WELCOME TO THE Resident Evil thread SON
WELCOME TO THE Resident Evil thread SON
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first post for re7 was better than re4
They really peaked too early with that game. Jack should've been the games Mr. X, just fucking showing up all game long and then been the final boss with the mutated mushroom girl sticking out of his shoulder like a cystic growth
Resident Evil 6 is a good game.
>Resident Evil thread
stop that
i've never played 7 and most likely never will
classicfag since RE1 OG and i agree.
how do you unlock the G4 model in RE2make?
Standard or Hardcore
re6 is a bad game that can be really fun
Why? It's a fun game.
Standard. Hardcore is bullshit.
Its good but not crazy good. Overall its a nice story and has nice graphics with good action sequences and boss battles.
This image perfectly exemplifies what makes RE7 so good.
It's like a photo taken in an abandoned building inhabited by rank squatters and filth in the bitch-black knight with the flash on.
No other RE game has had that type of "found footage" disgusting atmosphere, and I doubt we'll ever get it again.
Also, the Molded are the sketchiest looking enemies in the entire franchise. The RE7 basement is the scariest location in the series.
Only if you are a true hardcore fan.
>bitch-black knight
Damn, I need to go to bed and stop posting on Yea Forums.
Good, don't.
You have no idea what a real resident evil is little fag
>The RE7 basement is the scariest location in the series.
The 2nd floor of the second house.
I've been playing Resident Evil since the original back in 1997. Fuck off.
re7 in VR was the scariest experience of my life. Not just in a video game either. VR made it like Jack was literally going to kill you. not sure I want to feel that ever again
Classicfag who loved RE4 and RE5 also. RE7 and Resident Evil 2 Remake are tied for best in the series. RE7 gets more credit for doing it first, but it gets negative points for the cutscene hallway in the first section.
I played the original with my friends at a sleepover. 7 is fun. It's a nice homage to Texas Chainsaw Massacre and has some fun ideas. Molded were way overused but the boss fights were fun
I know literally nothing about the game aside from welcome to the family son guy and the game looks like a stock horror game. Doesn’t really interest me.
Nothing about it screams resident evil to me
2nd floor of the old house? Where you grab the arm and see the Eveline ghost for the first time? Yea, it was sketchy, but you only have to go through that once. You have to stay in the basement for an extended period of time - and then GO BACK with the power out. I can crank through any horror game and not get to the point where I feel like I need to turn it off, but the RE7 basement can do that to me.
Anyone else really disappointed classic RE is gone for good?
remember PT and Silent Hills getting canceled? When Konami canceled it Capcom stepped in and decided to make PT mixed with Texas Chainsaw Massacre and call it Resident Evil 7. They even have the exact hallway from PT in the game.
It's a classic RE game just in first person past the intro.
I've never touched it in VR, but I'll be damned if RE7 isn't the scariest game I've ever played.
I think the other RE's are just wacky and weird enough that you can distance yourself from the events and kinda "disconnect" from it. Not to say that they're not immersive, but it's more like you're scared of a gaming entity than actual fear.
Maybe it's because RE7 feels so grounded compared to the others, but I actually feel legitimately scared when I play that game. It makes me sweat and shit. Maybe it's because I grew up in a sketchy backwater ghetto town full of hicks which helped me relate to it, but seeing a Whataburger cup in the trash can in the kitchen just adds to it so much and makes the game feel like some shit that can actually happen.
The game also has that piss-yellow light that reaches so short in front of you that really amplifies that "found footage" feel. And I know I already said it, but the Molded are infinitely more scary than any other BOW.
No, for the same reason I'm not upset that classic God of War is gone. There are plenty of classic RE games to go back and play and they'll always exist.
I'm glad they did.
I would’ve liked RE7 more if it managed to maintain more tension throughout.
RE has always been campy, but the second half of this game (aside from the start of the ship) felt like a combat tunnel.
In fact, then end section was quite literally a tunnel.
>Nothing about it screams resident evil to me
The item management and backtracking give it that Resident Evil feel and it still retains that B-movie charm the other games have. It is very different regardless of that, but it's still a decent horror game at the end of the day.
They’re scary at first until you learn how to exploit them and easily kill them.
Then they’re just nuisances.
it's basically just first person Resident Evil. It's fairly clear it was originally something else that got rebranded as RE game, similar to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. But unlike lords of shadow, this is actually well made.
They game's final location should've been the ship instead of the stupid salt caves.
I really enjoyed the game up until Lucas/jigsaw parody stage.
I know that you can just close a door and they go away (like old RE enemies, mind you) but their design is just terrifying and the fact that they don't go RAAUGH like zombies but instead just kinda low grumble and shuffle around adds to it. Like, you can just get through a door, but running from one side of an area to the other with Molded on your back - hearing their movements and grunts - is unnerving as all get out.
Why are Ethan's arms able to block huge melee weapons and scratches from deadly monsters and he doesn't get hurt? Your arms still count as part of your body, they aren't like a shield
>Resident Evil saved
>DMC saved
god I have to replay this I forgot about this fucking fight. every encounter with this motherfucker was a chore.
videogamey balancing reasons so you dont die too quickly?
Video games.
Amazing, isn't it?
he's like popeye
It literally shows you in an in game cutscene where daddy CUTS YOUR FUCKING ARM OFF and then has you re-attach it with some ointment. It's the fungal infection. It's why Daddy is unkillable and why you can regain health by splashing axe body wash on yourself
he became a big guy thanks to Eveline's virus.
It’s actually quite noticeable.
The beginning started off feeling a LOT like PT and eventually transformed more into RE with a variety of weapons etc.
In most if not all RE games, you start off with at least one gun, but in this after clearing the guest house, you don’t get a gun until you fight Jack in the garage.
the Jack fights fucking ruled
>4th survivor
it's not PT. PT was pyschological horror, this is an action game. in a totally different engine
It's dead, user. you need to let it go.
>Resident Evil
>But what if we make them look like the Supernatural cast
Four legged molded are scawy. They do a jumping double attack that goes through my block and on madhouse it almost kills me from full health. How do I deal with them? I suck at dodging with these FPS tank controls
retard kojima cocksucker
shotgun to the face.
it's not action.
granted it's not psychological horror, just standard horror (which is fine). but certainly not action.
That’s why I said the beginning.
The entire guest house had me spooked until the boss even though there was no threat.
If you have the Samurai Edge or whatever it's called in that game you can instant-kill them with a headshot. Shotgun works too but if you can catch them by surprise or see them before they see you get a headshot with the Samurai Edge and they die instantly
Control your Tourette’s, champ.
But they're fast and they jump at me from too far away. I usually get them by cheesing them from the door of the next room with my handgun headshots, but that's slow and only works if I know exactly where they are beforehand
Shooting your gun is wasting precious seconds that you could be running anyway. Use what you got and only when you need it
lick my chocolate starfish pooface
Are Resident Evil 0 and 1 Remaster worth playing? I saw that they're getting ported to Switch and I was curious how well they hold up.
1 is. 0 is a pile of shit second only to Code: Veronica. I can imagine it's comfy being portable, though, but REmaster of 1 is the way to go. Best RE.
is it really just a mad dash to the end?
what would you do if a nuke was going to obliterate the city in ten minutes?
I'd stay to meet the Grim Reaper.
Honestly I would probably stay at point K12.
It's pretty far underground, would make a good bomb shelter
Imagine being an elitist retard over a video game franchise
Why do you faggots always forget Mega Man?
We're getting X9 next year boys.
No idea about 0 but I played 1 remaster and ended up dissapointed. They improved the graphics, yes but changed too many things. 1 original was perfect the way it was.
If I had a PS1 or RE 1 was available for PS3, I wouldn't have bought Remaster in the first place.
>We're getting X9 next year boys
point of order; it wasn't a nuke. It's a Thermobaric weapon.
People like to meme that MM11 was a failure even though Capcom said they were happy with it's performance
It has the best mercenaries.
What did they even change?
dont care virgin
Classic Resident Evil (1,2 and maybe 3) had a unique style, which was killed with RE 4
Claire, Claire Redfield
Seems we’re getting X9 next year every year.
>If I had a PS1 or RE 1 was available for PS3,
Are you retarded? RE1 has been available for the longest time.
>tfw capcom has been building Nemesis up since 7 and now remake2
how terrifying will Nemesis be compare to Jack and X?
I’m sad that I never really picked up RE7 and just kind of watched people play it to the point of knowing all the key moments and boss fights. Fucking loved RE2make and looking to play more Resident Evil kino.
I know someone who's so scared of the Tyrant in REmake he refuses to finish the lab section with Jill, and to this day hasn't beaten the game because of it.
God help him when Nemmy returns in 3make.
