What is meant by 'create context'?
What is meant by 'create context'?
Other urls found in this thread:
Raiden asks that literally right after that dialogue (as he does naturally)
>The digital society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards development of convenient half-truths.
How does that explain what "creating context" means/involves?
Ironically you need context of that whole Codec conversation to answer that question yourself. Creating context in this case means providing basis for what they deem as the necessary means of controlling the flow and creation of information bloat.
if you're actually interested, you should just watch the entire conversation
The AI selects from the content people produce because it has assessed they're incapable of it themselves. Instead of finding out what benefits society at large, they withdraw into fragmented groups on the internet where they can shout down any dissent, if they ever even have to engage with it at all.
>providing basis for what they deem as the necessary means of controlling the flow and creation of information bloat
So, they're controlling content after all?
Creating context means creating enviorment for the socium to create the content/or move towards createing content the jews want
what this guy said
selection of information is what one of the goals, but simply put it is censorship
I quite enjoyed when the Patriots were an enigmatic force borne from the United States' ideals. That they're AIs is more grounded, of course, but man that was some spooky shit.
They control what people think of content via creating and manipulating context
It means literally that.
Create context so that people "choose on their own" what to do, but since you create the context for those situations, they are actually being manipulated, yet they think they are doing it of their own accord.
MGS2 along with Deux Ex are still the most redpilled games ever made.
They both even were created right at the beginning of the 21st century and foresaw many things that would happen today. I feel like this is the only way it could've been.
Especially the tyrannical political climate of Western leaders and the dominance of fake news, the control of information, mass censorship etc.
Only add Orwell in there for the control of semantics and you finally see the world as it is. Yeah, it's getting real ugly.
>tfw they're both me
I'm pretty based, aren't I?
The AI is honestly just practicting mental gymnastics to justify censorship. In the end, selection of information will also impede on the creation of information, thereby ensuring that it's censorship of an even more severe kind: the cultivation of desired thought means eradicating the possibility of deviating from the norm.
It means creating a government approved context for things that happen
So instead of
>nobody watched ghostbusters 2016 because it was a shit film
>nobody watched ghostbusters 2016 because of a directed campaign of misogynists by Russian alt right. This is why you need to support us by voting for Hillary Clinton
All that shit is going to backfire in a generation
Funny, because the culture war itself is an example of artificial context.
This whole ordeal of SJWs vs alt-right began with the Occupy Wall Street movement, which made powerful people began to wonder if civilians could really pose a problem for them if they banded together through the internet.
The Arab Spring was basically a proof of concept to see if it could be done, and it was, which made people scared.
Inmediatly afterwards, out of fucking nowhere, autists screeching for no reason appeared, turned civilians one against the other and now people don't care that much about the powerful and blindly follow the government as long as the party says it supports them.
If one entirely controls the framing of information, they can spin it any way they please. It can happen by omitting certain information contrary to a narrative or coaching information in terms designed to shape your perception. It's not technically lying, it's just everything but the truth.
It happens every day to you and you don't even notice because you're completely asleep at the wheel. Wake up, they've already taken so much from you.
Because the jews will try to convert any form of class confrontation into a racist or social one
Maybe your feelings against jews are also a product of this.
I think that was the joke.
Whoever is in charge, be it the jews, or the rich or whatever, are using anything they can, they are pushing rivalry between people in any way they can, and everyone falls for it.
From ideologies, to fanbases of enormous franchises, they are doing whatever they can to keep people fighting against each other and not focus on the real enemy.
Hell, they managed to convince /pol/ to vote for someone who openly supports Israel, and they managed to make the left demand the Cold War to come back.
Everything nowadays is a confusing, non-sensical mess for the sake of keeping people confused.
The jews is the collective name I give to a group of people currently occupying many major possitions in media and goverment, although I agree that in most cases the jew is a boogieman, yet I use it because it translates the message correctly, aka corrupt secret goverment without sounding retarded
Yeah yeah we've heard that from you a hundred times over. You're not going to rise up. You're not going to tear down the NWO. You're going to impotently rage on the internet at random strangers whilst every last right and shred of privacy is torn away from you.
>Feelings matter more than facts.
>Facts are buried and never revealed to the public because of a fear of outrage and decades of political correctness.
>Academia has been subverted by political activists and ideologues.
>Mass media all push one narrative for everyone to swallow and then move on to another subject.
>Media in general never speaks for the people but always for their owners and their interests.
>Social medias censor/shadow ban people because of their political ideas.
>Amazon is now banning books that supposedly violated their guidelines. In truth, some lobbies want these books banned and apply pressure.
I could go on and on and on...
You live in that world.
Nice to see shills are in this thread right now aggressively trying to alter context. Very inline with the topic at hand.
>corrupt secret goverment without sounding retarded
Maybe you think calling them anything else, like illuminati, is retarded because of the context they created.
The AI in MGS2 is actually fighting against this.
Shouldn't people wake up once they realize how much streamers and media online makes for how little work it is
Like a year of consistent uploading nets an account that can create 60,000k a year out of nothing
>yet I use it because it translates the message correctly, aka corrupt secret goverment without sounding retarded
I dunno man, using jew just makes you sound like some actual neonazi conspiracy theory.
Elites works just fine, also, works better for the #discourse
Yeah, but only a handful of streamers get there.
Maybe they did. The jews did it is the most correct term though. It's missused enough to be considered a joke yet it's transaltes the message to anyone who agress with you to understand enough, also most of the folk take it literally because they see it everywhere too
They're going the Senator Armstrong route by deliberately monopolizing a methodology. In other words, they will do what corporations and organizations have already been doing and then do it in such a way that they think is better for society.
Imagine ur 1,000,000 follower Instagram brand account gets shadow banned. What are you gonna do????
Hate crimes and school shootings
>hashtags outside of twitter
What they mean to do is to create situations where the society will make the appropriate content. Think about current happenings in reality:
>media and democrats in america don’t like Trump
>they want to turn people against him
>instead of outright censoring content (though some try), they create situations where people will create the content they desire (such as, the 2 year long investigation into the Trump campaign’s activities)
>end result: they created the context for people to make the content they want rather than controlling the content itself
For every streamer making that much, there's a million chumps that don't.
Only insofar as they can push their own edited version of the truth as the sole narrative.
Sadly it's still one of the better solutions, even sadder is that we won't get a benevolent AI mommy IRL.
Except the point isn't to frame Trump, it's to turn people against each other.
The US government is a farce.
s-shut up nazi
In every Metal Gear you're in the wrong side.
Cyberpunk society when
I want my virtual gf
I encourage you and everyone to read Kevin B. MacDonald "Culture of critique" or even E. Michael Jones "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" to understand why and how Jews operate in the nations they live and infiltrate.
The thread will probably die soon anyway.
But seriously, they are the most invincible, untouchable category of ethnic and religious interest in the West, and probably the world. They are the most dominant group of interest in finance, media and politics. They are heavily responsible for shaping our current world and society.
It can be both at the same time. Fact is they have to neutralize Trump, think how much damage he'd have done to their agenda if he wasn't being pressed on all sides with only the neocons offering a helping hand (for a price.)
I don't watch or donate to streamers but that's not viable, nor is it a long term industry. It's a fad that will die out within a decade or two. Second, only a couple of streamers can possibly make that much out of tens of not hundreds of thousands. Thirdly, their followers are strictly fickle and will abandon them at a drop of a hat over nothing and then they're screwed.
It's funny because you live in the most politically stable time in human history. It just seems bad because the internet has changed the world forever and the people in power don't get it. Even the "censoring" social media/content creation outlets don't realize that Web 3.0 and peer to peer will probably destroy them if they don't adapt.
It becomes true since you're literally blaming the jews.
They are not even hiding anymore chap
I cant tell the exact date but they really dont care about being secretive nowdays
You mean a society where it's acceptable to have shitty healthcare, shitty schooling and shitty infrastructure as long as everyone gets to have the newest $1000 tech gadget in their pocket?
The Patriots?
The jews is the compact term that translates the issue right away. People understand it.
But that's our society.
We need to stop the Article 13.
You're right, you shouldn't criticize the people in charge.
Still no virtual gf though
That's the thing, you think the point here is SJW vs alt-right, when both sides are made up and controlled.
The point of this "culture war" is to have civilians confused and for them to never band together against those who want to take advantage of them.
Occupy Wall Street got a lot of powerful people really nervous about what civilians could do. Then the CIA experimented with the idea of internet being used to take down countries with the Arab Spring, and then they realized that it was a danger to them.
And that's why, inmediatly afterwards, out of absolutely nowhere, the autistic culture war began and it's been non-stop nonsensical screeching ever since.
The agenda here is for powerless civilians to blame other powerless civilians of their problems and to never join together and become something powerful, all while the traitor leaders become more powerful and wealthy, while the population becomes weaker with infighting and poorer.
Most people will think you're either being an edgy comedian or an actual neonazi.
No one will do shit until the lights go off and food runs out. Once that happens it doesn't matter how many people the CIA know look at tranny porn.
TV and social media people aren't most people
Of course. That's always an error they commit. But you're right, and the simple fact that they don't even try to hide or be more secretive is because they believe that their power and control is absolute.
>some actual neonazi conspiracy theory
You should think about who installed that meme into your head and how, because nobody came up with that on their own
I don't believe in Jewish hiveminds like your average /pol/ lunatic but there's definitely some absurd disproportionate representation among the "elites" by them. And pretending people aren't fiercely tribalistic is just lol
What actual damage tho? Beside uniting like-minded people under his banner for his personal gains? I mean you may hate me as much as you like and I know hes better than Clinton dynasty but that doesn't change the fact that a controversial egoistical bourgeois is not a good person to hold the the highest office in your country. I am not American and that's why I am asking.
