New Terraria bread because last one hit the bump limit and user is trying to figure out a server for us

New Terraria bread because last one hit the bump limit and user is trying to figure out a server for us

Attached: eyerape.png (1712x992, 871K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's the server

Attached: 1533681012080.jpg (538x513, 106K)

is it vanilla?

one last time b4 i give up.

Once again. You're posting an internal IP. No one can join it.

Attached: Idea of Evil.jpg (561x819, 80K)

It isn't working user
Are you positive you've got everything set up right? I was looking forward to hopping back on.

Attached: negative man.png (256x256, 3K)

are you perpetually logging in? what is happening on your side?

I'm getting this

Attached: connecting to.png (994x617, 214K)

You need to find your router's IP address.

hacking you as we speak

Attached: 1542503235108.jpg (640x702, 62K)

I would join a server but tomorrow I have to do shit and I have to sleep like in two hours.

Attached: 1467821420976.jpg (776x533, 246K)

Not him. And I am leaving now. And I probably won't reply anymore. You're giving us your internal IP, designated to any device in your local area. What you need to host a server is your external IP. I can't make it any more clear than that.

Attached: 1245512352342143.jpg (570x338, 73K)

My brain is fried. Everyone do their t shock homework this will have to be done in another day.

Do you need to port forward to be able to host a server with Tshock?


Attached: 1539208154562.gif (500x269, 1.16M)

my external address is this apparently.

Reminder that Party Girl and Stylist are best girls and that everyone else is a thot

Also that only faggots host modded servers

Try this, bros.

Password is 123. Has TShock.

Honk honk!
New server when?

Attached: Screenshot (2).png (1920x1080, 871K)

It's doing the same thing it did for me here So if this is a me problem and not a problem with the server I can't know if nobody else is trying

It's not a (you) problem.

A dryad is fine too.

eternal connection attempt for me as well

The only reason to use Tshock is to prevent faggots in end-game gear from joining and ruining things before the first day is over

fuck you zebra

Have never played this game but if dubs I will buy it and make server

You don't get dubs on Yea Forums but could you do it anyway

>You don't get dubs on Yea Forums
Not true, but not totally wrong either.
I'm not kidding you when I say that Terraria is the game of the generation, play it.

Wow don't know how I could miss that after so long

Fuck it I'll do it

Godspeed user
I hope you're prepared

Yeah keep the thread alive it'll be ready soon

New Terraria server is up
No password

Whatever happens, happens

Did you change the port

no, it should be whatever the default is

ok just test the admin powers on someone else. the lag is making me feel sick

won't connect

i'm getting this.

What server did you connect to?

Attached: 62c02fe5aaa515d61970ffa11b931f78.png (556x179, 46K)

in the multiplayer settings, it asked if steam was enabled and I said yes. Maybe that's the problem? I'll try disabling steam then

is this that factoria game I've been hearing about?

this one
be patient.

>be patient
ur gay lol

It is over then?

Attached: 12451244213.jpg (900x1200, 62K)

nvm it doesn't work anymore

>Yea Forums try to do thing
>it fails
Yea Forums BTFO

Ok here's a server that WILL work:
No passsword

Almost there

Attached: server.png (748x604, 108K)


It just hangs on connecting....

Try port forwarding 25565. This port has to be forwarded for certain programs to connect to the internet.

That's because it's not a real server
It's trying to connect you to yourself

You lied to me.

Attached: Laced with drugs.jpg (800x600, 229K)

goddammit, that's what terraria displays when I go to the join server page so I thought I'd try that since the IPv4 external IP wasn't connecting. Maybe there's some kind of firewall issue or something

figures since that was most recent IP address entered over 6 months ago!

I hope this isn't a jape.

ugh, I'm not messing with my router even though that appears to be the port minecraft uses so maybe someone else should try it on their hosted server

I'm out but I'll still join someone's server

It's not. Right now it's doing a regen on server restart so I have to fix it

Good to hear. I'd host myself but I'm on shitty hotel wifi for god knows how much longer.

Behold, the average IQ of a Terraria player.

I'm confused by this thread. Is there a server up or not?

Alright here we go, it's a large
Pass is dedoo

There's people trying to get one up and running with tshock to prevent griefing assholes hopefully but so far nothing's really worked out.

How is Yea Forums so bad at simply starting a serb

Normal or expert?

it's normal
also doesn't have server side characters

Fix this


Attached: friggen.jpg (368x266, 25K)

they're redoing a lot of the old shit apparently.
If they manage to make it more efficient we might get a few more years out of the game.

Also apparently the creator of calamity might have spoiled part of the update because he wanted to get ahead of the curve.
potential legit spoiler:
throwing getting rebranded as rogue and getting fleshed out

people were getting pissed because him doing this could get someone at re-logic fired for it.


had to save thread first.

Fuck this gay earth

Yeah if it turns out he spoiled that shit im gonna be pissed.
He also mixed that in with a bunch of balance complaints about normal Terraria.
The creator of fucking Calamity Mod complained about the balance of something.

They also split off the music into its own seperate thing because they overbloated their own mod. One of the best parts of the mod got taken off because we needed 8 fucking worm bosses on top of the two we had in base Terraria.

Is the mobile game good? I know it doesnt have the last updates but I would like to play it anyway.

It's decent enough but it has awkward controls and screen crunch

Wait until the update comes, one of the worst things about this game is that Relogic decided to partner with 505 and now the ports orbit between it's butt buddies.

I was hyped about Pipeworks doing work on Terraria too, since i'm a big Godzilla fan, but that floundered a bit I guess.

built this with v it was very fun

Attached: Capture 2019-03-04 02_21_59.png (560x656, 152K)

It's good but lacks a lot of the major features and qol improvements made to the PC version in advanced updates.

Supposedly they're working towards feature parity across all versions of Terraria and they've contracted out this next major update to the mobile version that'll bring it up to par, but this update has taken several years now.