What is your ideal Kirby game?
What is your ideal Kirby game?
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A combo of Kirby Return to dreamland, Planet robot with a all of Star Allies playable characters
Combo Return to Dreamland and Star Allies so other players can join in as any of the Dream Friends instead of needing the Dream rod.
Why do I want to fuck the artist?
Also, a 3d revival of the series that's more open ended and has slightly darker (within e10+) themes and more plot while still keeping to kirby standards for the most part.
A 3D Kirby platformer, or a Kirby RPG with timed hits like Paper Mario/Mario & Luigi.
But we'll just get another Super Star rehash because that's all Shinya Kumazaki is capable of. Feels bad man. No wonder Sakurai bailed when he could.
They need to make a game with gameplay like in Superstar. The Shit-era (Return, Triple Deluxe, Robobot, Star Allies) returns to having full movesets for moves, but it means jack shit when the physics and combat are so slow and floaty, and the levels are tiny and the games are short.
Calling Kumazaki games super star rehashes is a bit too much praise, no? Super star is a good game with a unique structure.
Just a huge arena
like a giant 60 boss long gauntlet
no main story mode needed
I agree to some degree, but Super Star is pretty short.
Hey, this reminded me of my idea for a roguelite kirby with randomly selected bosses, upgrades and the like. Would be neat.
>captain kirb
Having an arena focus would be pretty fun for a Kirby game
Boss rush as good as super star ultra's is all i need.
Bring back mirror ability as well.
Star Allies cast, actual level design, no recycled gimmicks, unique world themes (no more fucking NSMB tier shit with one new gimmicky theme thrown in, similar to the casinos or cities in TD/RB repeated to the point where they stop being unique) 100% original bosses, faster movement, regular enemies being a threat, more obstacles in the way of flying. Oh, and it's longer than five hours. And it has more side content than two shitty minigames you'll play once and the "super hard" arena.
But that will never happen. Bring on Star Allies 2. I can't wait to talk about how "comfy" it is with Yea Forums and share stories about how going through the arena with hammer, three CPUs, and amiibo support was "really though."
Maybe they'll bring back a dull boss fight and barely change it. That would be some epic nostalgia, like bringing back King Doo and Gigant Edge. I hope they never leave. Oh, and you can't forget Dark Matter reference as the final boss. You just can't have a Kirby without Dark Matter.
This format as a whole should die anyways. Bring on the 3D games!
>Captain Kirb
superstar ultra again
New Characters
>that artist that keeps changing handles
well, sites keep banning him so, he has to change it
I don't know what are you talking about, he's always used the same twitter account twitter.com
I would very much like to get grabbed by that Bugzzy.
The fishnets for the spider ability is a nice touch
Yellow Kirby, Captain Kirb, CaptainEagleSmut
He had a 4th handle that I don't remember, too
Not happening because its all rehashes nowadays.
That's on tumblr, but that's because those fucking idiots keep banning artists. Good thing everyone jumped the train last year when they banned ALL explicit content.
dream course 2
A cuphead style thing could be fun
I'd rather have kirb surrounded by Ados
Mass Attack 2
since this is the kirby thread is rainbow curse worth playing?
that art is from the guy who loves peacock right?
Combat that can offer a meaningful challenge, even if I have to manually turn it on. Force me to use the full potential of individual abilities instead of painting in huge broad strokes so any ability can win. Make the levels actually mean something instead of just being breezy preludes between bosses.
A remake would be pointless and how would you follow this up in a sequel? Besides pic related.
that's Krubby, dumbass.
different artist (also a fujonigger)
Something with a variety of powers like Superstar but with the power combining potential of Crystal Shards, and not the cop-out shit in Star Allies like "cutter but this one is wind cutter." I want unique abilities only able to be gotten by combining shit.
I know it's a tall order to take a shitload of powers and then double it, but I'd like to see what they'd come up with.
kirby 64 odyssey
you won't even need the silly hat thing