Does Ultimania explains KH3 evil Repliku and KH3 evil Xion nature...

Does Ultimania explains KH3 evil Repliku and KH3 evil Xion nature? Are they time travelers hearts in new replica bodies or completely new replicas?
Also Kingdom Hearts thread I guess

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Pretty much. Also Xions heart is time traveled from the past but after Roxas calls her name from within Sora the present Xion boots out the other heart and takes control of the replica.

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>Does Ultimania explains KH3 evil Repliku and KH3 evil Xion nature? Are they time travelers hearts in new replica bodies or completely new replicas?
Now read that sentence out load and tell me Kh fans don't have autism.

Why doesn't Sora just call out to Roxas's heart and reach out to Ventus and Kairi and pull hearts from the future, past, present, and all alternate and possible futures, pasts, and presents to create a giant Sora amalgam that can't be beaten?

Cause the way time travel works makes that really difficult to do in the first place and requires painstaking amounts of preparation.

Why is his head so big?

He's a big brain

why did repliku kill himself with the other repliku? if he just waited a few days, he would have gotten his own body.

Cause he didn't know

The fucking GAME explains it dude. Just play the game.

Someone explain why Terra doesn't look like Xenmas. He should look 30 not 19

He didn't want to

fair enough

But Xehanort was the one in control doe

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The real question is why ventus doesnt look older

Not anymore.

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I doubt present Xion heart is in the new replica, I think the new replica just got the same memories so she's at a practical level the same Xion, but her heart is still inside Roxas, that's the only explanation for him dualwielding in KH3.
About Repliku I'm almost 100% sure he's a time traveler too because they literally gave him the glowning hand effect CoM Repliku had after absorbing Zexion's dark powers

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faggy games

>I doubt present Xion heart is in the new replica, I think the new replica just got the same memories so she's at a practical level the same Xion
So would the Xion in Roxas still even really exist or would it be some kind of permanent meld with Roxas and lose sense of self since it exported its memories to the other Xion?

Terra and Xehanort were conveniently reformed as how they were before fusing

So has Terra been Ansems guardian this whole time?

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That's a good question that not even Nomura can answer until he makes another 4 games

Then wheres Older Terranort?

Yes and its name was うしろの人

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There's no older Terranort because Ansam and Mansex reformed into Terra and Xehanort, the Terranort that appears in KH3 is just the reformed Terra controlled by a time traveling BbS Terranort according to Ultimania

Heres what I've noticed.
>3DDD True Org had Ansem from the past possessing Riku w/ The Guardian
>So Ansem+Dark Riku=1 spot
>Vexen comes in with the Replica program
>Ansem gives the Guardian back to Terranort(Who was present in the 3DDD scene as Xehanort gloats about it)
>Xion replaces Demyx
>Ansem gets a replica
>Riku replaces Vexen who replaced Sora

he was the one who cums

>the Terranort that appears in KH3 is just the reformed Terra controlled by a time traveling BbS Terranort according to Ultimania

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>the person behind
literally a stand

Ok, then if thats possible, then what about Luxu and Braig?

So you're saying that xehanort is even older because he drained terranort's age?

Mansex and Ansem die -> Terra and Xehanort reform -> Terra heart and soul are still in the LW and Cum Guardian so he's an empty vessel -> instead calling Terranort from the past and put him in a replica body (what they did with the other time travelers) they just put him in Terra -> KH3 Terranort is born

So if ansem looks the way he does because of riku, will riku grow up to look like ansem with white skin and blue eyes?



>Terra had no interaction with Xemnas and Ansem
Wasted potential

Yes but he won't comb himself to look like apprentice Xehanort

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Why'd he talk to himself?

Xemnas and Ansem are defeated allowing reforming.
Xehanort and Terra both come back whole as they were when they merged.
Cum Guardian swiped Terra's heart and imprisoned it in itself.
Xehanort then stuck time traveled Terranort's heart in the now empty body.

Considering when the first game got released JoJo was nowhere near as famous as now and Shaman King had barely started, i'm surprised Nomura manged to make this kind of reference work.

It's not a Stand, tho. It's a Behind

>Terranort possesses Terra
>Young Xehanort had to come in and interupt his speech
>Terranort is shocked to see his older self
>Young Xehanort had to frantically get Terranort into the portal before LW gets up
>3DDD scene happens
>Terranort then goes back to his original time
>YX appears literally one second when he left
>Even more frantic to then he was before
>YX is so frantic he trips and falls and swaers and tells Terranort to" get in the fucking portal go go go go"
>Terranort lost his memory time traveling and just does what his supposed time traveled self says
>Terranort then goes back his his timeline
>He takes 2 steps and Lingering Will kicks his ass
>It all makes sense now
>But he gets amnesia again.

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I think Young Xehanort just took him while Aqua was putting Ventus in the chamber in Castle Oblivion

I mean, technically speaking, we don't know how Terranort managed to 1)recover from Lingering Will's fight and 2) get from the KG to Radiant Garden.

>Who am I?
>I'm your younger self! Stop fucking choking me and get in the fucking portal!

Wasn't he just throw away by the explosion of the X-blade or something like that?

Darkness within Darkness

>always behind you
>actively works against you to fuck you over

Terra confirmed for Cheap Trick

are you high on acid? what did you just say? You're incomprehensible.

As much as playing the series helped make things more understandable, this time travel and multiple Xehanort BS still confuses the shit out of me.

I get the idea that he can bring the hearts of past selves into the replica bodies of the current time, but once you start getting into things like Terra’s heart being in multiple Xehanorts from different times but they’re actually present Terra but not really, I get lost.

I figured Xion being in KH3 was through Xemnas being brought back from when he still remembered who she was and through mystical BS was able to revive her in the current time, but I guess that was totally fucking wrong and I’m still confused.

Terra's heart is only in one Xehanort at a time. The Guardian gets switched between Ansem SOD and Terranort

>having to read a magazine to understand KH3

The absolute state! Why is this information not in the game??

I wonder what he thought before liteally dying (Ultimania states Terra's heart destroyed Terranort)

>where the fuck has armor gone to-

Dream Drop Distance has three D's and it's for the 3DS 3 D's

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Ok help me out with this.

Starting with BBS Terra’s heart starts in Terra, then gets possessed by Xehanort.
Xehanort loses his memory, temporarily or something I think, and causes a split to become Ansem and Xemnas.
I don’t know where Terra’s heart is at this point, I’m assuming it’s in Ansem because he’s a heartless and heartless trap hearts.
I’m then assuming that when Ansem and Xemnas are defeated Terra’s heart is still within Xehanort, who has now taken back his old man form.

Skip to KH3 and I’m confused where Terra is supposed to be and how he got there. Is still in current timeline Xehanort? Is he in the heart of Terranort? If Terranort was brought from the past would that mean there’s two captive Terra hearts? Help me out this is confusing as fuck.

He didn't die for being destroyed, all the time travelers were destroyed and they just returned to the past, that's how Xehanort's time travel power works

>I've made a terrable mistak-

I believe its implied that Xehanort reforms after Xenmas and Ansem were defeated, but wanted another vessels. So he went with Terranort and split Terra from from his heart and body.

>fuck this guy and fuck his bullshit, first the armor now my own stan-


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>I don’t know where Terra’s heart is at this point, I’m assuming it’s in Ansem because he’s a heartless and heartless trap hearts.
Correct, Ansem's Guardian is Terra's heart while old man Xehanort's heart is his main body.
>I’m then assuming that when Ansem and Xemnas are defeated Terra’s heart is still within Xehanort, who has now taken back his old man form.
APPARENTLY the explanation is that when Terranort was reformed from Xemans and Ansem SoD Xehanort was also split from Terra (where he got his old body idk) but that left Terra's body empty without a heart since Guardian still has his heart so Xehanort used that empty Terra to house the heart of his past self from just as he took over Terra's body originally.

I dunno. The whole time shenanigans due to YX would match his displacement.

Seeing Xehanort losing his shit is such a treat.

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but don't we see Master Xehanort like arrive in DDD, why the fuck did it look like that if he was just teleporting in.
Reminder that this guy is literally the Tabata of Kingdom Hearts and if it wasn't for Nomura leashing him in, KH3 would have been made with command deck cancer. I'm really worried about the next game, if Nomura moves on and leaves Osaka unchecked, we will go back to shitty gimmick hell.


When Terra is possessed by Xehanort he becomes Terranort and his heart is in the guardian, then from this point to KH3 his heart always stays in the guardian that several Xehanorts can summon, that's why you never see two guardians at same time, because it's one heart that has been summoned by several guys all this time. The times no one was summoning him he was... idk, maybe in the realm of darkness.

I think the current body of Master Xehanort is still Terra's body, the body of Terra just formed two different bodies, like happened with Sora when he made Namine and Roxas

So when current-timeline Xehanort brings Terranort from the past, he places Terra’s heart into Past-Terranort? Or does he bring a Xehanort from the past and the combination of Terra’s heart and Xehanort’s heart just always lead to a white haired yellow eyed Terra?

If it’s the former, what would happen to the Terra heart in Past-Terranort? And with either case, why would he discard Terra’s heart and leave it to potentially disrupt one of his vessels? Was Terra’s heart cast away anyways as a result of Xehanort being reformed, hence why Xehanort is his old man self and not in Terra’s body?

