Kingdom Hearts

Can somebody please explain to me the appeal of this series? I, despite my best efforts, cannot even begin to grasp why this series attracts such a massive following. All I see is some autistic fanfic tier crossover of children's characters. Take pic related. What the fuck? I look at it and laugh because it looks like the dumbest, most autistic shit ever. Its like a 12yo tier crossover. These characters are meant for children. These characters have no business being in the same universe together, and yet the series has this giant cult following.


Please explain, I cannot understand for the life of me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

1 and 2 (only final mix and on critical) are the only ones worth playing. It's beyond me how anyone can enjoy the other ones. Didn't even bother with 3, blatantly unfinished for DLC cash grabs plus same piss easy shit as base KH2

OK, cool. Doesn't answer the question though. What exactly makes these games appealing?

the boss fights (sometimes) and music I guess. KH and FF are both incredibly overrated series

good visuals, great soundtracks, fun combat, cool oc ideas, and a retarded story that is so stupid that its entertaining

Sad. I might have been able to enjoy this shit if fucking Donald Duck wasn't waddling around in the back. It makes no goddamn sense to me.

Wait, so you're saying that the story is supposed to be ironic?

Woah dude, some original thoughts you had, no one has ever poked fun at the weirdness of KH

But let me explain:
Most people are just having fun at the sheer farce of Disney and anime tropes crossing over.
A lot of people like Disney, even seeing it in such strange situations
The struggles to the original characters are pretty soap opera tier, but you can feel their emotions. Note when characters suffer they are rarely around Disney characters so it's less of a farce
And last, lots of original lore that shonen fans eat up
Plus the games are competent to fun
Tl;dr: it's fun but not to be taken to seriously

it tries to be serious at times but its honestly really bad
some moments are genuinely cool and actually get a reaction out of people, I know felt something at the end of KH1 and stuck with the series since then, no matter how dumb it has gotten since then

>some moments are genuinely cool and actually get a reaction out of people
The Final World and the stories of those stars are 10/10, fite me.

He is and this thread will fill up with autists insisting they only like it ironically.

You may remember weebs, furries, and bronies all claim the same thing. Simple math

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The gameplay for most of the games is quite fun. Some of the fights in KH2 especially are god-tier. The story has some good moments too.

KH3 kinda sucks tho.

KH makes you put down the controller for a moment while you go over the boss fight you just lost in your head, figuring out what you did wrong and what you should have done instead. Just hitting retry and tackling it again will usually result in another loss. I cannot overstate how great a gaming experience that is.

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what the fuck is with these constant samey threads "can you please explain the appeal of kh??? im so retarded and helpless!"

is it the same guy? is it barry?

>Can somebody please explain to me the appeal of this series?
KH3 panders to the musou audience.

No it's every other person in the world coming to the same conclusion, which is that your emotional development is severely stunted

>not playing Tails Get Trolled: the game

>The first 2 main games have great gameplay, with 2FM pleasing everyone from hardcore action game fans to first-time gamers
>Disney worlds are familiar and fun and lend the early titles a whimsical and lighthearted flair
>The stories are melancholic and have some amazing, emotional moments sandwiched between ridiculous bullshit
Basically they're fun introductions to JRPGs with great combat and impressive spectacle. Why anyone likes anything past 2FM is a mystery to me, though, the gameplay systems are fucked from BBS on.


you must have a room temperature IQ to have come up with that deduction. are you also retarded and helpless like OP?

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Slam your meaty hands on the keyboard autist, nothing will change

>autistic fanfic
I'm sure you went into the series with an open mind

is this what they call a brain aneurysm?

How does an open mind change the fact that the entire concept sounds like something that would come up when you hit the Random button on I say this as a fan of the game.

>These characters are meant for children
Edgy "grownup" teen detected. Most adults who work hard and even have families don't give a shit about what an adult should enjoy. Some "children" shit still has adult themes. For example, look at the violence and brutality in The Lion King. Now if you are specifically pointing out modern Disney then I might agree with you.

>I say this as a fan of the game.
you're not a fan.

It's fun.

Fun gameplay and an amusing, poorly told story that often contradicts itself.
I'm probably in the minority here, but I've never been that into the Disney aspect of the series. I like the OCs the best.

On crit mode, yeah.
On standard, it's easy for people to get away with continuously being bumbling retards through the use of Cure commands.

