>videogame has a timeskip where the world is worse than before
Videogame has a timeskip where the world is worse than before
Where did it go so wrong...
Yea Forums was always on the decline since inception but 2014fags massively expedited it devolution. We lost a good half decade of decent potential to the mess that year was.
Is this the thread where we pretend wojak offends us and we want rage face back and like the old cool hipster memes back (ignoring pepe is from the era you guys long for and wojak shows up a few years later)
I like how easy it is to detect redditors beacuse how seriously they take mspaint memes. Yeah guys I know we hate wojak but I will literally make dozens of false flag edits over crappy old webcomics i pretend are funny and have soul.
I mean it's really pathetic, I don't kknow what's worse , not posting video games, or complaining about people who do post about video games because of the mspaint image they post.
>Nufag doesn't understand that old Yea Forums had more than ragefaces
Absolute state of this lad
You chose this future
tfw probably even most of the /jp/ vn thread don't know who suzuran is or what she's from
Blame /r9k/ for being the biggest failed normalfags on the site so they cope by trying to be "popular" by spamming garbage wojaks to be noticed on every board
>blued out the N werd
>le epik sekret kool kidz klub
big yikes bro
How true is this image?
Yea Forums went too far with the fappening shit, then the whole GamerGate fiasco blew up.
Nothing will beat that era of early internet.
Kill yourself Bobby
Pink Wojak is only acceptable when accompied by the DIPS
Seriously what the fuck is up with the infinite wojak posting? Can't these fucks create something new? Are their minds that sterile?
Honestly I think meme culture, such as it is, is partially responsible for the sense of emptiness we find on the modern internet. Look at what happened to Wojak, for example. The image initially had a resigned, somewhat forlorn expression and was used to express one particular sentiment. Over time the resigned, forlorn expression became used to express other relatively complex sentiments, in association with posts expressing forlorn resignation, including posts regarding political or economic subjects. But the Wojaks people make today tend to have exaggerated, enormously overstated emotions instead of the comparatively listless Wojak. Wojaks today are usually crying streaming rivers, sometimes of blood. They're screaming, they're wailing, they're gnashing their teeth, they're expressing paroxysmal emotional attacks of one kind or another. One is worse than the other even though both are used to visually convey sentiment, because the latter distances the user and the viewer from any possible sympathy.
The image poster takes on the role of eiron, mocking and attempting to convey personal superiority over the very sentiment expressed. This in turn diminishes the willingness of anyone to express anything of a similar nature. So Wojak, once used to partially express a human sentiment, becomes a method of dehumanizing the sentimental. This was inevitable, as a property of meme culture being the mutation of simple signals in order to produce something entertaining. The product becomes weaponized against the production base. We only call Fatlink by that name because he hates it. The pursuit of entertainment value, trying to get a gotcha or a snap or an ice burn or a BTFO, destroys common bonds and devalues communication.
Even at the start of the process people would not attempt to convey their human emotions, the very act of using Wojak to communicate already separates the post from the poster, the poster is wearing a mask, it is simply not yet a mask in the ironic mode. The sense of community that develops from relating to Wojak would develop out of relating to the mask, not to the man behind it. To intentionally attempt to create a communal meme is to intentionally attempt to create a theater performance or similar, to assign a role and hope to force a relationship to it. Some memes can stand this and help build communities, ones that are simply hollow stamps of identification and recognition, the secret handshakes of secret societies, such as RC Cola or SomethingAwful's own "do you have stairs in your house," which do not attempt to assign a role or particular relationship beyond mutual recognition. But the communal theater memes, the type that go further, such as /r9k/'s chicken tendies and good boy points bullshit, or politically themed online roleplaying, are doomed right from the start, unless the community has an exceptionally good sense of humor (it doesn't and nearly nobody is ever as funny as they think they are).
Pretty much spot on.
now it's acurate
Wojak was destined from the start to eventually fall down the path to Pink Wojak crying rivers of blood, because the entertainment value of the reversal and subversion is infinitely higher than the entertainment value of the communal role relationship. People naturally want to be the eiron and to avoid becoming the alazon, except for some who are so narcissistic and socially focused that even the kind of attention given to the alazon is considered desirable. Because in meme culture people reduce the need to have native wit to appear witty, the role of eiron becomes even more valuable, destabilizing the balance between man and mask. The meme becomes less and less suitable for self-expression and more suitable as a jab until it can no longer express, only attack. The community becomes anti-communal through the pursuit of entertainment at the expense of commonality. This happened with much of the SomethingAwful internet diaspora through their communal holiness spiral into the batshit insanity of "Callout Culture" and it is happening with imageboards through an equal if opposite purity spiral of batshit insanity, but I don't think it has to be inherently political.
Is it possible to bring it all back? We could at least try to. With how shit everything is currently, I'm scared of what the future will look like if left unchecked
not video games
Normies and Woman ruin everything
All the shit you used to see in rage comics. If I recall correctly it all started out with trollface