>Q: What was the concept for the battles this time around?
>A: To make them colorful, easy to play, and well-paced.
Mission accomplished i guess, fucking hell.

So if thats the case, what about Luxu and Braig?

So where the fuck did Master Xehanort come from goddamnit

Are you asking why Luxu still looks like Braig even after becoming a nobody and reforming into human instead of reconstructing his original appearance?

Is Kingdom Hearts the ultimate boomer series? I can't believe people actually ever thought that designs like this are "cool".

You mean what happened to the heart of the real Braig that was bodyjacked by Luxu? Who knows, maybe it's a boss, I doubt most of heartless are as strong as Terra's, even if they have a similar origin.

He brings Terranort from the past and places it in present Terra's body, the heart of present Terra stays in the present as the guardian, his heart never returned to his body until KH3. He has always been the guardian.

>proper hearts just randomly zoom into meat bag clones
was this ever explained at all?

They're really good clones.

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>Vexen and Demyx? Not specially strong, I could replace one for Repliku, he was pretty strong after all...
>oh I know, I will replace the other with Xion too, that girl that can absorb memories (memories from when he became good and betrayed me) and make her fight with Sora and Kairi, her originalselfs, what could possibly go wrong?
Nice plan, Xehanort

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Reminder that heart, body or memory-exchanging between 2 people is more or less the metaphorical and literal equivalent to magical sex in the Kingdom Hearts verse.

Reminder that Sora has technically fathered and mothered Roxas, Xion, Namine and Vanitas through all of the heart and body-swapping fuckery he's experienced throughout these games.

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Confused Terra poster here, I think I’m starting to get it now. Fuck this is convoluted as hell though.

So my understanding is that when Xehanort is reformed from the defeat of Ansem and Xemnas, that reforms BOTH a full body of Xehanort and and Terra’s body.

Xehanort then sheds Terra’s heart from himself and uses Terra’s empty body as a vessel and puts Xehanort’s heart that possessed Terra and Terra’s heartless, which is the Guardian, into it.

It isn’t until Lingering Will comes into contact with his former hodgepodge of a body that he’s able to restore control of his heart, therefore also being able to get control of the Guardian.

Did I get everything right?

>*fucks Sora and Kairi daughter*

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What kind of retarded game is this? Where's the monster zone for summoning blue eyes white dragon?

I mean Xion was designed to specifically suck off Roxas for Sora's memories and Sora wasn't even there. Maybe the new bodies were designed to be even better at sucking.

How do I beat Xeanort's butt in Kingdom Hearts 3?

>Xehanort tosses away his body and fuses his heart and soul with Terra, expulsing Terra's heart and soul
>Terra's soul becomes the One Behind heartless and his soul the Lingering Will armor
>Terra-Xehanort (Terra's body with Xehanort's soul and heart) has the power to summon the One Behind and is asskicked by the Lingering Will and Aqua
>years after Terra-Xehanort splits into a heartless and a nobody
>the heartless names himself Ansem and fuses with Riku at some point (without expulsing Riku's heart and soul from the body probably to not create a new Lingering Will, but this makes Riku able to fight back and control Xehanort's heartless later as seen in Days and KH2) and the nobody is called Xemnas. Terra's heart (the One Behind) can be summoned and controlled by Ansem and Riku fusion (no matter who is in control)
>heartless and nobody are destroyed and reform Xehanort and Terra as they were before they fused, but Terra's heart is still in the One Behind and his soul in the armor so Terra is just an empty husk
>Xehanort uses his time travel powers to summon his own heart from the time he still was Terranort (BbS) and places it in Terra's body, using him as a vessel, basically creating a new Terranort. The One Behind can still be summoned by Ansem (who is here from the past too, but in a replica body) or the new Terranort
>at the end the Lingering Will leaves the armor and takes control of the One Behind and with Sora help they return to Terra's body and the time traveling Xehanort inside him lefts and returns to the past, while Terra is finally whole again (soul, heart and body)

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>needing a monster zone to summon a blue eyes white dragon
Look at this fag

>yfw this is basically incest

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Not enough niggers for you, huh
>using boomer as a bad thing


The weird thing about LW is him being still alive untill the actual Terra came back whole (heart and body), and only then he vanished back into Terra with his armor.
Like.. He was still somewhere there for some reason. I hope the additional cutscenes/DLC will make it clear.

Like, I can't see LW just stopping when Terranort is still there, unless he's destroyed beyond recognition/back to Terra, and even then, I can literally see him going fully retard and just hurl himself as armor pieces into Terranort.

But he was fucking there, whole including the armor. So what the fuck happened?

I wonder if Nomura avoided giving the answer because it's going to be a DLC?

Roxas was dual wielding ven's keyblade nigga.

It's technically gay incest depending on who's watching.

>character designs look like something from the 2000's because they are
>have to play all of the games back from 2002 in order to even vaguely know what the fuck's going on
>plot is basically incomprehensible for anyone under the age of 14
>most of the Disney worlds are pre-CGI 2D animation nostalgia movies
>gameplay, level design and overall combat feels largely outdated in comparison to most modern games


Tell me he doesn't look cool as fuck

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Is this a King Crimson reference?

What’s with those string bean arms, he looks like a faggot.


>At the end of DDD every member of the new Organization is sent back in time like they have been time traveling
>In KH3 we learn only half of the Org has been time traveling
This is fucking stupid.

And selfcest in some way

Its not a reference, its directly aping a popular shonen idea from one of 1980's top mangas

That excuse only works in Days and KH2, not in KH3

Nomura makes shit up as he goes, more news at 11.

They were time traveling to that specific point of time even if they still existed in the present, just like Master Xehanort
>Nomura says MX was time traveling in KH3D
>then in KH3 he's not and he just reformed from Ansem and Xemnas

I smell you vencuck.

Don't summon him

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>tfw you will never play as LW and fucking up the nort13
>tfw you will never play as El cum guardián(edicióna Terra) vs Terranort

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What the fuck? Terranort never wears the coat in-game. That image was fucking me up I thought that was Young Xehanort but just, rendered awkwardly so he looked older. The new CGI esque model faces kind of all mesh together to me I guess. Also I didn't get a good look at the keyblade at first.

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So I keep seeing the main explanation as to why you can't get Oathkeeper/Oblivion in 3 is because Roxas has them?? Doesn't Roxas use them in Days while Sora is still awake in 1? And even if only one person could use them at a time why the FUCK would Oathkeeper/Oblivion pick to stick with Roxas when they're Sora's Keyblades? I'm hoping it's just Nomura being a lazy hack

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Actually he did, when Master Xehanort makes the maze he has other 12 Xehanorts wearing the coats so Terranort actually wore that in the game, but you never noticed it was him

Oathkeep and Oblivion are only cosmetic anyway. Roxas when first arriving in the world that never was right before fighting the neo shadows in Days summons to identical Kingdom Keys rather than O&B. He then transforms them into them. There's no story related powers for them or anything, Roxas and Xion are shown using the Kingdom Key throughout the entirety of the game. Shit I'd be the only reason he actually got them by the end was for continuity reasons since you don't actually use them at all through the game. Same reason they gave Terra his cape at the end of his story in the HD release of BBS.

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You can see it in the journal

Does Ultimania explains why KH3 is shit?

Wow KH3 just keeps getting more retarded even after your done playing the game.

Rent free

I've never looked in the journal in-game, I bet there's all kinds of cool shit in there.

Do we ever get to see a Xehanort or a nobody get reformed into their original self, on screen?

>on screen

Sadly its mostly small descriptions.

I think the closest is seeing them wake up on the ground.

>Q: If there were any rejected ideas, please tell us about them.
>A: The boss in Arendelle was initially meant to be a fortess-type Heartless that was enclosed in the palace walls. It was planned that Marshmallow would force back the fortress walls while Sora would use a dive attack to strike, but unfortunately the location (lit. "setting surface") was deemed "NG" (not good), and that boss was re-used as one of the gummi ship bosses.
Fucking hell, everytime there's an issue it has something to do with Frozen. I mean i loved Skoll so i don't mind but seriously fuck the Frozen team.

Even the initially thought was garbage. Why does SE run away from Disney bosses like a plague?

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Just finished KH3

Riddled with problems, but I'll be dammed if it wasnt one hell of a fucking ride.

should have just ended the series with everyone finally being back together, but muh sora gotta look for Kairi. Someone give me a quick run down on where he's going, is KH done with Disney? It feels like it.

He went to shibuya in the world ends with you world. I dont think they're done with Disney, but they may do some se worlds instead of solely Disney. Kinda a shame because I want some old Disney films like song of the south to get worlds.

>is KH done with Disney?
KH IS Disney so that's impossible. Maybe they'll give Nomura a side-game where he gets to use more SE stuff over Disney but they'll never move away from it.

KH is owned by disney.

Didn't they keep the continuity of why Micky had no short in the first game?

Yeah, I too would like song of the south. That and birth of a nation but I don't know what the chances are of that.