Would a thermobaric weapon. be able to penetrate through all that soil and concrete to get down to the lower levels of the sewers?
Keep in mind there were 3 separate lifts / elevators you had to take to get back up to the RPD from down there
serves you right for supporting "streamers"
They changed areas (and therefore changed a few puzzles), a couple of bosses, they added the burning zombies corpses bullshit which resulted in a boring chore, and a few things more that I can't remember right now.
I honestly don't know, and that may have been the intention seeing as the government wanted Umbrella's research. Scorching the city but not causing the underground to collapse would have allowed them to move in with the national guard and contain what infection was left in the sewers using more conventional methods and retrieve anything that hadn't been destroyed in the Birkin disaster
Not necessarily, someone just needs to figure out how to effectively mod the first 2 games. After that we could have tons of custom maps/mods like Doom does.
RE 2 is for PS3. Original RE 1 isn't.
She's so adorable it hurts.
CV and 0 were both good though. The only real problem with 0 is its lack of item boxes.
Goblina. Goblina Redfield
>CV and 0 were good
Claire a cutie.
you're opinions don't matter. shut the fuck up
die in a fire you fat gay aspie
Unless you're referring to something else entirely, OG RE has been on the PSN store and available for PSP, PSV, and PS3 since 2009. And no, this is not the version with the shit music.
This guy is literally making an RE engine, fully playable on PS1 hardware.
Oh hey, you’re the same sperg that was throwing a tantrum in that Zelda thread.
RE2R hit a lot of marks. Think Capcom's smart enough to pay attention and remake RE3 next?
tongue my foreskin you fat nigger link is for fags
Wow, awesome. I never saw it. The problem is I don't have a credit card so I can't buy games online from the PS store.
Take your adderall, Tyrone.
Guess this is the waifuposting thread.
In REmake 2 I can't get the trophy for reading all the files despite beating the game multiple times in all scenarios. Wtf am I missing?
I've only ever played RE1 once in my life, and I only did Chris' scenario. Replaying it again, I never realize there was so many variations and encounters.
scenario exclusive files at the tram and stars office
check the orphanage too because some are hard to spot.
There's a whole bunch of files hidden throughout the game, and as far as I'm aware, the photographs also count.
Hell, I didn't even know that they kept the Rebecca Chambers cheesecake until someone told me. To get that, you need to get the hidden item from Wesker's desk having developed the film to point you in the right direction, then continue to check that desk until you find something else (there may not be an interaction prompt).
Check the records section in the menu, go to the Lore Explorer task, and it'll give you a count of how many files out of the 58 you've found and read.
You get a gun to fight off Mia though.
maybe when you turn 18
>start hardcore
>empty my only magazine on the gas station zombie
>cutscene shows me shooting a round immediately after
I for one though the chainsaw fight was tedious as fuck. It's been annoying how every Resident Evil game since 4 has had to incorporate some form of power tool into it. Nice to see it not in RE2, but that's mainly because it didn't fit the already established scenario. Being bashed in the face to death with a club can be much more brutal than a chainsaw.
0 is good because there's a great barefoot Rebecca mod. It's enjoyable, but the portion after the bat boss is very forgettable.
Doing what first? They're totally different.
Who did you choose the first time around?
Read the Janitor's diary hidden in RPD. I see him hang out in the clock tower all the time, so you might have some difficulty getting up there, especially if Chief Irons is in the building. In there, he will give you the details about his struggles on obtaining a Turbo Man figure for next Christmas. He got one early because he knew it was going to be a hot item. He doesn't trust anyone in his apartment complex from breaking into his unit and stealing his hard earned prize. The only place he knew he could hide it was the RPD, but he had to be careful not to get caught by Chief Irons. Being the janitor for many years, he knows the RPD like the back of his hand. His diary gives details on how to get to the sewers from the prison cells and navigating into the sanitation department. The Janitor is friends with Don Weller, some sort of sewer maintenance guy according to the Janitor. Don said he would hide the Turbo Man figure for him until Christmas. You have to find a way to get into the sewers, and see if you can find if Don left any notes to the location of the Turbo Man figure.
I know you can do it user.
I've never gone for Zoe, because it's stupid that it's even a choice when it gets you fucked for no good reason AND the final DLC means Mia was the canonical choice anyway.
>empty my only magazine on the gas station zombie
you shouldn't be shooting anything before you get to the RPD
Why would anyone logically pick Zoe?
It’s your wife vs a woman you’ve barely even spoken to a couple of times on the phone and don’t even know if you can trust.
Zoe has a cute pixie cut, Mia looks like a dirty cat lady and I can't get the image of her infected and attacking me out of my head.
I haven't even played the game (going through all the games now) yet but from my understanding, your entire motivation of dealing with this bullshit was to find your wife. Why would this even be a choice?
No fuck that, I warned him I'd shoot but he kept walking. He tried to call my bluff.
I've never been a big fan of Zero, but I'll say one thing, the game has beautiful backgrounds.
Ethan doesn't really care about his wife, he "kills" her 30 minutes into the game and barely reacts. He just wanted an adventure.
I'm not trying to be contrarian, but I have no clue why people say REmake looks amazing. I turn everything up to max and the models and background still look jarring as fuck together, not to mention everything pre-rendered is smudgy as all hell.
I really want to get into it, but it just looks so shitty. Again, I'm not trying to be one of those people that comes into a thread just to piss people off, I genuinely just don't understand.
well you're a man of your word, i'll give you that
I love RE7 for being the sequel to Survivor that I've always wanted and never thought I'd get, but the game has massive flaws after the swamp house. Sure, its overall "good", but it doesn't trump the other games because they're not just "good", they're great, with the exception of 5 and 6.
>tfw you loved RE7
>tfw RE7 didn't sell well.
You're playing it with the your lenses set to today's standards. Yeah, of course SD assets are going to look like shit when you're displaying them in HD resolutions. The game looked phenomenal back when it came out. If Capcom kept the source files like they did with Zero, it would still look good on modern resolutions standards.
My only gripe with REmake is that it still has an annoying pause when transitioning between camera angles.
>Mega Man
>Resident Evil
Its like some god above looked at Capcom's franchises and decided they were too good to simply fizzle out and die.
Someone post the REmake 2's puzzle cheat sheet.
I've come to appreciate Resident Evil 5
after reading your reasonings later in the thread i have to say that you, sir, are a faggot. have fun missing out on the only truly great RE since 4 that isn't REmake 2
>RE7 didn't sell well
>Capcom added it in their top10 best selling games
capcom's unrealistic expectations != bad sales
and then revived with 7
I guess my issue is how decent all the characters and enemies and items look compared to the blurry dogshit that the backgrounds are
In every other situation, I have never been a "muh graphix" kind of person. I have always been cool with playing any game on any setting on any screen, but something about this game's blurry-ass backgrounds is so fucking nauseating that it's ruining the game for me.
It's really bumming me out because I've heard how great this game is other than that.
Capcom never had unrealistic expectations for RE7. They don't have any unrealistic expectations. Look up their financial reports. They're always well within reason. They reforecasted DmC way down once they realize they had a dud.
I liked it, not even joking. I don't get the hate, it was fun.
>counter attack knife goes into their chest
Why doesn't Leon stab them in the face?
I don't know why you don't seem to understand why that is the case and can look past it. It's a technical issue that simply can't be resolved. The backgrounds weren't blurry on the Gamecube original release. The HD Remaster version did not have the benefit of having the source files to re-render them in higher definition. There is a mod that slightly improves the quality using A.I upscaling algorithms. It's not perfect but it is an improvement.
>I know literally nothing about the game
This is the standard mind of the anti RE7 poster.
I'm pretty sure it did
I loved how good the knife was in first person, I just hugged them and slashed their heads.
But I DO understand. I'm just lamenting a problem that can't be fixed and how part of it is just the game's visuals not meshing with me for whatever reason, despite crap visuals usually being not a big deal to me. It's just a shitty situation to be in, that's all I meant.
not at all. they were great, and i still enjoy those, but i wouldn't want something new that's in a similar vein.
please don't user
>Resident Evil 0
not really
not my Claire
>dont have any unrealistic expectations
>we want our revival of the long dead niche genre to sell 10 MILLION COPIES, more than RE5 and RE6 which were made for casual audiences AND couldnt reach that mark with their release gen
the fact that it's the best selling survival horror game on a single gen is already an astounding feat
>Hardcore is bullshit.
I've beaten HC. What's bullshit about it?
so I replayed CV after not touching it for 5 years, I enjoyed it much more than I originally did, I think the voice acting and ridiculous plot really hurt it in my eyes but at this point I was numb to it, I think a remake will do it a lot of good
I never thought I'd see a third-person RE game that actually focused on what makes RE survival horror instead of just an action shooter. Somehow, some-fucking-how they pulled it off with RE2R. (Except for the final bit where you have that inevitable surplus of amount if you don't suck balls, but that's every RE).
