Well, Yea Forums?

Well, Yea Forums?

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I like both equally.

That's fucking aids.

I prefer the clutch win

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Before three thousand replies.

>Look everybody I posted the one with le funny philosopher who says"I think" and all the anons say "my favourite version!!!"

Can you guys try to post new ones this time instead of the same old ones you post every single time? Thanks. Lol.

clutch obviously. easy wins aren't satisfying unless you're a woman

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Why did coke fail viral marketing but Monster and Bang's rootbeer succeeded?

>when you're depressed and the best clutch is as fulfilling as taking out the trash
at least i'm still doing things

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my favourite version!!!

[Game clip recorded]

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I made a blessed image for you Yea Forums.

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SCP #Gaming

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thank you friend
i will repost it many times

I love this one



totally relatable, right fellow gamers?

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Yeah, my waist is also as big as my hands


curb stomps aren't even fun. i'd rather lose a close match then spend time beating some shitter senseless, especially if its not a tournament or ranked online


Does anyone seriously do this?
I saw Sick Note and the retarded MC did the same shit.
Are people really this retarded?

I don't get it.

>RAWR! Nuzzles you! *noticed bulge*
I’m ashamed of you

Yeah whenever I get too excited about cutscenes I split like an amoeba. It's really annoying.

Post game time. You know the one.

>he hasn't cloned himself so that he can recite vidya cutscenes together

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my favourite version!!!

Yes, because people watch cutscenes multiple times. That is totally what people do.

I thought the overwatch intro only plays the first time you open it?

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for you

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I'm here for the porn and somebody had better post it

*PLANE NOISES* always gets me

The what now?

Not on my safe for work Christian board!

Do it yourself, stupid faggot.

easy wins are usually quick and make you feel that you're better
clutch wins are more stressful but they make you improve the most

Alright I'm getting upset, this is your last chance to give it up!

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anyone have the porn one

Fuck off, faggot.

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