I can't believe Trigger gets to fuck this

I can't believe Trigger gets to fuck this

Attached: Princess_D'Elise_Profile.jpg (1920x1080, 1.64M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Was was her name again?

He barely interacted with Rosa though.
Much more likely he fucked daddy issues mechanic or 3P'd with Count and Huxian

Trigger gets to fuck everything



She doesn't even know who Trigger is. His life peaked in those months and he will die in obscurity.

t. Count

What game is this?

>tfw all the porn of her is deviant-art-tier crap

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Trigger has no interaction with Cosette. Mihaly's girls though...

Not important. What's important is this groove: youtube.com/watch?v=2o_XGQ3EcrI

you don't need porn of ace combat characters

your F-22 is all you need

Trigger is not a lolifag, delete this. Trigger is for Scrap Queen ONLY.

Disgusting, gripen a best

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Incorrect, this is pure sex

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Limp Queen doesn't even meet Trigger face to face, if anything she is getting Anachist dick, Trigger is yet another underdog war hero like Mobius he will get finer women than some hangar wrench.

Are the 8AAMs useless for anything that isn't Arsenal Bird and bombers?

>in soviet russia, wing sweeps forwards!

Even Count became his dickrider in the end.

Christ that's a beautiful white woman. Post more

Drone swarms and dabbing on looping retards in multiplayer

He is right though, many of Ace Combat player characters are hailed as greek heroes by the end of the game, comes the next game there's no war report on their popularity becoming ever lasting, planes named after them, hangars named after them, bases named after them, nothing.

excuse me she is pure eursian

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>the mission where Spare Squadron finally gets their shit together and forms up on Trigger
>yfw it got ruined by Full Band dying due to Bandog orders

so the dead of full_band is bandog's fault?

>if anything she is getting Anachist dick
You can't fuck a dead man, user.

Bandog insists it was an accident but his character is very shaddy throughout the whole game, it was very likely he did intentionally.

>This is the penal unit, I decide when you die
Gee I wonder

It's left semi ambiguous if it was an accident or intentional on Bandog's part, but it very likely was intentional Bandog does specifically ask for Full Band's position when they form up and gives a slight "heh" afterwards and Full Band has been saying military secrets and shit over open air comms, so it's a good reason why Bandog would want to kill Full Band.
The main defense is that Full Band & the others were flying F/18's just like the enemy planes they were fighting so Bandog might have been confused but I doubt it.

What are Yea Forums's thoughts on the F-35?

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I can't believe count got to fuck huxian

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Do you think he got to fuck Brownie before Mihaly vaporized her?

Too short and fat.

Hux is for Wiseman.

Mobius One was a hero, and people kept riding his dick for about a decade after the war. Blaze got swept up under the rug because reasons. Cipher probably got the same treatment.

>bandog agrees with fullband that "information is a valuable thing"
>specifically asks for fullband's location when the IFF fucks up
Gee, I wonder.

Cypher is remembered for what he did during the official Belkan War (muh demon lord), not for stuff involving AWWNB.

That isn't fat. She has the firm belly of a tomboy.

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The princess got raped by rebels for 3 DAYS STRAIGHT after they shot her dog.

Bandog did nothing wrong by killing Full Band, he was leaking military secrets and trying to blackmail the higher ups, if left to do what he wanted, Spare squadron would have been fucked over even more and probably wouldn't have been pardoned.

Princess is pure and unsullied. Please do not say untrue things about the rebels.

Normal mission
>there are three enemies left, go get them Trigger

Faceless Soldier
>there are a few targets remaining

>caring about anything other than jets and women
I thought the story spelled it out that she is lesbian

That Wiseman vs Mr X fight was the weirdest shit. Never seen a Resident Evil/Sailor Moon crossover before

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Canonically very few people outside of the frontline know about Cipher (that's why Thompson had such a hard time writing his article).
Same goes for Blaze, in the official records the Wardog squadron was shot down and sank into the ocean, everything after that is technically mere fairytales and speculation (muh Demons of Razgriz). The fact that the war's documents haven't been declassified yet doesn't help either.

that's not how you spell Avril
they clearly had sex off-screen

Soulless compared to F-22

It's neat to look at, but that's about it. Too expensive, jack of all trades, master of none. Sunk-cost fallacy has hit the Pentagon hard.

Also, F-35C is the worst variant, unfortunate that we got stuck with it in AC7.

Lesbians don't exist.

>Trigger has no interaction with Cosette
He does though, she speaks directly to him at the end of the space elevator climb.

I think the single nozzle is cute

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But isn't F-35's speciality of having all the combat data and coordination for instant clear first strike from its instruments and data management?

This but unironically

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Bandog literally did nothing wrong

>murdered a man instead of just changing his password and throwing away the sticky note

I wonder if they'll pull a real world and have the documents still show (REDACTED) even after they're declassified because they're not FULLY declassified.

AC8 should be about an aerobatics team that's forced into war

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dude was literally BRAGGING about it

he murdered him because he knew about the Stonehenge mission and would've killed Stonehenge mommy

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that's no reason to have one of his buddies murder him

>Stealing military secrets isn't a big deal.

