Boot up division 2 beta

>boot up division 2 beta
>get to character creation screen
>get confused and wonder how I change to a male
>find out you have to toggle 'body type'
>laugh out loud


Attached: bodytype.jpg (1314x755, 227K)

That's the toggle for male/female

Same thing in Far Cry: New Dawn. It asks you to choose body type, and there are only two options. Either man or woman.

>boot up new game
>you can choose to be a male or a female
>get offended for some reason
ok tranny

>playing the division

>choose female bodytype
>can still apply facial hair

Attached: 08368b0392b1861cd1eafe32ec6218914f9672fc292457d66781fcbc086332d1.jpg (656x465, 26K)

That's actually clever

>playing ubishit

Most women do grow facial hair, they just shave it better

What's wrong with saying "Choose Sex"?
Is it offensive to even imply that our race has two sexes?

what's wrong with saying choose body type?


Because Sex and Bodytype are actually two different things.

do men and women not have different body types, in your mind?

women grow a little shadow on the lip, nothing more

>being THIS sensitive about invisible genitalia in a looter shooter

What's wrong with saying "Choose Sex"?

what's wrong with saying "choose body type"?
you're the one that seems to be offended here

>women grow a little shadow on the lip, nothing more
Bullshit I've seen some nasty women who can grow a better mustache than I can.

>actually playing division 2, beta or no

ahah nono etc etc

>Picture of a mutt
>Can't even have a well defined gender
also this is what you get for wasting your time on the division 2

>one of the main characters is a crippled black woman
Come them fuck on


Found the discord tranny

>get offended by being able to choose male or female
>call others trannies

>not male and female
>its literally 'body type'

Discord tranny detected

is OP pic not a male? you think someone like that isn't a male?
this is your brain on estrogen

"Choose sex" is clear and simple to understand language wise. The player goes into the menu, sees "sex" and clicks on that if they want to change the gender of the character. "Choose body type" is unclear when it comes to language, it communicates nothing about sex. It's a dumb and round about way of over-complicating the simplicity of communication in the menus (which should be the number one thing when it comes to designing UIs; simplicity) just to pander to retards who think sex is a societal construct. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? Probably not, but the internet allows you to criticize mundane things so whatever

Anyway, this game is garbage and OP is a retard for playing it.

>press "choose body type"
>body type changes
wooooow that was so confusing for me

Wow did you just assume his gender because of his bodytype?

Attached: yikesposting.png (600x535, 43K)

>press "choose body type"
>it chooses the sex
Shit sure is mislabeled.

i sure did, tranny

I don't get it what am I supposed to make fun of?

>"Choose sex" is clear and simple to understand language wise.
>Choose sex
If that was one of my options, I wouldn't be playing a video game on a Friday night!

the "choose body type" button changes the body type

Is that the default ameritmutt?

They didn't want to put Male/Female for fear of offending trannies, so they put "Body Type"

I mean I guess but at the end of the day who... cares?

theyre doing it so the retards who care about this male/female shit dont throw a hissy fit, obviously user

Yea Forums

LAUGH >:^|