Lol and you all thought Survive would be the final nail in the coffin for the MGS franchise

Lol and you all thought Survive would be the final nail in the coffin for the MGS franchise.

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Cast him

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I completely forgot the movie was a thing that was happening.

It hasn't even begun shooting, snake hasn't been cast. I think the script is being finished up atm.

a movie huh?!

What, they're making a movie? I hope they'll cast Kurt Rusell as Big Boss.

Nah Snake and therefore BB is a spic now

THIS AND FUCKING THIS. It probably wont be that big tho.

If it's a movie set during MGS1 Big Boss doesn't even appear.

Kurt Russel or Mel Gibson as Big Boss.

Christian Bale/ that guy that looks like him as Smallid Boss.

Is this the movie that this dumb arab John Vogt Roberts is making and is going to fail?

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I think it could work

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>mexican snake
hard pass

i liked the king kong movie the director made
mostly because of the fun creatures though, the main characters were all flat, which is kind of worrying

You just know it will be horrible after Kong, well I'm sure he thought sucking dick and getting fucked in the ass was a good trade for wealth and fame.

>Lets make a movie about a game that is practically a movie.
Is anything it should be a series or something, there's no way to fit all plot in a movie, even if it's just for a single title

One of Liquids demands is acsess to Big Boss’s corpse, so we can have a singular shot of Kurt Russel’s burnt body in a government facility. And maybe his voice in some flashback stuff for context.

Could Russel Crowe work?

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I think we have found it... Liam Neeson as Big Boss

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kong was pretty fun desu. solid 6/10

Nah too white for today’s political climate

is this real

Even as a comedy it was just the common "oh shit nibba" then he gets torn apart type of humour.


Is this better?

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what the literal fuck is the point of an mgs movie

Actually now that I think about it, the black guy being intelligent was pretty funny desu. These satyrs just makes themselves don't they?

MGS1’s plot could EASILY be dealt with in a 2 hour movie, but a huge part of the charm of the game is how different it is to movies we are familiar with.

No movie would let a sub-villain have a 5 minute monologue about thier childhood after being mortally wounded. Let alone lengthy history lessons about nuclear treaties.

MGS is part of history. It only became successful because of its release on late 5th, early 6th consoles. It was a game, that’s like a movie, but movie audiences would have HATED it, and honestly I think had MGS1 released last year (identical game, with 2018 tier graphics and a more modern control scheme) it would have been universally panned.

MGS1 was an achievement, this was proof that it was possible for games to be something greater, so gaming audiences lapped it up.

not playing the game for 30 minutes total

>lol niggers are dumb XD
comedy gold user

Absolutely not.

>I wonder what...

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nah, too able-bodied. needs to a big empowered muslim transwoman

Is David Hayter writing it? That would be fucking hysterical.

Most people like Tarkovsky or are aware of Kubrich that doesn't mean they aren't good or some can't appreciate it.

No. Jordan Vogt Roberts is working with some studio I can't remember on it

>t. nigger confirmed

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Forget your fucking eye patch

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This better be in the soundtrack,wn

Preferably with a ladder scene

>wait a fucken second

it doesn't matter what he wants, they've already got actors lined up for a long while. kiefer will be in as Big Boss, some relative unknown as Snake. MGSV kiefer casting was about the fucking movie which was planned even back then (which is why Kojima has remained somewhat involved even after his departure from Konami, because the 'handshake' was between him and Avi Arad).

yes but don't worry too much, there's a LOT of hands in this, including multiple other directors and a lot of it is going to be intensely choreographed.

the movie is an original narrative mash-up of a ton of elements from the series. we have no idea exactly what but it's pretty clear they're not leaving anything off the table for the sake of the 'canon', because the movie is not canon to the games in any meaningful way. there will be Walker Gear and REX and Cyborg Ninja and Big Boss and Snake and Psycho Mantis, there will be both a Shadow Moses like snowed-in military facility AND African Savannah/Jungle with 'blood money' mercenary/guerilla conflict.

Why was this not a number 1 hit?

It makes me want to play the MGS games (I played a titch of five but got bored, I return to it occasionally for fun).

>yes but don't worry too much, there's a LOT of hands in this, including multiple other directors and a lot of it is going to be intensely choreographed.

It doesn't fucking matter, maybe if they do a Peter Jackson in which an average grade director just spends near up to a decade preparing and sorting everything out into the smallest details, then and only then if this directer remains will it have the potential to be good otherwise they will just need a new director.

I swear I just feel like making a MGS film to show them how good it could be.

Who knows Cynthia Harrell killed it.

Bosslogic posters are so cringe. The guy is actually so bad at photoshopping but still has such a relatively big following.

Never even heard of her.

it literally doesn't matter who they cast because it'll completely miss the Japanese humor no matter what

lmao movie lenght isnt even a fucking cutscene in mgs

Ohhhh so this is why I thought the Metal Gear series was a spoof.

>no Idris Elba


lmao that spic manlet could never pull off Snake

Fuck no, he looks like a fucking rat.

was a joke user, but him alone is good looking.

nah. racist jokes can be some of the funniest, youre just bad at humor.

>_____ confirmed
nice memes tho kid

fake and gay

the best is yet to come/mgs2 theme >>> snake eater

p tired of 3 being so overrated, it was just a great ending is all