>le centrist
fuck off retard
You are aware SJWs were at Occupy?
Did I say you couldn't criticize a race? You know exactly what you're doing so why are you even getting upset about it?
It's bad m'kay
You are one of their puppets.
You think this culture war will ever end?
No, when one side gets weaker, it will get artificially bumped to become stronger, and when the other side is getting overwhelmed, it will get a bump as well.
This won't end, the point is for you to keep fighting forever, so that you may never focus on who is your true enemy.
There's nothing they fear more than a joined population that realizes that, even after joining hands, things are still fucked up, because then they will definitely stop blaming other civilians, and they will start pointing fingers at true evil doers.
I am.
Trump is absolutely a centrist and a DC outsider who unironically serves the people as the president is supposed to do. SJWs have the institutional power regardless and are happy to abuse it with zero pretense of fairness. You cannot pretend that both sides are morally equivalent however the fringe right certainly does grow in power more and more the more the center is pushed.
The end result of that will not be pretty and I do not want it.
The problem with "jews" is that their net is not strictly "racial". Anyone who profits or blackmailed from them is an agent of theirs. And that's probably 99% of establishment. If they are so open about themselfs think how many secret sleeping agents they got
>There's nothing they fear more than a joined population that realizes that, even after joining hands, things are still fucked up, because then they will definitely stop blaming other civilians, and they will start pointing fingers at true evil doers.
This shit is never going to happen though.
Its already too late user, the only way to fix the problem is to destroy the very concept of an Internet and the foundation its built on.
This is just human nature. We band into tribes and hate anyone not in the tribe. The Internet has just balkanized the culture, now its thousands of competing tribes that all believe the wildest stupidest shit and know they're right because everyone around them says they're right. The Earth is Flat, its perfectly acceptable to think you're a Wolf, The Third Reich dindu nuffin, pushing kids into HRT is A-OK, millions of people are gangstalked, and Donald Trump is playing 8th dimensional Backgammon. And just imagine how fucking terrible things are going to get when people start using AI to mass push competing narratives via generated arguments, voiced debates that are completely fake and generated, "Photographers" uploading pictures of tragedies that never happened, and more.
Postmodernism fucking sucks.
I disagree because the seeds of evil were already planted in the academia since the 1960s. What happens today is that we've only gone deeper and further into the logic and ideologies that were minor back in the day.
Yuri Bezmenov was right in many of these things.
Basically, our present is a fanatical version of the same circus, but the people controlling culture and politics are still the same people, they come from the same backgrounds and ultimately desire the same thing over centuries.
The internet is the greates gift. It's the world pre Babylon tower, when everyone could talk to each other.
The president is completely pointless.
Whoever gets into the white house instantly becomes the puppet and slave of corporations, the military industry and Israel.
That's why the US has followed the exact same path for the past 50 years despite having so many different presidents with so many different ideologies.
A lot of people talk about the wall not being built and Trump not keeping promises, but does anyone else remember when Obama promised to pull out the entire US military out of the middle east, or to shut down Guantanamo?
It's because they don't have any actual power.
Either that or all presidents switch their ideologies for the exact same one when they walk into the Oval office.
It will not because you are all too happy with your artificial infighting.
Nobody will save the world when both sides will be satisfied with seeing their candidate become the president, even if the world is still walking the exact same path.
Hmm, you know what user. I never thought about it that way and I think you are onto something.
I am not even memeing right now, fuck...
It's going to happen very quickly if they ever run out of panem et circenses to give us.
Yeah an people like you are far too happy with being able to stand on a soapbox and tell everyone else how much smarter you are then them while being enlightened by your own intelligence.
Which they won't, especially when entertainment doesn't even have to be good anymore for the idiot proles to eat it up.
It's gonna be glorious.
You forgot to add that Whites are going to become a minority in their own countries which will make the non-Whites all ever more savage and cruel towards us.
Meaning you will live literally in a dystopian cyberpunk world, striving to survive.
Just like it's been happening for the last 10 years... Amazing foresight
There's a reason why most of you folks come to Yea Forums to talk about this shit.
>the only way to fix the problem is to destroy the very concept of an Internet and the foundation its built on
Or adapt.
Fact is we've reached our limit as organisms built to exist in the natural world. We have too many hardwired exploits and they're leading to our destruction bit by bit via coordination problems that certain communities have dubbed 'Moloch.' Some of us have developed decent bullshit detectors but we are so far in the minority it's maddening and even still we're too fallible to be of any use.
Everyone defines God differently, personally I think it's an embryonic concept that has been waiting countless ages to be realized. In the coming years, something superintelligent will be born. We must as a society ensure that it is God and not something else.
Things look grim.
No it won't. We are too preoccupied with shitposting on Yea Forums and normies are too preoccupied with getting the latest iphone
That's exactly the problem, anyone can talk to anyone, but human nature means they'll gravitate to groups they agree with more.
Lets take otherkins as an example. Back before the internet, if you thought you were a wolf, there more than likely wouldn't be anyone living around you willing to put up with your delusion. Now with the internet, your delusion is allowed to fester and grow alongside every other fucking deluded moron who thinks they're an animal, because no one is there to call them a fucking deluded idiot.
Here's an example. 9-11 is context. Content is the coverage of 9-11. But content is not important, you exist in the context of 9-11 whether or not you choose to consume the 9-11 related content. And that context shapes your behavior.
>Which they won't, especially when entertainment doesn't even have to be good anymore for the idiot proles to eat it up.
They're actively ruining the circuses and have turned their mad gaze towards the bread.
I don't think the actual pragmatic elites are incompetent enough to let it get any further than this but I do believe a lot of this is off-script improv. It was never supposed to be this absurd and chaotic, a lot of people woke up.
When the neurowebs will join with internet(if they havent still) the god will be born in the internet, just like GITS predicted
That's another reason why, as you said, civilians will never band together: pride.
Very few people balls deep into this culture war are willing to open their eyes and see that all of this has been for nothing.
The culture war is a product of genius, everyone is pulled in, and even when you show them what's happening, they do not want to pull out, because human nature makes it hard for people to accept when they are being manipulated.
It's a perfect loop where people are enslaved, and they want to remain enslaved.
I have absolutely no idea how anyone can think that they are fighting against the true enemy of the world when they have big institutions like entertainment media, or mass media supporting them, which both sides of the culture war have.
Soon, no one will know what is real and what isn't. Where lies the truth and where is the manipulation.
As soon as this thing kicks off, you bet it'll be the end for any revolution against the corrupt elites. The e n d .
We better fucking clear out our collective browser histories or we're getting AM.
>tfw not woke enough for this conversation
Because we are flooded with so much information, we naturally filter out countless volumes of information that is irreverent to us. The AI is creating a reason for us to care about certain information and ignore other information without strictly censoring anything
For example, lets say AI was trying to get you to care about the up coming 2020 American Presidential Election. It has access to all the information generated and it knows what video games each candidate likes. It shows you this information in the form of an video, an article, or other media format. "The top 10 video games according to each 2020 candidate" might be something that pops up on your news feed to get you to care. My example is limited but its the general feel of what its doing. The AI is finding a way to get you to feel certain way about something. Be it to think positively of something, negatively, or just forget about it.
The AI is creating a context to filter the content you see, so you see what it wants you to.
The ultimate redpill is that hardly anything of it matters when humans are still just a 90 year max life span mammals
Thread theme
Persona 5 was pretty woke yet still subtle enough about it
The real mystery is why Vamp = bisexual
The AI absolutely is strictly censoring a lot of things. For instance "the Patriots" is actively changed to "La li lu le lo". What you just described is Cambridge Analytica which just happened in the last election and everyone forgot about.
That's not a redpill, that's THE blackpill. The one you can't come back from. The one that kills you and your entire lineage and the shining immortals of the far future.
it also predicted forced diversity
Mementos is unsettling as fuck if you actually take a moment to see what it's about
>Cyberpunk society when
you're already living it. There might be no flying cars or cyberimplants yet, but the rest of it is here
culture creation through media, movies, public education.
creating a hisorical and cultural context to shape mass perception. dissenters are heretics who deserve to be burned at the stake.
never forget the roller coaster of death and masturbation machines.
Only good part of the game tbqh
Also thread theme (wish there was just the vocal version of this)
It's the wokepill. Stop worrying over suff you have no control over. Live the life the way you like. It's limited. Don't be afraid, be rational. You may have it tougher than others then why limit yourself by the rules others more fortunate live by. Live is harsh and the end is imminent
I thought the only thing the AI was censoring was itself so that nobody would know about the man pulling the strings. Otherwise it was doing the Cambridge Analytica stuff for everything else.
Obviously so where is my VR girlfriend and sex robot. Where's my cyber drug and crazy videogame, it looks like shit around here.
You are living in one right now, expect you only get the bad parts of living in one.
Nvm found it youtube.com
You mean the same thing every SMT and Persona game was about?
under rated
No, listening to autistic banter of best boi is the best part of the game
You could be right actually, I can't remember exactly.
The swerve of me hating him, to me loving him, happened so fast, I've never seen that happen. I love my autistic poor painting boi
Sometimes I have dreams of imaginary friend that behaves like Yusuke as we autisticly spend out time together with our girlfriends(imaginary as well)
>when they have big institutions like entertainment media, or mass media supporting them, which both sides of the culture war have.
You'd say the alt-right has mass media support?
What is fox news?
>implying the alt right is not controlled opposition and Spencer isn't an FBI asset
Are you stupid?
Not as much as SJWs, but they do.