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Prowling convicts should be shoot on sight

Reminder that they made awkward first timer sex all night long and Tabloid couldn't get a wink of sleep because of them.

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>Got so assblasted about Trigger doing his job that he throws the man in solitary
Bandog is a faggot.

Which one moaned Trigger's name by mistake?

That was McKinsey you idiot. Bandog literall praised Trigger in the end of Transfer Order Mission

yeah I think it was a power trip of
>in all this confusion, I get to kill one of the prisoners
failing the next mission is pretty funny though, Bandog is just an asshole to everyone from Spare Squadron, Cyclops Squadron and McKinsley

So Mihaly is supposed to be some Ace of Aces but all he does is shoot down a couple of damaged or otherwise spent retreating craft and a guy they needed to sacrifice for drama before going down like a bitch. Disappointing.

/u/fags are cancer wherever they go.

There's only one instance of Trigger needing to do something that sends him to solitary (the first mission) and that is done by McKinsey

I can't believe I was dumb enough to think Belka might not have been involved this time. Every fucking time, Belkans.

>8492 more

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Reminder that the most powerful individual in Strangereal got away with it all in the end.

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Avril but Cosette started mumbling about Yellow squadron at one point

He still refers to your work as "Trigger bullshit"

I can't believe Trigger gets to fuck this

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Avril looks like the kind of girl who knows how to rock a strap-on.

Based Belkan pedo

Reminder that Yellow 13 was a nerd.

He is just jealous

The next game should hint at a conspiracy the entire time, but it turns out there is no conspiracy and the war was just a product of a nationalistic public

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Trigger is a war hero, he is not going to mingle with some limp rat.

How many of you realized that the cover of AC7 is the Princess looking at Trigger

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He's a war hero and an ace pilot he can mingle with whatever piece of ass he wants to.

>goes out of her way to extensively modify trigger's plane

>"polishes his cockpit" for him

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In the next game, the Belkans start a war by just mixing up the country names on purpose.

>being jealous of a zoomer that probably dabbed when he killed President Harling.


Got a semi chub

Immediately after seeing her atop of the space elevator.

It's a shitty export plane

Isn't that Count after he takes a missile for her?

>going down the slav upgrade tree

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Don't think count flies an f-22 in that mission.

Blaze wasn't remembered because wardog got shot down and killed
Cipher gets mentioned in books by his nickname, AWWNB is something that never went out for the public, only the people that fought him remembers him

why is there a dick on her chin

Count pilots an F-15.

What a bitch

Can't wait till Trigger is announce to be of African Descent.

Africa doesn't exist. Blacks are minorities in Strangereal and yet there's no racism issue.

would that trigger you, snowflake?

>racism issue
but everyone is racist against belkans

>She gets off scott free
>Her reasons for the war were stupid
>"They are building a space elevator and they are gonna take over our country with it!"
>She never went to the damn thing
>Only realizes that she was a terrible person AFTER SHE WENT THERE
>She then realizes that she was just a pawn
>Nothing happens to her, and she is the reason that her country wont exist in the future

>Trigger is so insane that he jumped dimensions from Earth to Strangereal
I can buy it.

isn't this the plot of a gundam

Erusian radicals user. The professor literally explained that they tricked the Princess.

heh, fuck that dog

So what's this games defining title?

She's not the sovereign and Erusean law prevents her from becoming the sovereign until they change it

long live belka

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fuck you wesker

I know that, but one of the reasons why they wouldnt have gotten their hold on her is if she actually went to the space elevator. Instead of just taking their word for it.

True, but she was the main motivator. Encouraging her people to pick up arms and fight. If she wasnt giving her speeches, the war wouldnt have gone anywhere

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>I know that, but one of the reasons why they wouldnt have gotten their hold on her is if she actually went to the space elevator. Instead of just taking their word for it.
They would not let her. They literally told her "just stay at your country and keep rallying the people, we gonna take care of the rest"

>the war wouldnt have gone anywhere
Yeah the radical who actually wanted the war would have just not fought without their puppet figurehead.

The overwhelming success of the drone strikes at the beginning of the war are what led to the Radicals being able to escalate it. The propaganda value of neutralizing almost all of Osea's aircraft carriers and seizing the space elevator with the arsenal birds guaranteed it.

Roca Roja

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Faceless Soldier

Where do you guys see 6th gen planes going?

>moan about erusean culture as the reason why they must go to war
>erusea ends up being wrecked with independence movements and instability


To be fair, this could happen with any country if the internet got deleted

So, is there going to be any more content for this game? Feels like this one was really lacking in the replay value department, and I never gave a shit about multiplayer. Why can't I mix and match skins and emblems? Why is unlocking all these skins completely not worth it? Why is the plane selection so bad this time around? Why is the Strike Wyvern the worst experimental plane? My hands for controlling the flight stick hurt. Why won't Scrap Queen fugg Trigger? I want to go home.

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I read that the current meme is that they're doing away with rudders for that extra stealth bonus.

fighter aircraft that could fire at any position on its body so there's is no blindspot. you could have either co-pilot or AI.

