Whats the equivalent taunt to a Tbag of todays gaming?
Whats the equivalent taunt to a Tbag of todays gaming?
default dance
crouching where you're standing a bunch after you kill someone
Emotes. So uncivilized.
Reporting another player
Getting them banned for hate speech.
Most FPS games have dabbing or pouring salt emote
But do know that tbagging hasn't gone away and is still a form of taunting
Same with spraying if the game supports it
Teabagging is eternal.
not saying GG, or saying GG when it wasnt gg, or someone deciding that they thought you were not being nice based on a single word response, or generally failing to say something supportive and sympathetic when your opponent loses, or letting on that you enjoyed winning in any way
Emotes in non-MMOs was a mistake. Emotes in MMOs was also a mistake.
just cut to the chase and say that life was a mistake
Getting flossed over in Fortnite
Typing a simple "?" in chat after the kill
it was
emote spam
tbagging in smash is pretty fucking effective
Emote spam, or the memelord dab emote
Remember the good old days when you could call someone a nigger and he would just call you a faggot instead of reporting you?
literally nothing comes close to being as good
This is an unironic shitter mindset
Imagine tilting so hard you're reduced to swearing at videogame instead of getting good
around half a decade ago
what the fuck's up with all the nanny policies sprouting everywhere?
The dab.
this is the most feminine statement ive seen all day, trash talking has been a thing since humans have been competing with each other (hint: always)
It's because nowadays people are so coddled and sheltered from the world that they get offended if someone so much as breathes near them.
>feminists destroyed this
i will never forgive
there's "trash talk" then there's unironic garbage timewasting
You fucks got made fun of for this shit even in the day, i can't believe i'm seeing people nostalgia about call of duty voicechat
back to neogaf with your pedo friends, faggot
keep crying bitch nigga
Anyone else only ever bother taunting their friends? I don't really find any joy doing it to randoms... unless they're someone who has been particularly getting on my nerves in a match.
Those "Call of Duty 12 year olds" are growing up and it turns out they still have the shitter mindset, who would have thought
not him but that shit was always funny as fuck to hear and then see them target each other in game. bonus points if they're in the same team.
>t. woman
This. Be sure to report everyone that beats you and everyone on your team after every match.
just had a game of Dirty Bomb where the Phantom's own team begged us to teabag his ass
>Nearly 10 years
What the fuck
t. zoomers
this shit existed way long before cod. doesn't anyone remember cs 1.6?
When I played Overwatch I would usually wave right before killing someone so they would see me waving in the rewind waving at them.
This. I heard my younger brother playing fornite yesterday and he said to his friends
>Floss on them natives
I remember making fun of CS for being full of angry children then, too
not that i had to go far to prove it either because the LAN cafe's were always full of children on CS after school
>"Ahhh... AuuggAAAAhhh...!"
>*disappearing noises*
To be honest sometimes the point down can still make me mad. A ton least I don’t stream my salt for the world to record I guess.
any of fortnites retard dances
but its worse than a t-bag because its RETARDED so it makes you feel even worse than any fucking t-bag
How can one kid be so based?
shit existed back in the quake days, fucking nuoomer
salty af
Nothing because taunts are both toxic gamer culture that must be destroyed, and are raep so taunters muat all be banned off thw internet and thrown in jail for sexual assault.
I fucking love Point Down, because it's not even supposed to be an insult. It's literally a gesture to indicate at something on the ground, or below you. But people turned it into one of the most rage inducing gestures, a thousand times more offensive and rude than the actual insult gestures in the game. People can throw dung at me, shieldspam me, "HEY!" at me, and it'll be fine. As soon as someone points down I fucking feel it right in the taint. It's not just some idle "ezgame" insult you throw at people. When you point down you aim to bruise their pride and soul.
didn't know anyone who had a decent rig to play quake or a place to lan, richfag.
>Reeeee did you just STEAL my AIR? Help, that straight white make raped me! With his eyes! Ive been violated!
I spent ten thousand dollars getting a T1 line ran to my house so I could play quake.
I say GG, but it was not GG, it was BG
gg ez
bonus points its even bannable in pozzed sjw shitty games like league
the good ol' days of 9/11
point down is the main reason i pvp in ds3
my ds2 go to was "well thet's it" or whatever it was called, the one where you t-pose shrug
it's fucking dumb and i love it
Kill yourself loon
“I reported you”
Why is nu-v so pathetic holy shit kys
It’s THAT easy
heh, nothin personnel
>Punched him in the balls.
>Starts flossing and celebrating like he really beat his ass
Fucking zoomer boxers...
you will never pass. every time you look in the mirror, you will always just see a dude in a dress.
thats lung rape, user.
I miss it. I even miss rage face comics and *glomp* posting. I just want to go back and tell everyone to ignore the SJW
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
Dark Souls 2 had a great shrug emote and for that, I don't completely hate the game
Reporting them for toxicity.
>rape culture
I’d like to see some of these feminists go to a country in the Middle East where women would beaten to death just for showing their face in public
In their shroud of cognitive dissonance, real misogyny in the shitcorners of the planet is not an issue. Feminism doesn't care about actual female suffering and abuse.
>7 years ago
Get lost
>tfw teabag someone today and you get banned for griefing/harassment
>tfw i still t-bag after 80% of my kills in mid-low range, even if they are in the middle of an open field and i will get shot for doing it
lol faggot xbox live shit talking was the greatest. i bet a thin skinned faggot like you muted everybody in the lobby like a beta bitch
It also had the completely edgy point and cut throat, which was really great.
You. I like you.
if there could only be one bit of information on human civilization to preserve for an alien race I would choose this
>youre a thin skinned faggot if you dont like hearing retards screech and go autistic over a video game
I let the disabled converse amongst themselves
I don't know why, but the menu music makes this even funnier.
tfw saw recon before It was mass distributed, and I made a whole video of me tebagging him
Doing gods work user
It's honestly not fair, the last time anything even remotely aggressive happened to me on xbl I sent a text message to someone and got banned from sending messages after like a minute.
Those old days are....gone
based little bro
Me and my friend were playing rdo on the first day and their was some Australian women who I told to make me a sandwich and we hog-tied her, that was kinda funny.....but it's just not the same.