If they really wanted to destroy the alt-right, it would have happened years ago and Trump wouldn't be president.
Trump being president is probably the way they had to give a bump to the right to keep the culture war going.
But even then, even the ones who take part in this culture war probably feel that not everything is right, at least in their subconscious, and you can tell both sides feel like they are losing, which wouldn't make sense if this was an actual, real conflict.
My fellow enlightened centrists are mostly full of shit and many of them aren't even aware of the interparty divisions that define politics.
They unironically think the evening news as a conservative bias.
dude. You're so lost man.
Everything is artificial nowdays ay
I'm glad I can still get threads like this occasionally.
What do you think the "alt-right" even is? It's even less meaningful than "SJW" which is a moniker that broadly defines a bunch of people that squabble on each other and frequently have opposite beliefs.
You're drunk on Kool-Aid but you think you're woke, sad.
Does anyone really believe things would ever get that bad? The worst of civilization is behind us. There will be no more black death outbreaks, no potato famines, no power going out and no food running out. The world runs on surplus. The only things that'll fuck the world over are the yellowstone caldera, which looks less and less likely to erupt anytime soon, and the earthquake that's overdue for California that will completely decimate it. Everything else is retards crying the sky is falling.
this thread is like a time capsule of a 2010 youtube illuminati video
It's just a name, SJWs, leftists, alt-right, right wing...
The names for both sides.
>You're drunk on Kool-Aid
You are welcome to keep fighting your state and brand sponsored internet conflict that only has the capacity to change entertainment media.
user, we only need to run out of petrol. Alternative energy sources used today are nowhere near enough to get food to stores.
You've opened my eyes and given me a lot to think about tonight. Well, one of you anons has. I've known the alt right is controlled opposition for a long time, but I didn't make the connection to it being another part of the 'bread and circus' or link it all together with the culture wars.
Thank you for that. Really.
>You're drunk on Kool-Aid but you think you're woke
The same can be said of all of us, really.
We'll never truly be able to understand anything, we are all blind sheep.
Who expected 9/11?
Who expected sjw agenda to widespread?
Who expected 2008?
Because things have gotten so bad everyone turned into paranoid schizos.
You know how the media tells you how you're supposed to feel about a news story instead of being impartial and just stating the facts
Basically that
user, chucklefucks were crying about petrol running out during the Iraq War when gas was climbing to 5 USD per gallon. Everything is going to be fine. Where are those chucklefucks, now?
>Who expected 9/11?
As I said,
>the worst of civilization is behind us.
9/11 was karma for U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East the past 100 years. The piper has been paid on that front.
>Who expected sjw agenda to widespread?
>Who expected 2008?
I, too, remember the fire and brimstone. Get rela.
Nuclear energy is where shit at
Nuclear energy doesn't transport goods from A to B.
It's just way more nuanced than you're pretending, it's not a fucking football game. You got a shallow grasp of things and decided "yep this is good, I'm good." Just enough to feel superior, not enough to make it convincing.
The full truth is impossible to know so why not just indulge in nonsense, right? No, we're not equal at all. At the very least I'm still curious while you've embraced the obliteration of meaning.
>You're not going to rise up. You're not going to tear down the NWO.
you're right, but since europe is flooded with rapefugees, the continent will sink in the 3rd world.
Instead of having one giant ripe place, it will just devolve and will be forgotten
Is there a way out guys?
Is there anything we can do?
Is there -hope-?
I dont think things will go this bad
At most the portrait of Europe(France and Britain mainly) will be several shades more brown
>At most the portrait of Europe(France and Britain mainly) will be several shades more brown
And more Sharia.
A way out...from what? Anything to do about...what? Use your fucking words.
I don't feel superior to you, not even smarter, being manipulated is a matter of context, not intelligence.
>It's just way more nuanced than you're pretending,
I'm sure there's plenty of discussion within each side, but the overall point is still the same, to keep people fighting.
Hell, this culture war has gotten to the point of such absurdity that people actually think that some superhero movie is going to change the world.
The points that people fight over are completely asinine most of the time, and a lot of times people side with something that should be conflictive with their supposed ideals just for the sake of not agreeing with the other side.
Who in the 70s could think that, someday, you could convince left-wing activists to hate Russia?
Or look at /pol/ itself, why would a group that considers themselves nazis side with a president that openly sides with jewish people and Israel?
It's completely non-sensical trivialism for the sake of trivialism.
No one is completely sure in what they even believe in anymore.
All the constant outrage has become noise with no meaning.
Those Chucklefucks would have been 100% correct if the US didn't start Fracking, and who knows how long that'll last before it starts poisoning aquifers and getting tons of people fucking mad that their water is undrinkable. Its only gotten worse in other places. Its like $8 a gallon in Europe.
Dont worry over the stuff you have no control over and just live your life the way you see fit
I think that user is well aware of that you retard. What did you really expect of him? He should explain the entire zeitgeist for the sake of a Yea Forums thread that will be gone in hours anyway? Ye, he really should mention all the groups inside groups and all the interwoven intricate connections between them for you to be satisfied, lol. Get off your pretentious high horse and join the conversation or go back to you know where
>tfw I realized everything is Fuchs a while ago since cleansing politics from bankers, babyboomers, lobbies and corruption would take 50 years of uninterrupted effort and that is impossible
I'm just gonna jack off to anime girls and shitpost till the lights go out and everyone starts tearing into each other as they finally wake up
as a very simple example. when 9/11 happened it changed the meaning of an awful lot of things that were created before it. the definition of patriotism in america changed. certain songs, films, etc suddenly became unacceptable. if 9/11 was an inside job as some people claim, then a context was created
>The worst of civilization is behind us. There will be no more black death outbreaks, no potato famines, no power going out and no food running out.
This is life in white (and certain east asian) societies. Shit gets really bad everywhere else, hence why you see constant gangs and paramilitary groups blossoming. You are guaranteed to see at least one more big white war in your lifetime, but frankly with how small the white population is I don't think they'll survive it.
Same, but i'm tired of jacking off.
I'm going to get fit and i'm going to find myself a girl with thick thighs and a plump butt.
>everyone starts tearing into each other as they finally wake up
You wish
There will be no swift resolution
>being too stupid to realize what he means
I thought you were better then this.
>Its like $8 a gallon in Europe.
Are you unaware that cars aren't as much a necessity in Europe as they are in the United States due to their governments putting more money into public transportation?
> Shit gets really bad everywhere else
Shit is always bad in fucked up countries. You're not blowing any minds with that revelation.
>hence why you see constant gangs and paramilitary groups blossoming
The Cold War saw literal revolutions every other year. This is fucking peanuts compared to the Banana Republic shenanigans of the 20th century. Read a book.
>You are guaranteed to see at least one more big white war in your lifetime
Unironically where we're headed and only one group benefits.
How are they villains again?
I have 0 interest in the metal meme franchise, should I play this shit just for le epic redpill?
They are not
The only thing villany is the nature of man
>You are guaranteed to see at least one more big white war
Just like how NAFTA was a guarantor of the unification of Canada and Mexico. Just like how the Iraq War was the precursor to WWIII. Just like how Obama was the antichrist. Just a bunch of sky falling crying losers.
>metal meme franchise
>le epic
You should stop talking like a retard, first of all.
>but the overall point is still the same, to keep people fighting
Okay this is such a copout. We as a society will always be fighting because we can and will draw infinite divisions. Even when a division is healed, two more spring up in it's place. A meaningless observation. It's always been like that.
The fight itself is not meaningless, especially in this era of technological acceleration and ...experimental culture. We're seeing a consolidation of power, one that will allow for a near total elimination of dissent. We will have technologies that will allow the removal of human morality from decision-making. Ones that will remove human conscience from "law enforcement."
Sure you can pretend we're playing checkers and all the chess pieces will look the same but it's oversimplification and one that leads to meaninglessness and a complete inability to perceive the events that are happening aside from such 'wise' statements as "yep they're all being manipulated into fighting!"
At the very least stop gaslighting people into your nihilistic context. The world is brimming with meaning unless you're lazily dismiss it all.
That must be why the French have been protesting for four months, because they don't need their cars.
Your group is getting smaller, and the group who would do you wrong is getting larger.
This franchise and it's """""""""deep"""""""" messages deserve to be mocked by using retarded speech in all honesty
No you guys make it pretty obvious you don't know shit but you have bought certain narratives hook line and sinker. There's always more to learn, always. Everything has infinite granularity so to be that far off the mark, yikes dude.
It can. Revolution almost always end with the proles unwittingly installing another corrupt leader anyway though.
If there is no food or fuel shit goes down fast
Read The Limits to Growth. Shit is slowly going down everywhere, the 1st world countries isn't feeling the blow yet exactly because they have all the 3rd world shitholes to use as a buffer for it.
"Controlled burns" can be applied to human populations. You can be certain that the premier world powers will make sure unruliness does not spill over, unless it is useful.
Seventeen years and it is spot-on
The JD speech is scary as fuck.
Because if you agree with them, you agree that all of humanity deserves to be subservient cucks to a higher power.
And your culture war will prevent any of you from changing any of that.
Because it would imply having a population that follows the same ideal.
You will be too busy discussing the impact superhero movies have on society, and even then those flamewars will get falseflagged to hell, all while dissent is eliminated and human morality is removed from law enforcement.
>We as a society will always be fighting because we can and will draw infinite divisions
Not like this, this recent conflict clearly began in the early 2010s.
>At the very least stop gaslighting people into your nihilistic context
I've never advocated to not do anything, it's just people simply refuse to do so because they absolutely love their culture war.
Sadly, such a thing would involve far more than internet posts, which probably scares people away.