Full Band says this during the mission:

To which Bandog responds with

jets can already do that

>best girl becoming realer

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>That shit was as accidental as the missile that shot down Harding.


Stop calling planes girls.


I don't know user, but putting TWO death machines flying around it 24/7 that can attack anyone, anywhere in the whole continent seems suspicious to say the least

Boeing seems to think so.

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I get that, but why would you leave a multi BILLION DOLLAR structure undefended? Built for peace or not, someone would want to take that down.

talking about things like turrets, bits/funnels, energy field driver, fortress mode, etc...

They're literally selling a season pass hinting at more content to come.

Also, the VR missions might come to PC in a year, based on the fine print on the PS4 box that says they're only exclusive for a year.

IFF got hacked
It's entirely possible that it got hacked again mid combat

But it's fun.

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Aren't aircraft referred to by female pronouns though? I though it was like ships.

>another japanese game full of white characters

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>VR missions
wow, it's fucking nothing

>Ace Combat game but your plane has a built in waifu

You should be used to that color by now, it gets smeared all over your face every night.

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Yeah, we need to let japan know that we won't buy any more games until they are at least 99% black

Girly Airforce by Project Aces? might be cool.

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>Shoot down a rival ace
>Cute plane AI saying that you're amazing
user no

The cutest ones are always the most mental, Yea Forums. Never forget.

tfw you will never fly an AI assisted fighter jet. Who slowly becomes yandere for you

What exactly are we getting from the season pass? So far I've heard about:
>3 new planes, which seem to be the Morgan, Falken and possibly the Nosferatu
>new missions where you face off the rogue penal unit
That can't be everything, right? I want some co-op multiplayer. Adding extra planes would also be nice, since we're missing stuff like the MiG 1.44 and the F-117 (it's even fully modelled).

Season Pass is just 3 additional missions and 3 skins or some shit I don't know.

Gripen is very cute

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what is the name of this? I want to read all of them right now!

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Please please Bamco
just Macross by Project Aces
fucking please

Swedes are not cute.

>not knowing about flight highschool
Get on this shit user so you can suffer with the rest of us because updates never

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love you both

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Which airplanes are the European ones? Hate the Russia ones but I also want to avoid the American ones.

Only if the protagonist is a guy in a normal plane trying to keep up with those fancy plane girls

>wanting more multiplayer content instead of single player content
I sincerely hope someone punches you in the jugular in the near future. You are everything wrong with video games these days. You are the same cunts who supported GTA 5 online. Eat shit and die

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Flight highschool, now you can see your planefu as a waifu

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gripen, rafale, mirage, typhoon, F-2A, F-15J

There's a middle point between undefended and having 2 autonomous murder machines with continental range flying around it

>not wanting to achieve air superiority with your buddy
Imagine being this much of a shitstain. Get out of my round table.

>he judges planes based on their place of origin
You are scum, europoor planes are down the f22 tree in a sub branch

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>14m long
>8m wingspan
>7 tonnes
Begone pedophile

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>wanting to babysit a liability

F-2A and F-15J are Japanese, not European.

Gripen is a lady, she’s just small!

Gripen is a slut, she's whoring herself to Leasath's airforce.

Grippen is a good girl and I love her.

Attached: Saab_JAS-39_Gripen_(Czech_Air_Force)_(6417854291).jpg (2000x1333, 1.21M)

Best jet in operation anywhere atm

Delet rn

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She's a big girl

>F-35 over the Raptor

Meme jet

>implying Trigger wants to fuck anything but his plane

Single engine jets are the cutest jets ever

A tomcat is fine too

>better avionics
>better A2G
>half the price

>falling for the Raptor meme

Well never get to see Trigger take her up and show her how dark blue the sky is.

I don't think the story was as bad as everyone complained about. The only problem was that they put in a ton of important info and little things in spots they'd be very easy to miss. How many of you are aware that Clown got shot down by Mihaly?

>taking off the oxygen masks for a second when they cum for the sake of autoerotic asphyxiation

seeing stars
at the edge of space

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>avril turns Dark Blue™ due to oxygen deprivation

thsi is the best plane when you begin the game

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Cease this

>painting blue stripes around your sidewinders

look at this dumb nigga carrying training weapons into battle

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>no F/A-18C
I am sad

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The hornet is literally the worst contemporary jet. They're some of the only modern planes with a thrust:weight ratio under 1:1

Oh is that what the C means for some planes?

*drops speed to 350 kn
*33 alpha turn to 90 degree HOB
*cuts you in half with HOB AIM-9X 5 seconds after fight begins

nothing personnel


How can she be so angry after she got taken for a ride by the best pilot in the world?

>*drops speed to 350 kn
And here is where you get boomed by a plane with triple your energy while you can barely even point your nose up

Reminder that Harling wasn't flying the transport and Erusea was in control the whole time

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Maybe Trigger likes fucking angry tomboys.

high off boresight kills you in 1 circle fren, energy is meaningless

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Every contemporary jet can have a sub 1:1 ratio depending on fuel and weapon load. With 2 heaters and 50% fuel (how agility is usually measured) it has a 1.13 ratio which is pretty comparable with the F-16 and Mirage 2000.