Are you seriously trying to argue that the concept of Kingdom Hearts DOESN'T sound like internet fanfiction? How do you even see that as an insult to the game or whatever? That's like getting offended by someone saying that Mass Effect is a space opera, or that Resident Evil is inspired by zombie movies.

Honestly the main thing for me was the exploration. There doesn't seem to be any modern games that make use of shit like high jumps, double jumps, and so on. The few that do don't tend to hide secret areas very well anymore either. It was thrilling getting on top of a roof in Twilight Town before I probably should have instead of just hitting an invisible wall. A big part of what let me down with KH3, other than being way too easy and press triangle to win attacks popping up way too much.

You can enjoy something stupid without being ironic. I always found the games to be dumb but earnest fun.

>internet fanfiction
Do you people even know what internet fanfiction reads like? If you do, then that means you were stupid enough to spend time reading it because I certainly don't know what to expect when talking about internet fanfiction... That isn't exactly a point in your favor either. Also, this game wasn't written by the same author as each individual cast involved. By its very nature, it is in fact fanfiction. Fanfiction exists in many forms where we accept it as authentic, even including a lot of video game series. So how is this suddenly something that we should be arguing over? Yes it is fanfiction. That doesn't impact whether it is a good story, decent, or a bad story. If you want to talk about the story, why not leave the irrelevant trigger words out of it?

1 and 2 had good gameplay.

That's it.

You'll enjoy 3D mario games, then. Maybe BotW, too. DMC 3 (and 2) also let you run up on walls and shit.

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>KH2 ruins platforming
>KH3 gets shit on for it despite being an improvement
I swear to god none of you actually played 2

>Why Overly-Defensive Kingdom Hearts Fans Are Fun to Laugh At: Exhibit A

Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix is arguably one of the best action RPGs ever made.
But the appeal with the Disney shit and the ridiculous convoluted story is.. it's charming and wholesome because you never really grow out of Disney as much you tell yourself that it's only for kids. And not all games need to have a deep, mature narrative to have an entertaining story. Seeing how crazy Nomura can go is the fun of it all and most of the characters are well-written and have fun personalities to make me care about what's happening to them.

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You must possess a complete lack of irony if you don't think that screenshot looks hilariously entertaining.

Also, this may come as a shock to you since you are probably underage, but most older adults who grew up in a different age really like Disney. They are not children's characters, they are family characters. Donald Duck in particular is a character written for adults moreso than children, and especially in Europe his comics are extremely popular with people in their 30s and 40s.

That's an aside to what makes the series persistently popular though. What makes it popular is two decades of a continuous story constantly bringing in younger fans and keeping the older fans around for more. And while the games aren't innovative today, they certainly were 15 years ago when competent action games were rare. And make no mistake, these games are extremely competent in terms of gameplay, comparable to Devil May Cry and other action game greats.

They also have really nice visuals and music, and plenty of fanservice, including the Final Fantasy cameos they used to have.

How could it possibly not be popular?

Are you retarded? KH is one of the most restrictive franchises ever made in terms of exploration. Every world is literally built out of invisible walls and the platforming is generally dogshit.

Have you just NEVER played an actual 3D platform adventure game like the Marios, Banjo-Kazooie or even Zelda?

Okay real talk how the FUCK is evil riku from the first game back literally out of nowhere?

Replicas and friends. Also it's not Ansem Riku, it's evil Repliku from CoM from before Riku taught him a lesson in darkness.

>Who the fuck wants to play an edgy battle shounen game staring characters like mickey FUCKING mouse, donald, goofy and other disney characters as they BTFO edgy anime ocs

How the fuck can anyone not understand the appeal.

>3D mario games
Odyssey was a step in the right direction but post game was shit and your reward for doing everything was shit too.

Way too little content, and just about everything can be solved by getting to a higher point and gliding.

>DMC 2/3
I actually have the HD pack that I need to get around to playing.

>despite being an improvement
Running up walls in 3 killed exploration in its entirety for me. Yes 2 reduced exploration but 3 flat out killed it... Oh, lets not forget those things like wall jump where you use it once then it IMMEDIATELY becomes useless for the rest of the game. For the record, I have a platinum in the game so yes I've done everything there is to do in KH3.

can you imagine that it's FUN to play

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But user, I actually don't like KH's story... You are insulting someone with the same opinion as you. I'm just tired of sharing an opinion with idiots such as yourself that can't articulate why KH story is trash. You are like the idiots who think Obama was a bad president because he was black and not because he was a shitty democrat that fucked up our healthcare system even further than it already was.

