>Atomic Heart trailer turns out to be fake and the actual game doesn't exist.
Who here super disappointed? I really wished to play Bioshock in Soviet Russia.
Also I'm not surprised that a game made in Russia turned out to be a scam.
>Atomic Heart trailer turns out to be fake and the actual game doesn't exist.
Who here super disappointed? I really wished to play Bioshock in Soviet Russia.
Also I'm not surprised that a game made in Russia turned out to be a scam.
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you seriously trying to lie about something that is easily googleable? It's had gameplay, it's on steam. How fucking badly do your parent and the people in your high school ignore you if this is what you do for attention?
Any source?
what do you mean? who would go through all that trouble of making a working game and hyping it up only for everyone to find out it doesn't exist?
Lol, somebody's mad
Yeah but in 5 minutes I won't be mad and you'll still be retarded,
one of the guys that worked on it said it
the company is managed like shit and literally the owner just gets ideas while in the shower and demands they put it in the game
thats probably why there are so many seemingly incoherent assets
I'm saving this response for future use
this song is still good
>a working game
says who
>It's had gameplay,
says who
Its embarrassing that Im having to tell people on Yea Forums this
the depiction of "gameplay" does not mean actual gameplay exists..need i refer you to something like the bioshock trailer
I have been thinking ever since it was first shown that atomic heart looks way too good/not real
>this song is still good
It's a old song from the 20/30s know throughout all of Eastern Europe. IRC the Russian version isn't even the original.
Post a source of confirmation first.
But otherwise, I'm not surprised if you are correct. People were calling it fake from the start. It looks like they were trying to make an animated movie, but failed and used the assets to create a game.
Mundfish is a studio that seems to have come from nowhere.
So whats the upshot?
We've all been ebin rused?
Even if it's true, big deal, there are other games coming.
no its originally hebrew or something
but im pretty sure the version i posted is an original yet simple creation from mundfish
>Says who
I don't know. The 10 minute gameplay clip they put up? youtu.be
Their boss is like retarded kojima without the budget or name
>play random video game
>tell your workers to drop everything they are doing and implement feature you liked from said game
>game goes trough development hell
>blame it on the workers
How do I know you aren't lying?
>That gameplay they showed was fake guys!
Then why can I download and play the VR version they made on the same engine?
This is next level shitposting
who has played this on video? was this played by people at a convention?
perception is not reality
This is just getting sad now man, just stop.
none of the things in the video actually work though
all of this was specially setup to make the game look like they have done something however the game is stuck in dev hell and they keep firing staff
Post proof
I believe you, actually (because if this industry has taught me anything it's that nothing is real except unedited gameplay in the hands of end users and everything else is bullshit) but where are the proofs on your end? All we have is the good assumption that they're full of shit because they're Slavs and it looks good
The game is real, but it's broken mess in development hell.
>teach someone how to critically think and regard things with skepticism
yes, i know, it's sad for me to attempt to reach you, the receiver in your little pea-brain just isn't strong enough. nonetheless i am a noble man.
>I have no source or even a single fact to back this up
>But I have not physically played the game myself
>So it must not exist
So do you have a special keyboard for retards or does someone just type for you?
Will someone et this hothead outta here?
>>I have no source or even a single fact to back this up
if noone has played the game live at a convention or for an interview anything, the game's existence has to be proven, not its non-existence
this should be logically obvious to you but i know you dont really get the bigger picture
as someone who really deeply understands games this game rang alarm bells when it was first shown because the "gameplay" looks entirely fabricated
God fucking damnit I wish you had lead with this so we all knew this was another shitty "I watched a youtube video so now I'm going to act smug" thread.
>shilling your channel
you are right but you're an autist so people are picking on you
Literally who?
>all this samefagging just to shill some gay video
lmoa@ur life
>hasnt watched the video yet acts smug
the song is
ostatnia niedziela - mieczyslaw fogg
>"source" is a video that is "sourced" by a single reddit post that quotes "11 different devs have worked on this but they have to remain anonymous"
You're not actually this dumb, right?
Oh you're just "pretending".
>video is sourced from an uncomfirmed reddit post
Holy shit man you're not helping your case
and so the negative advertising hate-circlejerk astroturfing against this game begins.
AAA console shitshow is terrified of this game.
it doesn't even look like all that GREAT a game. seems like it's far more melee than gun-oriented, and all the melee they've shown is way too first-person-animation heavy, plus the voiced protagonist, they're hitting a lot of big turn-offs.
none of that matters to the AAA console shitshow, though, who are terrified of this game because it's just another black mark against the console meme. another shining example of how consoles are holding gaming back. wait and see what happens with the console versions of this game. it's going to be a fucking debacle for sure.
>It’s another downwardcuck wannabe trying to shill their “controversy” vid
This is just sad, fuck off to reddit and stay there you parasite.
what? It looks like there lots of content already made and Lunapark VR is out on Steam. How would you say that this is fake? For what purpose?
i honestly dont think we will see this game release though
Fresh info
>game still doesn't have clear story, a lot of mechanics were remade several times.
>they restarted development from scratch 5 month ago, all old programmers resigned
>10 minute gameplay was staged, a lot of mechanics showed in trailer still don't work
>high staff turnover, they hire students and fire them for smallest mistakes
>game is 20% ready and looks boring and linear
>there is a lot of technicals problems, game can barely run 40 fps
Development hell? Development hell.
Tell you what, I believe this video, because it adds up to me. But damn son you are an autist, and some youtube video is not a slam dunk.
im only the first reply on here
I can't find any sources that are not in Russian. Western media just didn't catch up on it at all.
But basically here's the deal:
>that gameplay trailer is not representative of the state the game is in with fake quests, AI very heavily scripted to do exactly what would make the trailer look good, etc. It's basically unplayable in it's current state
>visuals are 100% of the focus, even if the game had finished gameplay it would play like a generic linear shooter from 2008 because virtually no one cares about this aspect in the company
>people who run the studio are crazy, over a dozen of workers have been either fired or quit themselves
>their VR side project was a complete scam that closed down few months after it's opening without any refunds
>even in the best case scenario the game is years away from being finished despite them already selling pre-oreders
It's russians being corrupted scumfucks again. As usual.