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>energy is meaningless
No it isn't, it completely dictates every fight, with or without missiles. With missiles you'll get kited at the optimal range of the faster aircraft, without missiles you'll get boomed from above and never even see who's peppering you with 20mm.

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lol f-18

notice the f-18 is right beside a plane that is superior to it in literally every way, having 1.5x higher thrust:weight ratio

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>ace combat thread
OwO looks like its the time for bullshit theory

White women ftw!

I feel bad for Tabloid.

He didn't even get to be dramatically ratfucked by Bandog or killed by Mr. X.

He literally just has someone say, "oh no stuff fell on him and he died"

At least he finally got what he wanted.

>Brownie's missile gets rendered
>Wiseman's missile gets rendered
Why doesn't Full Band's?

>no source
>eurotriangles being literally twice as agile as american 4th gens
>F-16, the king of the sustained 9g turn, that low
>epic F-35 can't turn meme
Did Pierre Sprey make this dogshit?

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>tfw when everyone starts to worship you and the Eruseans start to fear you
>Count's entire character arc is him realizing he can never reach your level
Usually that shit doesn't faze me, but goddamn it makes you feel good.

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You'd have loved AC4 and AC5

>tfw Mobius One missions are PS4 only content

Is it a timed exclusive thing or is it just permanently PS4 VR only? I want to play as Mobius One again.


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It's because full band knew about Stonehenge and was bragging about it on an open channel

Scrap Queen

pretty sure that's a toy

I kinda wished we could've kept the Suicide Squad thing for the entire story and they didn't kill everyone off.

Having the big squad of prisoners becoming war heroes instead of being whittled down and reintegrated into the military would've been cool. Also I kinda wish you could've seen Clown and the others again at the end.

You just show up as spare squadron and someone says your callsign and Clown and co. are like "wait, what??"

"Timed" exclusive but most likely they'll never bother putting them on PC or such. They're exclusive for like a year or something and most people will probably forget by then.

underrated post

>have the ps2 trilogy roms
Now is the time to sell me on it anons

*fucks your granddaughters while you're out on sortie*

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So what's planned for DLC? I'm hoping for a gauntlet mode where you can fight all the previous Ace Combat protags in their canon planes.

The AI pilots don't even do anything so it feels hollow
Mihaly demonstrably only takes out weaklings even after all the talk that he's felled aces every generation. weaksauce

>single engine planes

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Is Mihaly the ultimate cuck?
All he had to do was pack his daughters up and defect to Osea in his plane. A top ace like him would've been allowed to fly forever under an Osean flag. Instead he sold out the world just so he could stay in Erusea.

He does take out Wiseman, who is said to be the other great ace in the LRSSG.

God, I wish that was me


Will Belka revive by developing Strangreal's first lead pursuit missiles?

>Ghost Eye: Garuda 1 you do not have a wingman, let me pick the other guy who also happens to pilot an experimental Estovakian plane we're not supposed to know about until much later

He's a noble, which probably means he's got a few layers of inbreeding involved.

>marketing campaign made it seem that you're gonna be part of the penal unit for most of the game
>it actually lasts for like 3-4 missions and you get to fuck off somewhere else

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I can't believe Trigger gets to fuck this

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I really liked the LRSSG, but I wish you got your own squadron of former convicts (Count, Tabloid, and Scrap Queen) instead of just taking over Strider, maybe in-universe Trigger and Count vouches for them.
Also there should've been a mission during the "chaos and confusion" segment where you run into the rogue 444, led by Bandog and you and Count finally get their comeuppance
We could get sort of a battle of intel between the AWACs as you try to fight the 444 while your IFF keeps switching back and forth

>fighting for the country that invaded and annexed yours

of course he was a cuck.

>epilogue talks about Yuktobanian relief aid
>implying Yukes have food

Deerfags, when will they learn?

How much longer until real jets can hold as many missiles as AC jets?

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isn't that the DLC missions?


>epilogue talks about Yuktobanian relief aid
You mean YuktoVAYNIA, totally different country

>You are literally told that penal units are going rogue
>Never have to put down your once friends as they scream for mercy

>replace all those AMRAAMs with Cuda missiles mounted back to back
>44 air-to-air missiles

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How does he fuck her when he's stuck on the moon forever?

pretty sure the DLC missions will have an entirely new plot set after AC7

Do you like anime as fuck war stories and the idea of being a literal grim reaper in a plane raining death and eventually taking down super weapons capable of destroying meteors and leveling entire cities?


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The dirty dozen thing was good but I liked how high the casualty rate was. It would have been cool if we had a steady supply of fresh meat that gets shot down during the suicide missions with only important characters managing to survive. By the end of the game instead of prisoners or fuck ups the new squad members are actual nuggets. The vets would be concerned about Spare's unique culture being washed out by the clean records.

>designed so the Marines can replace their Hornets
Are Marine pilots any good?

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Post the quintessential tomboy plane.