Truth be told, I'd rather SE shifts to sora visiting SE worlds or other worlds from video game franchises. I'm sure a decent amount of companies would be willing to play ball and do cross overs.
Now we get a solo sora game and I know it's gonna be trash with some faggot gimmick because based and redpilled Tomokazu hates the franchise and it's fans. I'd rather they just focus more on SE worlds and have some Disney shit, because I feel like they're running out of worlds without rehashing. black cauldron when

>because I feel like they're running out of worlds without rehashing
I wonder about that too. There aren't THAT many worlds they could use before ending up on completely obscure stuff, maybe enough for 2-3 games. Will the franchise end then or go for even more OC (or even SE) worlds?

so wait sora went into the video game world that was in the toy story world? What the fuck is going on. What's in the box, Pls someone spoonfeed me.

Does Vanitas even lift?

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>biggest edgelords
>have never won a fight

To be fair, Riku is the same height as Terra. He's the tall one of the trio. Repliku is Riku when he was younger. He's a child. Vanitas has no excusr tho, he's based on the grown up height of KH2/3 Sora and only just now comes up to KH1 Riku's height.

Alright this actually makes sense in its own KH retarded way

Coolest fucker in the game.

To be fair Repliku is based on a child.
Vanitas is supposed to be fully grown so he is a Manlet

Question: what the fuck is the Gummi Ship

Is Vantias a Time-Travel'd Replica or the real deal? Since his dialogue in Monsters Inc made it sound like he was able to pull himself back together

This is 100% why putting in time travel was a huge mistake. This shit is all fucking confusing confusing.

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What purpose did Ansem the Wise serve? Why was it a necessary retcon to say he was a stolen identity, and to seperate between Ansem SoD and Ansem the Wise?

I still no don't understand why Vanitas looks kike Sora.

I can understand Roxas and Ventus but not this.

The secret reports fucking stated that Xion took back her own heart from Sora

The only purpose Ansem the Wise served was to create a body for Namine. Ansem SoD took Ansem the Wise's name to discredit his research/slander his name. Though how Ansem SoD even knows about Ansem the Wise is a mystery to me.

Something about having a part of Sora's hear in him. Xehanort took Ventus to Destiny Island to let him die in peace and his heart reached out to Sora there iirc which allowed him to live, Sora was just a little tiny kid at the time, but yeah. Anyway Ven and Vanitas became seperate becomes from the event and I guess Vanitas ended up looking like Sora because of the connection they had on Destiny Islands.

Didn't SoD form after terranort split when he recovered his memories post BBS?

Vanitas was connected to Ventus all his life and Ventus was connected to Sora a few hours after he gave birth to Vanitas, so Vanitas was connected to Sora too and ended up looking the same as teenager Sora would look

In the tutorial of BBS, that was Sora talking to Ven. And thats why.

He went to TWEWY Shibuya, probably to play the reaper game and revive. Verum Rex's boy (Yozora) is there too but that isn't really fucked up, in the Toy Story world you can see Andy has a Mickey clock too so looks like that world has both Verum Rex and Disney as fictional worlds, even if they are actual worlds in some other part of the universe

>KH2 Sora is almost as tall as KH1 Riku

Has Nomura or anyone stated why there's like no final fantasy characters? Are these faggots saving them as dlc? Also

>no super boss

Why does he do this to us, lads

>Riku is taller
>Riku is /fit/
The absolute state of Sora.

A ship made with gummi blocks

>inb4 what the fuck are the gummi blocks
Read the reports. The gummi blocks are fragments of the barriers that protect the worlds from the heartless, they were destroyed by Ansem's heartless army and the worlds and cosmos became filled with them.

>Has Nomura or anyone stated why there's like no final fantasy characters
Too many OCs this time needed the screentime, although they made a model for KH3 Leon.

I think he got so mad at the FF15 development that he wants to compete against Final Fantasy and remake Versus 13 within the KH universe though the Toy Story game.

No report says such a thing

Couldn't even have a sephiroth fight.

Also, when sora was in blue sky zone act 1, and talked to all the lost souls or whatever, one of them says they're waiting for someone. She whispers the name into soras ear and acts surprised. Was this xion?

I think he meant what was the point of separate KH1 Ansem into a fake Ansem and a real one in KH2 (before writing future games). DiZ could have been something like another apprentice of Ansem the wise (one that didn't join the others when they became evil) and there you go, the only Ansem is the bad guy from KH1, way more simple.

>though how Ansem SoD even knows about Ansem the Wise is a mystery to me.
Ansem SoD has the memories of the (Terra-)Xehanort that became Ansem's apprentice, why wouldn't he know about his master?

>Terra was the Guardian for Ansem SoD and Terranort
wait so how did they both use him?
I guess this is why we didn't see Ansem SoD use his Guardian because Terranort was already using him
But if they are both from different time periods, that shouldn't excuse them from both using a Guardian, so wouldn't that make it so there are two Terra Guardians now?
Or is it like Terra as a Guardian of Darkness just sits in the Realm of Darkness until he is called upon regardless of the time period he is in?

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>Luxu needs a new vessel to bring the Keyblade War
>Dillan is strong, mid 30s and uses lances.
>Aeleus also strong, similar age too
>Instead he chooses Braig, some old skinny guy.

What was Luxu's thinking?

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That it doesn't matter because strength comes from the heart.

people say it's Strelitzia from the mobile game, some say it's possibly a ff character who they decided no to name drop for whatever reason.

In the time when no one is summoning him, the Guardian is inside someone.

As we can see in the Deep Dive scene with Riku and Roxas, it turns out he was actually inside Riku after KH1.

I still don’t get how Riku is now taller then Terra, wtf happened?

>Was this xion?
Most people lean towards Strelitzia and the one she's expecting was Lauriam/Marluxia.

The real question is, what the fuck happened to the Dark Mode? Repliku proves you can be a good guy and still have a dark mode and him and pre-possession KH1 Riku prove you can have a dark mode without being part Ansem too so why did Riku stop using it? Even if he lost it (somehow) when Ansem the Wise machine erased the darkness of him he still didn't use it in Days

Attached: Riku_(Dark)_KH.png (436x788, 273K)

it's symbology of how much stronger Riku is for using light to control his darkness. or all the bbs characters are just manlets.

Yeah you don't see Ansem use him in battle in KH3. Only Terranort. You never see more than one guardian at any point in the series.

Terranort was present it 3DDD accordingly.

Since theres time travel:
>Ansem Riku uses the Guardian as per events of KH1
>Terranort(in 3DDD) has no Guardian since it was done before losing his memory and fighting with Aqua

Now since Ansem uses a replica, I'm sure it changes things

This should clear things up.

Attached: terranort.png (1024x748, 382K)

So wait, sora and riku end up in shibuya from the TWEWY, but not the world of Verum Rex even though he's there?

Is this just Nomura being a salty cunt about FF13B?

I guess he went with Braig cause no one knew him so he could act however he wanted. If he went with either of them he'd be forced to keep acting like they normally do or else he'd raise suspicions.

>Or is it like Terra as a Guardian of Darkness just sits in the Realm of Darkness until he is called upon regardless of the time period he is in?
This but without the regardless of the time period thing. He can only be summoned in the present, the time travelers are Terranort and Ansem, not the guardian.
He's basically a familiar, no matter how many time travelers get into the present, two guys can't use the same one at same time, the best they can do is share it like Ansem did when he gave it to Terranort before the war

I figured the only thing the machine did was get rid of his Ansem mode. It's why he couldn't use portals anymore since that was one of the abilities he started using after he transformed into Ansem physically.


Someone give me a quick rundown on how to git gud at 2FM. I haven’t played it since I was a kid and figured it was finally time.

Pretty sure Riku is in Verum and Sora is in TWEWY

This is simpler (althought it needs an update as the Xehanort norting KH3 Terra wasn't KH3 Xehanort but a time traveler Xehanort from BbS)

Also yours lacks Riku and shows Ansem without Xehanort's soul when he actually had it unlike most of heartless (it's even mentioned) and Xemnas should have a heart too because you need one to time travel

Attached: 1550625247817.png (1214x958, 225K)

Truth be told I thought it was Aerith since Nomura sure loves his FF7 shit. In KH2 Aerith kind of spoke the same way, as well.

But you guys are probably right, it's some dumb mobile trash character because fuck you

Nomura confirmed LW isnt Terra’s “soul”


Nomura confirmed Guardian isn’t Terra’s heartless

And then his son and daughter got into an incestual relationship, before being unbirthed back into Sora, where his son's father already was.

the next KH game is going to introduce the concept of mirror worlds
getting the live action Alice in Wonderland, and Malenficent movies as worlds will illustrate this concept
but we go deeper when we get to Verum Rex world, but then also worlds that are directly based off Final Fantasy games. Such as a FF7 world
Yozora is a weird fusion of Noctis, Riku, and Sora
We will also get not 1, but 2 Noctis's in the game. One a Kingdom Hearts who is similar to how Cloud and Leon were reinterpreted, but then one who is actually from the world of FFXV
We will then see versions of Sora and Riku who are from a world that is more similar to standard Final Fantasy games.
thats 7 heroes
Sora (Kingdom Hearts version)
Sora (Mirror World version)
Riku (Kingdom Hearts version)
Riku (Mirror World version)
Noctis (Kingdom Hearts version)
Noctis (original version)

>I thought it was Aerith
But she didn't have a shitty VA, so that's impossible! And don't you dare badmouth Lauriam's sister.

