It's getting mixed reviews in Japan because

It's getting mixed reviews in Japan because
>Very difficult/punishing
>"Polish" elements like character animations are functional, but not always pretty
>Should spend more time in giant robots
Despite that though, people are enjoying it. It's 100% going to flop because many people just haven't even heard of it, but it seems budget enough that a core fanbase can keep it from losing too much money. Personally, I'm excited to get my Mech edition. I've played an really enjoyed unpolished games before like Alpha Protocol and this doesn't seem nearly as rough as that.

Are you guys planning on trying it out?

Attached: left_alive_art.jpg (1920x1080, 427K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>'mixed' reviews

Attached: Uh.png (1080x1087, 117K)

user, not every bad received game is a "hidden gem". Even something like Alpha Protocoll got mediocre reviews and even a game like Deadly Premonition, who got mostly 50-70% ratings, was mentioned that it got unique qualities and will find it's niche.

Every single review about this one just says it's a carbon copy of TLOU with Metal Gear art design and it has nothing to offer.

Watched 5 minutes of gameplay where they were shooting enemies in a covershooter hallway. That wouldn't even be so bad if it actually looked fun but I think I'll pass.

>"Polish" elements like character animations are functional, but not always pretty
That was my biggest concern when seeing the trailer, you cant have models that detailed without mocap or it ends up looking fucking stupid.

>Polish elements
kurwa kupuję

>>"Polish" elements
O kurwa :DDD

I'm renting it, definitely doesn't look worth $60 on the basis of polish alone

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>Are you guys planning on trying it out?
After I eventually get around to playing through the Front Mission series, so maybe some day, I hope


>Cause Jessie's got GameFly

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>Japanese don't like a game because it's hard
What a fucking shocker. We might as well start deducting points for "not on mobile" and "not gacha" if we're going by modern Japanese consumer standards.

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Literally who?

The only reason this faggot board likes it is because its a weeb game and has the same cover artist as metal gear. The game looks like a generic piece of shit

I kinda like the Front Mission setting, so I will play it if it lands on PS now like every PS4 title no one wants to play.


Watched streams and the wanzer piloting is so bad it makes Evolved look good, game is fucking trash.
>"Polish" elements like character animations are functional, but not always pretty
it's way beyond unpolished. Exploding vehicles for example just pop out of existence, and the enemy soldiers bounce between completely retarded and spotting the player through walls

Not to mention

Attached: Left Alive.webm (1024x576, 2.86M)

What the fuck? Explain

Japanese devs are based but their audience is always such piece of shits

The only threads we have about this game are dissing it. Not even the guys on /m/ like it, they have one huge thread and just write how awful everything is

Holy.. seems like what is sjw turd to us is exotic to them.
First review literally states "Evil twins are kewl" lol

Attached: dfdf.png (313x471, 131K)

>muh narrative
Fuck off back to led dit, no one is defending this dumbass normalcancer

Japs review bomb Amazon like it's done here on Metacritic.

What sjws you mouthbreather?

I really wanted the mech edition but nearly 400 for 7in robot is too steep. And I was excited for the Yanase/Shinkawa collab too

I don't get how it's a SJW turd when the twins are THE FUCKING BAD GUYS.

Which is interesting. So basically if you check their PSN there's like 1-4 ratings on AAA games, so I suppose they're buying physical copies via amazon and reselling them after?

Why do they review bomb DOA6?

Gamefly is a better option than wasting $60 on a bad game

play the game before asking dumb questions, retard

Let's be honest here.
The game is fucking trash. It has no place being released on 2019, since it's pretty much what you would expect from a game late ps2, early ps3 era

>Left Alive
Wait a minute I thought it was first person? This looks like Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain and Division type shit. In one. Fuck This. We get it. Everyone is preparing to battle TLOU2. Big whoop.

Attached: no..gif (240x196, 1.79M)

I wouldn't play a PS2 game with such shit animation.

It has the right to exist, but at full price? Hell no.

a ps2 game would have working molotovs

Too hard to unlock costumes, too much as dlc. Gameplay is as good as ever. I'm not joking either, that's why they are review bombing it.

It's not good. It has OBSCENE levels of DLC and grinding to get outfits.

So you unlock outfits by getting points. You get these by doing really anything. The biggest point givers are the challenges. But you get points for random outfits. Say you get...500 or 600 points from a challenge. The random outfit might only need 200 points. WHELP, YOUR 300 POINTS ARE NOW GONE.

Arcade runs give you ONE POINT. Online is currently in a 10x event, but matches only give you 20.