I'm not sure it'd be advisable to let two young girls ride with you in a fighter jet, let alone one that only has a single seat.

until Freespace 2

The DLC is basically confirmed to feature the rogue penal unit, with the main antagonist being the pilot with three sin lines that shot down Labarthe. Given that the DLC hints at terrorism and foreign aid, it must be set after the main campaign.

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Why does the Navy's Army have an Air Force again? US military structure is fucking ridiculous.

I can't believe they actually made a shortstack plane

Scrap Queen > Erusian Princess

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When do we get im@s skins for the newest game?

Literally la goblina.

Roy Rogers' horse is still alive? AND fucking white bitches? Damn.

Since Aircraft carriers became the dominant military asset

>touched the "joystick" of Harling's murderer
No, user.

Scrap Queen + Erusean Princess

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>his ""Navy"" can't afford carriers

my headcanon tells me this because of how desperate Brownie was pleading for Trigger to help her
First time I played that mission I restarted several times trying to save her but it turns out if you shoot down Mihaly at all before he shoots her down or after you get a game over

I was surprised they made it all, really. We should have started the move to 100% unmanned planes 10 years ago. I can't believe how much money they dumped into this.

As long as he has oxygen for them it doesn't matter, he's not gonna be going 10 G maneuvers on the way to osea.

>he's not gonna be going 10 G maneuvers on the way to osea.
I wouldn't put it past him.

Avril is for anal.
Cosette is for oral.

No on deserves Three Strikes' DNA.

Bullshit, Mihaly has infinite HP in all missions he shows up in the Su-30, you can't actually shoot him down.


Imagine Ionela sitting on your lap and your boner punching through her pants and hitting her cervix as you go into a 10g turn, with the blood rushing to your lower body making your dick even bigger.

you can, user, I did it, in that mission specifically
you just get a game over
In the other missions he ACTIVELY shows up in where you dogfight him he has infinite hp though

have a mission where you have to do a canyon run in a commercial plane

that actually is a great idea

The trailer and some comments by Kono about the antagonist being the most evil ace in the series. Also, Rosa comments that the plane that shot down Labarthe's transport had three scratches.

>Trigger fucks darkies
He probably had Avril hop in his cockpit so help get Brownie off his mind.

Mobius 1 got a squadron named after him, and people still were flying with his aircraft livery years after his retirement and a regime change.

What? She was talking about you, the plane that hit Labarthe was under Argos's command, who thought Karl was an impostor

I want Ionela and Alma to get gangraped by smelly fat ugly old men that have extreme unquenched carnal desire and thirst by obscenely do unstoppable hardcore penetration on their sweaty cunt, anus, and mouth simultaneously while they are being whipped, spanked, and choked to near death with a continuous injection of aphrodisiac until they love the sickening BDSM play and squirmed in maximum ecstatic orgasm. Then they will become public semen toilet that occasionally pops out fetus and cannot think nothing else other than wanting to be fuck endlessly to the point their brain cannot handle the immoral and decadent pleasantries, turning their whole raison d'être into getting fucked and cummed by every stinky fat ugly old men on the entire world.

You're full of shit, post proof right now or fuck off.

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let's not do that again

Play mission 16 again, her plane is in the same area as Labarthe's chopper, outside of Trigger's area of operations.

Belka leave.

user I'm not gonna go open my game and play that mission again just to prove something to a singular autist on a fucking anonymous image board
do it yourself

Holy shit. I guess this is for WW3?

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I'm sure Mew is under the truck too, faggot.

You're over thinking it, she is clearly talking about you, the F-16 was under Argus's orders and it shot at Labarthe from kilometers away from Rosa's plane.
And I'm pretty sure the transmission isn't from Rosa, it's from Ionela, you can even hear Schroeder's voice, the camera just shows Rosa's plane for some reason

It's definitely Rosa's voice and she's nowhere near Trigger.

so did this bitch not get charged with any warcrimes for starting a war? how bout that belkan dick who made the drones?

whatever dude I'm not someone who gets angry at something so insignificant

fuck that mission where you have to identify targets

She's serving her time by letting Osea use her like a cum dump

that was literally the best mission, learn to padlock view

The mission design in this game annoyed me. Every time I wanted to use a mission-purpose jet, there would always be some "curve" that makes finishing in said jet near impossible. Wound up just playing in general purpose craft for the rest of the game since the hot and spicy "surprise" generally wasn't after the third mission.

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She's helping Avril polish Trigger's canopy, no one is going to dare lay a finger on her.

Who could possibly be behind this post?

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It's perfect for aircraft carriers because they can have much more jets and firepower because of their limited size to an airforce base. ofcourse a reactionary >muh f22 nigger wouldnt understand

Just get good, you can easily clear air superiority missions with an A-10.

>Dr. Schroeder! Tell me what's happening!
>That's the aircraft my grandfather told me about; The one with the scratches
>Alma, hold on tight

What part of this dialog makes you think it's Cosette? All of it happens when you are checking out the mystery transport, long before the transport copter goes down. There also aren't any sin lines on the F-16

Attached: F-16.jpg (2560x1440, 184K)

Shortstack isn't a bad thing you double belkan

>there would always be some "curve" that makes finishing in said jet near impossible
Literally a staple of the entire series

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user, see the cutscene after you finish the mission.