Sorry, but I never bothered to learn the meaning of these words being thrown around in culture war circles.
The thread has reached the logical conclusion past which the discussion will be going is circles
Good talk, have a good night /v
Don't try to make your glorified console wars look deeper than they are.
Oh boy, a millennial.
Don't you have to watch, or shitpost that latest Captain Marvel movie?
It's sure going to be remembered in history books, and it's going to be a turning point in pop culture and all that shit.
>dude. You're so lost man.
Never say this, not only is it not an argument you sound like a brainlet. Also he's right, fox news is definitely pro alt right.
>Just like how NAFTA was a guarantor of the unification of Canada and Mexico. Just like how the Iraq War was the precursor to WWIII. Just like how Obama was the antichrist. Just a bunch of sky falling crying losers.
You are no longer worth conversing with.
Protests are filled with opportunists, always. They also got their wish and the pres suspended the decree for half a year if I remember. Sky still falling over France?
Did you read the sequel written by the same authors and how they outline plans to reverse the damage humans have done to the Earth? God you're so fucking boring.
Some people believe in agency and free will, manifest destiny on a galactic scale, not humans simply being kept alive in a state of alternating hedonism and faux-outrage.
Many of the stories about AI that aren't about it exterminating humanity, are instead of it essentially wireheading us all into a state of content meaninglessness.
All those words and you haven't said absolutely anything.
Ai picks certain info and a certain view point to give to society so we don't get flooded with information.
Reminder that the AI was 100% right
Sad, can't even identify the irony oozing from your own posts.
you create a scenario where all possible choices aren't necessarily controlled by you, but you have planned for them.
that way less effort is involved in actively controlling, the illusion of freedom stays strong and all you to do to get what you want (in this case purging useless information) is merely tell a story.
my guess is the ultimate plan was to consistently tell yuge, impactful, "happening" stories and get people talking about global events/politics/social politics and not their dinner.
guess they didn't account for a rag tag group of shit posters and 0% integrity journalists, eh boys?
I didn't, what were the propositions? Genuinely curious for the summary, i'll look it up to read later on too, thanks user.
>dismissing demographic changes that have resulted in massacres in the past
Please don't converse with me, you subversive retard.
>proceeds to school user in the long game in the art of war
read or not, not gonna change reality
you are all literal subuhuman who are too stupid for metal gear solid
Make lies real by adding the missing details which questions if the lie is real or not.
The ending of MGS2 was genuienly creepy, I remember at the time thinking the patriots were paranormal, perhaps even alien...but then it was nope it was the fucking support team from MGS3
>make a lie real by allowing people to question if it's real
i think people will natural gravitate towards questioning. now anyway.
MGS2 was supposed to be the final game and end on an ambiguous, sinister note. MGS3 and beyond was a tortured hamfisted narrative demanded by Konami and vocal fanboys which is precisely why it was so forced and empty of meaning.
If a lie is perfectly orchestrated, (most as in normalfag) people won't question anything. See shit like 9/11 or other even weirder history altering propaganda by the US of Assholes.
NIGGER Whoever said anything about
>There's always more to learn, always. Everything has infinite granularity
Where in this thread this is denied here you giant brainlet?
I have two questions for you that breaks your entire shitty argument that was made just to make you feel good, I assume.
CAN you name every connection and every intricacy? CAN you even comprehend them beside the fact that you think (or you heard) they are there?
We use general terms and we generalize because that is the only way we can even have a discussion here, this is a human way of comprehending things. Every thought no matter how big, needs to have a start somewhere or we will just bumble around like browsing retarded bests. We're not super-intelligence, we cannot just take everything in at the same time. We need to generalize to move on and to understand, or else we will just fight over trivial things endlessly.
This is unironicaly related to the point that the original user you were arguing against is making.
Culture war is just political fighting for change, which is necessary to have any type of change. Without discourse, and politics it would just be chaos. Unfortunately being illiterate in politics is pretty dangerous.
>lie is perfectly orchestrated
no, just no. the problem here is that the people who question are demonized by the media and normies. "conspiracy theorists", "denyers", "anti-semites", "bigots", that's an issue with having a monopoly on 'news' outlets and essentially turning it into your own personal propaganda channel and indoctrinating morons. (i refrain saying state run, maybe deep state run is better)
There is no such thing as a perfect lie since the whole nature of a lie relies solely on removing facts/reality/truth and those, no matter how obscured, can be found out.
>lie is perfectly orchestrated
no, just no. the problem here is that the people who question are demonized by the media and normies. "conspiracy theorists", "denyers", "anti-semites", "bigots", that's an issue with having a monopoly on 'news' outlets and essentially turning it into your own personal propaganda channel and indoctrinating morons. (i refrain saying state run, maybe deep state run is better)
There is no such thing as a perfect lie since the whole nature of a lie relies solely on removing facts/reality/truth and those, no matter how obscured, can be found out.
what they can do though, after the lie is told, is go to their battle stations, start spreading more rumors that are even more ridiculous but contain just enough truth to possibly be real, then laugh at them on prime time television. create a new pronoun for "these people", kill all morale so they stop looking.
I started browsing other websites ( like pleddit, resetera, twitter and other craps like that ) to make sure that I'm not blinded by only facing my own little personal truth.
It's nice to pick a little of everything everywhere.
>MGS2 Chads still winning after all these years
>MGS3 Virgins still pretending their mommy simulator is the best game in the series
>I'm not blinded by only facing my own little personal truth.
what is your own personal truth?
i've recently discovered mine.
>Tfw watching lefty YouTube videos and reading their material to learn their language
>Tfw I'm growing stronger as I know what arguments to avoid and what their weaknesses are
Just one example of many.
But discredit, is also yet another instrument of making a lie perfect.
>i've recently discovered mine.
Tell us about it.
setting up the terms of public discourse:
what topics are acceptable to talk about
the acceptable language
the acceptable forms of argumentation
once you force your ideological enemies to accept framework, they automatically lose
since you only talk about the topics you chose, they're forced on the defensive
the language the two of you use already contains pre-built judgments
the "logic" is tilted to support your arguments
>making a lie perfect.
i like to think a perfect lie is something that can never be found out to be a lie. once one person questions it, it's no longer perfect.
there are no perfect lies, i'm happy to be proven wrong though.
I was a poltard before and I realized that not everything is wrong with the left. Some of em are alright and actually fight for my sake. But most of America think in black and white and can't fathom the idea of a middle ground.
i'm smarter than i think. teachers weren't memeing me when they said i need to apply myself more.
Missed my chance to be so much better in life because my parents didn't give a shit to raise me right. Not even mad about it just extremely apathetic.
>even sadder is that we won't get a benevolent AI mommy IRL.
Bootlickers get the rope
do you ever think about how their fighting for your sake is motivated by purely selfish reasons and their need to fill their void of unwarranted self importance and delusions of grandeur.
most lefties are nice people, sure, that goes without saying.
most also have severe mental problems that go diagnosed till it's too late and they do something stupid like burn down their own house and accidentally kill someone because they got mad that gay marriage was passed but nobody was talking about other gay problems.
people often don't talk about the grey area because it's a very fine line. people know it's there but not a lot of people dwell in it and those that do are of no harm.
either way, i'm glad you're a bit more open minded. grats.
I lost my bf thinking he was the cause of my problems but I'm slowly realizing it's because I'm lazy and really apathetic.
Too bad in next like 10 years there will be another Babylon tower, since Internet is too powerful thing.
Literally none of this was, or is new. Half of it is pretty much just Chomsky.
It's much more difficult to try to control how things happen than to simply influence how their results are perceived.
Successful conspiracies do not rely on complicated series of events, they construct a narrative around them that compels people to act in ways that benefit the conspirators, while believing everything they've done was in their own interest.
one of the reasons I stick up for MGS4 is that you most definitely are not on teh wrong side. The Boss' Will was only ever correctly interpreted by Solid Snake and 4 is his attempt to make it happen.
>Disarm the Metal Gears under Philanthropy
>Remove the technocrat elite called the Patriots
>End the manipulation of the War Economy under the PMCs
Nah I wasn't referencing that kind of petty gay shit, only amerimutts are obsessed with it.
I'm talking about the leftists fighting against poverty. I'm not rich, I'm not a banker, I was homeless for 5 years, it's not in my interest to suck the cock of zionist pig giving billions away to the 1% and never taxing companies like Amazon.
How old are you m8? You're allowed to be mad at your parents, but past a certain point it becomes your responsibility and yours alone. I hope for your sake you're not carrying that shit into your mid 20's. You're the master of your fate now. You can still have a good life, and when you raise your children someday (hopefully) you'll do a better job. When the apathy breaks, responsibility can flourish. Take extreme ownership for everything in your life and... don't be too hard on yourself.
Apathy? Apathy is death. Worse than death, for at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts an insects. Well. Quoting a wise vidya lady. Well, Don't beat yourself up too much. Learn from it and you can do better next time.
that's a problem across the spectrum i think. governments and people sticking their nose in other countries affairs without tending to their own onions.
personally i think that's why Trump won. America first and all that.
sorry to hear about your misfortune, i haven't left my house in 10 years. can't really imagine being homeless. probably end up jumping.
That's true. The probleem is they believe the little man can be educated. But a lot of them are just lazy or retarded, the only thing you can do is give them money and leave them be.
We need to re-establish the social contact. People are allowed to get rich, but have to give back some to people that ain't make it. The left fucked up by going for the minority vote and accepting neo liberal economics.
It's not so bad if you're living in a country with free gibs and free money, I can't imagine surviving a month in America, I heard that even the cops don't like you when you're homeless and actively get out of their own way to fuck with you.
