Anybody else really enjoying this game? I just started it a couple days ago and Im having a blast...

Anybody else really enjoying this game? I just started it a couple days ago and Im having a blast. I cant remember the last time I enjoyed a game this much.

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I'm waiting for the definitive edition but DQ games are always solid

>Didn't wait for Definitive

FF is better

maybe the earlier releases but dq is better than any current final fantasy.

Haha, no.

>he enjoyed xv

there really is no accounting for taste I guess...

Yeah its great
Come by the DQ general if you feel like it

Let's have a comfy DQ thread without it devolving into DQ vs FF shit for once.

Glad you're enjoying it OP. It was my favourite game of last year and I can't wait to play it again when it comes out on Switch.

I did enjoy it last year and I will again when I play the Switch version.

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do you know when its coming out?

Talk to us again when you want to finish all the quests.

>mfw replaying with shypox

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Cant wait for the 2D playtrhough with random encounters and hard mode, going to feel like the early 90s again

I don't know if buy it really cheap on PC or wait for the Switch version.

2019. Fall, I think

It's the only DQ game I've ever finished, between 7 8 9 and 11. I really find them mediocre as a series, though I was looking for that traditional JRPG feel.

I think they play it way too safe

in the west or japan?

I played it when it came out for over a hundred hours, will definitely pick up the Switch version day 1. Sylvando was my favorite party member for most of the game.

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Worldwide release

Was this the localization team's idea or something? I dunno how you could have fun with Shypox.

I didnt finish it myself, it gets really boring

Nah its in the original game too
Its a DQ3 jester class reference

The cast was great the artstyle and engine worked so good. The story was touching and gameplay refined.

I still like dq8 more but dq11 did many things well above it.

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It's not in the japanese version, though, the whole Draconian Quest thing was a western version only thing. It might've been the director's idea.

I have the JP version
Its in there
The western version added hard mode and less xp but the other settings are available in the original

Oh, fuck me then, that's interesting, thanks for letting me know.

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Yeah Ive been wanting to try that hard mode for a while now

Jade>Short hair Serena>loli veronica>going gay for Sylvando>Serena>Veronica>going gay for Hendrik>>>>MASSIVE POWER GAP>>>>Ghema
I know it's traditional for JRPG protags to go for worst girl but come on

Once upon a time i would have agreed but DQ XI is better than any FF of the last 15 years. Easily.

I am still playing this... i haven´t had this much fun with a JRPG since the original Ni no Kuni. It nails pretty much all the sweet notes a good classic JRPG needs. On itself the story is pretty classic and lighthearted but it has some pretty emotional moments too because the cast is absolutely fantastic. Every single character has clear individual motivations and objectives to join your quest and all their conflicts are resolved in pretty satisfying way.
The art design is beautiful full of unique memorable locations. It´s full of cities and have a great traditional world map. Since Kuni graphics have finally catched up with that anime aesthetic they´ve been trying for years. Add to that the fantastic animation work, and i mean fantastic. Every enemy type (and there are lots) has it´s own defeat animation, there are animations every time a character levels up too and so on. It´s a really beautiful game.
The combat is pretty classic too and every class feels distinctively different but adaptable to pretty much any combination one might want. Sure, it is the most basic form of turn based combat but it totally works. I really prefeer that and have control of every action my party takes to any form of micromanagement AI system like gambits.

Its ok you can marry Jade in S

I bought on release and finished 5 minutes ago. That fucking ending. My goddamn brain imploded. That easter egg was the best thing ever and an homage to fans of the series. This is hands down the best DQ, period. Better than VII, better than V.

Do the characters have original japanese names?

Finished it twice. Second time with all six Draconian options.
And there will be a third time once the Switch version is out.

Jade is Martina
Silvando is Silvia
Serena is Senya
Rab is Ro
Erik is Kamyu
Hendrick is Greigar
Mordegon is Urunoga
Jasper is Homeros
Gemma is Emma

There is more but I forgot, almost every major character got their name changed, not Veronica though for whatever reason

Downloading it on Steam right now lads. My internet kinda sucks dick so I won't be able to play till a little later. What am I in for? Never played a DQ game before but I'm really fixing for a JRPG.

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got to the first town, brought some cat down from a roof, saved the game and i haven't played since. that was january 3rd. i was enjoying it but i got hit by a combination of rl priorities and not yet ready for a jrpg.

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>tfw that's a yikes from me

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A traditional turn-based jRPG but in HD and comfy.

It was fun but desu the postgame didn't really grab me.

Jade is nice-looking and all but she's so boring in the personality department. Serena and being gay for Sylvando is better.

Kinda figured that much when every name was a western name. Still i can´t really complain about the dubs on this one. Every region having words in different languages was fantastic and the voice acting on every character feels spot on.

It has its moments but overall fairly generic which isn't surprising considering DQ is a very traditional series. Aside from graphics I feel previous DQ games executed the series formula much better.

Thanks for beta testing!

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Still waiting for the switch version to come out before playing it, I've been replaying the series to hold off until then, just finished with DQB which makes me wish DQB2 would come out sooner, and starting up DQ1

I just beat the game. The end boss was really cool, but after feeling under-leveled for some of the earlier fights he seemed a bit easy. Not sure if it was the number of liquid metal slimes I killed or the tactics I used after noticing he could be poisoned.
Is it worth playing the post-game content?

Game works perfectly with Proton BTW, no problems encountered with running it on modern pllatforms with RadV.

Extremely worth it, you miss on a lot of the story otherwise and on the real final boss

Post game has the true ending. You didn't actually beat the game.
There's still a lot of actual plot left. Post game is not just bonus dungeons and bosses for the sake of it.

such a good game, at end game (havent gotten to real final boss yet). the grind is fucking real or you use that trick with their pep abilites making your exp and gold gain from combat increased. then turn every mob to metal enemies. Kinda bullshit, but the actual bosses are fun at least.

>is it worth playing the post game
Absolutely, post game is a pretty bad term for it, it's more like act 3 of the game.

>Is it worth playing the post-game content?

I am playing it right now. You "lose" some stuff if you do but it is kind of rewarding too. So far i like it how instead of opening an insane extra dungeon/dimension or whatever with the strongest enemy and whatnot they gave the whole thing an extra story arc. Kind of feels like the segment dedicated to the white witch in Ni No Kuni you know? Something you can tell it´s extra story after the main arc is closed but that you enjoy anyways.

Some of those were also for theming. Nearly everyone in the kingdom of Heliodor is named after some kind of rock, so a few seemingly normal western names also got changed.

That's good to know.