It's what I have always wanted. A game that controls as well as the best of the series while holding onto its survival roots in terms of ammo conservation, looping level design, and it even has that 'we all know it's campy but let's take it seriously' tone.
And now I have to come to terms with the fact that they will never pull it off again. Unless they fundamentally change what RE3 was down to its core, it'll just be halfway to action schlock RE4 again. I love that game, but it ain't survival horror, and that's a slippery slope.
It's kind of refreshing to play after Re7 and Re2 desu I've learned to enjoy how over the top and cheesy it's action phase was.
>originally something else that got rebranded as RE game,
No, what it clearly was, is a tech demo they made to recoup money spent on making the REngine, they used it to learn the engine, while not trying to make it a mainline RE game as fans would be pissed, especially after RE6. REmake 2 is again them learning the engine by making a relatively cheap RE game that fans will love (cheap because much of the assets were already there from the original game)
I would expect a god tier, longer REmake 3, then they will have learnt the engine well enough to either make a god tier RE8 on the engine, or REmake 4 for that sweet easy money.
Personally im looking forward to a REmake 3, I want them to make nemesis AI top tier, make the game twice as big as the original in a semi open world racoon city, with buffed up RPG mechanics compared to the few binary choices we had in RE3.
I hope they make nemesis OP too, so there isn't the trash, waste ammo to get gun parts crap there was in the original.
"That' guy's a maniac! Why'd he bite me!?"
>it aint survival horror
t. avoids optional nemmy encounters and then wonders why he ends up with an ammo surplus
it's significantly easier to do a kill all, no knife run on RE2 than RE3
I think there will be a lot of changes and additions in RE3make, the game is too short and simple as is.
>cheap because much of the assets were already there from the original game
Let me ask you if you honestly think assets were reused between RE2 and RE2make
It was only three years for me, but I felt the same way. On my first playthrough, I started losing interested shortly after I got to the Antarctic base as Claire, but I enjoyed it all the way through on my second playthrough. Like before, I conversed far more ammo than I needed to and finished the game with an abundance of handgun and grenade rounds.
There is no ammo, there wasn't in the original you just have to survive with what you start with.
I still not started it or ghost survivors yet. Just S+ leon A/B and claire A on standard, gonna S+ claire B then Start S+ runs on hardcore, then I'll start on the other game modes.
Where on Earth did you get that ridiculous number? Let me guess, some clickbait gaming journalist article.
>(cheap because much of the assets were already there from the original game)
>is a tech demo
Why do people call it this? Is it because it wasn't a long game?
>cheap because much of the assets were already there from the original game
user, I...
It means a game made to show off tech. In this case, the engine.
Similar that INfamous second son was a tech demo for the PS4. Made to show of the power of the hardware and all it could do. If you remember it used all the motion controls, speaker and touchpad stuff on the controller aswell.
Tech demos have been around since PS1 from what I can remember.
Are you all that retarded?
When they sat down to make REmake 2, do you thing they had a years planning of story, plot, characters, enemies, weapons, level design, puzzles ect
All this time that new IPs or new games take, all the money they spend employing concept artists, game designer, level designers, narrators.
They would have skimmed at least 1 year off of the dev process just by remaking a game.
How can you all be so brainlets.
>The lifecycle for games is growing longer, driven by ongoing digital sales; as a result, Resident Evil 4, 5 and 6 have each sold more than 7.5 to 10 million units cumulatively (including catalog and re-release sales). As such, we will work to achieve 10 million cumulative lifetime unit sales for Resident Evil 7 as well.
Zoe was never anything but helpful.
Mia chopped my fuckin arm off.
Classic RE has been gone for good since RE0, which was kinda shit. Get with the program.
By re-release over and over on gen after gen.
REmake 2 has sold over 4mil already.
Pretty sure REmake 3 is a definite
>No Jordan gf
>they think RE3make is coming next when it will actually be a Dino Crisis remake that will revive the franchise
What "many things" did they change? They added a new area and gave the game some challenge with the crimson heads. It's the definitive version of that game.
>concept artists, game designer, level designers, narrators
you know they also had to hire all of them for RE2make, right?
stop ruining these threads incel
Read what they said retard. They aren't expecting 10 million sales upfront. They're going to keep RE7 alive with re-releases just like they did with all the other games.
Should I play RE 0 ?
Bullshit, unreal engine shits out games instantly for you nowadays, they didn't have to do anything. Today's studios have no soul.
I'd be down for a survival horror fps dino crises
It'd be like Trespasser but yknow, not shit
They did not do a 1:1 remake. REmake 2 follows the original on its basic premise but everything else is new and would absolutely require people working on all of those positions. RE2 was just a frame work. They still had to develop the fucking game. Christ you're an idiot.
How high is your tolerance for backtracking?
it's pretty bad
They're not using Unreal.
What's the appeal of this franchise honestly?
The plot ain't even good and the games are haunted house puzzles with literally no replay value unless you're a speed running autist
Yes, working on work already done and just adapting it. Halving the time instantly.
Lets just put it simple for you.
in 96/97 when they were creating leon/claire, concept artists would have worked for months to maybe a year, creating various different protagonists, their visuals and pitching to the devs (hence eliza walker)
REmake 2 they already had the protagonists, knew exactly what and who they were supposed to be and look like and then just adapted it to modern visuals. Relatively simple process.
Use the same logic on every other asset in the game, enemies, weapons, items, levels ect
Capcom can remake a game in half, maybe less, time than it would take to make a new game/IP.
It's an easy(er) process and an easy way to recoup losses on the engine dev cycle.
What do you want for RE8?
>RE3make is going to out even more casuals
>"As someone that played the original for free 2 days before the release of this game I don't feel it's worth 60$"
>People will actually defend load doors in an attempt to shitpost the new game.
I can not fucking WAIT until that game crushes in sales so I can laugh in their faces again.
>Christ you're an idiot.
SeeBecause you are a tard
Post times
Girl sucking giraffe dick
Lol wut
you think they didn't run everything through the concept art process again? I mean yeah, they saved themselves a bit of time at the pure conceptualization phase, but everything still got focus tested
so i S+'d both B routes, taking a break with Ghost Survivors before I go for the A routes. how do they compare in difficulty?
what's the appeal of you honestly?
It's astonishing how far your head is up your ass when your siting on that game dev chair. They did not have to come up with new characters, but they sure as hell still put in hours on how they should be re-imagined. Older characters were fleshed out, familiar areas were completely redesigned, there's an entire new segment, the face scan technology, updating the script. None of this was cheap. Just because they had the general scenario idea of how the game should go doesn't mean it was an easy and cheap process.
Let's not forget that your original claim is that they were reusing assets from the original game. There are no assets from the original outside of the fucking polygon models that were released as DLC.
I've played RE2 OG on release, and every RE since, and I although I own 7 I haven't beaten it, it gives a me to much anxiety. You're too helpless in that game. Also it feels too scripted, like everything is out of your control. Also it tries to be too edgy at times.
I started RE2 remake tonight and have been enjoying it, it seems like the perfect balance of horror, action, choice and rng
>bit of time
A shit load of time, and time=money...
It's not rocket science.
Simple shit like time to create plot=time people are employed=loosing money
REmake 2, they already had the plot=less time people are employed to adapt plot=save money
If you can't understand this simple logic, how the fuck do you even get out of bed in the morning.
REmake 2 and 3 will be a relatively easy way for capcom to recoup losses on the REngine dev cycle where the RE team were doing nothing other than creating the engine, meaning that the company weren't making money directly from the team. RE7 is the same, both as a tech demo and a learning process for the team to use the engine, while at the same time recouping losses.
RE2 remake is the best in the series
I hope so.
That wasn't my point, sorry if I was unclear. What I was trying to say was that even if you do every nemesis fight, that in and of itself is tons of action. Either way, you're stuck with action unless you fundamentally change everything that RE3 is.
Even something as simple as being outside kills some of the claustrophobia.
>The key to your success is in the initials of our First names
Am I retarded, this makes no sense
there's nothing any more "edgy"(please stop using that edge word and opt for an actual descriptor) about RE7 than the rest of the series. i'd say you're letting your anxiety get to you user. can't say i blame you, that game was a nerve wracking experience on my first playthough. but if you've really been playing since RE2 OG, shouldn't you be happy to have that quality back in the series?
B routes are easier I think, mainly because they are quicker, Mr X chases you from the start which is harder but it means less time messing in the station. after getting into the sewers it's just the same in both scenarios.
I gather you played A then B first time anyway.
I got Claire B S+left then I'm on to S+ all 4 hardcore.