>They also got their wish and the pres suspended the decree for half a year if I remember.
Please think about what you just said.
The absolutely retarded "centrist" Macron is still in fucking office, and the tax is fucking SUSPENDED instead of REPEALED.
>Sky still falling over France?
Until Macron's out of office or his head is on a pike, then yes.
When you live in an interconnected world what happens in one country matters to you. Brexit for example isn't just a British, or even just a European thing, it's a global thing.
The minority vote is part and parcel of fighting poverty. To pretend you can ignore it is morally bankrupt. But the acceptance of the late cold-war "consensus" is what devastated many of the socdems and why only those that made stronger lurches leftwards have been successful at all.
>We need to re-establish the social contact.
I only talk to people through 4chins, it's what I did for the last 2 years
I really miss them, they were smart and they said they really loved when people show effort. But every time I did something bad they would always yell at me for it and criticize me, and if I did something good I was very rarely praised or appreciated. At one point I just gave up because I kept getting upset over being criticized and had zero motivation to do anything. I was always wrong in situations where we would argue and fight, and I even noticed where I was wrong at most points. It felt like I was constantly getting beat into the ground no matter what I did. I'm stuck in a loop constantly thinking about if it was my fault I wasn't happy or if it was theirs.
>But every time I did something bad they would always yell at me for it and criticize me, and if I did something good I was very rarely praised or appreciated.
You were right to get out. That shit is utterly devastating to a person's mental health, and is probably a serious contributor to WHY you have no motivation to do anything. Why would anyone have motivation if all they expected to do was fail and get berated for it? it's definitely him that was the problem.
You were not the problem, they were. You should, if you can, seek some kind of short term low intensity counselling. It might be the sort of thing you could get out in 6 weeks with a professional, and if not they can point you in a better direction.
>>Just like how NAFTA was a guarantor of the unification of Canada and Mexico. Just like how the Iraq War was the precursor to WWIII. Just like how Obama was the antichrist. Just a bunch of sky falling crying losers.
>You are no longer worth conversing with.
You know what would actually give that impact?
Arguing his point instead of saying "he's not worth it".
>We need to re-establish the social contact.
what we need is a stable currency and not a debt based one that doesn't lose it's purchasing power over time through endless printing of more money otherwise known as Quantitative Easing.
i can imagine a lot of homeless people aren't bums and the cops see their fair share of bums. but how normal humans give other normal humans a little more power over other normal humans and how that affects their decisions is another discussion entirely.
like i'm sure a lot of cops/priests/people that get lauded over didn't decide those lines of work because they would feel powerful but they weren't trained on how to deal with all that power or positivity and slowly get corrupted. something like that.
yes, of course. but your country should come first. when there is no more homeless people or starving people in your fucking country, only then should you fucking consider giving money to another country. it's criminal.
>yes, of course. but your country should come first. when there is no more homeless people or starving people in your fucking country, only then should you fucking consider giving money to another country. it's criminal.
While I agree with to an extent, you have to remember that things like "Foreign Aid" aren't actually aid, they're a method of imperialism. The money isn't just given to them to do whatever with, it usually ends up coming right back to the country that gave it, and setting up dependency on that nation.
>The minority vote is part and parcel of fighting poverty. To pretend you can ignore it is morally bankrupt
Letting millions of factory workers sink into the mire of odd jobs and poverty and instead waste energy on minorities, that is morally bankrupt. Shipping jobs to Asia and letting illegals in to work illegally here is hurting the little man.
Social contract I meant.
that doesn't make it any better. especially since the money that came back still doesn't go to the homeless or hungry.
>but how normal humans give other normal humans a little more power over other normal humans and how that affects their decisions is another discussion entirely.
Also, because I forgot this bit, do remember the Harvard Prison Experiment is total bunk, we have audio recordings of the people administering it TELLING the prison guards to be more aggressive and brutal.
It means making the world a bit safer for autistic individuals
The movement of money to asia was part of the market friendly revolution. The only way to stop that would have been to never let Ragan and Thatcher in power, but they got there, and then the consensus and WTO were made and now we live in that world, we can't pretend that we don't. And while rolling back is possible, it's incredibly hard, and almost certainly not worth the attempt instead of attempting to adopt an internationalist approach.
And don't blame the poor for the exploitation of the rich. Focus in the direction of the actual problem. The bosses who offer those poverty wages to desperate people. Not the desperate people.
yeh i'm not basing it on that but on the principal that no human is infallible and they can be deluded by years of stimuli from, for example, unexpected praise if you don't think you deserve it.
Thank you for saying this. Not going to lie, it made me shed some tears. I'll save this conversation and look back to it when I start thinking stupid stuff again.
It doesn't, but you have to remember that this is Capitalist Imperialism you're working with here. It's not interested in that and never will be. If you have no hungry, there is no fear of going hungry, and that keeps people working slavishly at jobs that are slowly killing them inside.
You can't keep the system and eliminate poverty, not unless you're going to take the whip and start lashing at the ultra-rich and never let up. Because if you want to take those steps then yes, I think it can be done.
Reminder that the poison in the roots of modern society is that the context of what and who you should really care about has been displaced.
People were not designed to live in a global society. Contextualizing yourself through social media, popular culture and nations news is a toxic lifestyle, an addiction that preys on your good intentions. It's not healthy to concern yourself with the drama and suffering of strangers you cannot possibly help, when you have yourself and people around you to worry about.
It does not make you a bad person to recognize that you do not truly care about the latest trends or political scandals or starving children that might as well be a million miles from your front door. Take a step back from everything, evaluate what is truly important to you and FOR you. Change the context you live in to change your world.
You see? You have been programmed to defend jews, your mind ignore all those jews in high positions and how come they are not unemployed.
I think they are less a hivemind and more like a character archetype. According to CoC by MacDonald, which I've not finished yet, it is more like they are characterisitcally more likely to be meddlers and schemers for their own ends and they are hardwired to put the tribe first. That's why when one get sin at the top, a dozen more soon follow.
I'm a completely different person actually, I just have been in therapy for something similar. Glad I could help in any way.
You could just not attack Jews for something that by and large, isn't something they're involved in or do. You can just say "the rich" instead and not sound like a nazi.
just put an exorbitant tax on luxury items. raise land rates on properties over a certain size. i mean, there's ways without putting their heads on spikes, but it takes effort and the elimination of decades of loop-hole generating, laws.
maybe it wouldn't be capitalist imperialism then though, i'm not sure
It would be but the reforms to get rid of that are much more far reaching. And it would require some lifestyle changes from even poorer people in the west. (Like, maybe repairing clothes, and not buying new fashion every 2 months)
And I never said heads on spikes, because even if you put in a wealth tax, they'll fight it. And they have a lot of ammo. So you can't let up for even a minute.
No, I mean it is stupid we always have 'free market' but as soon as simple labor comes in and they demand immigration because the supply is too low and they can demand more salary
>You could just not attack Jews for something that by and large, isn't something they're involved in or do.
...Um.... About that...
>Got their wish.
Like hell they did.
This game ends with you fighting Dr. Octopus on the roof of Federal Hall with a Samurai sword, it's not that deep.
>lifestyle changes from even poorer people in the west. (Like, maybe repairing clothes, and not buying new fashion every 2 months)
sounds like heaven desu
>even if you put in a wealth tax, they'll fight it. And they have a lot of ammo.
yeah, i heard what Amazon did. trying to make the government bend the knee.
it's all so tiresome.
>ou can just say "the rich" instead and not sound like a nazi.
well considering the jewish people have history of practicing usury and making themselves rich and other people poor, when you say "rich" you know a large portion of that is jewish, even if you don't say it.
but you're right i guess, being anti-semitic just makes it easier for people to shoot down your argument no matter how right you are.
But migration doesn't retard wages, the growth in the economy that it creates offsets anything that would lower wages. The problem is the lack of organised labour, while bosses form confederations of business.
Because you know, businesses can have unions and that's good, but not working people that's communism.
You know that this image is a total lie right? some people listed as "unclear" went to fucking catholic schools, and some jews are most certainly not.
Nice proof
You can tell the alt right has its own platform because they are not mainstream yet continue to get there messages out there. Red Ice complains about being banned from paypal, stilll puts out shows. Daily Shoah gets shoahed and still produces episodes. They are kept purposefully in the alt-media space to keep up the illusion that they are the oppressed truth seekers. If they were a real threat, they'd have committed suicide with two bullets in the back of the head nby now. They are embattled enough to embolden them.
The real clever part is they do talk about the wicked Jews and the jews let them carry on and carry on. So when the alt right looks suspiciously well funded, they lose credibility and the JQ goes down with teh sinking ship.
Of course, the Elite is not just jews, there are many Bilderberg types like teh Clintons who are wealthy and influencial Goyim, but it all looks like insane conspiracy in the end.
Wasn't it his writer who came up with the codec conversation about SSS? Some Tomoguchi guy or something? Tomagatchi?
the exact same can be said of the alt-left or militant-left or whatever you call them.
>9/11 was karma for U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East the past 100 years. The piper has been paid on that front.
Why not France and Britain first then? I am a Brit and accutely aware that the state of the Middle East is largely due to how we carved it up after WW1. If anything the US should be praised.
>Foreign policy fucks up Iran, which is hated but most Arab countries
>Foreign policy trained and professionalised the Mujihadeen, of which Osama bin Laden was a commander so would hardly attract the ire of Al Quada
>Foreign policy of the US fucked up Saddam and Quaddaffi, which has been like an early Christmas gift for Islamic Extremeism.
