ITT: Objectively correct but unpopular Yea Forumsidya opinions

ITT: Objectively correct but unpopular Yea Forumsidya opinions

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witcher 3 is shit

Any WRPG that wasn't made by Bethesda, Bioware or Blizzard is irrelevant garbage that nobody outside this board will ever acknolwedge as good

RE4 sucks

360 is one of the greatest consoles ever. i genuinely believe its on par with the ps2, super nintendo, and ps1

opinions can never be objective dumbass, they're subjective and thats why they're called opinions. facts are objective

Life is strange was actually a good game. Great OST, atmosphere, and the plot was decent up until the ME3 ending.

The only people who complain about Other M's characterization of Samus are those who were retarded enough to think she was a living robot who hasn't gone through all types of psychological shit.

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Bioshock infinite is the best Bioshock game

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>bait thread
this is a favorite game thread now.
say your favorite game and one genuine flaw it has.

Its my objectively correct option that you're a faggot.

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Story is as important as gameplay

good stuff buddy

>Bioshock infinite is the best Bioshock game
>Objectively correct

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There is nothing wrong with fallout 4, it's a great game

its a fine game but to say that theres nothing wrong with it is stupid

super mario sunshine is the best 3d mario game

DnD games are irrelevant garbage that nobody cares about, which is why the CRPG genre died & never became remotely as popular as JRPGs

Tactical shooters are better than horror games at providing tension, they're better at challenging the player to make creative use of the tools available to them than immersive sims, and they're better than RPGs at making the player care about their AI teammates.

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The original Quake was the last first person shooter worth caring about.

Tying TWEWY and Versus into the kingdom hearts universe will ruin them as they would have to tone down any potentially mature themes to fit the setting of kingdom hearts, including romance.

FFVIIR is going to be another rushed disappointment in the current chain of disappointing releases by squeenix.

Max Payne 3 is the best in the series, and anyone who says otherwise is a nostalgia-shitter.

You faggots treat subjective as objective.

While good overall, Megaman 2 is one of the weaker classic MM titles and its worst qualities like the piss poor special weapon balance and the Boobeam Trap figjt get some of the freest passes in gaming history. It does establish some of the series' longstanding trends but it's mostly remembered for the iconic OST and boss designs.

KINGDOM HEARTS 3 IS A GREAT GAME[even though they could have done some things to make it better]

games aren't fun

plus birth by sleep and dream drop distance are also good as well.

Overwatch is a well game

oh and THE SIMS 4 SUCCCCCKKKKS like really bad

Traps are gay and video games are in general fun despite this board crapping over all of them for one reason or another.

the sims 3 was and is a god among games [just sayin]

It's possible to not like a well liked or popular game and NOT shitpost about it for easy (you)s on Yea Forums

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