Is there a game that everyone on Yea Forums can agree is great?

Is there a game that everyone on Yea Forums can agree is great?

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Castlevania: Rondo of Blood

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Tetris gameboy

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Cave Story

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No, because that would require it to be exclusive to all 3 majors consoles + PC simultaneously

It Shit
Not very good

>It Shit

Mario 2
Pac Man

Please explain why you dislike the quoted games with just saying "it's shit" or something similar.

Dead Space
New Vegas
Witcher 3

Bad post. Wouldn't wipe my ass with it
One day somewhere out there we'll find the lost relic known as "it" but this here certainly isn't "it". I'm sorry to have to inform you of this unfortunate news, Chief

Cave Story. Maybe?

Attached: oh.jpg (737x260, 17K)

Can only see part of the Queue and no tetrimino storage
Was in my steam inventory for 2 years uninstalled
>Mario 2
literally the worst one
action RPGS suck

No because 1 contrarian will always exist to get attention from the other 99 people who agree. Yea Forums is filled with socially isolated people who have the same conversation several times a day. Eventually you start shitting on things to get a rise and attention or smoke out autists to screencap for the screencap threads to get more attention. When I say socially isolated I don't mean they don't interact. I'm talking about people who've never had a best friend. Who don't know people past a surface level. Who don't go out with friends and wouldn't be invited anyway. People who don' have meaningful connections with people. Then you have people running ops because they think its funny and they're so cool, people who are geuinely trying to indoctrinate others, and people who want everyone to think like them because that's all they can handle. And so Yea Forums acts as a containment board for all these autistic people so that others can talk about ghosts, books, and their cosplay in other parts of the site in peace. That's why Yea Forums will never agree to a perfect game.

Deus Ex

mario bros 3

god damn, samefag. go be negative in a different thread.

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Nobody likes Tetris unironically


bing bing wahoo diaperbaby game


pedophile simulator

>Mario 2
t. Diaperbaby bing bing wahoo
>Pac Man
Clunky retro shit. Too old to be considered good
See above.

>Dead Space
Jumpscare western EA cringe
>New Vegas
Buggy overrated trash
>Witcher 3
Reddit the game
ow the edge

See my above Cave Story reply

didn't read fuck you

pretentious MUH DARK CITY cyber trash

See my above Mario 2 and doom replies

Tryhard game nobody likes outside the porn.

>no tetromino storage

That's part of what makes it better

Pikmin 2

Attached: Pikmin 2.jpg (540x359, 31K)

OP here. What about Hollow Knight? I rarely see anything negative about it here. Maybe Paper Mario TTYD?


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Nope. For every good game there's ten contrarians rubbing their grubby little hands together and wondering how many internet points they'll get for saying its shit.

Case in point:

Hollow Knight is fucking sick, and the only negative anyone has with it on Yea Forums is that people who talk about it are paid shills.

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>see this post
>Jaw drops to the floor
>Eyes pop out
>Sound effect of "AWOOOGA AWOOOOGA!!
>Places eyes and jaw back in place
>Regains composure

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>the best shittalk he got for Doom was ow the edge
What are you, a thin skinned faggot?

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Hollow Knight.

Dropped this garbage 10 hours in

>didn't read fuck you
Yeah that's kinda my point. Because no one wants to talk about shit on Yea Forums quick low quality posting rises high.

Or Ouendan. Similarly great.

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Didn't even look at the first letter eat my ballsack

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Which game

Super Mario 64
Super Mario Bros

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Hollow knight

[your favorite game]


the scenarios are way worse than those in rct1
like come on, just post rct1 and you're golden

It's the cream of the crop in terms of licensed games, but it isn't much. I love what it stands for as a decently solid game that shows true adoration of its source material, but the graphics are extremely dated and ugly at times, the physics can be quite janky and it's plenty buggy and unpolished.

my man

name a game you like you ESL fag

Nice try asshole, I've had many people here tell me my favourite game is shit.

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It took you 10 hours to realize you didn’t like it? Are you retarded?


I wanted to give it a chance unlike most people here who don’t even play video games.

Breath of the Wild. Two years later Yea Forums still obsessed with it.


>muh open world
>barren map
>like 5 enemy types
>shitty final boss
Yeah no


Dwarf Fortress

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God hand

I think we can all say that it is in fact great, not for its game play, but because it was the first video game ever.

No, because you aren't allowed to enjoy things that other people may not like.


Elite Beat Agents

Wario Land 4
Metroid Prime
Resident Evil 4