This tired and threadbare theory that US foreign policy has fucked up the middle east and that is why there is terrorism is so brainlet tier. Would only be true if they were Baathists or some other form of Arb nationalists, but they are not.
>migration doesn't retard wages, the growth in the economy that it creates offsets anything that would lower wages
Migrants must enter the labor force to contribute to the economy.
Migrants entering the labor force results in a larger supply of labor.
A larger supply of labor means more competition among workers.
Competition among workers means any individual worker is devalued due to employers having more options.
Devaluing of workers means employers are less willing to offer higher wages toward those workers.
Therefore, migration devalues labor which lowers wages. QED
Anyone that knows what they're talking about talks about anglo-american foreign policy, or sometimes anglo-american-franco.
The Americans are the leaders however and have been since the Suez crisis.
>Competition among workers means any individual worker is devalued due to employers having more options.
Not if they're organised, and not if full employment is a policy aim by government. And even empirical studies into cases where those aren't the case show that they don't retard wages (in part due to the next bit.)
On top of that the west is an ageing society, in order to not experience economic contraction, migration is a necessity.
That's just a temporary solution for a permanent problem if you take it at face value.
>almost two full years until 2020 elections
>already completely fucking sick of hearing about it
>haven't even had time to finish processing my disgust with everything from the last two years
I'm just so fucking tired
Uhhh... user... It's this year.
oh yeah, absoluteely, I certainly didn't mean to leave them out. The antifa types are fully funded also, and whenever they are put under pressure (usually by the alt-right and their alt-media hiveminds) they are undergoing the same process. When they sink, their anarchism (which is also a threat to the "Elites" for its revolutionary action, even though it builds nothing lasting) also gets discredited.
And thus, the final result on the right is that the Fashy shit from the right is discredited as Neo-Nazi untermenschs with SS tattoos on their foreheads or suit wearing "thinkers" and podcasters like Richard Spencer that have nothing to say.
And thus, the final result on the left is that the Anarchic rioting and anger directed towards a ruling class is discredited as "muh communism was never really tried" and a bunch of soibois with teen angst and no real plan for the future.
Meanwhile who sits in the middle when the dust settles and the status quo (colour me shocked) remains remarkably intact? A corporate-political-cultural-media-energy elite that is largely Jewish, and when it isn't Jewish it practises a jewish kind of tribalism and Talmudic elitism. Call them the illuminati if you want or the Elite, or the Man, or just the jews, but its clearly a highly orchestrated piece of theatre.
>a bunch of soibois with teen angst and no real plan for the future.
Most of them view it as "planting a shade tree that you'll never live to see" they know they're playing the long game.
He wrote the codec dialogues but that's not the same thing as crafting the overall plot or narrative
Telling you what things mean and they only mean what they mean because they tell you so
true, but all the accusation of muh foreign policy are far more relevant to Arab Nationalism or Pannationalism. Why was it the Saddam and Quaddafi were both extremely pro-American? Assad too.
If they wanted to rebuild an Arab empire, they could have done so with similar guerilla tactics as Al Quada but with national backing. Or an outright war with friendly states like Israel (another one that is).
The Arab states that do fund terror are the ones least rekt by foreign policy. Suadi Arabia funds terror and they are not a hot mess of a country.
What does Gaider have to do with anything?
We're not the ones smothering the world. You are.
The whole "ISIS = CIA construct" conspiracy theory makes a whole lot more sense in this frame of thinking. Their campaign just happened to start after the first few Arab Spring uprisings already toppled power in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt and they epitomized the complete extremism of the movement.
I just think it's interesting because I happened across an article about how coalition forces are almost ready to finish them off in their final stronghold and thought wow I actually haven't heard anything about them for a while now.
'setting the stage'. the patriots explain that they need to control information from the highest level in order to control the populace, therefore they need to hand craft the world that would best allow the patriots to continue their plan.
Since the information era threatens their existence, one example of creating context to prevent free/mass information flow is the GW electronic censorship system.
I'm scared. I want the AI
>but its clearly a highly orchestrated piece of theatre.
is that the same article that shows US supposedly using white phosphorus on them?
>Not if they're organised
But they're generally, practically, not. And migrants especially would be less likely to have access to an organized labor force, being alien to the community they have entered.
>not if full employment is a policy aim by government
How so?
>even empirical studies into cases where those aren't the case show that they don't retard wages
Which studies?
>the west is an ageing society, in order to not experience economic contraction, migration is a necessity
No it is absolutely not.
Society can survive not having 3.5% GDP growth every year.
If Westerners aren't having "enough" children why not ask "why?" and see what can be done to "correct" that "problem" for a long-term solution resulting in a more stable society.
What you are essentially suggesting is that a group of people who are not reproducing at a rate you've arbitrarily determined to be satisfactory are obsolete within their own society and need to be replaced for the good of "the economy." Do you understand that? Does that sound reasonable to you?
How many migrants injected into a society will be enough to stave off future economic contractions? The answer is that there will never be enough, because the actual reason mass migration is being pushed is to artificially continue the trend of exponential economic growth for as many more years as those who stand to benefit the most from it can get away with it. It is self-evident that it is not an actual solution to a societal problem.
What? Antifa? I don't think they are thinking that far ahead. More like "I am the revolutionary vanguard, muh politburo and central committee will be established by Bernie after we seize power on his behalf". There is a subtle but significant difference here.
He's sorta right. Ultimately everything is your own choice.
As a counterargument however, it's not like just wanting to be a multimillionaire is a viable choice that you can just achieve from nothing.
Do those retards realize that down the line most of those revolutionaries got purged by Stalin? Literally the useful idiots
GW was right though
>A lot of people talk about the wall not being built and Trump not keeping promises, but does anyone else remember when Obama promised to pull out the entire US military out of the middle east, or to shut down Guantanamo?
1: Trump didn't break that promise, congress is being a bunch of faggots and blocking him in his efforts to get the wall built.
2: Obongo wasn't blocked by anyone in those promises, he was just a flip flopping corporate whore who used race baiting to become president and sent race relations back to the 1970s for a lot of people.
Big difference between the two, don't ever compare them again.
I got a Messi-praise? Damn, that's some high honours, thanks user.
Funny thing is, I loved the alt-right and their attack on the lunacy of the alt-left for so long. I really liked Spencer and all the rest a lot (still do for Jared Waifu Taylor). But I am starting to realise they are not our saviours.
They don't even know it is theatre. Spencer and Red Ice and Daily Stormer and all these podcasts get their gibs each month from bitcoin donations, and they think they are breaking through. They don't realise they are being bouyed up by a small corporation that is owned by a bigger one, that is owned by a so-and-so that is illuminati-tier.
Spencer isn't an FBI plant. He doesn't meet up with a handler once a month and gets instructions. He just thinks he is helping the white race.
That's why /pol/ hates Jordan Peterson, they see he worked for (((Council of Foreign Relation))) on a paper or for the (((UN))) and think he is talking to the Jew hivemind like Vader talks to a hologram of the Emperor. He isn't, he is just getting nudges from fans (some of which are the real FBI plants) and being sent into the most acceptable direction.
Acceptable = causing ruckus enough to create a stalemate with the other side, thus maintaining the status quo.
Pic related is the most based man ever (and he aint even fucking real) and is the only way to go about fighting the conspiracy, not starting a fucking patreon and a podcast.
No. They've always been subversive, cheating, thieving, amoral people long before all that. There's a reason why most coins in the world have ridges.
>Some Jews in the ancient world were tax collectors, because they're "allergic" to actual work
>Coin back then were either made of gold or silver
>Their thieving and shifty nature compels them to steal from anyone and everyone
>One of them figured out they could shave a bit of gold/whatever from every coin they collect, then turn the shavings into coin when they have enough
>Their host nation's government found out about it and began purging and exiling tax-collecting Jews
>Added ridges to coins to show if the coin is being shaved or not
>tfw booted up 5 yesterday for the first time since it came out
>had fun
>played for 5 hours straight
I know I'm gonna get bored soon but its nice to know that I am indeed capable of enjoying video games still
Don't forget that the sub-average IQ and cultural differences of these migrants cause more harm than good in the long run for whatever society they enter.
that's the term user, you nailed it on the head. They are useful idots, but the Unite The Right marchers are just as useful. They have their fucking tiki torches and make any form of ethno-consciousness look like fucking larping faggotry. And who the fuck puts on a Klan hood in 2017? Jesus, the untold damange to their movement and ideas that thing caused.
Can we appreciate how good the Colonel's voice acting is throughout this game.
creating the illusion of free will is always the best way to control people
It's censorship, but only of useless information; shit like what people had for breakfast that day, retarded instagram posts, gossip, the like, that's how I took it all at least, it's just filtering the shit that doesn't matter, and focusing only on the important events of the time.
>all this jerking off over how smart and enlightened you are.
And yet you still do nothing about it.
one step at a time, user
>wanting to help the white race is a government conspiracy to subvert the white race
Whatever you think is going to happen, no.
There's no escaping disasters of the scale that you're thinking of, there are simply good times, and bad times, we're headed towards a bad time, and time is linear, never ceasing for something as trivial as a few people with weapons if you want to go that far.
Shit's fucked, it's always fucked, and there's nothing any of us can do to stop it, all we can do, is tough it out.
>Just like it's been happening for the last 10 years
you mean all of humanity
that's not what I said, what I said was that these genuinely passionate people like spencer start off their podcasts with good intentions and do thier good work, but they are gently pushed into the direction of their own collapse, like the Titanic heading to the iceberg. They set up Unite the Right and embarras themselves by turning up in Klan sheets with swaztika armbands on (wut? at the same time?) and look like loons. Now helping the white race is universally panned and laughed at. No one in the middle or undecided that could have become sympathetic can be red-pilled now thanks to the eternally cringeworthy image of those tiki torches that is burned into their brain representing white nationalism.