Do you not understand "x is rare so I have to enjoy mediocre versions of x just to get my fill"? Yes I have played those games. Yes there are games with better exploration than KH. That doesn't change the fact that they are sparse and almost non-existent for modern vidya. Please don't be an idiot.

>killed it

Every other game these days is an open world exploration game. Don't be retarded.

I hate this series and like it at the same time, I enjoyed kh1, original CoM, kh2 but everything after was just awful and the writing got more annoying as things went on
It's a cool unique concept which is why i stick with it but Nomura is a shit writer and makes me want to die with his awful writing and directing, kh3 was the tipping point and I get relief from knowing I'm not the only one dissapointed and angry

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I didn't have to figure out how to reach anything in KH3 since there were convenient walls to run up everywhere you look. I earned a platinum in the game and only had to revisit a single world as far as missing things. I ended up beating the game on proud around lvl 56, leaving me with a ton of boring level grinding. If it had better exploration then I would have missed more shit making me go back and re-explore thus resulting in a much higher level and almost no grind at the end of the game. I'm not the best at finding everything, and being able to find shit I missed is thrilling. I got cheated out of that thrill by a game that oversimplified exploration.

Smash is more autistic but all the fags here love it.

No... Most games are open world but give you no reason to explore. AKA the big problem that makes a lot of people on this site sick and tired of open world games.

combat and gameplay you retard also kh2 and especially the last 3 hours climax of kh3 are the most hype shit in ANY action game it out crazies DMC and bayo and does it easily.

No, people hate open world games here because they are contrarians that hate anything popular and/or are autists that NEED to 100% games and don't understand Open World games aren't made to be played like that

That word doesn't mean what you think it means. In fact you are being a contrarian right now. Popular opinion is that open world games lack exploration and content.

Honestly even worse than I thought. The story is not ironic, it really takes itself seriously. Worst part is, the fanbase is seriously developmentally stunted enough to actually connect with Disney cross-over fanfiction on a deep, emotional level.

It appeals to retarded man-children incapable of maturity, as I thought. This is actually fucking sad.

You nailed it. A bunch of incel, NEET, weeb retards jerking off over infantile cartoon characters.

You're brain damaged and you have shit taste.

Good to see I'm not in the minority then. Nice job answering the question, sped.

Also I want to point out that you put too much stalk in contrarian being a negative statement. Thinking the world was round at one point in time made you a contrarian. Being contrarian isn't inherently a good or bad thing. Maybe you might want to think about that before you just spew it incorrectly in an attempt to use it as a buzzword.

Then again you will probably falsely believe you are getting under my skin and continue using it. Fuck it, continue using it incorrectly just like autism and so on.

You're bumbling, clueless, and inept. I bet a lot of people tell you you don't know anything whenever you try and speak. It must be embarrassing.

You're retarded and helpless as well I assume.

>in a series primarily played by Fujo

Damn, even the females are taking Incel from men too. WHEN WILL IT STOP?

> You must possess a complete lack of irony if you don't think that screenshot looks hilariously entertaining.
It doesn't, it just makes me cringe. One of the chief arguments in defense of this series is that it has an emotionally compelling story, which, again I find absolutely laughable when looking at things like the image in OP. All I see is just infantile man-children gushing over children's characters. Man-children with an extremely stunted emotional development, actually capable of getting emotionally invested in a story featuring fucking Donald Duck and Olaf from Frozen. Its just completely mind-boggling.

>completely irrelevant personal insult

Stay seething, infantile sped.

the crossover is the exact biggest selling point,if you swap out all the disney stuff it‘s another cliched cringy JRPG setting,as pic related,if it is another big breast prematured loli doing this,meh but with donald duck it adds different layer of wackiness to it.As for the art style you either like it or hate it,guess it's not working for the OP. at last the gameplay is major part of the appeal.

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It's a boomer series that people who played it when they were kids care about.

Judging from the threads I've seen here, almost nobody gives a damn about the Disney content, discussion regarding the OCs is much more common.

user, I'm sorry to say this, but the surest sign of emotional immaturity is NOT being able to get emotionally invested in Disney stories that are designed so even small children can do so.

You probably have autism or another personality disorder.