Half of the trailer like that white fuzzy thing, the moving meadow or the fish that swims through the static water tentacles was pre-rendered old footage from years ago that the studio's artist made when the project was still supposed to be a movie.
I don't know who this literally who is, nor do I give a shit. He didn't link the post anywhere in the info, he didn't have a solid confirmation one way or another, his entire info section is a fuckton of links shilling stupid shit or his own social media and he didn't add any new information, nor compile any information from multiple sources. He's literally just some jackoff reading a Reddit post. This is the worst kind of Youtube content and you, sir, are a shitfaced shill who has zero reason to be smug about some unconfirmed shit that could literally be by anyone with enough time and autism to write a bunch of bullshit to fool rubes like you.
"the game has no clear game design"
Yep, too good to be true.
Par for the course with Russian
i dont give a shit you little fag
unless you see some retard pump out lets play episodes just assume the game is nothing like you think
>combat system from the asset store
what does this even mean
Animations probably.
game engines like unreal and unity have stores where people can sell assets like models, animations, gameplay systems, etc.
>Wanting to refute the rumors, Mundfish invited DTF journalist Artemiy Leonov to join them. The developers showed him the current version of the game and the old prototypes, and also gave a detailed interview about the project itself.
>Below is the main material from Artemy:
>He managed to play in the locations shown in the gameplay trailer of the game. It turned out that the video was not montage: “The enemies reacted vividly to my appearance, ran after me, tried to bounce off the blows - they had no visible problems with artificial intelligence. [...] The main information I brought out of this visit was as follows: the Atomic Heart game exists (at least some part of it exists), it looks and plays pretty well, there are developers in the office, and they go about their business. " The journalist started the game on a PC with a GeForce RTX 2070 video card - no FPS drawdowns were observed.
>A prototype of Atomic Hearts was also shown, which, according to the author of the telegram channel, “was completed in 15 minutes. As it turned out, the prototype is a huge location with a large number of enemies, reminiscent of DOOM or Bloodborne. At the initial stage of development, about 7 such locations were created, but they were created as a testing ground for testing various mechanics and were not part of the future game. According to the head of the studio, Robert Bagratuni, each takes about an hour and a half. The journalist was shown several locations and none of them went through in 15 minutes.
This fucking retarded nigger posted an article about rumors turning out unfounded as his evidence for them being true.
This game is going to be the target of a negative advertising campaign from AAA publishers due to their not playing ball with console graphics parity.
>It's russians being corrupted scumfucks again. As usual.
The only corrupted one is the CEO. Their art director is god tier and doesn't deserve that fate.
Not that user, but yeah, people generally get mad at people who pretend to be retarded. It's natural human behavior to hate people who are absolutely braindead.
>the only corrupted one is the one who controls everything
Given that is hip to hate russia I'm skeptical of these reports until something more concrete comes out.
At the same time, I'm so used to these sorts of disappointment that I'm pretty numb to it.
Either way you guys need to try harder.
>This game is going to be the target of a negative advertising campaign from AAA publishers due to their not playing ball with console graphics parity.
Do people really think that's a thing? That doesn't even make any sense. if anything, it would be the console manufacturers trying to enforce such a rediculous conspiracy
It's also hilarious that this no-name studio claims on their website to be an AAA dev and features people in their (tiny) staff listing that don't seem to have a profession/function or background and look like a stock image taken from Google.
Meanwhile, the rest states "years of experience in game development" but all they did were one or two shitty Russian f2p titles.
Don't forget that the woker circles will shit on it "kuz russian spyware!"
Remember when Microsoft showed some Kinect "gameplay"
>do some research
Appears to be some blog? Seems like calling Nathan Grayson a "Journalist"
>This fucking retarded nigger posted an article about rumors turning out unfounded as his evidence for them being true.
3/4 of the info in those rumors was true though. Everything about VR project being a scam, the game being 20% finished, company bleeding developers etc.
They also refused to show live gameplay footage and only invited that journalist on the condition that it will be behind closed doors.
Woah, user, better cool it with that edge before someone ends up getting hurt!
i knew this game would be shit the moment i saw "most anticipated game" in one of their trailers
For the game engine they are using, there is a store that you can buy assets from. An asset store.
You can buy animations, models and weapons so you can put them into your game.
A lot of very shitty games use asset stores instead of making their own models and textures because it is a lot quicker.
It's a generic ass "Russian CEO reply". This is how they deal with criticism in countries where hiding behind trannies is not an option.
People in Petersburg are fine, if rumor is true, Moscow team is the only one who fucked
so what about this supposed journalist? Bought off? playing a different build than everyone else?
1. He's not ajournalist, he's a blogger.
2. Yes, bought off. Russian video game "journalism" will make IGN and Gamespot have a run for their money as far as corruption goes.
But can you buy a "combat system"? And what does it mean for a specific NPC to use a specific "combat system"?
To be fair your first point describes almost literally every "gameplay trailer".
>implying all game journos aren't corrupt bullshit artists out of touch with the demographic
You can buy working presets with customizeable shooter mechanics, yes.
this, suspicion and derision should be the standard for any developer. I absolutely hate and disregard all promo material that isn't live unedited gameplay or handed off to people who aren't employed by the company
Oh boy, Russian "journalism" is just a big add posts and banners.
Last time something decent was in 2007-2009 with Igromania magazine, but it's already far beyond its glory and soon even be sold out.
what about DUNKEY
>And what does it mean for a specific NPC to use a specific "combat system"?
it means the set of animations and reactions used between the mannequins and the player character are stock. That's probably why the enemies are mannequins btw, literally just skeletons
So like over here, huh? shame
It's way worse in Russia. When people imply that western game journalism is corrupted they mean that journos are pressured into giving games good scores because otherwise they would not receive preview copies for major titles, publishers could pull advertising from their websites etc. In Russia journos just straight up get bribed.
you could tell this from the trailer, you'd have to be pretty naive to think it was real
Worse, just go to Kanobu or Shazoo sites. You'll see how bad it is.