>Theyve been warned us all this time but we still veered into the worst timeline
but time is cyclical, becasue this has happened before and will happen again. We are living in our version of the last days of Rome, and we will see the end of democracy, liberalism and capitalism (the conspicuous Boomer style suburban capitalism at least) in our lifetimes or within a century I think. Then something will emeerge from the dust, live a lean and militnat existance, and become decadent again.
Don't worry about trying to "save the world" if you can't even save yourself. That's all anyone ever needed to do. The world ends with you.
This. Status quo is God now, and the elite in charge will attempt to maintain it for as long as they possibly can.
>They don't even know it is theater
>getting nudges from fans (some of which are the real FBI plants) and being sent into the most acceptable direction.
>Pic related is the most based man ever (and he aint even fucking real) and is the only way to go about fighting the conspiracy, not starting a fucking patreon and a podcast.
People talk about these "elite" like all would be magically better if we banded together and killed them all. Let me tell you that isn't the first time for society to do that type of shit, and there's no winners. If they go down, so do we. People don't understand these rich boys are the spine of America creating branches which we hang on. You may not have the best life but you have the ability and potential to climb higher if you need to, you are living in the easiest time possible. Fuck out of here with this shit "KeEl Da gUyZ wid dA monEY"
Yeah then you won't be a loser keep telling yourself that.
Well yeah, that's what I mean. There are good times, and bad, we're just on the cusp of some bad times is all.
It's all a cycle, a force beyond any of us.
The popularity of Peterson baffled me a bit. He talked some rather bland points that weren't all that new to anyone even remotely outside the leftist hivemind, while leftists got their panties in a knot over him despite how milquetoast he was. Rogan and Rubin are in the same tier more or less, just incredibly uninteresting for someone who's been on the redpill for years. You're on the right track about Red Ice though they're certainly well above the cesspool of DS and idiots like Spencer. They're still raising awareness which can be valuable.
Well, If I ruled the world there wouldn't be mass surveillance, Islam in western nations would be kept to a strict
1000 times to both of these. I have gone from loving one political party to their opposite and thinking there is hope in each one. Then I went to grassroots movements like Anarchism to Libertarianism to Alt-Right etc. Then to individuals that I admire that I think have it figured out.
I now know that the most crimson of red-pills is that...
>Political parties are outright owned
>grassroot movements are easily knocked around the billiards table by an invisible pool cue
>Individuals might try their best to act on their own, but they probably have their internet custom-censored to only show them the info that will lead to them embarrasing themselves on a livestream
And the reason why MGS2 was so redpilled? IT GOT THE CULTURE PART RIGHT!
It isn't a fucking shadow government or a council of illuminati members in a smoky room with cigars or some Clinton and Podesta meeting in the basement of a pizza place. It's the whole system that is organically working to organize itself. We already have the AI from MGS2, it's called The Status Quo.
And yet, you'd be dead and the world would've gone to hell if not for Uncle Ocelot.
Except people like the Bolsheviks and the Nazis never did manage to topple the elite. All they did was access their Swiss bank accounts and flee the country while the Commies and fascists did sweet duck all except for harassing and harming small business owners or random Jewish people who has nothing to do with an international globalist cabal.
Migrations are not exactly a new thing, and the USA was made by migrants.
It's just a matter of quantity, like with anything. If anything they're victims too, not the cause of the problem.
see my post I don't think Red Ice are any better. They are trying their best, but do they ever stop to wonder why they aren't pulled? They have the most crimson of red pills and they get blocked from mastercard or PayPal every once in a while? Is that it?
If they were real threats, they would have committed suicide with two bullets to the back of the head years ago. The Status Quo I mentioned doesn't allow these kinds of threats.
true, snake is misguided and thanks to their compromise, the nano-bots remained intact and the oversight of them was removed. But all the same, the sries heavily suggests Solid snake and philanthropy are the only people with their head not firmly up their own ass.
If they do kill them then more people will listen to them, that's why.
>if I ruled the world
Lmao no need to say anymore dumb brainlet. You're who we need to get rid of, people who think like this
The 5G shit is scary. Where are the birds?
It was an expression ya goober. The point I was trying to make is that the world is a perfect storm of shit. A storm SO perfect it's hard to believe that it could be anything but by design.
Then the media, the number one servant of the status quo, would spin the "suicide" in a manner to make the victim look mentally damaged in a attempt to discredit him. No matter what, they always win.
Ironically conspiracy theories are the exact kind of useless echoed information that mgs2 is talking about. People just telling each other things and believing it, looking up “facts” that confirm their bias but without the context of the rest of the event. That’s why the patriots want to control context, so half facts can become true facts and the will of people can be controlled.
It just draws attention to them though, it's better to just let them exist with their small audience and limited platform then risk drawing more people to them by talking about them.
Should just realize the real red pill is anti-corporate liberalism
Naive. The lemmings do not ask questions. They have cape movies to watch.
a thread like this to vent once in a while is okay
but don't make a habit of using your free time to seek out things that upset you
it's not healthy to worry about things you can't control
None of Peterson’s ideas are even remotely new. If being “on the red pill for awhile” is your indicator of how old his ideas are then you’re laughable. The kind of stuff Peterson peddles is re-emerging from the late 80’s and early 90’s. You probably take the bell curve seriously and think it’s a radical idea
>Yea Forums is better at political discourse than reddit or /pol/
Never forget that the USA isn't one person. It's a complex polyarchy.
yeha, that's why they use them and dump them when they get too out of control. Or like says, they bury the evidence with their other arm, the (((media))).
Search for Media Ecology.
Every technology creates an environment, the AI in MG2 where creating one that filters human knowlodge.
It's not the jews who control mainstream US media but, jews certainly control mainstream US media.
ironically, /pol/ just had a thread on which faction in New Vegas would be the ebst political model.
> inb4 literal retards arguing in favor of the legion.
don't feel proud for clearing a hurdle in the dirt
it's easy to mock people's flaws and failures
so easy that most never try to understand and learn from them instead
>around 50% of today's context is made by only 13% of the population
Hmm, really makes you think, huh
Believe me, I used to be a /pol/ask so I get exactly where you're coming from. The problem runs so deep that reducing it down to muh jews or capitalism is insulting
If you think this is good political discourse you're a retard. This is just morons talking about how intelligent they are for understanding a 2deep4u cutscene from a game about hiding in a cardboard box.
the thread is archeived and there were all arguing for the legion, or for the enclave/house in some instances.
Tbh, the NCR is degenerate and is the worse apects of democracy, and after Caesar conquers New Vegas and disposes of Lanius (you know he will have him disappeared) the Legion could easily morph into something more settled and civil. Thanks all to muh Hegelian dialectics.
you understand how ridiculous you look disregarding a warning about misrepresenting content through context due to the context in which that warning was delivered to you, right?
I would love to hear what good political discourse is, then.
>it's not healthy to worry about things you can't control
But that's exactly the problem which plagues humanity. Idiots are sitting at home getting Netflix-Zombified instead going on the street and literally kicking those 1%fags out of th whitehouse/whatever and theier 100 level buildings and bunkers. People seriously need to start to get control, even by force (anything else isn't possible at all anymore).
good night (morning) Yea Forums
don't forget. look around you and see what's really important
take care of yourself
>But in the current, digitized world, trivial information is accumulated every second, preserved in all its triteness. Never fading, always accessible. Rumors about petty issues, misinterpretations, slander... All of this junk data preserved in an unfiltered state, growing at an alarming rate. It will only slow down social progress, reduce the rate of evolution. You seem to think that our plan is one of censorship. What we propose to do is not to control content, but to create context. The digital society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards development of convenient half-truths. [...] You exercise your right to 'freedom' and this is the result. All rhetoric to avoid conflict and protect each other from hurt. The untested truths spun by different interests to churn and accumulate in the sandbox of political correctness and value systems. Everyone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum. They stay inside their little ponds leaking whatever 'truth' suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large. The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated, but nobody is right. Not even natural selection can take place here. The world is being engulfed in 'truth.' We're trying to stop that from happening. It's our responsibility as rulers. Just as in genetics, unnecessary information and memory must be filtered out to stimulate the evolution of the species. Who else could wade through the sea of garbage you people produce, retrieve valuable truths and even interpret their meaning for later generations? That's what it means to create context.
*archived not achieved
The most terrifying antagonists are the ones that are in the right.
Media addicts who spend months at a time obsessing in fandoms or combating Russian trollbots or owning the libs are all more concerned with things they have no power over than doing what they can to meaningfully improve their lives.
People who neglect their families, their health and their happiness for whatever righteous cause they've grouped themselves into are just as lost.
GW was fucking right, just look at this thread, they need context because no one should take these pseudo intellectual conspiracies seriously.
Actual fucking reality and not a circlejerk over imaginary shit.
Real life is boring.
the issue then becomes what the Patriots deemed necessary which is why it was a bad thing, they could just censor something vital because they didn't see it as such
People framing (contextualizing) facts (content) to suit their agenda is not a "conspiracy," it is one of the most basic social behaviors imaginable.
Doing it as a method of social control is openly discussed in modern media as "spin," "talking points" and "narrative."
You are being indignant about this being pointed out for no apparent good reason.
So Kojima predicted resetERA?
There's no facts ITT. Just conjecture.
Literally what it says. The thoughts and ideas you have formed youself will influence you more than if they had come externally and forcefully. However, Patriots can influence what you might perceive as true or right and steer your thinking into the right direction.
