What's the most complex project ever created on a video game?

What's the most complex project ever created on a video game?

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Imagine the autism

>someone was this asspained that took a whole day to make this

>that tweet
He's (or was) right, you know?

but it was a straight white male who made it, wasnt it

notch is one of the only developers to gain my respect over time instead of losing it like others

imagine the smell of the autism

they showed that billionaire. I bet his feelings are hurt!

there's that one autist that reverse engineered gameboy color mario using Minecraft logic blocks or something

>The guy that chose the specific tweet that would be their article's front
Probably some user.

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i remember this, boy did it make people mad lmao

The entire purpose of pride days is to give people who fall under a commonly hated or discriminated demographic a day to remember they're not alone and feel okay about what they were born with, straight people have never been marginalized

This is literally the equivalent of your three year old brother going "I want a birthday party too!! WAHHH!!!!" when it's your birthday and not his, Notch is a massive cunt and a complete child

Notch isn't wrong.

wtf Yea Forums told me notch was shit

Who else knows how to code?
Well I mean the Indians and the Chinese yeah but they aren’t going to pull this shit obviously

go back to your discord you tranny`s

I think you might be replying to the wrong post.

To be fair, he only had respect left to gain after a history of being a fucking tool, between fleeing to Reddit because he cried about all the “negativity” he was getting from Yea Forums and then openly inviting Anita into his home. It’s a wonder what getting a ton of your fortune stolen by a greedy harpy will do to a guy eventually. At least he’s on the path to redemption now.

Personally I think going out of your way to be an edgelord and piss people off is exactly as much cringe as going out of your way to pander and suck marginalized dick

discord tranny spotted, commence thread evacuation

spoonfeed me?

Correct, that was for

dumb fag, everyone is equal or nobody is equal you can't give anyone special treatment

>have no argument
>foam at the mouth and start spewing buzzwords
like clockwork

learn to just hide post instead of giving bait attention you fucking newfags

Except your little brother gets a birthday party, dingaling

as we see a surge of anti-maga hoaxes, shouldnt they classify as hate against trump supporters?

so it should be okay for trump supporters to have a pride day?

>Billionare Blue Checkmark former game dev says the same unoriginal /pol/ memes every day

based and redpilled xD libcucks btfo

What's the point of blocking someone on twitter if they're not messaging you?

>remember they're not alone and feel okay about what they were born with

why should they though? the fact that straight people not being marginalized just points that it's normal. being gay is not normal.
it's like a mental disorder endorsement day. at least a hetro day would give these people something to aim for