>get KH2 on release day
>last game I probably played was shit-ass 358/2 Days on the good ol' DS flashcart--one of the best inventions
>read about the furthering of the spinoffs, even the mobile shit
>stop giving any iota of a fuck about the series in the ~12 years since
feels GOOD man

Attached: Zoro spitting the truth.jpg (199x213, 23K)

Any examples of LW being referred to as a “soul”? Your fan chart goes against Nomura’s own words.

Where's this picture from?

God what the fuck is going on anymore.

I can't even get excited because I know the next game will be trash, since Nomura is going off to make 7 remake so faggot gook Osaka will be back in charge to ruin it.

also it'll look like trash compared to 3 since it'll be a switch game.

Thanks for coming in here and writing your blog for us all to read.

Ansem's HD model ruins his character a bit because he no longer has that slight smirk to go with his smooth voice.

While writing CoM, it's assumed that DiZ was actually supposed to be Xemnas. But Nomura is known to change plot twists if they become too obvious to the fans, so he came up with something different.

This is why I don't do drugs

Nice blogpost

Your chart is wrong and retarded and I'm pretty sure the one who made my chart made it precisely to make a correct version of the one you posted.

The guy who made your chart was an idiot who claimed Xemnas somehow had a heart and no soul and a bunch of other stupid shit. Just delete that chart.

No he didn't.

He's working the same way nobodies work, only with armor as the vessel.

>tfw I got so fucking excited at the possibility that instead of having a Sephiroth fight in KH3 that we'd get a hellacious God Kefka fight.
>A God Kefka fight where we'd fight every single part of Kefka from the bottom to the very goddamn top of the Statue of Gods with Terra(FF6) as an extra party member to boot.
>It never happened
>It will never ever happen

All these years. All these fucking years I waited for a different FF Super boss and we don't even get fucking Sephiroth as a super boss. Jesus fucking christ.

Attached: God Kefka Destroy.png (348x598, 251K)

>DiZ was a retconned tease for Xemnas
Okay that explains it. When looking at the series linearly, Ansem the Wise is such an extra character, and they spend so mucb effort introducing him, it didnt make sense how little he was needed. But as a way to produce a new twist it makes more sense


Learn reading comprehension and stop being pedantic.

Nomura said the Guardian isn't a heartless, but that it does contain Terra's heart. He also has never said that LW isn't Terra's soul, and in fact Terranort himself confirms it's his soul(or mind) in BBS.

He say that his thoughts and memories are holding him. You know, like how Nobodies work.

The pre 0.2 Namine and LW thing is literally a proof that LW and Terra are the same. Kh3 even make it more clear by the fact Namine calling LW Terra. Hell, LW vanished only when Terra got back, because it's literally an extension of Terra.

What's Ansem's desktop background meant to be?
Looks like some low-res hentai.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-04 14-39-53.png (1920x1080, 1.79M)

Wrong. Riku is in Shinjuku (the Insomnia-like building is literally an IRL building in japan) and Shinjuku became important in the Final Mix release of TWEWY. Both are in TWEWY world

Daybreak town obviously.

Plot twist, VR is there playing the Reaper's Game too, trying to get his gf back.

Disney is extremely protective about frozen, it's their biggest cashcow this is why elsa and gang are not party members and you cant even go into the ice palace, because disney outright refused to give assets to SE

not really. terra used the guardian to take back his body. the theory is still null and void.

>Xemnas had a soul even when Ansem was the one with Xehanort soul (as was noted that heartless always lose the conciousness and personality of the human but it was different with Xehanort's heartless)
>Xemnas had no heart even when you can't possibly time travel using Xehanort's method unless you have a heart
God you are dumb

That's a unnecessarily complicated yet genius and interesting idea. Are you sure you aren't Nomura?

Nomura really need to make an Episode Lingering dlc so people will stop talking about him.

Every fucking thread is again and again and again all over Terra, Terranort, Guardian, Lingering Will. Like holy shit, stop. People keep asking for playable Lingering Will fucking everywhere, not only here, but leddit, twitter (nips) or whatever.

Just fucking make this stupid DLC so we can talk about something more important like Sora and TWEWY.

Read his Ultimania interviews, he does.

You’re the one with autism claiming Guardian is Terra’s heartless. Terra’s heart has been fighting for control of his body against Xehanort for years and would occasionally get captured by Guardian. LW is never referred to as a “soul” and Nomura himself deconfirms LW as Terra’s soul when discussing what happened to LW. It’s not that hard to follow.

LW is acting on behalf of Terra but isn’t Terra’s “soul”, it’s not that hard to follow, pay attention.

I'll explain it to you, Kingdom Hearts is the My Little Pony of vidya:
>game is clearly aimed at children
>constant mentions of how friends give you strength
>lots of colors to keep the autismos in check

Honestly after kh3 you can't really hate Terra, unless you are a shipperfags.

The guy stole the show.

Terra was kind of a non-character just like everyone else, the only people who like him are those who previous liked the character. Many people will be turned off by the fact that Terra/LW jobbed and never accomplished anything.

it's terra, aqua. not aqua and lea. or at least switch aqua and lea so aqua is placed with the correct chess piece. idiot.

No, you really do have autism. You take words too literally and can't grasp the nuance of what is being said. Especially words that are translated from Japanese by an amateur, with Japanese being a strongly implicit rather than explicit language.

You do realize that would make it worse. No matter how its handled by Nomura.

Attached: TA Wedding 2.jpg (1600x768, 561K)

I guess i got used to Nomura's autism and i love it.

Are you seriously that same turbo autist who made the chart? You are fucking retarded, that's why someone had to make an actually correct chart to shut you up. Stop posting.

LW stopped Terranort from universal domination

They shouldn't have even put Frozen in KH3 as a world to begin with. That was by far the absolute worst world in the entire fucking Kingdom Hearts series. Hell, at least the Mermaid world in KH2 was fucking optional. This world was nothing but snow and mountains, such a bland level with characters that Sora barely interacts with and a decent heartless boss that doesn't really make up for the rest of the level. Fuck Disney. If they wanted shit to be minimal and hands off with Frozen then it shouldn't have even been in KH3. I'd much rather prefer Wreck-It Ralph in it anyway.

Goddamn, this game REALLY made sure that I won't ever watch Frozen either.

>Only have literally minutes of screentime in a game where Roxas, Axel, and Riku are in with one of the three even being playable.
>still steals the show.
He's the Kenpachi Zaraki of Kingdom Hearts at this point. So little screentime but always steals the show when he appears and always does badass shit when he appears as well.

It's outright his thoughts and desires. Terra's conscious is in there. If he can think, talk, act, suspect, have doubts and considering himself as Terra, got his voice and keyblade, have his thoughts, wishes and memories - he's literally Terra.

Did you seriously think it was somebody else? No one is this retarded to keep spamming something that’s so blatantly wrong and retarded. This guy doesn’t even play the games.

LW also never set everything right, instead he lost the fight offscreen and almost got his two best friends killed.

It's obviously based on the original teams so it should be Axel instead of Terra. Also Axel's piece is probably correct too, since it looks like a small flame but also like the "tears" he had under his eyes.

>Universal Domination.
But he nearly done that through Ansem & Xemnas.

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Are you so deluded by your headcanon that you think everyone that actually sticks to the actual plot is the same person? Ansem took Xehanort soul and the time traveling norts are confirmed to have hearts, the games confirmed you are wrong you fucking retard and you stop posting and play the actual games instead make everything up in your head

I think you are underestimating how big Frozen is, it's obvious they put it there to get marketing boost, some little girl who loves frozen and has all the toys and shit will make her mom buy that game, little does she know that she'll be going what the fuck is this latin chanting shit and crazy ass symbolism, I just want muh frozen

Because of the darkness

It’s seriously not that hard to understand. LW is acting on behalf of Terra, being the literal manifestation of his will, but isn’t Terra’s “soul”.

>They shouldn't have even put Frozen in KH3 as a world to begin with. That was by far the absolute worst world in the entire fucking Kingdom Hearts series. Hell, at least the Mermaid world in KH2 was fucking optional. This world was nothing but snow and mountains, such a bland level with characters that Sora barely interacts with and a decent heartless boss that doesn't really make up for the rest of the level. Fuck Disney. If they wanted shit to be minimal and hands off with Frozen then it shouldn't have even been in KH3. I'd much rather prefer Wreck-It Ralph in it anyway.
Funny how the only good part of the world was the labyrinth and the last boss, the only OC parts. Fuck i'm still mad about Elsa's hair shit.

lea is on aqua's piece. that's why i said they need to be switched. it's the stomfall keychain

Oh, look. It's Vencuck going ham again with his headcanon of "LW LOST AND JOBBED!"

LW only vanished when Terra got back whole. Not only that, the armor vanished WITH IT. Which means the armor was whole and fine.
End of story. Terranort could've flee the fight and setting up something else fight him. We don't know, and Nomura avoid the question. Why? Probably DLC.

We clearly see LW wiping the floor with Terranort, dominating entirely and pushing him back. He already beat his shit 12 eyars ago.