I agree and wish it had a true B route that wasn't just the same shit. As is, it doesn't even make sense with the A route.
Both characters can't both fight the exact same bosses at the exact same place and watch the same character die.
>there is nothing to suggest that RE7 sold like shit besides not reaching their 10mil goal yet (and also being short of that 500k sales for a fiscal year that one time)
you are silly, even if you're not the guy I was originally replying to
Look at the name plates on each desk and then put them in the locks on their respective side from back to front.
it's literally the first letters of their names, senpai
Their nametags are on the desk
>There are no assets from the original outside
Hurrr durrr
>What is leon kenedy
>what is claire redfield
>what is a licker
>what is mr x
>what is racoon city police station
stfu you are clearly a fucking retard
*buzz word, not edge word. god i'm tired lol
cool cool, that's what i was thinking. I did play Leon A first, but i really took my time. talking like 20 hours. spent so much time between other games and the B route runs that i couldn't quite remember how much easier they might be.
Yes you are retarded, I am sorry, there is no cure.
Tell me about Jack. Why is he so happy?
I don't think you even understand what game assets are.
Character design, not an asset. Redesigned in the remake.
Character design, not an asset. Redesigned in the remake.
Enemy design, not an asset. New model had to be created.
Enemy design, not an asset. Redesigned in the remake.
Environment, not an asset. Completely redesigned in the remake.
ah, now I get what you mean. personally survival horror is within the game mechanics for me, but if they'll want the survival *horror* part to stay true like for RE2make, they'll definitely have to rework the locations and the core, ye
He's been brainwashed by an emotionally unstable loli with the ability to parasitically infect other life forms with myconidal growths she controls
He's actually quite sad when you meet his psychic ghost inside the mushroom hive mind
Now the dust has settled how good is REmake 2?
Probably the best game in the franchise
>He's actually quite sad when you meet his psychic ghost inside the mushroom hive mind
honestly one of my favorite scenes in the entire series, and easily the most emotionally effective. it just felt so genuine.
fucking phenomenal. only truly great game since RE4 aside from RE7. too soon to tell you which of those two i prefer.
Could you elaborate on survival horror being 'within the game mechanics', please?
To me, if there's tons of action and the only way to not have tons of ammo is to intentionally go find a big tough guy to fight, that doesn't seem very survival horror to me. But I guess I'm sounding like a broken record now.
it ranks at the top with REmake, og RE2 and RE4 for me
I think I like REmake and re4 more but I don't think it's better or worse than the original
What did Kamiya think of the remake is what I want to know. I know that asshole played it. He got a shitty fucking rank. I know that stuck up Mikami won't even bother to touch it.
RE7 was quite freaky on the first playthrough but after learning the AI it became a cakewalk. Similar to Alien isolation, though it's still a freaky game because of the xeno rng.
There is a bit of RNG in RE7 but most is just scripted and definite enemy placements like classic RE, so it becomes routine after a few playthroughs.
I haven't played madhouse yet though desu. Been saving it for last as im playing on PS4 so going for plat.
RE7 isn't a game I can back to back play because it looses its impact if I remember everything. Next playthroughs are easy 4hr speedrun, then madhouse all coins, thats the plat.
My favorite of the series.
It takes everything great about RE4 and turns it into an actual survival horror game.
to be fair, somehow people had trouble with ReRe2 despite all the ammo it throws at you because they'd just stand around plinking at zombo heads
>I don't think you even understand what game assets
Yes, i do because I went to school, own a dictionary and a library card, so I know the definition of the word. Something that looks like you clearly do not.
Do you know what the word definition means retard?
Its one of the better RE games. Your loss, retard.
this game nailed everything (besides the ending and the pointless choices) I hate and love lucas for both making one of the most kino experiences and making jack (one of the most likable villains) to go insane
>Yes, i do because I went to school, own a dictionary and a library card, so I know the definition of the word.
I don't know if I should laugh.
Okay, I know this is a tangent, but I never got why people bitch about how many bullets the zombies can take. How the hell is that a bad thing? If you knew exactly how many bullets it took, then it becomes a simple numbers game, but knowing it could take another seven, you have to seriously consider just leaving it to lay on the ground for a while, unless it's a route you frequently backtrack through. You know, like a FUCKING SURVIVAL HORROR GAME. It's an incredibly clever way for them to both dynamically play with the difficulty and to keep the classic decision making alive despite now having proper third person aiming.
So, you have no idea what game assets are, to the point where you think the remake uses assets from the original 1998 game. I feel sorry for your parents.
>kino experiences
Seriously, kill yourself.
>talking like 20 hours.
I took my time too, playing on standard, looted everything in every room, messed around with the zombie AI, mr x and lickers and completed it in 6:30 first playthrough. Leon A too.
Im an OG RE player so I know the deal, I never used maps on RE games just memorization, plus I played the demo. I really don't understand how it took you 20 hours.
After learning every item and enemy placement, I ran through on assisted to grab all files and virmin, now im S+ on standard 3rd scenario playthroughs.
>being this retarded
Buy yourself a dictionary faggot.
So what, it took someone else more time and you think it's time to brag about your third or fourth playthrough. You must be really desperate for validation.
Why do you keep going? "Game assets" refers to files used in the original game, not concepts and ideas reused for the remake. You can't possibly be this fucking retarded, jesus shit.
I bet I'm getting trolled here.
Top tier game, on par of freaky survival horror feels on first playthrough, then speedrunning to perfect the game, just like the original.
It's on the same level of quality as REmake was.
Probably my fav in the franchise so far. Before this it was OG RE 2/3, can't decide which I like more
yeah, i can agree with that. i also made the mistake of playing it to death when it came out as i was at a terrible place in life with nothing better to do. speedrunning as soon as my first playthrough was over was a mistake. though i will say returning to Madhouse some time later brought that initial fear and anxiety back, even though I was still somewhat familiar with the game. hopefully you enjoy it
that's why. Hardcore, at least for me, was a huge difficulty jump compared to, say, Professional in the last few games. enemy behavior was a lot more difficult to learn as well, so there were plenty of retries for deaths, learning enemy placements and behavior, optimal routing, etc. then of course the usual first playthrough exploration. i'm very impressed by your six and a half hours on standard, user, but i waited years for this game and i felt absolutely no need to rush my first playthrough.
enemy variety was too trash
Its a video game, dweeb
Mental midget
Jesus Christ
>Ethan save my family.......please....
*survival* horror is about resource management, and it so happens that majority of ammo is suplied through gunpowders. you have to make constant tactical choices whenever you'll spend ammo on trash mobs to save health, or try running past them but risk valuable health. the gunpowders themselves present tactical choices of whenever you'd use a singular powder to have ammo in the short term, or to save them to have more ammo in the long term, not to mention that you have to decide between if you to distribute the powders to get common or uncommon ammo like pistol or shotgun ammo, or for assrippers like grenade rounds and magnum rounds, at the expense for having less ammo for trash and so on. it's RE1 on steroids
oh and it also so happened that the game was balanced around seeking out Nemmy, so the flaws in game balance become apparent once you skip a Nemmy encounter, otherwise you'll be scraping for ammo until the final area
user, I think you might be clinically retarded
There is no cure
I hope in the next RE game i get to kill more kinds of shit.
He was a good, upright family man
Shame his son was a mentally ill piece of shit
Ive only played RE2 remake - is there a greater variety of shit to fight in the later games? The big crocodile was underused.
Stfu you faggot
Im curious how a max 10hour game took user 20hours
Even if you ran around, collected everything and killed everything it wouldn't take more than 10hours to do.
yes and most games have their own special enemies unique to their game, for better or for worse
They probably got lost, they're not very good at video games, or they left the game running while doing other things. Go brag about your super duper tardboy completion times to your mom, you embarrassment.
Fun will always be superior to tryhard art shit.
The crocodile in the remake felt redundant. You barely get any control of Leon besides moving from side to side. Just felt like a cheap shock value trick. It doesn't feel fun after the first time you kill it.
most games have equally lacking enemy variety, except for 0 (which is extremely mediocre), 3 and arguably the Outbreaks (which you gotta have friends to make the best of)
and yeah every RE more or less have their own unique enemy type(s) like that guy said
I didn't rush either user. I just leisurely ran through it.
It's survival horror so the idea is to get through it as quick and as safe as possible. I messed around, got lost, backtracked because of mistakes ect
Maybe the difference between us is I got immersed in the game as a survival horror, rather than just "playing a vidya" I like.
Plus my run was standard.
Doesn't make sense to me to jump in a game first on hardest difficulty. Geting rekt because of being ignorant of a game is no fun to me.