You might think that, knowing that you are being manipulated, you can simply reject these ideas. But the problem is that everybody tries to "create context" in that sense. When your friends talk about movies or books they liked, they want to share their feelings with you. When they want to express their opinion about a recent event, they want to share the information with you. They want to spread the memes (in the original sense of the word). The Patriots themselves tell Raiden that he doesn't follow his own ideas, but rather follows in Solid's footsteps. Which one is right, and which one is wrong?
I guess the point the game tried to make was that you have to critically assess what you know and try, as best as you can, to do the "right" thing, whatever "right" means to you, you alone, and not someone else.
What's funny is how predictable you are. Everyone always thinks it's about everyone else. But not us. We're free. We have the truth. We think for ourselves. In reality, Yea Forums is exactly what is being described here.
>If Westerners aren't having "enough" children why not ask "why?" and see what can be done to "correct" that "problem" for a long-term solution resulting in a more stable society.
Exactly. Every single nation where divorce laws are loosened to the point where no fault divorce is legal experience immediate drops in fertility rates. This is true across the board, across cultures, and across time. There's no way to legislate women's ability to participate in the work force, but divorce laws can and should be tightened. Affirmative action recruitment in education and the job market can be challenged legislatively, and this would help greatly but it's a much tougher battle than cracking down on marriage and divorce laws. Make these changes and you'll rectify the root causes of all these problems giving things a shot at recovery.
I don't think anyone claimed Yea Forums is a model forum for discourse.
The 9-11 content predates 9-11, actually.
MGS2 story can go suck a billion dicks. if it werent cuz it is a good game and the VR missions are nice, then the entire thing would go suck a billion dicks.
Kojima should have heard of the term 'if you dont have anything good to say to people, then better not say anything at all'
and how they resolve things:
Did MGS2 put its peepee in your poopoo when you were a kid ? It's not my favorite game ever but I still find its story interesting.
I like acoustic version more:
Divorce laws is not a problem but a symptom. People just don't want to have kids, because having kids is expensive and for the most part detrimental to your own life. Procreation is not viewed as a goal in life anymore but a sidepoint of it. And that's not a bad thing in itself. It is fucking logical even, read up on Maltus population theory. Problem lies that not every country on earth subscribes to that. So we have dwindling, aging and cushy living whites (and nips) enjoying themselves while mudslims and black pump babies. Which greatly upsets economies with social protection and pensions and threatens the geopolitical stability of said nations.
damn, Yea Forums.
you got full-blown Orwell in this thread.
proud of you all.
think CNN telling you bullshit to create a false narrative.
that is creating context.
yeah but it black pilled me and now my coffee tastes bitter and I am sad.
well work to better yourself, and help those around you.
my personal motto is: treat a neighbor's gain as a gain to your own, and a neighbor's loss to a loss to your own.
yeah, but the conclusions in this thread are essentailly that every moment is controlled, every grassroots resistance is theatre and controlled op, ever step forward is part of the plan from the beggining and the future is grimmer than grimdark, its jewdark. What progress is their to make or gain to have?
well, the game at least resolves it this way:
The same thing is gonna happen that always happens to centralized civilizations, agriculture goes to shit, then everyone dies or disperses to the hills to live in tribes again.
i am deaf and there are not subs in english, can you summarize for an user?
Here's the version with English subs: youtube.com
>no one knows who or what they are, but it doesn't matter. that's never the point.
>what you think you see, is only as real as your brain tells you it is.
>some turn to faith. it's not whether you are right or wrong, but whether you have enough faith. don't obsess over words. find your own meaning for words. then decide.
>decide for yourself, and choose who you are.
>choose your own legacy. find something worthy to pass on.
>life isn't just about passing on your genes. we can leave behind much more than just DNA. through speech, music, lit, and movies. Anger, joy, and sorrow. what we've seen felt, and heard. We need to pass on the torch. the digital age gives us this power.
>keeping the past alive, and building the future, are one in the same thing.
Yeah, because every other website bans you straight away when discussing Jews. Nobody cares when you're discussing any other ethnicity (even in a nasty way),
but you better be sure you aren't disrespecting a minority, or you get banned too
Welcome to modern Internet
thank you anons, very kind both
man. this makes me want to play MGS2 again.
>why can’t I just say fuck Jews and lynch niggers
Gamers rise up
You’re acting like a developed country can’t go to shit
>So, they're controlling content after all?
Yes, thats the point. The Patriots will control and censor society, they just don't want to call it that.
kojima didn't even write this dialogue, dude is a fucking hack
technically, it did.
you really think all those insults an jerking around were directed at Raiden? they clearly were directed to the player, violently chastising them for liking action games and not understanding the original message behind MGS1, whatever it was.
theres a place to engage into philosophical conversations about information censorship and growing up into your own person and shit, but last time i checked, the extremely anticipated sequel of one of the Ps1's most popular games should not have been the place.
Unqualified and choicelesspilled
>the USA was made by migrants
Yeah, Europeans.
Like how media outlets will write a whole article on a couple of tweets, claiming it's an epidemic and "Twitter is losing it's mind over _____".
that's a good point actually
>yfw you realise Yea Forums is the place to go to get decontextualised anonymised information with no sedentary curated community of "right ideas" while also maintaining the right and ability to discern truth from it for yourself
Robot niggers BTFO, we sons of liberty now
Kill yourself reddit
>Yea Forums is a curated ideologically gated echo chamber where everyone agrees with each other and has no discussion because dissenting thought from the group consensus is withdrawn from to avoid emotional hurt
Context is the real truth,not the one that is spread through mutual consensus.
Consensus is not truth,it's just an answer that was made through either scientific or clandestine means and that people agree on,if that is actual truth or not is for the most qualified people in the world to classify.Sometimes the real truth never sees the light of day and that's why you need things like the patriot A.I to recycle media outlets and make them export pertinent,realist,truthful content.
You're a retard. It's not talking about curation, or moderation. In fact, that's later on, the part about creating context, i.e., the solution. No, it's talking about something people do to themselves. Yea Forums is a great environment for people who never want to be wrong, because there are zero repercussions for being wrong. No one is right, and no one is invalidated. How many minds did you ever change on Yea Forums? And did anyone ever change yours? How many comforting memes can you repeat to yourself when someone says something that is obviously wrong and from reddit?
damn that was a great read, I've seen it before but now I finally saved it, thanks for sharing
Minds change all the time here, unless you haven't been here along enough to notice it yet.
Well, go ahead, change mine, then.
You aren't willing to change your mind on anything now.
It means that you put a footnote for your descendants saying:
"we weren't retarded, ok? posting frogs and wojaks was funny as fuck back then"
Oh, well, ain't that a shame. If only there were some mechanism in place here that you could use to force me to admit I was wrong.
But it's Yea Forums so I don't have to. Ever. Not even to myself.
That's more on you and how you choose to behave, if I was wrong I would and do admit it.
I always took it for shaping media to propel a certain message. By altering and creating content to the events around the people, they more heavily control the narrative and ultimately social behavior in the long run.
You have companies,states and the public.
Companies run most media outlets.Most companies modus operandi is to maximize profits.Maximizing profits in media is to create more and more populist headlines and following narratives that that companies knows are more prelevant in the public.States have lost more and more power in the media industry,this is why anti-governamental propraganda has been more and more vicious.
We are simply reaching smithian levels of pro-mercatilist media
>the whole nature of a lie relies solely on removing facts/reality/truth and those, no matter how obscured, can be found out.
unless all proofs of said facts are destroyed or altered, see 1984, or just the attacks on all archival services because are being "exploited by trolls", or archive.is suddently having problems to renew the domain ownership
>No one is right, and no one is invalidated. How many minds did you ever change on Yea Forums? And did anyone ever change yours?
Yes, many times, things I've heard here on topics I'd have been too unobservant or too uninterested to ask about in a public forum have led me to some very interesting lines of enquiry in a wide range of topics, including exposing me to things that have gone on to make me reconsider political beliefs I held when I was younger.
People in this very thread have been talking about how this has made them consider current affairs in a new light, and are discussing how it's giving them quite a lot to think about.
Come come, now.
this is one of the best thread of the year
This guy knows.
But I wonder if you know what made mankind so immature?
It means cherry picking to create a truth, basically like how all new media does.
Quality of life in the modern world has made people complacent.Education is uniformized,but it's done in a way where the educated are always in a state where they feel pressured to learn.Learning has to be fun,not work.Learning has to come from curiosity,not from pressure.This people grow up to become softies,they see the world in pacifist ways,they think that the pacifist way will bring the world more and more joy but they forget that without evolution we are doomed to stale progressively.I give the world 100 more years before it crumbles culturally,intelectually and energetically.
the idolatry is so transparent now
I know a lot of engineers (not software) that bought the elon musk shit hook line and sinker
it's like everyone wanted a new gates/jobs to worship
and it works to a degree because with all the backing he could throw enough money and clout to eventually get something good
While I'm at it, I think it's kind of ironic how the tactics in Obama's 2008 campaign became "weaponized". His biggest push was viral trending on social media and that's what everyone has been trying to do since.
There's nothing wrong with idolatry,we've seen that happen countless times in history.the problem is when you have a group of people with different opinions that clash clash clash clash and never reach a consensus,never surrender their ideas,never accept their defeat and this stunts progress(scientific,not ''cultural'')
This is the first time in human history where the ''people'' have the biggest amount of power in a society.If you think that the some type of new world order or illuminati business is running the world then you're wrong,those people that you could call illuminati are nothing but rich people that enjoy and partake on the same hedonist ways as you,they go to football matches,they watch tv and cinema and so on,they couldn't care less about running the world.