Show me a good MG:R thread, Jack!
Show me a good MG:R thread, Jack!
MGR is the best cure for Post-Nier Automata depression
>tfw no MGRising arena-fighter where you fight with a roster of crazy ancap cyborgs with over-the-top personalities
Collective Consciousness > It Has to Be This Way
Batshit fucking insane cyborg action NEVER AGAIN BECAUSE SCI-FI NEVER SEEMS TO SELL WELL
Hot Wind Blowing > Collective Consciousness
I wish I could erase this game from my mind, so I could cum in my pants again when the lyrics kicks in in Mistral's fight song for the first time.
god, I love controller edits
I always thought it was death lol
>arena fighter
Its like you hate fun or something
>sequel never ever
I liked Raiden's MGS4 armor more than his MGR body. Though for some reason he looks older at the beginning of the game than when he gets his new body.
>Tfw Bayo threads are either bait or die
>DMC threads don't talk about gameplay
>MGR threads will die pretty soon
Why don't we all just combine into an action game general?
It'll never happen, though. Not without Kojima pushing for it.
because that actually happened and it ended up dying anyway
Possibly the best eight hour game ever created.
>don't talk about gameplay
there's nothing to talk about atm, most people are either just waiting impatiently for V or are just getting into the series. either way, nothing to say or nothing left to say.
Why do so many people not ever strive to get better? You're supposed to master the game
Not sure what you're getting at, boss. You can and should play the game multiple times, but the campaign itself is fairly short. Doesn't detract from it in the slightest. It's compact, with every moment being fun.