>Guys it's all a scam like none of it is real
>Here's an video stretching some shitty unsourced reddit post about "anonymous" sources to 10+ minutes
yeah totally bullshot, but the art direction is really cool at least. Had a really pyschadelic gopnik punk look to it that reminded me of...i don't know what
I think the combat system refers to the attack animations of enemies and the qte sections when being attacked - when the robot man jumps on the player. I'm pretty sure those count as animations that can be purchased.
I'm not an expert on assets so I don't know if they were bought or not, but that commenter was probably correct.
This just provides evidence that the game was hastily cobbled together in a few months. Go back and watch the gameplay. It runs at like 20fps.
When I first saw this game, I thought it looked amazing. Now, I'm not so sure. Honestly, I hope I'm wrong and it turns out to be great.
you know there's something called putting effort in animation, right?
Just because fps games always had awful animation doesn't mean this is fake
>you lose your job if you dont give 10/10s vs you get money if you give 10/10s
I think a bribed person is more prone to be honest then a threatened person
>reddit post
Russians don't use that gay/tranny shit forum like site. That information was released in VK by moderator of Yea Forums group.
>didnt read the thread
Russian journos getting bribed doesn't mean that western tactics don't apply to them. It's not one vs another, it's both.
First trailer was CGI
Second gameplay trailer is not CGI, but full of smoke and mirrors
At least read the leaks properly
The information was released by a journalist contacting ex-developers of the game, all of which said pretty much the same thing independently: the game is a fucking scam. You don't really need to look far for it: just check their previous VR project.
I did and it made /x/ look sane
I'm not defending it, but I saw chat logs with ex dev on VK and he was chatting with that moderator of Yea Forums group.
there was a guy on Yea Forums earlier trying to tell people that tulpas couldnt be disproved by science
i honestly wish i could be the chosen angel of Yea Forums and clenase this board
Oh I read the thread. It's hilarious how you'll be skeptic of the game but not of the anonymous and unverified sources. It just highlights your bias.
so what conclusion did we come to? just that does indeed exist, far from a playable state, it's in development hell?
>Russian shills are already here
That was fast
the conclusion is that it is inconclusive
i hope this helps :D
>there was a guy on Yea Forums earlier trying to tell people that tulpas couldnt be disproved by science
Well they can't, like anything else that's imaginary
>insert fedora tipping quip about religion
But no seriously, you can't prove something that has no basis in fact false,
>It just highlights your bias.
1. Why would I have bias against some literally who developer from Russia?
2. Why do you assume that ANY company is owed ANY benefit of the doubt, at any point?
>the game is less than 30% finished
>company has retarded CEOs who can't manage shit and have fired 90% of the people who worked at the game
>the company has history of releasing vaporware like that VR title
>gameplay footage was faked, the demo is actually unplayable
Confirmed by anonymous sources, de-confirmed by one gaming journalist (who might be a blogger and not an actual magazine employee) who was invited to the studio and claims to have seen it being played.
Take it however you like.
>1. Why would I have bias against some literally who developer from Russia?
Notice how I never specifically stated it's against Russians. But thank you for filling that in on your own. Your bias is against developers, specially developers that you do not have an established positive attitude towards. Therefore because it is a "literally who developer from Russia" you are inclined to believe the first impression info you receive. If an anonymous and unverified report about the game being fake came out against a developer you very well liked would you be shitposting on Yea Forums about it? Would you even believe it? It's the classic "in the absence of 9/11, we have to create one"
>2. Why do you assume that ANY company is owed ANY benefit of the doubt, at any point?
Again, not what I said. But it shows you're trying to paint me on the "pro-company" side of this debate while you inhabit the "anti-company" side. I'm pointing out that there is not credible info pointing one way or another. So therefore there's no way to make a claim for or against the game/developer that could have merit. Which ties back to what I was originally pointing out, your bias. You'll easily believe the very first thing you see which reinforces your bias without question, and then fight against anyone who challenges that bias. You're effectively wanting us to prove a negative.
>game's art director is the only decent person running that company with all anonymous sources that shat on the game and the studio claiming that he's a good and hard working man
Linear shooters are better than open world memes you retarded shitstain
I said this from day one, half of ruski artists is people with good taste, but the other half is pretentious retards and you should NEVER expect something good from them.
t. ruski
>blah blah blah purposefully obtuse bullshit
>you have a bias against developers
Yes, and every consumer should, how is this not reasonable? Caveat Emptor. Every company is and should be guilty until proven innocent. My time and money are precious and there is no onus on me to be trusting, and every pressure to not be. Companies aren't people. They don't get a benefit of the doubt.
The only thing worse that meme spouting retards are the ones who think they're enlightened philosophers, holy shit.
>I can't find any sources
then this stupid thread is fucking pointless. how about give me the website link where it said that the gameplay is fake
I'm not going to believe early gameplay trailers from devs that came out of nowhere because Agony had some fucking great trailers that made the game look like it was going to up the ante with fucked up horror games and then the game came out and it was a cobbled together joke. This game has some great trailers and nothing more. Better to wait until the full game comes out to have a full opinion of it.
>how about give me the website link where it said that the gameplay is fake
he would but their URL is filtered here
>Companies aren't people
>They don't get a benefit of the doubt
>every consumer should
Thank you for proving me right by trying to shift the conversation away from this specific incident and into the broader context of the whole industry.
>enlightened philosophers
So anyone thinking critically about a situation is somehow enlightened? Clearing the intelligence bar in relation to your own is quite easy.
>teach someone how to critically think and regard things with skepticism
You aren't teaching anyone shit with this pathetic ass approach. Present evidence for your claims if you want to convince people. Who the fuck is going to listen to some random user saying "oh I guess this was a scam, that sure sucks huh. wtf do you mean you don't believe me?? wow stuck up sheeple I was just trying to help you think more critically wooow".
And now after reading through the thread your only evidence is some fucking youtube video. That's ALL it takes for you to be 100% certain the game is never happening? Fuck man you are either the uploader himself or incredibly smoothbrained. Maybe both.
I'm not even saying that you're wrong. You could be right. But you could be right about just about anything regarding the game because we know so little about it. And I'm not desperate for it to come out or anything so I have no bias here. You're just coming at this all wrong. You could've started an actual discussion thread by pointing out suspicious things about the game rather than jumping straight to the conclusion that it's a scam with close to nothing to back it up. It's too late now though. You dun fucked up.