I am looking forward to my hardcore runs though as apparently enemy and item placement are all different so its like playing it from scratch. Plus mr x runs faster so I guess I will get rekt by him a few times. I doubt I will play on anything but hardcore after my last S+ on standard.
How in the hell does REmake not have tons of enemy variety?
>apparently enemy and item placement are all different
Is this a joke? Because now I want to play it immediately.
I think it's nice. It obviously has some issues and the ui feels pretty uninspired. They've been trying to come up with a design on it for a year and they just copy re7's style. The zombies are a lot funner to kill than the molded. Their animations aren't as unpredictable and erratic.
3, other than nemesis has these mad ass humanoid cockroach type of things. Though they pretty much replace lickers.
In REmake 2 they replaced the spiders with those shitty blob things.
No crows in REmake 2 either.
Shame really because they could have added these original enemies as well as new ones.
>projecting again
Kys for the betterment of the human species you fucktard
i'm used to playing OTS RE on Pro, so i wanted to start on Hardcore since i was afraid anything else wouldn't provide enough challenge. i'm thinking maybe i was wrong considering how Hardcore plays out, and the fact that plenty have claimed standard was satisfying enough. also really wanted to get every drop of survival horror from this that i could, so Hardcore just made sense. but yeah, the last line of the post you quoted was the most important. RE2 was one of my childhood favorites, and even before REmake 2 was announced proper, i hoped for such a thing when i got REmake as a tween. i wanted to soak in every bit of the game i could. there was also a whole lot of >or they left the game running while doing other things
a good quarter, if not more of my first playthrough was spent with my brother watching he's been asking me to get him into horror shit recently, and we'd get sidetracked with other things. hopefully you enjoy Hardcore though, i'm curious to go to standard now and see how different it really is.
>majority of the enemies you fight are zombies, uncommonly crimson heads and dogs, with every other enemy type being rare as shit
idk maybe it also has plenty of hunters as well but all the new shortcuts allowed me to skip most of mansion revisit quite easily
What's the hardest resident evil game?
I'm assuming it's because he was infected so he could withstand more pain. But also yeah blocking a chainsaw with your arms is dumb but it's a neat feature they have plus its a video game
Im not sure, not played hardcore yet. Just something I read online. Have to ask anons here who have played all 3 difficulties.
Assisted and standard is all same. Though in RE7 things were all different on madhouse, more enemies too.
Im autismo compltionist so waiting for my last standard S+ before hardcore, and all hardcore S+ before 4th survivor. All Tofu before ghost survivors too.
Outbreak File 2 with Very Hard and Horror Mode enabled
>All these mad 6cucks
Fuck off
>Im autismo compltionist so waiting for my last standard S+ before hardcore, and all hardcore S+ before 4th survivor. All Tofu before ghost survivors too.
whew lad, you're a braver man than i. if i attempted all that shit without breaking up the monotony with other modes, i would've gone mad.
The bones in the chest area are thinner and its wider area so it in a survival situation you kinda go for the quickest solution.
on hardcore some items are replaced by the ink ribbons, usually ammo or gunpowder if i remember right
you also only get 3 hip pouches instead of 6 which makes inventory management a lot trickier when you get to the parking lot onwards due to things like the large gear and upgraded weapons now taking two slots with less space than on standard/ assisted
enemies also have more health, although the shotgun can still 1 shot zombies if you gave good aim
>standard was satisfying enough
Too much health and ammo desu. I can shoot dead all zombies in the station easy on standard with plenty ammo to spare. Idk if it's the same on hardcore. I know they and you take more dam but idk if ammo or health items are more scarce yet.
I have used first aid sprays on my standard S+ runs too, they dont even drop your score. Only used 1 though, idk if more would drop the score.
I think I know is that knife is OP as fuck, you can slice downed zombies to shreads and fuck up the bosses easy with knives.
Mainline it's going to be RE0 or Code Veronica, which so happens, are also the least popular classics.
>tfw you play the entire game with basically zero shotgun ammo because you always save your powder to make MAG ammo and then by the time you have a good amount of MAG ammo you constantly think "well that one zombie isn't worth a whole MAG shot" and you finish the game with only using it on bosses that you could've used anything for, thus making the whole thing pointless.
the only times I used MAG ammo outside of bosses were for the two lickers in the final area and the eighty billion fat things that block you from the flamethrower.
The Shotgun has its damage severely reduced against anything except regular Zombies and dogs anyway, it's not that good against bosses.
huh. that's a shame. on hardcore you had more than enough to clear out a decent route through each area, but if you want to deal with bosses without issue then you'll have to conserve a bit. speeding through for S+ makes that even tighter, as it limits the number of zombies you can clear out for navigating back and forth, and they're already the most dangerous part of hardcore.
but yeah, sprays and such don't matter. just the time and, depending on the rank, your number of saves.
That's kind of my point, in a way.
I wish I could use it, because it would be nice to have a gun that I actually let myself use on normal enemies, instead of this mega-pistol that I never ever ever get to use for fear of wasting the ammo. I'm dumb, is my point.
I should just let myself make shotgun ammo and not worry about the MAG so much.
Well ghost survivors are DLC and I never really liked hunk or tofus runs in the original so I'm leaving it all to last.
It's not like I have been playing the game every day since it came out.
I played leon A, clarie B standard on day one, then I played Claire A standard the next day, Then didn't play again until a few days ago. I ran through all scenarios except claire B on assisted to grab the rest of all files and racoons I hadn't got.
Then yesterday I S+ both A scenarios on standard.
Today I S+ leon B. I'll S+ claire B tomorrow then probably not play the game for a week or so, then start hardcore runs.
After completing everything I probably wont play the game again for a few years.
>upgraded weapons now taking two slots
You know you can take the part off the weapons, making it a 1 slot weapon again right?
>enemies also have more health, although the shotgun can still 1 shot zombies if you gave good aim
I thought the 1 shotting zombies with shotty was all rng. I cant consistently take their heads off. Any tips? What am I doing wrong?
ah, yeah, i get that. i've played nearly every day since getting the game because i have no self control lol. hopefully you enjoy Hunk and Tofu a little more here, and Ghost Survivors with them. they're pretty rough but satisfying when you nail a run.
>the only times I used MAG ammo outside of bosses were for the two lickers in the final area and the eighty billion fat things that block you from the flamethrower.
Those lickers I just sneak past, fat fucks I just kite, don't even waste the ammo.
Man I fucking loved 7. Replayed it so many times when it first came out, played the shit out of the DLC too. Been wanting to go back to it lately but I'm seriously considering getting into VR and if I do I'd want that to be one of the first things I play, so I'm kind of holding off. I really hope the next game has a similar feel but I don't expect it to.
Yea I competed standard no saves but iirc I died a few times but it's got that continue system.
Ik hardcore is classic ink ribbons, 3 or less saves so im probably not gonna save until the sewers.
On A scenario I can get to first G in 20mins, no shotgun or G launcher. Idk if this strat will work on harcore. Might need the weapons. Will be fun to test ot out.
Main things that makes this game easy compared to OG RE 2 is defence weapons, OP knife, first aid sprays and the defence buff from G+B+R herbs. It's too easy with all this.
you should be able to use the same strat, honestly. i did just that for both B scenarios and managed well enough. initially thought i was going to have to restart my Claire B run, but once I adjusted my strat for G3 i had no problems. finished a little closer to the S+ cutoff than i'd like, but i'm just happy to have gotten it lol.
the last bit of your post should change on hardcore, though. i had just replayed the OG RE2 before this, and i was amazed out how little supplies i had here compared to the original.
But that only exacerbates the problem.
I have MAG ammo the whole fucking game and I never use it because I don't want to waste it, so I just end the game with a bunch of ammo for a cool gun I never got to actually use.
Im looking forward to ghost survivors because it's something completely new and fledging out the story more.
For me, Hunk and tofu is just a glorified horde mode speedrun using the same areas as the main game. I never liked them, they were just challenge mini games. I never liked mercenaries in other RE games either.
I don't like playing one game too much, I like to get immersed in vidya and if I played RE2 over and over it loses it's feels, instead just becomes a chore. Plus I have 100s of vidya and a massive backlog.
I'm autismo compltionist but I'm not in a rush to complete anything.
I like to come back to a game after I have forgot about things
Like for example arkanes PREY I played and loved on release, I only played it once then didn't play it for an entire year because I waited until I had forgotten everything, all enemy, puzzles and items ect.
Same for dishonored 1 and 2.
I play dishonored back to back because thats what you are supposed to do to perfect run, but PREY if I played it over and over it would ruin the game for me. Same for RE2 if I played it too many times in a row.
Legitimately the most emotional moment in the series.
Who is the artist to these comics I keep seeing?
Searching dbride that was on the side did not help.
I'm about to play REmake for the first time, should I start with Chris or Jill? Also, do the costumes make any difference to the game?