Please tell me you are underage. That would be your only legitimate excuse for acting like a retarded 13 year old.

Pseudo-intellectuals with serious posts against this series are unironically my favorite part of KH threads. Nothing you said has any merit. Your typing style is easily distinguishable, like that of a child, struggling to make coherent sentences with the usual Yea Forums lingo. There is nothing to do but to make you realize just how astronomically stupid you are.

This isn't a Disney story though. This is just some retarded fanfic tier jap crossover with a fanbase full of manchildren. I love Disney stories. This is not a Disney story.

>personal attack with absolutely no substance or counter-argument

Seething manchild detected.

>I love Disney stories
Laugh out loud, holy fuck.

How would you know, when you haven't played it?

Jeez, you sure are retarded.

>calls me stupid and says I'm wrong
>provides no evidence or counter-argument

Autism reaching critical levels.

Keep those buzzwords coming mate, it sure makes you look well adjusted and not at all like a 13 year old Xbox Live kiddie.


Thats like saying I have to read Mein Kampf to understand Hitler.

Oh I see. It's one of those kids who just repeat "no argument".

Your post is nothing but a combination of shitposting, repeating use of prepubescent insults, and fear. You're just fucking stupid. Enjoy me calling you fucking retarded every post and not playing into your silly kid's game.

>Make retarded thread because you are a dumb teenager
>Get put in your place by adults
>Have an autistic meltdown

The funny thing is that you think we are the immature ones.

What Chain of Memories Should Have Been

>he does it again

Seething infantile manchild.

How come you need to understand it? Just play the game and if you don't like it then that's fine. I'm going to justify my like of the series.

Buzz buzz zoom zoom

The only one "seething" here is you, and it's hilarious to watch. This entire thread is just people laughing at you while you desperately flail around using the latest meme insults because you lack the creativity for anything else.

>so much salt and absolutely no argument

>calls himself an "adult"
Plays autistic crossover games

Ask yourself this: Why do people watch bad movies? Now, Kingdom Hearts is like a bad movie with some good game play in there. Terrible things with high production value tend to turn out enjoyable, although never in the intended way. But why would that matter to anyone who's having fun with them?

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I think he's losing it guys, a few more posts and he'll probably break his keyboard, then immediately regret it and start crying

This thread has an even distribution of opinion. Its just that the more autistic side (KH fans) decide to stick around because they have more of an investment in the discussion.

Same person

Imagine being this assblasted

How old are you exactly? Be honest. If you dare.

lol. you're surrounded.

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>he made an image macro just for me


Why are you kids so mad just because I trashed your little jap crossover fanfic? You're in complete denial. I feel bad for you.

Good god is this Barry? The autism is unreal.

Last phase of autistic spergouts on Yea Forums: The autist deludes himself into thinking everyone else is just one guy

Because it cannot possibly be that you are just retarded and that's why everyone else is ganging up on you.

>resorts to false flagging

oh no

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Play KH2.
I'm still in shock from just how monumentally bad KH3 was.

what kind of autism is this called? i don't know what it's implying.

Old enough to recognize autistic fanfic crossover when I see it.

This guy is too assblasted to be Barry. Barry KNOWS he'll get shit on by everyone when he starts posting, this guy is legitimately shocked that it turns out people don't agree with his autism.

Come on now, be a brave boy and tell us. Are you 15? 16?

Gameplay is fun
Visuals are great
Music is flawless
And I unironically love the story, lore and characters.

Then you're stupid. sorry bro

you were stupid from the start.

Nostalgia to be honest. And Utada. I'm not invested in the story like other anons. The games have style and one game has amazing gameplay.

So, from what I gathered from this thread...


1. Gameplay: thats fair
2. Soundtrack: Thats pretty reasonable, a good soundtrack massively contributes to a games atmosphere
3. Story: This is where you lose me. As I've stated before, I just find it absolutely impossible to invest myself in a Disney/anime crossover that actually takes itself seriously. Its just infantile, thats it. Its for children. No man who has reached adulthood should be able to emotionally connect with Donald Duck or Olaf the snowman on any meaningful level outside of some ironic humor. You're all manchildren who will never grow up and will never amount to anything.

The Disney/ anime crossover is the best part. Shut the fuck up.

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I just treat the few Disney characters that actually matter to the plot just as i would treat any other random imaginary furry species in JRPG desu. Probably helps that i was never that much into Disney.