Senpai, I appreciate that you conceptualize your arguments in a clear and concise manner. But you're still an obvious shill trying to obfuscate the issue, either for the luls or Russia pride. Absolutely everything about the situation begs suspicion.
The funny part is this doesn't matter (unless you're dumb enough to pre order, which this companies history suggests you should not) as even the developers haven't indicated it's anywhere close to coming out.
man, that's really disappointing. I heard the premise and watched part of the "demo" and was getting my hopes up. oh well, another dream dead
Maybe read more than the first five words of his post you autistic nigger.
Sources are all over the place, but only in Russian.
Original article
Game Journo visiting the studio
>can't give a source
yep OP is just desperate baiting for (you)
It's like Potemkin village in video game form
>I really wished to play Bioshock in Soviet Russia.
Yeah-yeah, if it in retro-futuristic setting, then it probably will be highly related to Bioshock. No. Fuck NO. This game is more about classic russian shooters, trash shooters from 00's, with a lot of cringy moments and klukva. That's all.
I did not play it but i see clearly what it is:
gameplay - buggy, clunky, boring and very repetitive
story and narrative - piece of shit, similar to Turning Point
sound design and voice acting - AI SUKA, PIZDA TEBE, NA POLUCHI
visual - decent for those for love something like this
>for love
>obvious shill trying to obfuscate the issue
Where did I advocate for the developer or the game? My argument has simply been the idea that the game is a full on scam is based on purely anecdotal evidence and therefore is not an argument with merit. It holds no more merit than claiming Devil May Cry 5 is a scam game purely based on a single Reddit post, or that Sekiro is a scam game, and so on and so on.
>either for luls or Russia pride
No, I just think this is pure drama and basically a non-issue. I also don't live in Russia and have some strong opinions about the country. See pic related.
>the funny part is this doesn't matter
Yeah that actually is the funny part.
I mean, even if we ignore all the accusations and assume that absolutely everything is real, the game looks like a 7/10 title with good visuals at BEST.
Gamepaly is as stale and generic as it can get. There are no interesting weapons, no special abilities or gameplay mechanics, no fun movement options. I wouldn't even say that it looks like a generic shooter from 2008 because back then we had titles like Bioshock that had some variety, fun Big Daddy fights etc.
This thing seems to be 90% art-style and all that drama, even if it could be fake, seems to confirm that.
It's not even the first time russians tried to pull this shit off. Check this gem out
Is this the schizo thread?
>user posted actual russian sources
>it gets ignored
be aware of new marketing strategies
thing is though you're the real retard, so in reality you're just a mad retard lol.
Holy shit this thread is full of absolute retards, learn to google you dumb fucks.
who are the retards though?
As much as I want you to be true, I'm hopefully russian and now that you're full of shit.
Game exists, albeit it's still looking more like a couple of interactive demos rather than a real game.
Next time either learn russian, or at least try to find proof for shit that you're trying to pull out of your ass.You imbecile, you goddamn buffoon, wasting my time just to give me vain hope.
Actually let me make a longer post for you retards.
>Atomic Heart trailer turns out to be fake
That is untrue. The game trailer was, indeed, not pre-rendered, although shown trailer has a lot of direction behind it (as in the gameplay would just break if whoever controlling it would move in a place that was yet unfinished, such as missing collision boxes or just existing as a 3d model in the distance.)
Sources cited in these links neither prove that the game exist, nor disprove it. What they do say however is that Atomic Heart is barely in the beginning stages of development, and in order to dissuade the person who was hosted by the studio, a number of other segments (which were not yet released to the public), shown. Those are basically glorified interactive tech demos and nothing more.
The studio is indeed looking shady and I, personally, place no trust whatsoever into the future of this game and can merely express my sympathy towards art designer who seems to be the only innocent man in this scenario.
But I wouldn't really state that "gameplay was faked" without providing sufficient sources to back your claim and basing your accusation on hearsay and circumstantial evidence, most of which is anonymous.
t. Russian.
Ha caмoм дeлe этo cкopee вceгo cкpытый PR тpeд, чтoбы нeмнoгo пoдoгpeть интepec к игpe y пиндocoв, и oт этoгo вкyc гoвнa нa языкe oщyщaeтcя
Fake and gay like OP
neck yourself my man
These claims turned out to be a hoax by literallywho a long time ago. Why are you even bringing that up again?
>Atomic Heart is dead
>Russian game dev is dead
>tfw no new Дaльнoбoйщeкoв
>tfw no new Space Rangers
>tfw no new Silent storm
>tfw russian goverment killed video game consumer base and slavs devs have to make shitty mobile apps
Words to live by
but he was mad and retarded
so i guess just dont get mad
>russian goverment killed video game consumer base
>Game exists
Literally nobody here told that it doesn't exist you daft cunt. People say that it is in it's earliest stages of development and it will take years to finish it considering all the mismanagement.
im using this one for future retards. thx
This is pretty good
just admit you are an anal prolapsed fin or polack russophobe
Found this link on steam forums. Maybe OP isnt a colossal fag
That's bullshit but I believe it.
This is good
nevermind atomic heart
where the FUCK is Routine?
lol someone sounds mad
user... Art director is the CEO.
This is why I don't browse russian imageboards. Only those faggots would go out of their way to defend an objectively shitty developer and try to obfuscate truth about it. There is no creativity or humor behind that. Just a bunch of lowlife faggots from a 3rd world shithole spending hours of their lives pretending to be retarded on the internet just to get genuine replies proving them wrong and then scream "hahahh butthurt)))" at those people. It's like Yea Forums circa 2011 except even worse.
oй, ктo-тo бyгypтнyл))000
literally me on my current job
>I'm gonna werk for vidya games!
good shit
It's not like he was impressed by a feature that was worth shit either. It was fucking QTE kills from the recent GoW game. Imagine having people with this little gaming experience being in full control your development.
Even EA hires people who actually know things about video games to lead their projects.
>gets BTFO
>starts fumbling words
>n-no youre the retard haha!!
Russian imageboards are what US networks portray Yea Forums to be like. Everyone who posts there deserves to die.
Russian here блядь, all this makes me feel like I come from a country of supervillains and I love it
>election hacking?
