He cites Metacritic in order to defend or denounce video game releases

>He cites Metacritic in order to defend or denounce video game releases.

Holy fuck. ISHYGDDT.

Attached: FUCK IGN.png (1418x1890, 516K)

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Natural Doctrine sucked donkey balls though

i'm afraid you overestimate how many people know about let alone have played let alone give a shit about natural doctrine. you can stop making this thread.

That review is spot on though.

It's valid as fuck. How many times per night does Metacritic/journalist/eā€“celeb faggotry get posted?


Fucks like that contribute to every single Metacritic score.

/r/ing journo cringe. I want the .webm where the bird is more intelligent than the human game journalist.


If a game is anywhere in the 80-95 range then it's legit good.

Anything lower is shit
Anything higher is paid reviews

>The meme that cannot be killed.

Don't pretend to be retarded. Wait till the Americunts roll outta bed.

They're far from objective measures of quality but they can give you a very good idea as to how the game is being perceived in the mainstream, which makes it useful for determining what aspects your average person responded to, and in business that's much more important than judging something by how hardcore enthusiasts reacted to it.

You're right. Metacritic does matter in regards to the plebeian masses. That's why the system's unjust.

I'm always amazed how big a deal people still make about review scores when no one has even respected game reviewers at least the entire decade.

How many normalfags skipped Anthem once they saw the Metacritic score?

Lower than 90 and you'll lose customers. Period.

I should have clarified but I meant here. I guess it's probably people who want the game to fail vs people who want it to succeed so the score matters to them, but for other reasons.

Shit was the same here in 2007. It was ridicilous when the HAZE IGN review dropped. I get it. I do. I just wish fucks would stop citing the site in order to defend or denounce games.

Shit's fucking retarded.

I only use metascore as an argument if the game I like has a good one, it's an invalid arugment if game I dislike has a good one though.

just look

Attached: rdr2.png (842x411, 78K)

Shut the fuck up. You're not clever or funny.

Yikes, user, yikes.


I legit don't know if the guy who makes these semi-regular threads about Natural Doctrine is on the spectrum or just doing it for esoteric bait, but it scares me if it's the former. Imagine being born with an inexplicable disorder, but instead of fixating on something cool and useful like maths or technology, you shitpost about a forgotten, insignificant game. God.

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That's the one.