Full band probably leaked the iff tag shit

dude just admit this is your headcanon because everything the game shows you contradicts with what you're saying

t. never listened to the briefings
they always hint at the mission updates

>There are three scratches
>What does that mean?
>The tail of that plane
Please make an effort, it's clearly Rosa talking and she saw Labarthe's transport being shot down.

Once you do the MG run, literally everything in the game feels easy as long as you have missiles. I've been doing ace mode with all the early shit tier planes and it feels infinitely less of a pain in the ass than doing it with MGs only. If you mean using an attacker and getting ambushed by fighters at the end of a mission, it's really not that big of a deal. Even an A-10 can shit on anything in single player mode easily.

>Omitting "Grandpa told me about that plane" line
Now I know you're trolling

Not really, 4 and 0 are very consistent in their missions, especially 0 since you pick exactly what version of the mission you want to play. 5 was the one that changed things up with multiple missions with no breaks between them.

This has to be bait right, how daft can you be? The F-16 does not have 3 strikes, it's a regular forces plane under Argus's command, it's not even Rosa talking why the fuck would Rosa call up Schroeder on the other plane and just say "there are three scratches", nobody in the entire game has ever referred to the three scratches without referring to you

Not him, but wasn't that the transport with Schroeder and the girls on board? Rosa wasn't on that. It sounds like the granddaughter talking. That said, she might actually be referring to the plane that shot Labarthe down. It might just be weird cutscene direction though. The transport they were on seemed to have been turned in a way that they wouldn't have been able to see that plane and Labarthe being shot down.

Ok. I found the part (23:25ish in ) but there are no scratches on the F-16. Either PA was too lazy to use a skin that already exists for the cutscene or she's talking about something else

you clearly haven't played 4 recently, 4 pulls that shit on you way more than 7

>that part where count wanted to turn Megalith back on to btfo erusea
Say what you want about this game but the briefings were consistently 10/10.

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No, at the end of the mission you see Rosa's transport, you can tell both apart by the Erusean emblem.


Go to 0:46.

I do desperately wish we had done some stupid Rambo mission and dug up a missing supply of souped up su37s in megalith, along with some meteor busting superweapon that could be used on the arsenal bird shield or something. The moment with cosette helping was ok but seeing megalith again would’ve been better fan service than Nagase being like HEY THANKS MR TRIGGER

>Either PA was too lazy to use a skin that already exists for the cutscene
They probably did it because it was dark and you can't see the plane's markings clearly anyway.

Reminder that Trigger made fun of victims of war.


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Have you?
Sitting duck: Pure A2A
Imminent threat: pure A2G
Nothern eye: pure A2G
Blockade: pure A2A
Lifeline: A2G get chased off by yellows
Invincible flee: pure A2G
Deep Strike: A2G then stonehenge hits
Shattered skies: pure A2A
Bunker shot: pure A2G
Tango line: pure A2G with stonehenge
Escort: pure A2A
Stonehenge: A2G then fight off Yellows
Safe return: pure A2A
Breaking arrows: pure A2A

It's not until Emmancepation that the missions start forcing you to go multirole.

I imagine something like that had to have been on the drawing board at one point. The game was basically a love letter to fans saying "Hey we still remember the games you actually liked in the series." But the development was pretty rocky. Would've been cool to have some branching missions like that. Imagine if your choices could have led to you either getting Stonehenge or Megalith back online and then given you a couple different missions towards the end.

I love how there's so many little details like this in the story.

yes but the transmission was from the granddaughter, the English voice actresses are similar. Play the mission with the jap dub and it gives it away

Reminder that Trigger made victims of war

Blacks are native to Sotoa.

Those tents were worth like 100 points though.

Didn't everyone know about Stonehenge ? We were literally trying to protect a returning squadron, even if it wasn't said on plain text there isn't many reasons one would go there

Fun fact, US courts value a human life at 5 million dollars.

>not wanting the alpha of a hornet
when he can still pitch and roll, while you are running out of control, you'll wish you had the alpha of a hornet

>tents full of (((((civilians)))))
>when they're hit with missiles they go up like a fucking tanker filled with jet fuel
Yeah okay ENN.

That's Strangereal East Asianic user

The game isn't hard at all with MIG21 gunpods

They're just "deep in Erusea". Full Band is the one that starts talking about ruins

I would have to play the Japanese dub to check, but it makes no sense to show Rosa's transport and play a transmission of Ionela repeating a comment she already made before.

Hey maybe they liked huffing gas, don't judge them.

>Yukes are Russian
>that bit that is clearly Europe to the west
>Sotoa just below it
No coincidence I'm sure.

It made a bunch of the missions a chore, especially those last two. Didn't help that I didn't do it on easy. Some of the ground ones were surprisingly fun with it though.

On a scale of 1 to Demon how mad is Nagasae gonna be when she finds out who kills Harling?