Did you even play the game? Terra was in the evil team, he was only unnorted later
>7 guardians of ligth: Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ventus, Aqua, Lea and Mickey
>13 seekers of darkness: MX, YX, TX, Ansem, Xemnas, Vanitas, Xigbar, Saix, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Vexen (replaced by Xion) and Demyx (replaced by Repliku)

And that's obviouslly Aqua piece, it has two waves clashing, and the other must be Lea's because it has small flames on the sides

This is stupid. Wasn't BBS all about how Xehanort had gotten too old and needed a younger body? So why didn't he just take Terra's body again when they got reformed? Why did he bring his past self to do it?
Fuck this game.
>advertisement has better choreographed action scenes than the actual game

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Fuck I can actually hear it

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Your will and personality is your soul in Kingdom Hearts though

Because he already had Terra's body when he reformed, remember Xemnas made both Xehanort and Terra. He just looked like his true self because that's what his heart reflects, his body is still Terra's

Apparently his old body was "revitalised" after they both reemerged so there was no need.


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No he didn't. Terra's body is possessed by BBS Xehanort. Present Master Xehanort is in his own body

Name the next saga

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Post em

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That's retarded. Did you make that up or did Nomura actually say that, because if he did then holy shit Nomura is aids

Attached: 1526848691485.png (1920x1127, 2.02M)

BOTH were reformed from Xemnas, that makes both Terra's body, remember bodies can split into more than one person in KH (see Sora's body making Roxas and Namine)
No point in possess Terra when you already have his body, norting him again was the best option, that way he basically had two Xehanorts with Terra's strong body (3 counting Xemnas)

Foretellers/MoM saga?

yes i've played it dumbass. i'm only stating what's wrong. Technically those 2 pieces represent terra and aqua, but the name placements are in the wrong spot. Lea never had a chess piece. those pieces were made after DDD. Now shut the fuck up

Even if the armor was in pieces, which no one is claiming because we don’t know, it would still make sense for it to disappear. I don’t get what’s so hard to accept about LW losing? Were you seriously so emotionally attached to this character that you can’t fathom him doing anything other than being a “Nort Slayer”?

We see a few things
>1: LW and Terranort seem to be equals with most of LW’s attacks not even fazing Terranort
>2: Terranort reappears to fight while LW is nowhere in sight
>3: LW disappeared after their fight, when Terra reappeared to be exact

Since I know you’re slow I’ll explain everything stated in simple terms for you: LW and Terranort fought and were near equals, Terranort comes back after presumably winning since LW is nowhere to be found, and finally LW dies.

Attached: 1551669868944.png (1920x1941, 2.21M)

No it doesn't, ffs read the Ultimania
MX's body was in limbo
Terra's body was Xemnas
Terra's body got reformed after Xemnas got beaten. Terra's heart wasn't freed when Ansem got beaten, so Terra's body was empty
Xehanort's heart went back to Xehanort's body
They then got Terranort from the past to inhabit present Terra's body

MX is in his own body.

>I don't care at all about Kingdom Hearts
>I don't care so much I'll come here and TELL you about how much I don't care

Attached: 1447866110791.png (224x205, 55K)

Was that stated in the Ultimania? How did that even happen? So I guess this means that reemerging "revitalizes" the original body... Whatever the flying fuck that means.

Because Nomura is a fucking hack
>Build up Terranort for 3 games
>Lol jk he's a goon now, Old man is the main villain

Why can’t you prove LW is Terra’s soul?

When he can just reform himself? like he did in BBS?

The armor didn't got destroyed, it's a fact. the LW within it didn't got destroyed, as it only vanished after Terra came back. another fact.
So It means one thing - LW was fine. It's literally your headcanon right now about him "losing".

>not fazing Terranort
>LW swing his whip and Terranort literally got sent into the air with one little swing
>scream in pain when he got a direct hit from Ultima canon
>Lingering Will clearly pushing him back when the scene ends

He clearly dominated the fight.

It's all the Sleeping Realm you guys.
You did read the theory, right? :^)

If I'm being completely honest, I think that this was a stylistic choice that he decided to do since he liked Nimoy so much as Old Man Xehanort. Apparently Nomura is a huge Star Trek fanboy.

God i love these

"The guardian isn’t Terra’s heartless. Inside Terranort, both the hearts of Terra and Xehanort we’re constantly clashing. During this time, the heart of Terra continually traveled back and forth between the guardian and his body continually possessed over and over. By the way, the guardian’s real name is “The Person Behind (you)”

>one represents Terra when Terra was a seeker of darkness
>no one represent Lea even when Lea was one of the guardians of light
>the piece with waves clashing isn't Aqua
>Aqua should be the piece with flames instead

We don’t have a definition of a soul in KH user.
Explain that first and explain why it doesn’t match LW

Attached: 1536586242394.png (1920x1554, 1.79M)


Attached: Terra-Xehanort_KHBBS.png (474x757, 276K)

Again no one is claiming LW was in pieces, why do you act like that’s my argument? Even if he was somehow that doesn’t change the fact that he disappeared, he would’ve still disappeared if he was/wasn’t in pieces.

LW not helping fight after his fight with Terranort spells out he lost, and Nomura’s own words spell it out even further. I don’t know what else you to tell you.

>LW swing his whip and Terranort literally got sent into the air with one little swing
Did nothing

>scream in pain when he got a direct hit from Ultima canon
Did nothing meanwhile Zettaflare killed him

>Lingering Will clearly pushing him back when the scene ends
The scene ends with both of them clashing and it’s more than obvious it’s equal.

Just because in your eyes LW won the fight on screen doesn’t mean he won it off screen, we learned he didn’t.

Which is dumb since Nimoy died, should ave pushed him into the background and let apprentice Terranort be the big bad. It's especially egregious when Nomura didn't even bother to explain how Terra's body reformed ten years younger because it was obviously a slapdash rewrite.

>Soul + Body without a Heart = Nobody
>Heart without body and soul = Heartless
I wonder what it means if a soul is anchored into a vessel which isn't the true body and with no heart..

>No u
The burden of proof is on you, but I see you can’t provide any. I accept your concession.

Any information about Kairi getting shat on and Xehanort's non-existent comeuppance despite being a murderous sack of shit?

Is it cause he's intelligent, nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humor like yourself?

Attached: Kefka.jpg (250x187, 8K)

Yes, Nomurs doesn't care, now go buy KH4 when it releases.

Man, we really do need a LW DLC at this point. It's really weird how he just vanished after clashing with Terranort. I assume that he was defeated, but it was completely off-screen. My best guess is that since he had a head start on fighting the norts, he ended up in their territory and was ganged up by them, but not without taking down the backup norts that they were probably planning to use. That'd at least explain the absence of Demyx.

Attached: Lingering Doomwill.jpg (1080x1080, 185K)

>Kairi getting shat on
Lol females in KH
>Xehanort's non-existent comeuppance despite being a murderous sack of shit
He had good intentions, he dindu nuthin.

He didn't say the guardian wasn't a heartless, he only said the other part
>Q: How long was Terra’s heart inside the guardian?
>Nomura: Inside Terranort, both the hearts of Terra and Xehanort we’re constantly clashing. During this time, the heart of Terra continually traveled back and forth between the guardian and his body continually possessed over and over. By the way, the guardian’s real name is “The Person Behind (you)” (うしろの人)
Terra's heart was inside Terranort (then with Ansem, then with Riku-Ansem) but when manifested outside it was in the guardian, is that simple

I think its more like with the replica's. When both there bodies came back Xehanort's heart took his old man form again as that's his true form but retained Terranorts physique as that was his body for 10+ years, even though Terra's empty body from BBS also reappeared.

Attached: True_Organization_XIII.jpg (4406x2589, 1.06M)

Read the very first part of the second spoiler section.
>The Terranort from BBS and the Terranort from KH3 aren’t the same one. The guardian isn’t Terra’s heartless.

>LW not helping
Means literally nothing. We don't know, and Nomura fucking avoided the question in purpose, probably for DLC/additional cutscenes. For all we know it could've mean that he defeated Terranort and returned to sleep, Terranort fleeing away and he returned to sleep, or setting up something else to fight him.

Nomura OUTRIGHT STATES that the armor AND LW vanished ONLY when Terra came back. It's literally saying "Yeah he was still there actually"

So Terranort clearly didn't killed him, if you can even kill a fucking whatever LW is. The armor wasn't in pieces.
The armor is the anchor for him. If the armor is still there, and LW is still there, what does it mean?
>did nothing
beside showing how fucking powerful LW is strength wise by throwing him up like a fucking toy?
>Did nothing meanwhile Zettaflare killed him
Zettaflare didn't killed him. Again with this? pic related.

>obvious it's equal
No it isn't, because you can see LW slashing at him and Terranort backing off while trying to parry. He's being pushed back = LW dominating.

Attached: 1542966207670.jpg (3264x544, 804K)

>the absence of Demyx
MoM had more important things to attend to.

Nomura outright states LW was "alive" untill Terra came back, and only then he vanished.

A body can't exist without a soul, moron. Nor can it think or act. Xemnas, like all nobodies, has a soul. It might be Terra's soul, but a soul nonetheless. Stop being retarded and ignoring all the facts the game tells you.