It just escapes me how any adjusted adult could share this opinion. Anybody I've ever discussed this with offline shares the same opinion, its completely infantile.

What kind of media does a well adjusted adult indulge in?

KH ignores that it is a crossover and treats the characters like any other. People treat Donald like a mage, or Mickey like a well-respected King, but they still have their personalities despite all of that.

>No man who has reached adulthood should be able to emotionally connect with Donald Duck or Olaf the snowman on any meaningful level outside of some ironic humor
You postulate that we can not connect to these characters if we are full grown adults since we should share nothing in common with them. You are then saying that these characters are designed for children. If you can not share any form of connection with these characters, does that not mean you either share a weak or nonexistent connection with children? How is it a reasonable trait to not be able to share a strong connection with children you are tasked with raising? If you believe this is not a problem and the acceptable way of the world, then you still have plenty of growing up to do.

>If you can not share any form of connection with these characters, does that not mean you either share a weak or nonexistent connection with children?

That is a massive stretch at best. These characters are not children, they are adult-aged characters who children can relate to. The emotional connection that a child has to an adult is very different from the connection an adult has to a child.

You would know this if you ever left your moms basement.

>Anybody I've ever discussed this with offline shares the same opinion
I'm unfortunately surrounded by adults with children so I can't attest to "hip" culture. Everyone around me thinks the game looks fun and entertaining and something they would play. What kind of adults are you surrounded by user? Single? College students that think they are adults? I'm not trying to imply one or the other, I'm just curious.

Well-adjusted, sensible, sucessful and respectable men.

The Disney worlds being stupid are the reason we love it. The anime shit is decent IF you played them all as they released over the years. It was fucking best game as an edgy sensitive bitch teen, though the gameplay holds up. The series infinitely dropped after the PSP version. Everything before was decent enough and I Dont regret playing any of them really.

ITT: Seething incels

>Well-adjusted, sensible, sucessful and respectable men
I highly doubt the people you surround yourself with fit even a single one of those descriptions if you are that eager to hide what type of people you surround yourself with. For example, in my position I'm surrounded by engineers, plant managers, unit operators, and such. As far as success, I believe the nation's top 2% is supposed to be around $198k a year. If that is correct then I know plenty of "successful" people based on that criterion. Also you generally aren't allowed to run a plant if you aren't well-adjusted, sensible, and respectable. Again, what type of people are you surrounded with? Family men? Early in their career? Old? Young? How about some real descriptions rather than blanket statements that are more likely false to begin with.

Fun with heart

Why is this series trying to make me look like a Sony fanboy? The only games I found to be decent are games only available on Sony systems. KH1, 2, and BBS are the only games I like. I might like Re:coded too except the camera annoys me too much to finish it. Everything else was shit, including KH3. I would use KH3 to make myself seem like less of a Sony fanboy, but then I realized it is also on Xbone.

Not getting into a dick measuring contest with some retard on the internet.

I know you're just an incel who has to LARP to try and prove his point. Sad.

Just kiss each other and get the sexual tension over with faggots

>I can't answer a simple question because the truth is I'm surrounded by a bunch of "adults" that have some growing up to do and I don't feel like spending time creating a lie that I may have to spend even more time backing up because of how fishy it sounds
Its okay user. You could have said you were some highly paid programmer or something and I would have been fine with that if it was a lie or not.

Because it’s pure dumb chuuni bullshit and it’s just fun to see.

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>he thinks its better to lie to some rando on the internet instead of just ignore them

Fucked up moral compass lmao. You're definitely not "well adjusted".

t. Zoomer
It's popular because of childhood nostalgia. That's all.

Olaf is not nostalgic for anybody old enough to browse Yea Forums

Kingdom Hearts games in general aren't nostalgic for zoomers though.