>chemical attacks on sand children?
>invading other countries?
>scamming people on the internet?
I'm not even mad, in fact I love this narrative and I will keep pretending that I had something to do with all of those things
Oh, who would have guessed that? If you didn't know this was vaporware as soon as you saw that trailer you must be dumber than a pig
Russia is exactly like china, you're all fucking rats but at least some of the rats are able to steal food.
Kek. Op buttblasted
it is spelled US, for United States, Ivan.
fucking destroyed him
At least I'm not American
Also I'm living in Japan right now so fuck off
Based and redpilled
Good shit, user
How will OP ever recover from this?
How Will OP even recover?
holy shit
Do you really believe that being a shitty student or mcdonalds-tier worker in Japan makes you less of a shitty slav?
>sand children
fucking kek
it's obviously running in engine but all completely scripted like any other "gameplay" trailer
>Lol u sheeple where's ur critical thinking
>This one yt vid proves everything, Reddit posts never lie
> t. Critical Thinking Genius
>election hacking?
>chemical attacks on sand children?
>invading other countries?
>scamming people on the internet?
Huh, you mean they started copying everything the americans are doing?
Holy shit
Did he just invent a proper response to "You mad?" so we will never have "How do you respond without sounding mad" threads again?
Nope, I am legally allowed to marry my wifu tho
Winston Churchill, shouldn't you be dead?
I mean, this is true, here your Russian post about it
Do you really want to bring more Elliot Rodgers into this universe?
>creating communism, murdering millions of own citizens in futile attempts to achieve it and spreading this cancer all over the world?
>turning own motherland in a shitty oligarchy that slowly rots and survives almost entirely on non-replenishable resources
>population that consists out of uneducated drunk working and middle class that subsist almost entirely on corruption and can make Carlos and Jose have a run for their money when it comes to lack of discipline and working ethics
You must be so proud of being Russian
I am
Repurposing of Churchill, but we'll allow it.
jesus christ lmfao
>it took so many years to develop response to "you mad?"
Wannabe burger
How has it taken us this long to come up with a proper response to "u mad?"
Hихyя тaкoгo
someone finally countered u mad
>all the newfags who haven't seen this one before
And all it took was Winston Churchill.
You're pretty good.
>i-it's just an astroturing campaign against glorious mother russia! do not believe their lies, comrade!
I can't fucking watch this trailer. The motion blur is killing me
>all these zoomers and young millennials who have never heard of this
Fucking embarrassing
look up the shit OP is talking about
basically devs are leaving the "team" and saying that there was never a real game project to begin with. The studo only does tech demos and the gameplay we've seen so far is literally just a scripted video.
On the other hand there WILL be some end project since they are getting funding from third party sources, so they basically have to show something, but it is most likely going to be some quickly slapped together crap and not a game with the polish seen in the trailers
I don't give a shot weather the game gets released or not just give me that god damn pale sun tango remix
You should be skeptical of anyone who doesn't provide evidence and that includes you and anyone else who presents a claim. Just being blindly skeptical and accepting every single counter-claim is retarded when they are based on just as little evidence as the original claim.
You're dead kid.
Has there ever been a video game controlled by a juice box?
must be shit being stupid
>Just being blindly skeptical is retarded
But it's not a blind skepticism. It's skepticism based on
>the fact that this company has no history of good releases
>the fact that this company has already stained itself with one vaporware title
>the fact that this company already accepts pre-orders despite it being absolutely clear that the game is still in it's earliest stages of development
>the fact that the company has been bleeding employees and even CEO himself is not denying it
>the fact that it's "gamplay" footage STILL has no fucking gameplay features besides "run" and "shut"
>the fact that it's made by fucking slavs so of course there's going to be some money laundering and other shady shit involved
little user FUCKING dies
>Dude just trust me
At least given russian sources, there are bound to be some russians here
If true then its a shame. I was looking forward to a bioschock successor.
Who knew Yea Forums was filled with gopniks and gopnik shills
Reminder that parts of the trailer aren't even footage of the game but unrelated CGI stuff the game's artist did, some dating back like a decade ago.
Impressive, very nice
oh fuck
cringe reply, very unbased
I thought the game had way too many locations to be true, like some of the locals would require a huge undertaking to develop in themselves so having them be present for say one level would be a lot of spent development resources for not much.
bah gawd that man had a family
Include me in the screencap
Yeah that was a rumor started by disgruntled employees. After that rumor the studio invited a Russian outlet called DTF.ru to play the game and the guy did actually play the game and said yep the game that was shown is an actual game. And the case was closed but I guess cockholes are still butthurt that it's better than Metro so they keep shilling.
>a game so good haters literally can't believe it exists
The true power of slavic gaming
Someone finally did it. A counter to THAT phrase.
Be proud user, your a fuckin' legend mate. Everything you've ever done is life was to lead you to this one moment, the one moment where you have a greater impact on the world. Get ready to be immortalised. We should all be so lucky to witness it firsthand.
>russians making video game
>westerner falling for fake news
using this for future encounters
This is what you call a good burn
>studio invited a Russian outlet called DTF.ru
It's not an outlet. It's a blogging platform and that person was a blogger.
>and the guy did actually play the game and said yep the game that was shown is an actual game
So are we supposed to believe that guy more than a dozen of people who actually worked at the game.
The case isn't closed until they actually show it live.
this place is a shithole now dude
Russia used to make top fucking tier video games 15-20 years ago and now one of the only two (second one being Pathologic) worthwhile game to come out in recent years is a fucking vaporware scam
What the fuck went so wrong
you aight white boy
>What the fuck went so wrong
Rise of F2P and mobile
do you actually believe any garbage and nonsense you read
I am willing to bet that 70% of those "top fucking tier russian games" you are thinking about were actually made by either Ukranians or Belarussians.
lol ur mad
>Russia used to make top fucking tier video games 15-20 years ago
Such as?
How to counter "u mad" has been a Yea Forums and wider Yea Forums conundrum for many years. He may be paraphrasing Churchill, but user figured it out.
Yeah but in 5 minutes I wont be mad and you'll still be retarded
Here's the source of the images, btw.
For reference, the top is from 2012 and the bottom one from 2013, the AH trailers weren't up until mid-2018.