She's going to make Ulysses look like a fucking joke.

what a fucking madman, Count really wanted to scorch earth the country

Yeah. I think Verusa is the equivalent of Levantine countries.

She won't. She's already satisfied fucking Blaze 24/7 in space

good on you for missing the point, AC7 can be completed easily by sticking to one plane, it's impossible to do that in AC4. Emancipation alone is literally impossible to complete with an A-10 unless you memorize exactly when/where the blackjacks spawn

>character that cries about muh white birb of piss
She's not going to do jack shit and you know it.

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I love Fulcrum-chan!

Blaze isn't a spaceman. There aren't planes in space.

Do have to complete all of mission 19 with only missiles to get the achievement? I shot down the Arsenal Bird without my MG but I didn't get it, did use my gun in the score part though

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>Navy's Army have an Air Force again?
What? Are you asking why each branch have their own Air Power units when the Air Force exists? Because different branches have different doctrines. They can cross over and assist each other, which they do quite a lot. But lets say you have a Marine unit assaulting a beach head, it's much easier to use Marine/Navy pilots who will be already familiar with Marine Doctrine than it is to bring in Army or Air Force pilots.

Plus the Air Force doesn't really do much combat oriented flying anymore, they're more based around intelligence and intercoordination.

>Implying Nagase not kidnapped him to space and fucked him 24/7 so she can give birth to cute little Blaze


Nagase is a hippy bitch, she wouldn't even dream of that.

>medal: complete mission 19 using only missiles
>use guns
>wtf how didn't I get it

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>Implying Blaze and the rest of Razgriz squadron aren't hippy cliques

Other way around, dude, it's guns only.

no it's missiles only

Can Megalith even target certain areas, or is it basically a "Fuck everything in this hemisphere" weapon? Blowing up rockets to blast orbiting meteors into the atmosphere doesn't sound very precise.

Guns only is the medal for mission 20.

Shit had lasers all over it, on top of lots of smaller missiles. They probably just gave it the FUCK ALL USEA button in case their baguettes were being stolen

Using a giant railgun to blow up meteors don't sound very precise either, but it is

metal gear planes: the anime

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Watch this trailer.


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Oh, oops.

it's a matter of basic orbital mechanics

hes asking why the marines have an airforce when they can use the navy like they do with everything else like ships

I can't wait to watch you get a facefull of dirt at mach 2 you smart-mouthed cunt.

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Blaze was declassified 10 years after "The Unsung War."

I watched a video of Last Hope with the JP dub a few days ago, and damn Ionela's VA sounds familiar

even longcaster is stumped

Did you know that if you shoot down Mihayl you can save Brownie and unlock an alternate path where she has sex with you xD

it's true, my uncle works at bamco

Long Caster is a fucking burger man. I doubt he was even paying attention.

Tremendous and disgusting waste of time and money, anyone that says otherwise has some sort of connection to its development

Wouldn’t be surprised if they decided not to after Harling was killed.


explain to me why its a ''Tremendous and disgusting waste of time and money'' and i'll happily prove you wrong

He literally said "heh" when found out full band's location
Would you have preferred a "nothing personel pilot"

About Ace Combat 5, to unlock new planes, will it go appreciably faster if I give EVERY member of the squadron a copy of the same plane to fly? Is that how I'm "supposed" to do it?

During the USAF’s inquiry about the F-15X they were told it had to be complementary to the F-35 and couldn’t be seen as an alternative to or a disruptive to its procurement.

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The fastest way is to grind Sea of Chaos on Ace difficulty. If you haven't unlocked free mission yet though having everyone use same plane helps since the occasional kill the get counts toward the unlock.

there's no reason to make new stuff when the old stuff still works

I'm replaying through the game for the first time in years and starting over from zero, so I don't have any options available to me. I suppose I'll stick just with upgrading planes for my character then, those things look expensive as hell to buy four copies at a time...

That’s how its designed to work, but they have to destroy enemies for that and they rarely ever shoot anything down.

>when the old stuff still works
I see you've never served 1 day in the military if you think the old stuff works
and by that logic we'd have death traps that can barely break the sound barrier from 50 years ago

She's either written to be retarded or they wrote her poorly.
>Kill them all!
>Omg they shot my dog let's hold hands everyone :(

I don't mean the actual still existing planes, obviously you can't fly the same plane forever, but just make more of what already exists. No need for new designs at all.
Also, even if you want to make a new one, it's not like dogfighting and air-to-air is relevant these days
just make the cheapest ground attack plane with a super long range (so it doesn't get shot down by ground defenses) and be done with it

I think it's hilarious the way people really believe Osea had no underhanded motives whatsoever in building a massive space elevator right at Erusea's doorstop despite having the thing directly linked to two nigh-invincible drone carriers whose air coverage overlapped THE ENTIRE Erusean territory, just because of a fancy mural they commissioned.
By that logic, I'm pretty sure the USSR could have stuffed a crate full of farming equipment in the ships bound to Cuba along with the nuclear missiles, does that mean those were peaceful too?

She's a Marie Antoinette character, which is fine if they fleshed her out more

You can just sell the old ones, you don't need them. The only person worth shit is Nagase anyway.

