>He has ranked anxiety
He has ranked anxiety
>he plays multiplayer games at all
>wasting your time playing ranked
I only have sex anxiety
I never had anxiety about how I would perform but I always dreaded getting the inevitable garbage teams.
what are some kino x-men vidya?
>Playing ranked.
It is always objectively the worst experience a game has to offer. Everyone is in full tryhard mode, no fun allowed. Doing anything other then some youtuber's poorly thought out tactic will get you reported and banned for some reason. The instant things turn everyone starts throwing blame. You come up against nothing but cheese builds. I honestly can't understand why anyone wants to play it, but I'm grateful it exists as a containment zone for the worst most games have to offer.
Wolverine’s Revenge, the spiritual prequels to Ultimate Alliance, the fighting games
I only play ranked sex
>tfw noodle league
I made it into Master rank every season I played of Overwatch, but I had to stop because the anxiety became too much. Getting yelled at for fucking up made me freak the fuck out.
Xmen Legends 2 is great
>wanting imbalanced games
Most games with ranked ladders don't have any team balance features in normals
>this is kitty pryde now
Mutant Academy 2 was fun, but I haven't played it in years
>he ranks anxiety
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
It goes away after a game or two
I only get it with fighting games though
stop taking antidepressants
She hasn't played Kitty pryde for 5 years user
Joey King should play Kitty Pryde in the MCU.
>Ranked anxiety
>Can't give a single fuck in non-ranked games and never play them seriously
Fuck me sideways
Criminally underrated. I don't know why no one talks about this game
She's a mutant alright.
Better than any actor who has played Scott
>we need to cast someone as cyclops
>get the runtiest, smarmiest manlet actor you can find stat! AND HE MUST BE SHORTER THAN WOLVERINE AND JEAN GREY
Claire Redfield
I don't take any meds
wtf is up with those sephiroth hair
>best girl
kys fag
mfw soloq at rank 10 awesomenauts atm
Only ever happened to me with Starcraft / Fighting games. Other than that, I can just bang out ranked endlessly win or lose and feel nothing
Unironically X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Ranked is only good in solo games. In team games, ranked is absolute aids
Because of the sentinel fight
I NEED to breed this southern goth
Palms sweaty, ass spaghetti
>tfw you realize that God tier in MVC2 was literally all X-men characters
iron man aint an xman
I just don't want to be bullied
It's gotten so bad now to the point where it's just multiplayer games in general now.
It's a porn game
new rogue like update when
it's just anything competitive, it doesn't matter if it's a ranked match or not
I don't play any multiplayer games, and put steam as invisible 24/7. Went outside last month for a walk which is a plus.
Me too. Lately I can only play bottom of the barrel, zero commitment shit like Paladins.
>last update: 2018-12-28