*Does open world better than any one else in the past 10 years*
Phhst, nothin personnel kid
*Does open world better than any one else in the past 10 years*
Phhst, nothin personnel kid
>does nothing
kenshi in a nuttshell
>literally nothing to do
>try mining some copper or iron
>get gangbanged by a group of 20 "hungry" bandits
>they don't even take my food
great game
>Doesn't know what to do unless an NPC tells him to.
>Sees an army of naked bandits walking up to him, chooses to ignore it.
runs like garbage and looks like shit.
imagine being this low iq
>Did you pray to okran today??? Where is your holy flame infidel??
>doing absolutely nothing for hours
this is why youre alone
nice projection incel
>Decide to be a simple farmer.
>Make a hut and two crops.
>Bandits show up to raid my shit
>Wait them out
>Christifags show up and and beat the faith into me
>but we live.
>Its almost harvest season now, we'll find be able to
>Turns out I cant even eat what I was growing any way only sell it.
>Become destitute, reduced to a life of crime just to feed myself.
I haven't touched the game since. I should give it another go but its way too hard
t, pleb filtered
Go back to your theme park MMOs and cinematic """"games"""".
> This would never happend if you prayed to okran
Farming is extremely rough at the beginning . Better buy a house in a town and research better tech first.
Or ninja run 200 kilos of undistilled sake to a nearby city. But before that there is much grinding. Very much.
>hit his incel cue
lmao tranny.
uh oh struck a nerve :(
What a shitty fucking thread. Don't use Kenshi threads to shitpost, zoomers.
disgusting degenerates.
I'm sorry, I can't hear what you're saying from that incel mouth.
>roleplay like a autist and have a good time
>somehow this makes the games good instead of just your imagination
Ay you found the solution to all problems in life
Some games are better at capitalizing on that then others.