Just S rank hardcore and run around with an infinite rocket launcher, then you can use your mag rounds on trash enemies and rek the bosses with the OP weps
Costumes are cosmetic. Jill runs are easier. Start with jill if you never played OG RE1,
Holy fuck re6 blows why did I even decide to give it a chance I knew I'd hate it.
that sounds neat but if I S-ranked Hardcore I'd have nothing left to do in the game, and also having infinite ammo would kill the tension and thus the fun.
Female character is always the easier character. This has been true for every RE game. Female character will always have better weapons or some sort of advantage. In jill case, lock picking makes early game much easier. In claires case, she gets the grenade launcher and spark shot
Jill has an easier story than Chris. But Chris's knife has more damage and a longer range and he has more hp.
was meant for
well not to disappoint, but i'd temper my expectations for Ghost Survivors in that case. there's a quick intro and outro for each, but the bulk of the mode is HUNK/Tofu style challenges.
but yeah, i can understand that. that's how i am as well, usually. i prefer to play a game, wait a year before i revisit it. and that's bare minimum, it's usually longer. RE has just been one of the few series that's insanely replayable for me, usually playing a little here and there over weeks or months to get full completion. this one though.. maybe it was because i waited so long for it, but i'm well on my way to that full completion already lol. just one GS run and all the Tofus except for the starter left, and S+ for both A routes, then Assisted/Standard runs. the hard part's pretty much out of the way already.
ehhhh i wouldn't be so quick to judge, user. it's certainly the worst in the series, there's no denying that. but that's more because it fails on every single front as an RE game. as a shooter though, it's extremely fluid with a lot more options than you'll find in most games of the sort, provided you learn the ins and outs of the movement systems.
Fair comment
Well you can just use your mag ammo on trash mobs and nuke the bosses as they are. Easch boss area gives you enough ammo to kill them, though it's normally shit loads of handgun ammo. Gives you a challenge I suppose. Just make sure you manual save before
Cheers lads, I'll start with Jill then
i mean by the time you get to the underground both leon and claire should have a weapon taking up 2 slots like the upgraded matilda and the grenade launcher, this is on all difficulties and no you can't change it back
the shotgun will always explode a head at close range, so basically be as close to it as you can without it being able to nab you, once you do it a couple of times on purpose you get the hang of it
make sure the head is around the middle of the aiming brackets
I really enjoy the old key hunt as Chris, it means you have to visit areas you would just ignore as Jill.
But yes, despite having more HP, Chris is harder than playing Jill.
>well not to disappoint, but i'd temper my expectations for Ghost Survivors in that case. there's a quick intro and outro for each, but the bulk of the mode is HUNK/Tofu style challenges.
And some kick ass music
>Claire gets the GL
in OG RE2, Leon is by far the easier choice because of how much shotgun and magnum ammo there is, and with both weapons being more powerful than Claire's GL
My god, the soundtracks for GS are awesome and I'm generally pretty lukewarm on the remake soundtrack.
What sucks is that directly AFTER you make this choice it's revealed to you that Mia was a fucking Umbrella agent doing child experiments who not only is centrally at fault for this (she wasn't just some lab tech, she was Eve's surrogate mom) but, via her lies, is the one who put you through all of the shit that you'd been up to until that point. Meanwhile Zoe was an innocent bystander.
The correct choice is Zoe.
Mostly because Jill's weapons are tailor made for dealing either with bosses/big creatures or clearing out large groups
>Grenade launcher
>Spark Shot
Versus Chris and
>Slightly better pistol
>Shotty only good for reg zombos
>Flame thrower only good for plant zombos
In particular you don't have anything for Lickers besides precious MAG
>ia her lies, is the one who put you through all of the shit that you'd been up to until that point
she didn't intentionally contact you, that was Eve acting through her. She even freaks out when she see's you because she wanted you to stay away.
Rest is true though. But something about the game hints Ethan isn't exactly a "normal guy", either
>pretty good with a gun
>seems to have expected Chris and the BSOD
I dont expect ghost survivors to be long, I thought they would be more story oriented mini games, like sherry or adas section. I didn't think they would all be hunk/tofu type of stuff. It's free DLC after all so I don't expect much.
While RE6 isn't great it's a fun bro ops TPS game and has one of the best cover and roll system I have ever seen in a TPS
Though leon/helenas part is the only good one imo.
I tried to play both the PS3 and 4 versions split screen earlier this year with a bro for couch co op.
It's offset screens with borders around, virtually unplayable split screen. Pissed me right off. Same for RE5 too. Only really able to be played online.
very true. i personally loved the ambient approach they took with this game, considering the overall atmosphere. still want a playthrough at some point with the classic OST, but regardless. out of the new tracks that broke up all that ambiance, GS are easily the fucking best.
You mean NED MRG makes no sense?
>this is on all difficulties and no you can't change it back
Yea you can user.
Click on the weapon, it has an option to remove the parts that make it a 2 slot weapon. Just remove the part and dump it in a box.
still on Claire A, bros.
I work too much, then on my nights off like tonight, I get too drunk and cant handle the game. Why is Mr X in the A scenario? I was kind of disappointed when he lifted up the helicopter and I saw him and said "STAY BACK|
In real life I said "oh fuck"
it sucks that the A and B aren't different enough, but I'd rather have Mr X in both scenarios than have him be lackluster in B due to them not spending enough time on him to make it cool
i mean, it's always hard to argue with free DLC. just wanted you to know what you were getting.
agreed completely on RE6. well, almost completely. Leon's campaign was easily the worst for me. best atmosphere of the three campaigns, especially early in, but there were far too many QTEs and grabs you couldn't avoid for jumpscares that weren't all that effective anyway. not to mention his final boss that just drags on and onnnnn. still a lot to enjoy there either way, because if nothing else can be said for the game, they did pack a lot of content in. it is a shame about the borders, though. the action REs would be my go-to co-op games if not for that.
>then on my nights off like tonight, I get too drunk and cant handle the game
this is why i'm trying to give up my drinking habit, aside from the fact that it's slowly killing me. fucking kills any sort of productivity in regards to my hobbies. can't remember shit if i read or binge watch stuff drunk, can't make progress or feel sick if i game. shit sucks, man, it's not worth it.
He's killing my ass along with the lickers and zamboz. He was so much easier in the original.I don't think I'm even close to the end and I bought this at 10PM the night before it came out.
>Mfw I solved this while getting chased by fucking Tyrant
>Literal brainlet cannot figure it out and has to ask basket weaving forum for help
I don't think RE games are you friend. I dread to think how you will do with the puzzles and riddles toward the end.
>Yfw Claire B chess puzzle
just out of curiosity, where are you? i won't spoil anything
>basket weaving forum
The thing I hate most about being drunk every time I play a game, I don't want to play a game like this or For Honor which was free this month. I'd rather play Tetris, Mortal Kombat X or Pinball FX3 every night instead of an awesome game like this, because I know I will fail hard.
guy you responded to. Based Mountain time zone bro
Then don't get drunk?
>unplayable split screen
You would really rather lose the aspect ratio? Either fucking kill yourself or don't play on an HDTV.
Yea it's a bit lackluster too. Mr X originally was supposed to be there to wreck the police and get the G virus from sherry, so he was alway in B. Now sherry is always with Claire so hes in both which is fine. Keon is police so that's fine too but there is inconstant things that happen, like birkin destroying X, in claires story but him being alive and well in leons.
Seems a bit Lazy desu
Good choice friend, good choice
>you're opinions
imagine being this stupid
i know exactly what you mean. when i was at my worst i'd just come home from work, get shitfaced, and play Mario Kart 8 online. the one thing i knew i could do well at even if i drank to the point of blacking out.
Well RE 0 has a few problems that will make the first playthrough really bad.
1st: it's very easy to fuck up via bad character choice during some scenarios because your pc's have specific ability that the other doesn't have
2nd: no item boxes you just drop your items and take the ones you need making backtracking for newbies inevitabile.
3rd: loading screen doors are still a thing even in the newer versions it's not as obnoxious like in CV but still it's not needed ( get it on pc and mod it out).
4th: the puzzles observation text in some cases will be repeated everytime you start it and will always play out making some puzzles take longer than they should even though not every puzzle does that and some of the remastered one have been improved but some did not which is annoying.
It's a bit of a paradox because the game is well made once you played through it but the first playthrough will not be pleasent.
Still a good game though with a nice twist in the traditional gameplay formula.
>fucking kills any sort of productivity in regards to my hobbies.
Same for me user. I can only play a few different games well if im drunk. Fighting games and unironically overwatch. Then I feel like shit for days after I cant get into vidya properly.