Just a dog?
It’s more that it was an rebel extremist erusean soldier who shot her dog. So next time she saw them, she shoved a airstrike marker up their ass and asked trigger to blow them the fuck out

except part of what makes the US a tier 1 military is the cutting edge research into its military technology. The f35 is going to be considerably cheaper in the long run. The f16s and f18s from today are no where near the same as the they were when they first came out, some variants can push 200mil. You also need to understand how much easier it makes logistics and maintenance having the same plane for a2a and a2g. Also look how much smaller an f35 is compared to an f18, it means you can have more f35s on an aircraft carrier with more space for equipment. mechanics can get their work done faster too.

Constantly focusing on saving money and cutting corners gives you an obsolete military like China and research similar to India churning out shit tier tech

This is a very late reply but the Oseans only sent the Arsenal Birds to support the space elevator after war was declared, they weren't hovering around there the whole time.

Put it in your own territory then. Osea is anything BUT small.

Belka did nothing wrong

They assassinated Cosette's uncle so her easily manipulated father would ascend the throne.

Then how did the Eruseans capture them on the first day of the war?

I like Ace Combat threads because I get to listen to planefags arguing about various plane types and I have no idea what the fuck they're saying but it's comfy as hell.
All I know is that the new US Navy plane is apparently kinda garbage.

You’re kinda garbage. I bet you think the Rafale is better.

AC:WW2 when?

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they keep losing, so they must be

Hell user, I have no idea, as far as I know the best plane ever is still the B-52 Stratofortress because it has the coolest name. Other than that, the only bits of plane information I managed to retain are "The US Navy fighter is kinda garbage" and "Gripen is the best fighter"

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You have managed to retain two horrible untruths. Purge your memory now, sinner

Cold War era AC set in the 80s
You fight or play as Yuktobania, and the superweapon is a giant ekranoplan that is a mile long and is a dozen times faster than any ship. The superplane is a MiG-21 with canards, thrust vectoring, bubble canopy, and nuclear rockets (see AIM-2 Genie).

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>not nuclear ramjet

Did anyone else find your squad members to be really forgettable in 7?
I finished the game the other day and I hardly remember anyone except count, though I still didn't find him too great.

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>50s-60s era AC
>nuclear-powered superbombers
>unguided air-to-air rockets, early heatseekers, mostly gun-based combat
>F-8 Crusaders, Super Sabres, MiG 19s
>PO-2 as a secret joke plane

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I second this.
>Have a retro synth soundtrack since it's the 80s.
>Mig21s, 23s and F4s, F5s are mid tier planes.
>Hear about some high performance experimental fighter that's been sighted in the battlefield.
>It's a YF22

that just makes them better


How do you guys feel about this?

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Most of the squad members got killed off/transferred too quickly to be interesting, also no wingman controls. I liked the AWACS guys though.

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>A-10 is a tomboy with shark teeth
I love this already

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You called?

Fucking fund this.

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>you're close with them from the get go since you're already a team
>over the course of the game they're all killed off one by one by your rival
>by the end you're the only one left
>final showdown is you fighting your rival to avenge your friends
I would buy this in an instant

>80s Ace Combat
>not including the peak of Cold War insanity, spaceships propelled by nuclear bombs
>Yukes building a ship that requires so many nukes to propel itself that the project is the main cause modern Strangereal being so lacking for fissile uranium

Attached: orion.jpg (3993x2800, 583K)

I liked the Strider members. Wholesome Dad Man and Huxian were pretty cool, but they needed more lines. Count was the only one that got constant exposure, but his arc was kinda meh. Wiseman was great too.

>stealth aircraft recon missions collecting photographs of bases with SR71’s/YF12s similar to the mission where you have to paint targets for middle strikes in AC7
>distraction missions to support spies; cause enough chaos and keep enough attention on you so they can steal files/sabotage/etc, ramps up in difficulty as you remain in battle, becomes a mechanic of balancing difficulty and keeping chaos high enough that you guy doesn’t get made
>plan and execute sorties into enemy territory based on the intel you managed to collect.

>spent a good part of the day trying to come up with a plot outline for Ace Combat 8 centered around Belka based on a couple spitballed ideas from earlier threads
Is this what being a fanboy is like

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It’s so easy to get sucked into the series with all the shitposting and plane meme about the series, planefus are a gateway drug man

I fuck!


how do the arsenal birds replenish the drones that get downed? do they just send in new drones to dock with it?

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Either that, or they receive it in bulk shipments like the ones you shoot down in Tyler Island.

>Did a 'canon' plane run of 5, nothing but F-14's all the way through once I could buy them
I need to do the same with 7. What's the 'canon' planes Trigger flies in the 3 squads? I know F-22 is the last.

>F-16 for Mage
>Mig-21 or the F-104 for Spare
>F-15C for Strider
>F-22 during last mission
I think

I ended up really enjoying Count as a character, he's probably the most fun wingman in the series.

AC in general has pretty forgettable characters, although I have a soft spot for the goofily scripted cast in 5.