And I'm telling you that's wrong you retard, they just copied what said and Nomura never said the guardian isn't a heartless, he only says what I quoted
>Inside Terranort, both the hearts of Terra and Xehanort we’re constantly clashing. During this time, the heart of Terra continually traveled back and forth between the guardian and his body continually possessed over and over. By the way, the guardian’s real name is “The Person Behind (you)” (うしろの人)
He never said "the dark superpowerful guardian where Terra's heart was when not inside Terranort's body isn't a heartless lol"

>Keyblade wielders in the back
>Traitors and good guys on the left
>Edgy little shits on the right

Can you translate this then? What does it say?
And it isn't denying its a heartless, it just isn't Terra's.

Attached: D0eoNGCUcAAK_1q.jpg (900x1200, 186K)

Demyx left with Vexen long before the fight started cause he had no stake in it and was easily persuaded to be a good guy.


You say that like it’s true. Nomura has no plans for LW/Terra DLC, if he did he would’ve said so like he did for Xion and Ven.

You can’t prove LW didnt lose because it’s just a headcanon of yours because you insist on denying reality. It’s not that serious, so what if LW lost? It happens.

That has to be the most convoluted way to have Terra be his BBS self for the happy reunion.

>Nor can it think or act
Explain Ansem, then. And explain Roxas being alive even when Sora got his soul back after being reformed by Kairi in KH1. And explain KH3 Terra (he was reformed only with his body, his heart and soul never went back until the war).

>Stop being retarded and ignoring all the facts the game tells you.
But that's what you are doing to keep pretending Xemnas had no heart, retard.

>it isn't denying its a heartless
That's my point, Terra's or not it was a heartless storing Terra's heart

Don’t pretend a new FF superboss wouldn’t be Ultimecia. Do the japs even like Kefka?

>DLC for Ven
Literally only said something about a cutscene. Could be even mobile shit.

Also thanks for proving that you are Vencuck.

You can't prove LW lost, Vencuck, when Nomura outright states that LW was still there until Terra came back. It's literally your headcanon, but it's alright. You can still self-insert as Ven and cry about how Terra cucked you.

Attached: 1535668732576.webm (1920x1080, 2.56M)

Are you ? I was moreso refuting the fact that the Guardian wasn't Terra's heartless, which claimed it was.

>Essential Plot information is not presented in game, only available in a companion book.

Why do Japs love doing this?

Attached: gO9mvys.jpg (480x360, 21K)

Honestly you need to be delusional if you think Ven had a chance after this scene.

>Good guy
It may be Terra's body but nothing he has done was good. Unless you count having crippling loneliness as good.

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I’m just going off of what Nomura says. He plans on adding stuff for Ven ontop of the UX stuff and also has plans for Xion, nothing about Terra.

We see LW lose and Nomura outright tells us he loses, but whatever, keep denying reality if it helps you sleep at night.

No, sorry for the confusion

Do you not realize that when everyone constantly calls you retarded, you are probably retarded?

Literally no one except you has ever claimed the absolutely fucking retarded idea that Xemnas doesn't have a soul.

You know why? Because the games spell it out in plain text how it works and you still sperg out and refuse to accept it.

Your "evidence" supporting your retarded claim is that hearts aren't sentient on their own, which is blatantly proven wrong by the mere fact that hearts travel all over the place in the series and can still think and act as normal. Examples: All the time travelers, Repliku in KH3, even Sora himself. Xehanort was in no way unique in that manner, he was just surprised when it happened to him because most Heartless are mindless. Just like most Nobodies are Dusks and only some retain their appearances.

Now never post again.

Even the cucks at tv tropes deleted their own headcanon about LW dying after Ultimania, and they were adamant about that.

Literally Ultimania cleared that up that he was alive.

>Unless you count having crippling loneliness as good.
Yes. Also the sexy voice helps.

Ansem is a HEART, he has no body. MORON. Hearts can and do act on their own without a soul.

Roxas used Ventus's soul. Terra's soul was in Lingering Will.

Read the fucking reports in the games you fucking imbecile. Imagine being so clueless and still insisting on being right about the plot.

>Vencuck can't read
No wonder you can self insert as Ven.


But sure, keep crying Vencuck.

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>tv tropes
Thanks for not only proving you’re a faggot who goes there but the same one who cried in these threads about them denying your fanfic about LW.

LW did die, after Terra appeared. LW lost the fight vs Terranort.

>muh boogeyman
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Is Vencuck here?

Attached: Vencuck.png (2268x1712, 1.47M)

Apparently America likes him more because he was more bland in his original depiction compared to the localization making Kefka seem more insane than generically evil.
The iconic
>I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate you

Attached: Terrachads vs vencucks.jpg (2264x7536, 2.65M)

>Goofy: Somebody come quick!
kek / /

>LW lost
nice headcanon bro

>Q: What happened to Lingering Will after the fight?

>Nomura: When Terra came back, it disappeared, as did the armor. However, a Keyblade wielder’s armor, like the Keyblade, will come back to them if the conditions are right.

Literally stating that he was there untill Terra came back.

good job Vencuck, keep on sperging!

Attached: 1543283235161.png (852x483, 970K)

You are all equally wrong and autistic.

Imagine making up so many plot points and then deluding yourselves into thinking they are real.

There is literally ZERO information on what happened with Lingering Will after his scene until Terra reformed. Any claim on what happened is autistic headcanon until Nomura or DLC clears it up.

And Nobodies consist of Body+Soul. Hearts optional.

>"literally no one except you" when I'm literally reposting someone's work
>argumentum ad populum anyway
I know this is a kh thread but you aren't supposed to act like a 14yo

>hearts are sentient on their own
>like the time travelers
So you accept Xemnas had a heart? Good to know, now you can finally leave retards' club

>Xehanort was in no way unique, he was just surprised something unique happened to him
Do you even read your own posts? God lord

>stop proving me wrong
Stop being mentally damaged.
Also for the record I think something like soul splitting should be possible so maybe both Xemnas and Ansem had hearts, but if only one had Xehanort's soul then it's obviously Ansem for the already stated motives like the pic I post said, not the other option of yours. Xehanort soul was either in Ansem or in both, Ansem and Xemnas, Ansem being the souless one is just stupid

Source? I can't seem to find this one.

How doesn’t that confirm he lost? Are you so slow you need everything spelled out for you?

Terranort fight LW
LW missing
Terra appear LW poof

He lost the fight and then died

>There is literally ZERO information on what happened with Lingering Will after his scene until Terra reformed. Any claim on what happened is autistic headcanon until Nomura or DLC clears it up.
This desu, maybe Sephiroth came and fought both the LW and Terranort until they gave up and fucked off!


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Is Larxene x Demyx the only viable ship?

Attached: 1551377467759.jpg (685x1166, 93K)

>Roxas used Ventus' soul
Except both Ventus and Roxas are alive now you fucking retard. You are right about Ansem, tho, I concede for that one.

>Terra's soul was in Lingering Will.
Thanks for proving me right, retard. Terra was reformed without is soul and still survived, humans CAN survive without soul, even if it's for only sometime, and Xemnas isn't even human so we don't know if he should die without soul or not

But Nomura is why KH3 is trash

>Larxene x Demyx
t. femdom cuck
Larxene wants Marluxia's fabulously quaffed pubes in her mouth.

Marluxia/Lauriam has this in the bag user, sorry.

>Terranort fight LW
>run off
>LW is still there actually
>Terra returns
>LW poof

same here, fucktard.
>tfw Vencuck will never ever have good art about his ship that he fucking self-inserted into

Attached: 1530294003806.jpg (4000x1700, 737K)

That's a really good fanart.

Why do people think LW is Terra’s soul? The games never state this and only bring up souls a couple of times in secret reports, not even dealing with LW’s scenario.

Damn. That's a good one.

>im right because of my headcanon

>The games never state this
>and only bring up souls a couple of times in secret reports

The games never refer to LW as Terra’s soul and soul as a whole is a vague concept barely ever brought up.

You... just said it was mentioned in the secret reports?

He can think
He can act
he can talk
he can suspect
he have doubts
He have all of his memories

The Terra who talk to Aqua in 0.2 is right after this scene.

He's pretty much a pseudo nobody

Attached: 1541118525698.png (622x528, 32K)

>ventus was present at the dandelions
>somehow is norts pupil hundreds of years in the future
>doesnt recall any of the dandelions things
big thinks

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>Xemnas shouldn't be alive if he had no soul so he took Nort soul
What about Ansem then? He can survive without soul but Xemnas can't? Why?

He also killed Marluxia sister

>ESL speak
That doesn’t mean he’s Terra’s soul.

>Marluxia: Sora, did I ever told your about the guy you have invited into your heart? He was a friend of mine few centuries ago, he chopped and killed my sister and turned me into a nobody. He was a good friend.

Attached: 1525460599620.jpg (640x412, 34K)

>those aren't spokes on the building on the cover they're black robed people
nomura fuck off you hack

Does not compute

Thats because in this series a soul is a literal tangible thing and is called a heart.
You really seem like you're trying to not get it user. Did you even play the games?
It is literally terra's armor that his heart possessed when he was kicked out of his own body by old man. You straight up got to play as it for the final boss in terra's story of BBS.
Genuinely unsure if you're just pretending to be retarded or not

>Riku, did I ever tell you about Aqua? She was good friend of mine untill she sacrficied herself to save you from some heartless. Oh, I didn't? gosh, sorry Riku! She was a good friend.

