

Attached: gamercat.jpg (800x570, 183K)

Post the edits

you already know what i want to do

I want to lick Sweet's sweetness

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I'd like to see these, too.

when do they fuck?

>I only play phone games but want you to respect me because your hobby is just there to gild my persona.

When will they fuck?

never because glasses cat is the author's self-insert

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I actually miss seeing these comics on LOL threads.

People who play phone games all the time don't even consider themselves gamers. This comic is retarded.

I don't. What I do miss is when that unicorn comic would get shit on.

I think people only get mad over attention whores that pull off the whole 'nerd' thing for patreon bucks.

I know theres one with rape at least.
when he first meets her and she picks up skyrim at a vidya store.

>hey bro you play tennis? I'm looking for a tennis partner to practice with so I can get better
>sure yeah I play tennis
>*proceeds to sit crosslegged on the floor and bounce a tennis ball up and down with a racket*
>wtf man I thought you said you played real tennis

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That comparison doesn't make sense at all.

Gamer girls have a real inferiority complex and think that perfectly average autistic chitchat about video games is "testing" them to make sure they're real gamers. As if it's unfathomable that guys would like to talk in-depth about video games.

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You're retarded user.

t. women

I'm not sure how you got that conclusion from the comic, user, but I wish you well in managing your autism.

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im gonna giver my nutters if you know what i mean

kill yourself tranny

>"real gamer"
>All they play is boring AAA title shit and the indie flavor of the day

>ctrl + f "shota"
>no results

The lady who drew this comic also draws shotacon porn. Don't let weird sex perverts tell you how to treat people, Yea Forums.

if this wasnt furshit this would be hot.

Will phonelets ever learn?

you know, there were more than a few occasions while I was growing up in which I encountered a "snob" making condescending remarks about the stuff I liked when I was just barely getting into a new hobby. there are snobs for basically every pursuit. obviously I was resentful at first, but invariably I eventually discovered that the snobs were right. there usually really was better stuff out there than the pleb material I had started with and already grown attached; failing that, there was less mainstream stuff which was at least as interesting as what I had already consumed. true for music, film, books, and of course games. for instance, I can pretty safely say that I never would have checked out God Hand if it weren't for people on this board bringing it up.

of course there is such a thing as a snob who is wrong, or who is an antisocial prick on top of being snooty about games. I'm not denying that. but they're annoying because they're wrong and / or prickish, not because they have standards. so to those of you who have snobbishly told people to play a real game (and then actually told them which game to play), I say thanks. there are actually a few people who appreciate it. thank you for reading my blog, here is trap Shimakaze kun who is a video game character

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this is the first ive heard of this, sauce?

>tfw I used to do that with my younger siblings
I would listen to a weird sex pervert to be honest. Their perversions allow them to have interesting viewpoints.

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More like
>hey bro you play tennis? I'm looking for a tennis partner to practice with so I can get better
>sure yeah I play tennis
>*proceeds to walk to the park to play on the tennis courts*
>wtf man I thought you said you played real tennis you cant play tennis for free at the park tennis has to be played at an exclusive tennis country club that you pay for
>no man it's cool so long as the courts have their proper markings and are in good condition it's all good, plus I can do tons of other things besides at the park too, its real convenient

You can know things without being snobbish about it. When your friend is getting into tabletop, would you act like a prick because he gravitates towards D&D at first?

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based and snobpilled

>would you act like a prick
this was addressed in the post user,
saying "X system is better than Y system" isn't necessarily being a prick

Source is here. Some kindly user used to dump her weird porn every time her comic would get posted.

Eh. As a guy with lots of weird kinks, I don't believe I've got the right to judge anyone except diaperfags and kiddie diddlers.

But that's making it about where you play the games instead of what games you play and how you play them, you stupid fuck.

>tfw look like a gamer stereotype
>people think I'm more of a hardcore gamer (or whatever the kids say now) than I am

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Why are the cats so fuckable looking

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>mobile games
Bad analogy.

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>not having the "Super Nut" brand

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>where you play the games
Which is the entire fucking argument stupid? If you learn to fucking read dipshit, the comic in OP doesnt talk about what genre of game, the gatekeeping he does is performed based on whether the game is played on a "browser" "phone" or "tablet".

The overwhelming majority are free to play though. By the way, did you know that 95% (or something like that) of mobile game players will not spend money on mobile game microtransactions? Almost all the money comes from a top 1 percent of whales.


thanks, i'm gonna show this to my bf once he wakes up, he's a couple inches smaller than me kek

did you know that 100% of mobile games are shit? the platform is a blight upon the industry

Gatekeeping is objectively a good thing.

_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___.


Except she's not playing Evergrace on her fucking phone you dumb shit.

>mobile games are real games



candy crush is just shittier tetris.

I really want to fuck these cats

nah, only 99% are shit. which is the same percentage of non-mobile games that are shit.


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Freemium is not free.
>just don't pay then!
Doesn't matter, game's design is already infected. Flashy annoyances reminding you of cash shops, artificial wait times, grind stretched to unreal lengths, that's mobile gaming.

>Stardew Valley
>resource management
I don't understand, the only "resource" you need to manage is energy, which is a joke to maintain, uness they're referring to crafting materials, but most crafting in the game is pretty accessible and the big projects are all QoL

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No it is free. You can literally just not pay. Your lack of self control and compulsive desire to donate to a free game have nothing to do with the fact that it's free.

I'm sorry can you please present this as a food analogy so I can understand it better

that shit happens in non-phone games too and it's even worse because it happens in full priced games. in phone games it's actually getting *a little* better with devs improving f2p options.

>Some of his friends fucking died

Not a single time did a PC or console game tell me "ok that's enough for today, come back in 12 hours or continue now for 10 crystals :)"

woke gamer culture is the gayest fucking thing ive ever seen

An even better question is why someone would feel like any individual person is capable of "excluding" them from an entire hobby and requires validation from that person, instead of just ignoring them and enjoying whatever games they want.

Kids have an excuse to feel like that but adults need at least a bare minimum amount of maturity to just not be bothered when a total stranger doesn't like what they like.

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Is that cat mad he lost to a penguin?

what about all the other examples you posted? grind stretched to unreal lengths? cash shops in fucking full priced games? that's a fucking staple in pc and console games. artifical wait times is the least of your worries, brainlet.

They will never learn.

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Thats a thing that happened like 5,7 years ago.
The modern gacha game doesnt timegate, it either lets you do everything at a casual pace or fills it with grind. Stop using outdated Metrics to shamefully lie about your points.

>a total stranger
the cats in the OP know each other so your entire argument is worthless.

I remember the guy drawing furry porn, did he finally found jesus and quit with the furry?

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On PC and consoles I can just choose to buy games without it. On mobile that's all there is.

Only casuals get offended when someone calls mobileshit not real games.
>exclude people from their own hobby based on their perceived dedication to it
If you do something once and/or without dedication it's not a fucking hobby stupid cat.

>On mobile that's all there is.
but that's a lie, fuckwit.

>On mobile that's all there is.
Stop wasting everyone's time, please.

now this is a good analogy

I dunno man, I was on a boat once so I'm totally a sailor.

>On mobile thats all there is

Obviously not you cretin