It's 4AM, I'm shitfaced, listening to John Denver, and staring at the PS4 home screen displaying RE2. This is my life
I've been doing this for about an hour
Okay, this is a long shot, but I have a very important question.
Has anyone else played the erotic game Snow Daze? Because there is a tomboy step-twin-sister in it that I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD is the same voice actress as Claire. And I have to know if anyone else noticed.
The hardest puzzle in the game is the fill the dispenser thing. It's not even that hard but just annoying if you mess up.
After completing the game once and finding all the clues and codes myself in game I just have a page saved on my phone. Makes shit easier.
Before smartphones I used to just use a notepad
Almost a perfect game for me. Only problems are:
>B Scenario is too similar
>Enemy/boss variety is lacking juuust a bit
>Puzzles don't change with difficulty
>Plants needed a gimmick that isn't one hit kills
I'm also very worried that Mr X ate Nemesis's sandwich.
Played it on Madhouse recently and don't get why people liked this game. It was decent up to the ship part, kind of like Outlast but with actual gameplay, I enjoyed the mix between redneck trashy horror and more classic horror stuff, but it wasn't anything special. Boss battles were all garbage, throughout. Music, meh. Plot, trash as well. Highlights were Ethan running around the garage from the dad in a car, "LOSER" puzzle and end credits song. 7/10 at best.
>She forces her way into your mind, your soul and... you can't fight back.
just like that bitch veronica
RE7 isn't good
Now the game has been out for a month, do you think the camera change was the right move?
I don't know how many times I finished 1 in its many ports. But why can't I get into it now? Am I just old at 25? Has IT happened to me?
>I know literally nothing about the game aside
>Nothing about it screams resident evil to me
song wish I had a girlfriend to sing this to.
Would it be possible to eventually get the source files from a retail build just like blueprint did with mgs
has this been pasted yet?
No because the retail version doesn't have the source files, it has the processed and shrunk ones.
Capcom have apparently completely lost the Remake background assets including all backups.
I hope the ports on ps5 etc add more content like letting me use the combat knife from the start
Just like the original?
Nope because in the original you had full control over Leon and it actually felt fun to run away from the crocodile and kill him.
So would you say it’s best to play it with out wide screen so it looks like the gc original
I’m glad i bought banned footage as well. Really enjoyed bedroom and 21. I beat all modes in 21, it’s that good. Ethan must die is fucking hard tho.. hader than any dark souls
If you're on PC, grab one of the renderer mods for turning off a lot of the remaster filter effects and grab the AI upscaled backgrounds.
The upscaled mod uses the GC backgrounds as a base in many cases.
Also yes play in the original aspect ratio not widescreen.
>my favorite game is RE4
Guys help I have a serious problem, I'm too gung ho, I might perhaps be able to adjust with smaller enemies but what worries me are the g-adults in the sewers
On assisted I tried running past the one with its back turned and it grabbed me, the run before as claire I just blew 4 acid rounds into them, brother dumped 2 flame rounds on standard but regretted it because he has to contend with ivy's later on
I also tried a flash bang but I suspect the damn water blocked the effect as it was still very much active, how do you guys deal with g-adults?
I don't want to fail in my little friendly competition with my younger brother, he started on standard, I started on assisted just to get the infinite knife and get into the mood of the game before speed running on standard but my ammo conservation skills are fucking shit unlike his, surely you guys know how to avoid these huge lumps of literal shit?
This scene was ham fisted as fuck.
Finally finished the Ghost Survivors aside from No Way Out. what the fuck was up with those annoying enemies placements in Forgotten Soldier?
it's the life isn't it? i alcohol so fucking much but always find myself going back to it. it'll probably be the death of me unless my state fucking legalizes weed. the one way i can self-medicate and not feel like shit in every sense.
shoot their left shoulder (your right) and it should reveal a weakpoint, if you weren't aware of that. if you were, i'm not really sure what else to tell you.. they can be kinda tricky at first, but if you make a save close by you can learn to bait them into an attack you can avoid pretty quickly. good luck user.
Why are you so obsessed with re4 fans?
he's a beccafag, his obsessions clearly make no sense.
So I'm guessing I really do have to mow them all down, no way I can just quickly evade them unless I bring alot of grenades which I assume won't kill them?
I knew about the eye weak point, the issue is the ammo, watching my brother on standard revealed the smg was not ideal nor was the acp pistol
I mean one would be doable but that supply room would be murder above my assisted run
Re6 Mercenaires or Revelations 2 Raid Mode. Which is more fun?
I’m sadly on ps4 because I wanted physical so does that mean original aspect ratio looks exactly the same just with new models for Jill and Chris if you pick the re5 costumes
I've always had a very large stock of acid rounds by the time I get to this point in the sewer. I hardly ever create SMG ammo, so usually spend all my white powder on acid.
Standard until you get the infinite knife, then hardcore
I'm stuck on the second G fight. Shit sucks and makes me not want to play anymore.
It still has remaster filters and effects on the backgrounds, but nothing gets cut off. The widescreen mode can cut parts of the backgrounds off.
How so? You just need to get him to kneel twice and then hit him with the container.
Resident Evil 6 is the Sonic Adventure of the series. Think about it.
Maybe I'll stick to that even though on my assisted run I used more of those to kill them (like 3 or 4) yet on standard what I saw looked like 2 flame rounds to fuck them up, thanks
What do you need help with, down him 3 times (or 5 for a single crane hit) or just low on ammo to really nail him, mind you this is from my assisted run
Alone in the dark did it first
Yep, RIP classic AITD. I'd love another 20s/30s adventure with Carnby and some haunted mcguffin.
What an extremely overrated game Jesús Christmas. It's so fucking shit.
How do you manage enjoy this kind of thing anons? It's the adrenaline you get from the old man spooking you worth it?
Okay why is Yea Forums suddenly full of /vg/ threads? This isn't a RE2 thread, this is literally a RE general. Why is this legal?
well, one tactic i used was shooting them before i got close enough to trigger their rise from the water. one shot from the pistol was enough to trigger the rising animation, which gave me time to get past them, by going around the arm with the weak point. that's how i avoided them for the most part, though there are a few that will charge. if you know which ones those are though, you can slowly walk toward them until they begin their charge, and run back until they go back under.
having a contrarian opinion doesn't make you seem unique or compelling, user.
from the outside looking in, it doesn’t resemble RE
it looks like someone saw the Texas chainsaw massacre/hills have eyes and decided to make a video game
dude, just run bro
So just walk up, pop them in the shoulder once, then run around during the wake up and for the chargers just back off and wait for them to rest and then do the same again?
Sounds far more what I needed, cheers
yeah, it sold well
It didn't sell as well as 6, but they spent less to make it
you got it!
All REs have a ton of action dummy
Oh sorry user, i will not share my opinions anymore, since your sorry ass can't handle a bad opinion on a game you like.
Saying this dumb shit is worse than insulting. What a fag.
fun game. Loved it. Still play whole campaigns co-op for fun sometimes.
no need to get so offended user, and there's certainly no need for childish insults either. if you're free to voice your opinion, i'm also free to give my thoughts in return. maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself if you can't handle being told they're shit.
A bunch of autists have basically forced this bullshit on us. You can spot them by the [video game quote but with in place of a word within it]. It was the New Vegas guys trying to avoid being banned for making generals at first, then everyone else just fucking copied them for no reason.
You can still play them, they are selling it right now on steam.
It's funny cos it causes butthurt
Only the dumbest of waifufags would pick Zoe.
Mia might be annoying and put you though lots of shit but even if you hate her she is your wife and the sole reason you went there in the first place.
Yeah, I'd just love another game in the series. AITD was never afraid to have whacky plots with Cthulhu cultists, voodoo pirates and undead cowboys.
I liked them both so i dont know if thats a bad or a good thing.
they ruined the series for 15 years.
now its finally back on track
Did anyone enjoy agent hunt mode (both as monster and player) in resident evil 6?
I had so many fond memories of that mode but I do admit alot of them were due to the net code exposing said agent hunters allowing for exploitation, take this moment as a player
>me and a buddy turn it on during a random grind during chris's campaign
>he's never noticed who was who because it's his first time playing this mode
>but really its the poor laggy monster that makes them stand out
>we are messing around when I had an idea
>c4 can be blown up on an ally but no collateral damage
>so I have my buddy just "pause" so he's sitting there with the menu up
>meanwhile the sucker predictably run up behind him
>pop c4, still crouched, but hunter dead
>seems he couldn't see the c4 because he sat over it while I was in cover behind a corner
>I start to wonder if the other guy had brain damage as it was clear enemies had stopped naturally spawning yet he was always rocking up
>he nearly got the drop on us at one point but we got up to the very end of the stage in a one way corridor and initially it seemed (before they stopped spawning) enemies would not go this far, but agent hunters could for whatever reason isolating him
>an hour later and several laughs later he disconnects
My only issue with the mode other than the exposure and monster speed is the damage output, that and only when you evolved to that rocky fuck thing is when you became any bit deadly, many close games won once I got that to spawn over the other mutations, felt great but if kdr was a concern it would be poor
>my brother is STARS, ya know
>that delivery
I really felt for him there.