Attached: 1549248452735.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Going into CoM for the first time proud mode, throw some hot tips my way please

Attached: 8E94732D-2196-4C41-8C0C-F163B3256BE6.jpg (1448x2048, 283K)

so how much did I by ignoring the phone game completely? It feels like a lot, I had no fucking clue what all that shit with the cat thing and the spirits in the Final World was about

>did you even play the games
>he says while he clearly didn’t
Terra’s heart is inside of Terranort what the fuck are you rambling on about.

Are you baiting?

it's the story about the keyblade war.
its the only game where you actually take part in it and it happens instead of being a story.

He's still right about it tho

No (You) aren’t

>Ventus killed Strelitzia
Bullshit, give source

Attached: 20190303_180802.jpg (1896x1080, 1.15M)

Yes he is.

What are (You) right about?

>Thats because in this series a soul is a literal tangible thing and is called a heart.

Favourite secret boss?

Attached: Mysterious Figure01.png (709x1201, 232K)

If you feel like killing yourself take a small break. Riku's side is much more fun imo. Always get sleights when they appear. If you're not having fun abuse Firaga/Sonic Blade.

>unholy amount of Darkness, enough to make Vanitas from it
>almost died from it
>vastly weaker than Vanitas
>Vanitas call himself Darkness
>There is someone in KHUX who call himself Darkness
Probably a case like Jekyll and Hyde

Attached: 43FAE162-225B-43A5-BBF9-995F31FB8281.png (1200x590, 376K)

Terra's soul is with LW.

Still the best 2006

Attached: 1550948571902.jpg (2570x2277, 644K)

Whatever helps you sleep at night

Literally wait for KH3's FM. Everyone will fucking love it because it will have fixed the content problem. It will not fix the gameplay at all.

Hi Vencuck, remember the one time Yea Forums laughed on the character you self-inserted into?

Attached: 1536738325802.png (1796x2156, 1.34M)

Wait. What? How can you think that Terra's soul isn't LW?
What the fuck is LW then?

It will also not fix the story.

Probably Kurt Zisa.

No you dope, a rule of heartless, mentioned many times in 1 and 2, is that they literally blindly follow whoever is trying to control them AND has the strongest heart.
Terra is cannon the strongest keyblade guy and determined as fuck to take his body back, and fucked with darkness a lot in bbs, so it all probably just worked out for him. I really doubt there is anything deeper than that.

It's just Vencuck.

Attached: 1531074693016.png (499x497, 379K)

LW is a separate entity that acts out the will of Terra, it can be perceived to have elements of Terra but is in fact not the real Terra. Understood?

Attached: 4ED74174-FB42-459D-88DE-3564B619BA7B.jpg (480x421, 46K)

>Keeps inventing more retarded headcanons

You are literally incapable of comprehending a game's plot mechanics as presented in the game. Do you suffer from schizophrenia or something that causes you to make shit up and then delude yourself into thinking that's what the game tells you?

You are the guy in the asylum yelling that everyone else is crazy, not you.

He never get tired isn't he?

Like, whenever a thread is about Terra, or something positive is said about him - BANG. Vencuck is here to be a threatened cuck.

Hello there again. Don't you sleep?

Attached: TA Wedding.jpg (2484x1298, 504K)

like clockwork

will Sora and Riku ever get Keyblade Armor?
Even Xion has her own Keyblade Armor for some reason

Within darkness within darkness

Why does Terra look like Axel with dyed brown hair here?

Attached: B0CA7A16-C8C7-459F-84A2-D4D18A3649F2.jpg (650x872, 205K)


Attached: Dark_Riku.png (600x891, 409K)

Xion is Sora so her keyblade armour is probably what Sora's would look like.


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The VA work in Hollow Bastion is perfection

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Why did Terra-Xehanort had Terra's clothes when he was wearing a lab coat when he separed to Heartless and Nobody? Did he know that Terra was going to come back?

Aqua is for Terranort

Attached: TortxDaqua.jpg (937x1171, 107K)

KH3 Dark Riku should have had that keyblade instead of Soul Eater.

I still think it's fucking stupid how Nomura decided to have both Terra and Xehanort reform when Ansem and Xemnas died. Xehanort's body literally faded away when he took over Terra, Apprentice Terranort just should've been the one to reform, and he could've been the villain of KH3. It would've been cooler that way anyway.
DDD should've been a game where we play as Young Xehanort and learn how he got the Keyblade and stuff like that.

Attached: 837F32AE-C8A2-4AAB-B738-47F8D1FF5723.jpg (816x602, 136K)

post the instagram post about pic related

Attached: 1542966583168.jpg (1432x3240, 958K)

In this thread...

Attached: terraschizos.png (255x309, 93K)

Attached: 1536971391201.jpg (854x1200, 323K)

Ok Vencuck.



I just want to make sure because my normalshit friend was saying
>just watch a YouTube synopsis bro
But in reality I should play birth by sleep, 365/2, and the ps3 final mix special edition at LEAST, right?

Yes, Nomura is a horrible writer but not like anything we can do about it. No point constantly reiterating all the problems with 3.

Use the Darkness

Attached: 1548713652362.png (494x468, 272K)

Okay, user. Fucking defeatist.

Ok Vencuck

Attached: 1523747955231.jpg (1518x2143, 1.17M)

Well what exactly do you propose we do beyond not buy the games anymore? Because I'm gonna tell you now for every person disappointed like you and me there's about 50 casuals who don't give a fuck and those retarded dicksuckers from /vg/.

Xion V2 was made the same way she was before Days. Difference this time however was that both Xions got connected in the same kinda way Data Sora and regular Sora are. They became one when Roxas called her name through Sora.

Attached: D0DyeByW0AETJu5.jpg (982x1024, 123K)


Stupid bullshit. If we see Roxas's heart leave Sora, why can't we see Xion's do the same? Why is one more important to see than the other?

Here’s some more.

Attached: 6B410F6A-CA96-4AD8-93FC-4025D5F871F6.png (407x403, 257K)

Attached: 1551662640473.jpg (1024x766, 89K)

Reminder that Terra is a cuck who couldn't handle Darkness

Attached: terraxehanort_kingdomhearts_birthbysleep_2_by_xxserahxx3-d7rg72q.png (635x665, 207K)


Attached: 1530099971702.jpg (698x264, 52K)

Does not compute

Why does Larxene always mention Demyx even though she has a lady boner for Marluxia? Is Demyx her brother or something

Roxas needed a vessel and crashed his way into the keyblade graveyard. Xion already had one. It's also not bullshit. Same thing happened with Rinzler in DDD even though he wasn't the Tron, Sora met in KH2.


>Master Xehanort: As I recall, you couldn't even handle your own darkness. How, then, will you triumph over mine?


Attached: 1530640167098.png (840x4301, 3.56M)

What makes Xion and Olette best girls?

Attached: olette xion.jpg (964x568, 108K)

Nomura's planning to cuck Marluxia by saying that her relationship with Larxene is simply platonic.

Attached: 1551658382699.jpg (600x800, 262K)

The Ultimania says they took Xion's heart from when she first joined the Organization. If that's the case, and her present heart never left Sora's body, she should have been sent back in time just like how everyone else who time traveled was.

Because of the Darkness

>Be Terra
>Do a pushup
>Break reality in the process

Attached: HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS.png (886x536, 73K)

Where you going Light boi?

Attached: Xehanort crew.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

Is Riku now the only one who uses the darkness?

That's fucking dumb, why would she save Axel if she was time traveling from when she had no attachment to him? I call bullshit, too many fake translations out there by characterfags.

>spamming is now an achievement

Look at the time. He literally breaks space-time.

Because by then her heart was being effected by Sora.

See Newfag

play in this order, the ones I list as skippable still require you to at least watch the cutscenes even though autists will tell you to play them regardless
Of course it's better if you play them but I have no clue about your time situation

kingdom hearts final mix
re: chain of memories (skippable but make sure to watch both stories)
kingdom hearts 2 final mix
358/2 (skippable but watch the story
birth by sleep final mix
re:coded (skippable but watch the story, although the gameplay isn't too bad)
dream drop distance
Watch the main storyline from the mobage Union X here:
(All the disney worlds in the mobage are mere projections so it's not important to watch them at all)
Kingdom Hearts Union X movie (included in 2.8)
Kingdom Hearts 0.2 (included in 2.8)
Kingdom Hearts 3

Everything is closely tied together so if you skip anything you'll be completely lost, however you can just watch the main cutscenes from CoM, 358, coded and Union X and not miss much considering the disney worlds in those games are always just projections, data or useless
You can get 1.5+2.5 and 2.8 on ps4 which include everything but the mobage and the two ds games which have all the cutscenes available

Yeah, it's still fucking stupid. Even if that's the canon explanation, it makes zero sense unless we know that Xion's present heart leaves Sora and enters the replica, replacing the heart they put inside of her from the past. Otherwise, the story makes literally no fucking sense.

You seem upset. Where did Terra touched you?