Here's also a longer version of the bottom one but I'm not sure where the guy who made the video got it from:
it doesn't actually look that impressive, there's no reason to believe the gameplay was "fake"
But also you can't ever assume a game will actually come out resembling promo shit regardless
Stalker, Metro, World of Tanks, Mount and Blade
Allods, Cursed Islands, Vagners, Paradise Cracked, Silent Storm, Sudden Strike, Space Rangers, Konung, Pathologic, Goldenland and a shitload more
Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are pretty much the same, do not believe the eternal anglo lies trying to separate them
I always suspected it would end up being a scam of some kind, which is a real shame because it looks really good. Not only the art style but also the atmosphere, it kind of gives SCP foundation vibes. But the suspiciously tech-demo looking trailers, ghost studio that nobody ever heard of and no updates were all red flags
>He came up with a counter to "u mad"?
stupid kot
ayyy le put le me in le screencap xd
>poster number hasn't risen for the last 20 posts quoting that meme garbage
This is the level of discourse you get when you allow russians in your thread.
i know the 3d artist who worked on it. Its a one man team, he had to redo a lot of things before it got ready to release because the industry moved forward.
He's still working on it.
waste of a good comeback when you're actually the person who is objectively wrong.
A genius walks among us.
I'm willing to bet you're a zoomer if you don't remember those games.
>you are a zoomer if you don't remember a bunch of 5/10 shovelware games that were only relevant in the region they were developed in because of some shitty national pride
>more than a dozen of people who actually worked at the game
Who? Bring me their names and statements. All I see is anonymous shilling from retards who were fired. What I know is that it's a real production because I see them a hiring a ton of talent. What are they hiring them for then?
>until they actually show it live
They've already shown a 14 minute gameplay demo didn't they. Even if they stream that demo, you won't believe it anyway will you, you'll just say it's all prerecorded. So what do you want? Do you need Poroshenko to confirm that it's a fact personally?
No. I just want to see a person actually playing one level of the game. Doesn't have to be completely bug-less or anything like that. But you have no fucking excuse to not have at least 1 working demo level after all those years of development and with all those assets.
Also give it to a frothing Russian shills to actually bring up Ukrainian politicians in a thread dedicated to exposing of one Russian vaporware developer.
>It's not an outlet. It's a blogging platform and that person was a blogger.
user DTF changed a lot, it's not the gamedev hangout place it used to be a decade ago. They now have news, they have an official youtube channel and shit. And this is their guy confirming it's real
If you don't want to believe them, don't believe them I guess. It's up to you. But it's not a random blogger, it's DTF itself
I'm using this thanks user.
>to not have at least 1 working demo level after all those years of development
You don't have any idea how games are made do you. You fucking retard
Nigga. I can literally open up UE and conjure up a shitty ass level with working enemies and same shooting mechanics in 3 hours. This is literally the easiest fucking thing you could do in game development right now and those faggots can't even finish and publicly show a single fucking playable corridor level. I don't think this game is fake but this is a glaring example of how incompetent that studio is.
But I guess you can keep on lying and sucking on that russo-jewish cock, Boris.
has this madman finally found the perfect response?
stock unity animations
The guy straight up says that he was only allowed to interact with two locations and developers would immediately take control away from him whenever he tried to do anything that wasn't show in that trailer.
He literally says:
>Well, I guess the game exists, lol.
While acting as if that was ever the question to begin with. And not the fact that the game is mismanaged as fuck and is still in the earliest stages of development with only two unfinished locations in semi-playable state.
>But can you buy a "combat system"?
Unironically YES.
That's how I'm planning to make my Unity game.
>store bought animations
but they're actually mocap them themselves
Its fucking happening
The game's art director should work in movies. He could end up being Giger tier if he just put his work out there the right way.
I like this, I'd use it sometime if I ever got mad, but I don't.
t. A Retard
yeah but here is a video of some guy punching a pillow
I'm not a retard. He's wrong. There is literally no evidence that the game is fake.
The art director actually initially worked in the advertisement industry, doing TV commercials and stuff.
As said before between all those shitposts, the game seems to be based on tons of his old designs that date back up to 2006 and the project was supposed to be a surreal 3D movie called 3826 (which is also the number of the facility of the game) until they decided to turn it into a game for whatever reason.
>that """journalist""" wasn't allowed to film himself actually playing the game.
>Even EA hires people who actually know things about video games to lead their projects.
Yeah, about that...
man the russian shills really came screaming out of the woodwork
why are you so obsessed with Russia op?
Yeah but I'll still be retarded and mad too
is being atomically butthurt the natural state of ivans?
holy FUCK
>>their VR side project was a complete scam that closed down few months after it's opening without any refunds
That one is fucking hilarious.
Apparently the CEO simply released the game without the dev-team even knowing despite it being not even remotely finished.
you sure don't learn do you?
>tfw too intelligent for this board
Holy shit, that's good.
Ruslels are incapable of making anything good.
thank you
based and pluebilled
"u mad" is officially dead.
>Who here super disappointed?
This was clear from the very beginning.
I never understand why so many get their hope up for fucking target or in-engine renders.
They are all useless and at most they show the atmosphere the studio is TRYING to achieve.
Name of the VR project?
How has no one thought of using this comeback before?
Soviet Lunapark
Apparently it didn't even have actual programmers who knew C++ behind it and was made using UE4's Blueprint visual scripting.
Thanks lads, this looks like a juicy trainwreck to enjoy over my morning coffee
What's their endgame?
>Make seemingly cool game
>Hype it
>Defend it not being faked trash
>Much later "Oh cool we can finally play that thing I saw long ago"
>"I wonder what it actually looks like in-game"
>Watch random twitch, youtuber or review or pirate
>"Wow that's absolutely shit"
>"Guess I'm not buying this then"
Nothing they do until release will matter. Especially when not a AAA developer with a game series people buy on fucking instinct or even worse, pre-order.
>Evgenia Sedova - the company is registered on her. According to interlocutors, is a lawyer and financial director formally. Officially - the owner of the company. She is a former model and owner of a model agency. Later rolled into Newmedia Stars and became the head of the computer graphics department. Does not understand anything in the design, but often interferes with it and interferes with the team. According to the interlocutors, she owns all the accounts - they are abroad. Interlocutors are not confident in specific countries. If there are those who can check the whole thing - check. I did not find the company Mundfish in Cyprus.