I miss that shit too man.
Didnt thq nordic got the rights.
Yeah, also implied they wanted to do something with the license. Sadly, I doubt we'll get something like classic AITD.
Early to mid 90s was a very different time.
Lets hope whavever comes out of ot is fun and gives some throwbacks.
Do people still play mercenaires online? Tried a couple times to create a lobby but no one joined. Did get someone to join me in on a campaign though but that doesn't really add much.
Did you read the notes Claire and Leon start with?
>he hung up on me
claire and leon starting notes, they change in a/b scenarios as well as 2 exclusive ones they both get in B
Man, arsonist tofu is tricky. And a big fat wakeup call after Flan the Destroyer.
Claire x Bub, the forbidden love story.
>S+ Standard and Hardcore scenarios
>Beat 4th survivor and all Tofus
>Beat all Ghost Survivors
Nothing else to do but wait for Mercenaries/Raid mode...it's not coming is it?
lmfao what a crybaby
I'd love it but I'd be worried it'll milk too much of what resident evil 2 was
But if they make new campaign scenarios that emulate outbreak and or remake it in bite sized chunks with full co-op I'll be fucking there
You wouldn't want it. Mercenaires or Raid mode wouldn't be fun with 2makes gameplay since both modes rely on having melee which 2make doesn't have. The way the enemies work also wouldn't make it any fun.
I just hope we get some story DLC. Last days of the RPD would be awesome.
Did you complete all records,got all trophies and s+assisted?
A Mercenaries mode with that gameplay would give me cancer
started off the thread with an unrelated picture friend, you should post resident evil in resident evil threads.
even 6 is unironcally better than 7, generic 2spooky4u garbage
Use to play a lot on the ps3 got it again on pc just let me get the assissted s+ ranks on re2make and im free to play it on pc
again user, your contrarian opinion doesn't make you unique or compelling. you clearly haven't even played 7, so please go do so before shitposting in RE generals.
>actionfags are STILL buttblasted over 7
how will they ever recover?
>its not resident evil despite it has resident evil in the name and christ redfield at the end
Calling it trash would make far more sense user and that's subjective, though I feel chris was thrown in just to tie it in
You faggots can never enjoy shit for what it is, got always start with the shit flinging.
I just wanted to have a comfy convo about my favourite seriers without some asshole shitting on my favourite games.
Jesus, is that too much to ask?
I don't think RE2's getting more dlc, guys
you already know that half of the remaining thread will be just
are you the guy throwing shit on 7 and calling people names, because its just him so far
is RE7 a good starting point for somebody that has never played an RE game?
No, i like all REs.
no either RE2 or RE4 are a good starting point but i'd just recommend playing Resident Evil, your choice on REmake or not
>Elder God Tier
The games I like
>Great Tier
The games you don't like
>Bad Tier
The games I don't like
>Shit Tier
The games you like
It dosent get to much into the lore so there is no real problem if you start with 7
oh good, i like them all too despite the fact im better at 4-6
why not, its its own separate thing, infact all of them act stand alone except 5 which has alot of backstory of wesker and chris's bromance
As far as I'm concerned, RE7 and RE2 are new classic entries. I'm so glad the action shit is finally gone, and we got survival horror back.
Remake 1 = remake 2 >>>>> rest
My opinion, in a nutshell. Now I just wait for RE3 remake
The garage boss is like 10 minutes after the dinner scene. And you beat that by using the car anyway.
Both of those have a lot of action dumbass
what are talkin about, 5 is literally more of 4
That kind of shot makes me wish there was a "photographer" mode like in Shadow of the Raider.
I hope they change her outfit if they remake 3, god I hate how she looks in that game.
I didn't realise it was a H-game.
I dignose with gay
>mr x taking the photo, waits for the Polaroid to develop, hands it to her and they resume the chase
Blessed scenario
Lets brainstorm re3 ideas for nemesis mechanics, use mr X as a base if you'd like, but we need to balance it
>mr x base mechanics
>in large areas such as main hall in rpd enable weapons use ie rocket launcher/mini gun(if you wish to use other medium's as a base)
>also can run in these sections, needs a verbal "STAAAARS" to warn when he's about to fire
>in narrow sections he slows down to regular mr x levels, weapons delegated to clubbing and or fist/tentacles
>rocket launcher needs to be instant kill on hardcore but 2 shot on assisted with caution being instant death so health regen isn't exploitable
>on assisted/standard have hiding spots in select locations to aid players but on hardcore have it so nemesis will destroy ones you used twice to remind you these damn tyrants are humanoid bloodhounds ie THEY SMELL YOU
>by this point its assumed jill/carlos are battle hardened so add in dodge moves and a faster movement pace, not crucial for anything below hardcore which can save you from a rocket to the back
Thoughts/ideas, we need to make re3 a step up over 2 but I'm under the assumption people would want it to be pure, as in the fact 3 tried to be more actiony, it had explosive barrels and dodge moves, but we can scrap them out if we just want more of hiding and less action depending on what people want rather than what 3 tried to do initially
Dont forget the roids e found around the house.
I doubt they Will use Ethan again,but it would be funny if he shows up in a next game buffed like RE5 Chris...and he could parry with his arms
It'll probably be like the remake, a more sensible default outfit and the original as a bonus costume. Probably with some animation tricks/camera changes so you never get to see what she has under the skirt.
Can't wait for best girl Sue to be Jill's model for RE3
evil within was better than both
>Getting a man to model for Jill
Which is better? Resident Evil 3 or Resident Evil Code Veronica?
based and giraffe pilled
The game looks more atmospheric with some reshade. I don't like that yellow-green, piss-like filter of the base game
Who's is the most based and redpilled character in all of gaming and why is it Leon Kennedy?
>Fucked Ada
>Fucked Claire
>Fucked Cunningham
>Fucked Helena
>Had Ashley begging for his cock, but put that shit to the side because Leon is a professional
>Successfully survived and brought down T, G, C and Las Plagas virus incidents
>Survived being nuked twice
>Is not small time like Saddler
>Only recurring RE protagonist that Wesker is too scared to fuck with.
Really? I'm homosexual for disliking this atrocious design?
>oh it's a zombie invasion, I better leave my neck as exposable as I HUMANLY FUCKING CAN, like my jeans shirt, it's the fucking 90s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH"
7 has some of the best highs in the series but a lot of lows too. I think they really have an opprotunity to make the best of the series with 8 since they fixed a lot of things with Remake2.
SD Perry tried to justify it with some nonsense about that outfit making it hard to get grabbed.
Wesker should have NEVER existed outside of 1. That way he could have been Hunk 1.0 instead of a retarded cartoon villain.
Not only homosexual, but you talk like fucking 12 you retard
well most RE games are better than RE4, its not that impressive
I'm 49.
Technically that's Simmons who took down T and G for good, by nuking the entire fuckin city.
Also, he didn't fuck anybody.
Hardcore was easy. I was breezing past the 2 half of the game
they are both pretty equal
CV is scarier
re3 is more replayable
Would it be a big deal if Jill's default outfit in RE3 was changed to something more sensible, but they left the original one as a bonus outfit?
Literally the only time I was scared in a video game. After you get the arm and go back into the room the music kept ramping up and my adrenelan started pumping waiting for the enemies to pop out but they didnt and then I opened the door and
That's probably gonna happen.
Than why RE4 is one the most succeful and loved by fans and critics + finacially succeful and nobody remebers RE0?
are you even reading the shit you're typing
RE3 had more impact on me than CV, so I'd say 3. But I don't like that kind of "game vs game" stuff desu
CVX is awful
The only who didnt get cucked out of being called "3".
what an immature 49 year old.
What a slut. Do you only get the h-scenes when you lose?
X9 next year? Where did you see that?
No. 7 and RE2 replicating those old survival horror feelings better than ever.
Simmons nuked it all to cover his ass for being Umbrella's main customer after securing some a G sample from Sherry so he could make the C virus.
are you
nah you get them whenever you get grabbed too
Awesome. What version of rpgmaker do you need for it?
i remember Nemesis sounding much more threatening than this.
the latest
Picked my waifu because it was Zoe that made me have this stupid choice in the first place
So did RE1-3.
Horror is fun, though. SH has always prioritized scares over "tryhard art shit," and you'd know this if you'd ever played them. That image is tongue in cheek.
>tank controls & isometric camera angles got killed with true 3rdps