Attached: 1546702283309.jpg (623x872, 107K)

>There will never be a KH side game set after KH3 in which Luxord invents a card game for Sora and his friends to play
>Other game modes include the Command Board from BBS and a CoM-like lite game.

Here here, have a headpat, just don't cry.

Attached: 1551244085943.jpg (500x707, 115K)

Go back to self inserting as Aqua and samefagging here

Please, Vencuck, stop crying.

Attached: 1522484097618.gif (500x291, 499K)

Not enough screen time to make them jobbers like the other girls

>boogeyman from /vg/
You’re literally obsessed


Sure, Vencuck.

>Osaka originally wanted to use the Command Deck for KH3
Damn, these fucks really didn't wanna change

I am more miffed about the fact there is no GIRUGAMESH bossfight on big hero 6 golden gate bridge.

Does the ultimania confirm what most people assume the ending to be?

That being: Kairi is safe back on Destiny Islands and Sora died getting her back by abusing the PoW? It's heavily implied but not explicitly stated to be the case, does the Ultimania confirm this interpretation as correct?

Yep. He died because he abused it and literally overwrote reality.

System Shutdown

>Sora not getting it
Was the real kicker for me.

Attached: 1489114588022.jpg (250x235, 41K)

I want to see the original picture, not the ants version

I figured Sora was dead one way or the other given the 'fade-away' bit, but I was mostly curious about Kairi, if she was also still dead / in the Final World or if she was successfully returned

Why do you want to see a man doing pushups?

Attached: 02BA6325-5F2D-4A16-A12B-7DE524359F21.jpg (2406x1439, 334K)

because im gay and terra’s hot


imagine getting that threatened

Attached: 1527251375489.jpg (564x425, 32K)

Is this materially meaningful, as in 'in saving Kairi, Sora created a timeline where he does not exist', or is it Kingdom Hearts bullshit, as in 'these are the rules nomura wrote so the universe is now chastising him with death for not following rules designed to be broken'

The second one.

>never played a KH game
>love coming into these threads just to hear anons get frustrated over how bat shit crazy the story is

Attached: youreadthisintheancestorsvoice.jpg (650x650, 78K)

He literally was doomed the moment he ressurected them all and got them all back to the point before they died.

Saving Kairi just made it from "few days left" into "few minutes left"

I just like Terra and Aqua stuff, but the pic you posted appeals to a different interest entirely.


I'm loving this shit though.

Wow, I just noticed you actually cropped Terra out of the pic, even though that was the best part.

Tick tock indeed

But why

Post the original one, lmao

>Terra is the best part
I hope you can accept this as an apology.

Attached: yourchad.png (1000x800, 483K)

Power of wanking is supposed to be for waking up sleeping hearts.

Not fucking ressurecting them.

Attached: mywifeterra.jpg (894x894, 144K)

>All this Terra lust
Is that gay porn star that loves Terranort here or something?

So the universe or Kingdom Hearts or whatever is chsstising Sora for breaking the rules? Or is there some yin and yang balance element here

In the Ultimania Nomura explicitly states that he did not have numbers for the Real Organization this time to avoid confusion of shit like moved seats and all, but despite this I'm gonna try and guess it
1. Master Xehanort (DDD seating order)
2. Xemnas (DDD seating order)
3. Ansem (DDD seating order)
4. Xigbar (DDD seating order)
5. Terra-Xehanort (Full fledged 'Norts seem to get higher seating, fits thematically with filling Lexaeus's old spot as Earth-themed and one of the physically most powerful members)
6. Vanitas (Clearly a higher-ranked SoD, like Terranort sort of fittingly fill's Zexion's spot due to his size and acting as an 'illusion' of Sora/Ventus)
7. Saix (DDD seating order)
8. Dark Riku (this would be Demyx' spot, his old position moved up by one, but Demyx explicitly states that a Replica 'took his spot' and logically Dark Riku is the only one who qualifies)
9. Luxord (old spot but moved up by one)
10. Marluxia (old spot but moved up by one)
11. Larxene (old spot but moved up by one)
12. Young Xehanort (DDD seating order)
13. Xion (Ultimania states that she was absent in the DDD line-up, brought in specifically to fill Sora's empty spot)

Just a bunch of Terracucks who unironically admire Terra and self insert as Aqua to pair themselves with him.

I totally would, but I’m mobile posting at work and it won’t let me upload files. Let me see if I can find a link.

But Terra and Aqua are literally a couple tho

Fujoshits love him as well. Hell, they actually support Terra-Aqua.

It's really funny how Terra-Aqua is getting support from fojoshits. Literally hetro ship getting support from fucking yaoi lovers.

Also Otomefags love him


Attached: Julius_KH3D.png (599x573, 196K)

Here found it

Tick tock

Attached: 1547349971689.jpg (680x674, 86K)

>killed him with no dark roll/second chance/once more with both spell based and attack based decks around level 40
He was fun actually.

Beat me to it, thanks.

Just kicked his retarded face in next try, really makes all the anger I felt a few minutes ago just vanish completely. Now to do it as Sora.


Where is he?

At the bottom, under the bottom

Wow. He really did cropped him. This is fucking pathetic.

Good luck user!

You got my hopes up for nothing I was expecting something better. Here for my fellow Terrachads ITT

Attached: i want terra to fuck me im not gay hes just a chad and i admire him tick tock.jpg (730x1095, 64K)

>JoJo was nowhere near as famous as now
Are you fucking retarded?

Sorry user, I mostly like that pic because I’m a sizefag

Learn to read faggot

Attached: 90420DB0-AC83-4740-9CF3-8CCDF49154F6.png (1341x905, 182K)

Someone give me a rundown on Venfag.
Does he just hate Terra or is actually a self inserting VenAqua guy

He doesn’t exist. Terraschizos (Terra admirers) just created a boogeyman to deflect any criticism.

user Jojo was fucking huge 10 years ago. They had tons of clothing lines and massive goddamn posing events globally.
You are a massive goddamn newfag if you think it only got big when you learned about it. due to the anime

The screenshots telling you all you need to know are already in this thread


He can try

Attached: Terra lifting Aqua.jpg (640x766, 55K)

Is Terra the only black protagonist in Kingdom Hearts?

Attached: terra.jpg (225x350, 22K)

Why would Xemnas look exactly like terra? There were two hearts in the body when he was created so Xemnas is a mix of Xehanort and terra. It's why Roxas doesn't even look like Sora and is actually just another character

Because its a cool scene and done for dramatic effect

There is no black KH characters outside of that last from The Caribbean and possibly Barrett (if he exists)

Xens eyes scare me


Terra’s the closet thing we’ll get to a black character, right next to Ansem. Most fanart depicts him as black anyway

Attached: terra and his wife.jpg (796x1004, 102K)

Honestly, old man villain is better than spry young man villain. Especially for voice acting purposes but we got unlucky with both VA's dying

No Heart

Attached: No Heart.jpg (1920x1080, 474K)

That's just Xemnas with a keyblade.

>makes new models for every character
>still uses the old models in flashbacks

Actually the Vexen flashback where he's standing in front of the Twilight Town mansion is a recreation using the new model.

Speaking of which, why the fuck didn't he use a keyblade in KH3?


He hate Terra and self inserting as Ven for his Ven-Aqua ship.

Attached: 1525135558298.jpg (2264x7536, 2.64M)

Laser swords are cooler

God fujos are absolute trash at drawing babies

Point. But it should've at least made a cameo.

>Vencuck trying again to go full race war

Attached: 1533446583668.jpg (800x804, 56K)

Hey Vencuck, you ever thought of trying to make a conspiracy about Ven trying to steal Kairi from Sora instead of his own fucking mother?

God I can’t wait until Ven cucks Terra

How is that trying to start a race war?

This is /pol/chan. Black people and black characters are persona non grata on this forum, unless they're female. Then they're just sex objects.

I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION! Are Xion and Roxas related?



Attached: 1529409459176.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

Yes. They're at least adopted siblings.

I wouldn't say that, their bodies are replicas right?

But Terra 'fans' aren't even really fans of Terra. They don't demand anything Terra-centric that Nomura didnt explicitly write into the story. The passion for Terra is simply not there, he's discussed because he's at the forefront as a reluctant part of the villain's soul. People who acknowledge Terra's importance in the story are in no way exaggerating or biased. They all seem to see the story reasonably, while all this Ven stuff is exclusively predicated on downplaying Terra and all his scenes in favor of an underwritten character with no actual role.

Why are you so opposed to the idea? In most official art and fan art he’s depicted as dark skinned.

I was mostly referring to pre-3. But sure, I guess them possessing replicas means it's not incestuous on a PHYSICAL level, even though on every other level it still is.

Because Terra has zero black features

Whatever help you sleep at night Vencuck.

Fuck off Venfag. And maybe start looking for Ven x Kairi fanart so people won't be so vehemently opposed to your presence here.

What do you mean by black features? Nomura made him a black character so what if he doesn’t fit your racial stereotypes. See Who’s Vencuck and why would you think that’s me?

New thread

He only becomes darker in skin color after Norted
Also if youre going this route then MX is black too

You say that like it’s a bad thing to be black.

Goddammit, where did I leave that black-white controller macro...