>Goofy lookin kid with giant ass shoes goes on an adventure in random disney worlds (complete with original disney voice actors) after getting a funky lookin swordthing
>occasionally meets final fantasy characters that people actually fucking know (read: not TWEWY shit)
>Plot doesnt seem to take itself so seriously, starts with a "Disney villains are colluding to capture their corresponding franchise princess to gain more power because they're magic" (note here that disney is actually fucking relevant to the plot) but then some super evil/pure DARKNESS dude that's /actually/ pulling all the strings comes out to give you a final boss and closure.
>Soundtrack is either tasteful disney songs or original songs by yoko shimoura in her prime when she wasnt just making the FFXV soundtrack over and over
>About finding friends, bringing them back from stupid decisions, and rescuing your 10 year old crush
>Enemies are varied, innovative, and actually fucking reflect the world they're in - What's that? You're in a jungle? Monkey-Darkness. Peter pan? Pirate-darkness

>It's a gameboy spinoff with a more simplified card format
>Starts to deal with some weird anime shit because they realize they have to have fallout from the first game but all the disney worlds have the same plot/characters/music
>dude it's that game you like on gameboy with a slightly different story
>and you get to play through the worlds TWICE

>Holy fuck the gameplay gets an upgrade
>Wait you were actually taking that story seriously?
>twists for twists sake

Didn't play rest lmao

Absolute cringe, wtf?

>he thinks its better to lie
Who said that? I haven't lied about anything and I didn't tell the other user to lie. All I said is I would accept his answer as fact rather than blatantly calling him a liar. If you can't hold a conversation with someone online while telling the truth then isn't it your moral compass that needs some tuning? I can understand omitting certain details, but telling everyone that I work in things such as plants and mills does no harm to those locations and gives them less than a .01% chance of finding out my real identity.

>Did you grow up in the early 2000s and play 1 or/& 2?
That's basically it.

Nobody wants to hold a conversation with some LARPing, lying spergtard who plays childrens games.


Why are you projecting this badly? Why don't you want anyone to have enjoyed any of the KH games? What is your damage user?

How? I don't play children's games

>Why don't you want anyone to have enjoyed any of the KH games?
Not about that, Its just pathetic how somebody has yet to provide me with a good reason as to why they play these games.

I've played them all and I don't get why it's so popular either. Don't get me wrong they're fun and have their moments but people stroke the series, you would think it's something truly amazing but not really. It's just cross over fanfic and every game is mostly irrelevant Disney filler. My favorite parts of the series are those special heartfelt and bittersweet moments between friends. Gameplay peaks in kh2 critical, which also has the best bosses. I think the series is decent but I don't understand the massive following either.

He's 14

>anyone who see's these infantile games for what they are is underaged


You're very clearly underage by the way you type, not by your refusal to like a whimsical game designed for kids that can appeal to adults as well.
>some LARPing, lying spergtard

That said, most kids grow out of the "I don't like spongebob because that's for babies" phase when they're about 14.

All games are for children.

>somebody has yet to provide me with a good reason
Already been done plenty of times in this thread alone. We can't force you to hear everything we have said. That is something you have to do on your own.

>I don't play children's games
Do you want a prize or something? This is an anonymous website. No need to hide things that you would normally consider embarrassing. I do promise you this though. When you do reach an age where you find yourself surrounded by regular adults, no one will bat an eye at you playing a game like Kingdom Hearts. A lot of people will actually be genuinely interested, even if they won't ever play it themselves. At least that applies for current adults. Who knows what kind of adults your generation will produce. Then again it sounds like the crazy liberal generation will end up being a small generation quickly followed by one of the biggest conservative generations in history. Young adults are finding out that socialism sucks and that keeping more of your money from your paycheck is a very attractive idea.

>admits he's a child
All I needed to hear

>Already been done plenty of times in this thread alone
I said a GOOD reason

>A lot of people will actually be genuinely interested, even if they won't ever play it themselves. At least that applies for current adults.
It applies to Yea Forumscel manchildren

because Yea Forums is full of autistic spergs with the mental capacity of 12 year olds, of course this appeals to them.

You should study for Mrs. Rosenberg's 10th English class more. Your reading comprehension needs work.

TWEWY was fucking great, you mongoloid.

>all games are for children
>he plays games
>therefore he is a child

more like 2nd grade english. Go back

>I said a GOOD reason
If you want to show your capacity for rational thought and are looking for an actual answer rather than shitposting, then feel free to briefly explain what your conditions are for a good reason. Once I know your criteria, I can then try to answer you with a "good" reason. Until then, I am shooting in the dark as plenty of good reasons have already been listed.

Its for people who's hearts have been completely jaded over. Funny because the game is filled with extremely melodramatic teenagers and edgy's oc's.

seething incel

Well I guess shitposting it is. Before you go and congratulate yourself though, realize I'm at work getting paid so this has been no skin off my back. Congrats on nothing and enjoy the rest of your night.

>Didn't play rest lmao

I am at home with your wife lol