So that's why she looks like she has fuckall to do with the rest of the guys and her image like a stock photo.
>Robert Bagratuni (Maxim Zatsepin) - The CEO / Investor is a good advertiser and marketer who is responsible for the entire hype around Atomic Heart. He believes that the game is sold only by picture/visuals, so the gameplay and the plot can be neglected. Bad rumors were confirmed. Claims to it are based on incompetence in the field of gamedev. His skill as a marketer, no one condemns. When Anton Logvinov, who was also a friend of Zatsepin, came to the Mundfish office, he was surprised that everyone called him Robert.
>Oleg Gorodishenin - the producer - everyone with whom I spoke about the leadership, very unflatteringly speak about this person. I have not heard a single positive comment about him. After looking about him on the Internet, I came across one project that he had previously released on Steam with another team - Heroes of Scene. In all supports the CEO (Robert). According to the interlocutors, it does this to strengthen its position in the company and for the sake of financial gain. Explaining the CEO how to do the game is not even trying, although he has experience in game development. According to the interlocutors, is a friend of Robert Bagratuini, and occupies this position because of friendly relations. He joined the project when he was 19 years old. Now he is somewhere between 20-21. Also, the interlocutors indicate that it was Oleg who “buried” one of the versions of the product (it is not clear which version we are talking about), as well as the Soviet Lunopark VR."
>Artem Galeev - a key person in the development of the game. Responsible for the whole design, the setting and everything that people like in this game. Almost everyone notes that he did most of the work. We can say that Atomic Heart is his personal project, which fell into the hands of the enterprising Oleg Gorodishenin. Artyom is an extremely ideological person who has been nurturing the concept of a game for many years.
This is actually the biggest criticism this project gets. It's the fact that they DO have open preorders and beg for people to pay upfront despite the game being barely developed.
>"In parallel with the development of the Soviet Lunapark, an unnamed animator and Artem Galeyev made, according to the interlocutors, a completely fake trailer using a canceled project mechanic. In the trailer, renders of Maya-projects are used in conjunction with the renderer on the UE4 engine (most likely it means the Sequencer UE4). Moments with the renderers, I chose from the video on the description of the interlocutors. The sound is completely superimposed, as noted by the sources."
>"The trailer, according to interlocutors, was made for Electronic Arts. The delegation from EA came to the Mundfish office, but after seeing the real game, they were puzzled and left."
I guess it's good to try and call out scummy devs but people need to get burnt on their stupid choices like pre-ordering before this shit stops.
I've learned this glorious counter, I owe you so much user, you deserve infinite internets
Nigromania was never decent.
how do i get on your level of parying, user?
that trailer looks so good, i just hope the devs can deliver at least some of it
Damn this motherfucker just ethered him
Dumb zoomers, this insult has been around forever
Literally Winston Churchill said it
>user finally defeats "u mad?"
Never thought I'd see the fucking day.
>But on the English version of the site in the documents relating to user agreements and community rules, the company Mundfish Media appeared with an address in the city of Rockville, Maryland. There is no such company in the Montgomery County Registry to which Rockville belongs. All the more surprising, the full address that Mundfish indicated on the website is exactly the same as the address of ZeniMax Media, the owner of Bethesda, the developer of the Fallout series and The Elder Scrolls. After asking questions about what this information means, Mundfish deleted all data concerning Mundfish Media from Rockville (screenshots of old versions of the site are at the disposal of RBC). People from the industry told RBC that among indie developers the practice of using documents from large companies as a template is not uncommon. Bagratuni did not comment on the situation. ZeniMax did not respond to a RBC request.
Imagine actually wanting to be close to khokhols and bulbashs so badly
Limits are meant to be broken
This is a hilarious read.
Why are you acting like people can't just watch gameplay on the front page of youtube
put me in the screencap
I love this (horribly translated) comment here:
>The whole game is trying to go on the Soviet retro-futurism with a generous amount of propaganda, but in the end everything is limited to a superficial stripping of designs from the Soviet agit-posters and no more. It was as if the developers wanted to make their own bioshock, but decided not to burden themselves with functionality and meaning, therefore their stud / science camp / amusement park (?) Does not look decayed, but as if it was designed in advance as a pile of junk. Well, these strange design decisions — for some reason, there are some fun holes in the ground, in a science bureau, instead of a convenient elevator or staircase, there is an amusement funicular (every time you go to work, you leave breakfast outside the cabin), why robots everywhere that look like turner Mikhalych. Fucking is it all? From this does not add up any history, except for "oh shit is dumb something all."
>>their VR side project was a complete scam that closed down few months after it's opening without any refunds
The VR project was sold to a company that's located a brisk walk away from their office and apparently didnt exist at the time VR project was sold.
>after nearly 15 years, ' U mad ' has be countered
Well played user
Who are they scamming? You can't even preorder the game and there's no kickstarter
oh shit
>too dumb to be dumb enough to get scammed
>all these newfags
That comeback is ancient. Not even talking about the Winston Churchill version.
nobody even says u mad anymore
>Also I'm not surprised that a game made in Russia turned out to be a scam.
Пoшeл нa хyй.
Actually, if you know russian or don't mind google translate, here's something for you anons to read: teletype.in
Current and ex-devs say that team lead is a crazy egomaniac that has no vision for the game and constantly fires workers for nothing.
Trailer was made for EA and EA, ocne they saw the actual gameplay, laughed and left.
>Trailer was made for EA and EA, ocne they saw the actual gameplay, laughed and left.
I did the same after watching the video
Based and cunnypilled!
has history just been made?
Woah this was epic fellas
Holy Jesus
>Stalker, Metro,
>Mount and Blade
Fucking Turkey m8
Are you the Chosen One?
Metro is also Ukrainian
Put me in the screen cap
Too bad nobody uses "u mad" anymore other than actually retarded people.
That's why it works so well.
Status update: anons are still mad and retarded. Atomic Hearts... still a scam
It's fake?
What's the story here? Someone took the time to make a cg trailer because they were bored?
