In this thread we post old video game renders, art, promos etc

In this thread we post old video game renders, art, promos etc.

Attached: 1525020089636.jpg (2309x1600, 644K)

Oh boy another soul/soulless thread.

Attached: yvpcesB[1].png (1125x703, 1.16M)

Attached: tumblr_mb40rqUu5O1qcrzzno1_1280.jpg (1280x1803, 2.47M)

Attached: 4291476-starfox-snes.jpg (566x640, 93K)

Attached: 4560112896_a0cdae27d4_o.jpg (2328x3210, 2.39M)

Attached: 4560120196_7c9a23120e_o.jpg (2260x3141, 2.31M)

Attached: 1548042830808.png (1275x815, 1.89M)

Attached: Darkstalkers_TNW_Demitri.png (670x900, 418K)

Attached: Ryu Street Fighter II artwork.jpg (1014x1387, 399K)

because they can't pronounce r's lol

SF2 Ryu is still my favorite Ryu look.

Attached: 20100601054836!Street_Fighter_II_Art_Ryu_1.jpg (580x580, 38K)

>crate behind DK says 2L84ME
>same thing is written on the bottom of the Barrel Cannons in Melee

DK lore is too much for me.

Attached: Cranky_Cabin_DKC_art.jpg (384x480, 70K)

Attached: blanka_drawing_streetfighter_capcom_1271x1600_marked.jpg (1271x1600, 925K)

Attached: Cc2MSzRWwAAXsuz.jpg (844x1000, 136K)

Benis is fucking god tier artist

Attached: DarkstalkersTNW_Felicia.png (692x1000, 708K)

I loved these old 2D Mario artworks. I'm glad the artist returned to do stuff for modern games.

Attached: 1432069910732.jpg (1468x1888, 383K)

this made me realize runedcape is actually pretty terrifying

Attached: barbassault_800x600.jpg (800x600, 63K)

Attached: DarkstalkersNWVictor.png (534x528, 468K)

games still don't look this good. WHY

Its weird seeing the more modern (for the time) Kiddy and his fur textures next to what I guess was a reused original DK .

Attached: DKC3-N64_65.jpg (740x406, 64K)

Attached: 1432069996643.jpg (850x1093, 162K)

Attached: DarkstalkersTNW_Rikuo.png (647x1000, 435K)

Attached: 173628-f-zero-x-nintendo-64-front-cover.jpg (800x1120, 280K)

Nintendo 64 is my favorite game ever!

Attached: 1434938414669.png (756x1000, 708K)

I want this as a poster in my room

Why is the he so handsome?
He's a goddamned handsome fishman.

I can't take the soul oozing from that pic
Luigi and Toad look straight out of a rankin bass movie

Thinking about all those times I’d crack open games on the car ride home and adore the art they’d place in the manuals.
Such a comfy feeling...

Attached: 9A364657-DA37-4E78-B795-A935C1665B54.jpg (265x402, 37K)

Attached: 1551045280525.jpg (2089x3004, 787K)

Attached: akuma-super-streetfighter-ii-crmk_capcom_1600x2171_marked.jpg (1600x2171, 1.18M)

He is the very peak of his race, after all. Their king.

Attached: chara03.jpg (1000x1499, 160K)

Attached: Demitri_Darkstalkers_02.png (888x1246, 312K)

Attached: 1388954890653.jpg (1200x1800, 701K)

Attached: Street_Fighter_II_Dash_Art_Ryu_1.jpg (440x1000, 59K)

Attached: Donkey_Kong_Old_Profile_Art.png (323x433, 214K)

What happened to his crotch?

You referring to stuff like this? Cause I love this shit.

Attached: C965EF37-62DB-4A2F-8795-A0F207054AEB.jpg (1600x959, 559K)

Attached: HKiH0aJ.jpg (750x1048, 157K)

Attached: DNjjOtQXUAAgroz.jpg (1131x1409, 294K)

Attached: EUnYNkv.jpg (752x1061, 150K)

Attached: 1469774308-1245849196.jpg (520x580, 59K)

What Lithuanian knock off is this

Quality thread

Attached: I6B6cse.jpg (755x1068, 161K)

>At this very moment there are people out there getting a fighter torso

Attached: heihachi.gif (256x186, 1.8M)

Attached: 24258-banjo-kazooie-render.jpg (480x600, 52K)

Attached: JzCZHz4.jpg (761x1093, 153K)

Attached: 4560112388_755cbf8bce_o.jpg (2352x3210, 3.22M)

Attached: KroolCountry.png (650x792, 594K)

Attached: Title V2.png (384x216, 8K)

Attached: Title V1.png (431x193, 6K)

Wario gets hit by a fucking train as Luigi laughs.

>Diddy, Kiddy and DK are fucking onions screaming