate shill ass company, you disgust me

even if you decline them you get matched against them again, but i'm on pc so the playerbase is tiny af

You have listed exactly 0 arguments to begin with, you are just sperging all over, which is hilarious because the reasons that triggered your sperging aren't even grounded in reality.

Are you running on a toaster by chance? I'm curious what you think is a good port. Dynasty Warriors 9, now THATs a bad KT port.

I'm also on PC, and I never played the same guy twice and got plenty of wired connections with great matches.
Sucks to be you.

>literally making shit up just because

Kill yourself

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Should I get this or continue to plunk around occasionally in Tekken 7? Also are the boobs smaller or is that just a meme?

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>They just cut the guest characters, the NG characters and Alpha. That's not a lot.

No Momiji no buy. Fuck off.

They went full retard e sports and also changed all the feminine sizes of their female characters, bust hip waist etc.

Fuck 6.

if by anyone you mean the 10 fights you had from LR to E+ sure

>the point is the PC version is not bad by any means.
fine I'll play with you pathetic shills

-zero mouse support
-graphics options are laughable
-can't rebind any key to any other key because it emulates a 360 controller so you can rebind only a small amount of keys while others are permanently bound to other stuff
-only 360 controller prompts

""""""""""""FINE PORT""""""""""""""
can't wait for apologists to tell me to use a controller when keyboards are literally just fucking hitboxes that are a competitive control scheme, you """""fans"""" should be the first to demand better of koei's trash attempts over the years instead you gobble up their crusty cum flakes like good boys because "look mom le bouncy anime tiddie :DDD" you re all pathetic

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God I want her to bully me with her feet.

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Some girls got a bit thiccer in other places, but overall boobs are downgraded.

I'd just stick with Tekken to be honest. DoA6's launch has been mediocre and it's already bleeding players. It's a lazy entry and I don't see a scene forming and lasting. Tekken is also 50% off right now obviously trying to put the nail in the coffin.

>that right arm
Did the artist even look at what they were drawing? What the fuck

I'm having fun with it, if it looks interesting to you, buy it. No, the boobs are not smaller, they have different physics that make them deform so they look smaller in certain outfits that cover them up.

Attached: 1551295443464.png (917x500, 990K)

pretty sure it's just the regular sperg that finally found this thread. All he does is make shit up 24/7, can't believe such a niche game managed to have this much of a turbo sperg triggered

Yep, now it's obvious it's literally him. Just ignore this faggot, it's the only way he will fuck off for good.

dead on arrival shills absolutely demolished
also no momiji no buy

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If it looks like something you would like get it, it's pretty good. No, the boobs shit is literally made up shit. Girls just have different body types now, most of them actually got thicker thighs and asses now.

It was a nice thread until it lasted.

Just goes to show, literally all it takes is one massive faggot. I can't believe this behavior is just supposed to be acceptable.

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yeah they got nerf kasumi is a prime example , the onely one that seems to be OK is Honoka . i know this is not a popular opinion but they look much better in DoA5. so is this game worth buying as a fanservice fightng game ? nop .


>zero mouse support
useless in a fighting game, even for those who have it, if you're using keyboard for a fighting game you dont really need the mouse, not even for menus
>graphics options are laughable
they're enough for what the game offers, no need to tinker with 56 different settings
>can't rebind any key to any other key because it emulates a 360 controller so you can rebind only a small amount of keys while others are permanently bound to other stuff
the default binding is fine unless you use the keyboard with your feet
>only 360 controller prompts
such a shock for a windows game uh?
>""""""""""""FINE PORT""""""""""""""
not a port

>inb4 replying to the 360 prompts with "but GAME X has PS buttons as well and let you chose"
that happens when console games are ported to PC, which is not the case here.

Better late than never.
There was a bunch of screens of her in the last thread.

Honestly theres not much to talk about. The game is fun to play online and all, but the rest of the game is pretty bare bones. Everything relies on the completely broken unlocking system KT is apparently fixing middle of this month. Quest Mode is kinda neat but again, useless to play until they fix the rewards. The story is unbelievably bad even for a fighting game. Half the features for the last game are missing until further notice. You can tell it was pushed out on a near shoestring budget. Theres a good foundation there but TN has yet to take advantage of it.

>tfw you slowly unlock the DOA5 OST
>that sweet Honoka theme
Fuck yeah. 6's stage music is fucking awful.

I love ayane but this modern outfit is just stupid. Where is her butterfly ribbon design? What happened to her color scheme,

Attached: 1533396913175.jpg (960x1280, 74K)

>6's stage music is fucking awful

Now this is some shit taste. The OST is so good in this game.

good christie pics are rare

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>-only 360 controller prompts
Maybe because 1. it's on Steam 2. Steam is on Windows 3. Guess which controller is supported by Windows, hint: not Playstation

So whens the new rush of porn?

She'd definitely get it up the butt.

NiCO's ass is good, however Helena's is out of this world in DOA6

I wasn't a fan of the OST at first but it's grown on me. I usually just mute music and put my own on but I like this OST.

ooof, too bad about that awful taste user. I think it's one of her best outfits, might even be my second favorite redesign after Razor's Edge if not it would be third for sure.

>What happened to her color scheme,

You mean Black and Purple? are you color blind?

Are there any lewd webms of Nico? Either like some lewd grabs or maybe her downed/defeated poses? If not I'll settle for some Honk

Attached: Honk angel.jpg (3840x2160, 857K)

Thats not a bad price for the content they are offering. But I heard they are not making it available to buy costumes individually though. I'm not buying packs. I have a feeling that tactic will backfire

Actually nah, it's definitely my second favorite. Talking about default costumes only of course, but it would still rank pretty high up in overall, 3rd or 4th at least.

it when from mostly purple to mostly black. adn the tight bodysuit is so drab compared to the old outfit. same with kasumi

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>she's a discounted Russian
Kek. Fincucks on suicide watch

I know of nothing yet.


I cant even notice a difference in most of the girl minus Ayane or Helena. Shit even Mila and Christie seem to be bigger than 5

They will be putting the content up for individual purchase. it literally says so in the description of the passes. I don't know if they will allow you to buy one specific outfit for just one specific character but at least just a single costume theme for sure.

Baiken only has one arm dude.

Attached: 1528513183523.jpg (1657x1080, 227K)

I was in the same boat but the game is undeniably fun. If its anything like 5, they will constantly add all sorts of things like new stages and characters.

Has this artist ever drawn Nyotengu?

Holy fuck NiCO and José are the most uninspired characters

Even if this is bait, there are people who play fighting games with a mouse?