Stalin was also Ukrainean
And Hitler was Austrian
It's not "fake" or a deliberate scam but horrendously mismanaged, incompetently made and has some questionable shit going on.
Winston Churchill was only turned into a meme after his death.
During his life he was an unlikeable asspie.
By being correct and the other dude will get mad again when he can get a refund from buying into a scam.
God damit user! It's been 5 minutes stop being mad.
or he could pirate it
this is a big brain response
Now I have a reply to all those "u mad" threads. Thank you user.
Cant get pirated version of it is never finished. I guess you could pirate the one half finished level.
I know user it's sad.
A.) She was a hooer
B.) I was doing a lot of coke
I will steal this.
>this thread
>n-no you
holy shit you got blasted
Stalin was georgian
Holy fuck, user.
The russian bots are real.
Where were you when user single-handedly destroyed the "u mad" response?
this is history
>12 hours ago
holy shit BASED
screencap this shit nigga
I don't think it's fake. It's just that people were hyping up the trailer and saying that the game would be the next Bioshock.
When it's actually Eurojank from a new developer. Flawed, and not nearly as polished as the trailer led on, but with a creative theme and art design that might be worth checking out.
So ends an era.
Hello police I want to report a homicide
bitch boi got rekt
Hah, you wish. Game will go the same route as "We Happy Few". It will show huge ambitions in its early trailers, will deliver a product that looks nothing like those pre-rendered CGI "Gameplay" footage and overall under-perform with a repetitive-as-fuck crafting and gathering gameplay and will be forever stuck in early access until it get patched into something great but that doesn't look like what they actually promised in their early trailers and by that point nobody will give a fuck anymore.
I'm pretty fucking convinced that's how it'll go since I'm getting the same damn vibes as that other title.
put me in le screencap
You retards are falling for another hoax and hate bombing campaign.
>"The trailer, according to interlocutors, was made for Electronic Arts. The delegation from EA came to the Mundfish office, but after seeing the real game, they were puzzled and left."
That's embarrasing
cringe and bluepilled, never post here again
I thought it was illegal to own niggas like this
>playing this game
>can't figure out how to progress
>turns out the procedural generation failed to make the police station spawn
never had such a beautiful game breaking bug
game itself was honestly not too bad
would have been good if they cut out all that bullshit generation and made the story tighter
>one good post is enough to keep a thread alive for 8 hours
russians think streamers thots is a cia operation to make them poor.
you cant take any comment they use propaganda in seriously. They think everything is propaganda. that touchs on russia.
Jesus Christ, user, have a little mercy.
>all these replies from people who never heard the comeback before
Thanks for reminding me again that this filth is ridden with underages.
I'm stealing this
OP shill thread worked perfectly
You're done because you're a fucking faggot little bitch 8faggot who knows she's wrong but wants to get the last word in so you try to make up some pure horseshit to be high and mighty. Fucking kill yourself asshole you're a fucking cunt mother fucking I WILL DESTROY YOUU FAGGOT KIKE nigger asshat son of a jew bitch go suck a goat faggot. I'l slit your throat and rape your corpse you WHORE HAHAHAHAHA DIE YOU FUCKING BITCH I'LL TAKE A SHIT ON YOUR DEAD BODY
he did it. he found a way to respond to this. I thought it couldn't be done.
i'm just tryna be in the screencap
Is it too late to reply to this guy?
hello please include me in the screencap thank you very much
GOD DAMN user im gonna have to yoink that one for the future, very nice
Linking to some weird pedo site, yeah no thanks.
>confirmed there's no game lmao lmao lmao lmao
>rumors now constitute confirmation to people obsessed with 1337 noscope shitposts
Fucking amazing.
poop me in the sprint cup!
How long has umadposting existed? 10 years? 12? I can't believe it's finally dead...
>expecting an interesting discussion about Atomic Heart and its scummy devs
>instead a bunch of faggots replying to some highschool tier banter
Bunch of philistines up in here.
fucking amerimutts probably desu
>butthurt OP still posting about Churchill like it means something in face of defeat
lmao at the daylong SEETHING
This is fucking historic.
>The guy straight up says that he was only allowed to interact with two locations
user what do you think a game in development usually shows to the press? Showing two playable levels a year or so before release is very generous. I know you're butthurt about Crimea, but this is getting silly user. Are you one of the devs who got fired, is that it? Why are you so commited to being retarded?
>Well, I guess the game exists, lol. While acting as if that was ever the question to begin with
Ummm OP post literally says "game doesn't exist". OP just how retarded are you willing to go here?
I can feel it bros, soon we will figure out this one
>yeah I'll leave but you'll be the one getting fucked in the ass
Does that work?
>creating communism
The modern world wouldn't exist without communism.
Time of death 20:33 03/04/19
Honestly I've already seen that comeback on Yea Forums, not sure why everyone's responding
oh... oh my fucking god. I can't believe we've actually, FINALLY, done it. We've found a perfectly valid response to "u mad bro?"
>"they finally countered u mad?"
>creating communism
bluepilled faggot still thinks the slav-blooded kraut mutts aren't behind the west's decline.
get what?
Nigga u wot
not even close
God fucking damn its shit like this that I'm glad I stay here
>hundreds of replies
and only this guy recognizes Churchill
It has to be a bot feeding all the replies
What is this post supposed to mean?
fucking ROASTED
>tfw i will never be as anally anihilated as OP
And Roger Ebert did a similar thing with the guy who made the Brown Bunny
The director who made that movie called him fat and Ebert responded with
>"It is true that I am fat, but one day I will be thin, and he will still be the director of The Brown Bunny."
and both responses are still funny
This works for SEETHING as well. SEETHING is officially dead.
Are you genuinely retarded? This game gets shit the most by Russian imageboards. Russians have zero trust towards any modern Russian game.
So is this the Fyre of videogames?
(you) well deserved
get the fuck out you are assmad
OP here
This thread spiraled out of control
You fucking did it. Good on you man.
For the Screencap!!
Overrated post.
absolutely annihilated
What a shame. He was a good game. What a rotten way to die.
Everybody is quoting this post so I'll do the same.
Nobody paid for it so no
enjoy your (you)s
Replying to epic post before bump limit