Why did SE greenlight it?

>Arcade runs give you ONE POINT
Oof, ok.

Who are the actual developers for this? Does anyone know?

>The game is fucking trash
> kill the dude
> he flies away like a dead npc in vice city after explosion
Ofcourse it's fucking bad.

I just want a fucking decent polished mech game. When is the Dark Souls cunt going to make another Armoured Core

>Say you get...500 or 600 points from a challenge. The random outfit might only need 200 points. WHELP, YOUR 300 POINTS ARE NOW GONE.
what the fuck

Attached: 1551584459675.gif (512x384, 1009K)

We don't know shit.

I like how the molotov'd guy is still alive at the end

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It doesn't help that these challenges...about 140 or so are finite.

Hope you enjoy getting fucking outfits for characters you don't want.

this is why I hate americans

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From Software is bringing back Armored Core this year.

>Let's be honest here.
Okay. That looks shit.
>it's pretty much what you would expect from a game late ps2, early ps3 era
Don't you dare ever talk shit about PS2/PS3 and that piece of shit. GTA:SA had better cover shit hell even Killzone 2.

Attached: the fuck you want..jpg (1280x720, 70K)

Reminder that anything remotely challenging gets low scores in japan.

DMC, God Hand, Ninja Gaiden etc got review bombed. (all at 3/5 stars)

japs troll the fuck out with the reviews there

this is less challenging and more just a dumpster fire

That looks so bad holy shit.

>Should spend more time in giant robots
That's a completely fair criticism.

Amazon JP is literally the Metacritic of Japan. Don't even.

DMC3 wasn't hard at all in Japan. They upped the difficulty for the US release.

Also, Japan liked The Evil Within, which was hard. Japan also liked Devi's Third. Which was hard.

t. weeb who barely passed N5

>that grenade throwing animation

That's genuinely the worst throwing animation I've seen in a game. Fucking Alone in the Dark, a game from 1992 I've been playing, has the character model put more weight and momentum into its throw than this.

Attached: 1j9ywu.jpg (400x369, 77K)

>Reminder that anything remotely challenging gets low scores in japan.
Don't forget that Japan literally had to create its own streamlined and simplified version of RPGs because western RPGs were too difficult for them.

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>It's getting mixed reviews in Japan because
>>Very difficult/punishing

Attached: 1537403625917.jpg (208x412, 24K)

>front mission game
>25% of game spent using wanzers
i specifically requested the opposite of this.

the nigs are evil though.

japs should stick to making games and not playing them




some amazing 1/5 w101 reviews

Its common knowledge that nips have terrible fucking taste on anything

Soon. Very soon. Let's hope together.

>Spiritual successor to Front Mission series
>Has nothing to do with Front Mission
>Plays worse than Phantom Pain

Attached: Disgusted Stock Image.jpg (2218x2218, 526K)

Remember this when people try to pin the poor reception on the difficulty. Left Alive isn't an underrated gem, it's just plain shit

I got the clips from
You can see for yourself

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It's 100% going to flop because it looks and plays like a generic 2000s game.
Japan needs to catch the fuck up.

From what I hear and see in videos, the Wanzers control like shit. I'm open to trying it myself and just thinking people are bad at controls.

>casuals playing Armored Core for the first time
kinda deal

Eh, ill buy it when its cheap as fuck for that cheese factor

Alright Ubisoft I read your post.
Now leave.

I don't get it. I honestly want to know why it's SJW.

I don't fucking follow.

I want it so bad cause of Front Mission but the gameplay really does look like shit.

/m/ rarely likes anything.

Is this suppose to be like front mission? Because the last frontission squarenix made was fucking garbage

I guess it will make enough money to recoup development costs at least

I'm curious to see its debut sales in Japan tho

Square Enix disable the streaming for this game for damage control.

Attached: Puking starting in 5...4..3...2.....gif (300x225, 1.59M)

there patching it tomorrow, gameplay is good though so it;s weird.

Imagine my face seeing this just after playing RDR2; A fucking Mona Lisa of video game programming.. Just try and imagine it.

Attached: ridicule.webm (900x600, 1.48M)

>Game where you don't get in the mecha
>board about Mecha
>liking it

RDR2 is the opposite: impeccable technical polish and attention to detail but boring creative direction and design.

I had this game pre ordered but cancelled it when squeenix actually blocked people streaming it, it was being that badly received.
Still not certain i made the right choice, but its a lot of money.

if that's to imply that Left Alive has anything interesting about its creative direction, I hope you're joking

He is a mongoloid minbroken by memes. Ignore him.

>Still not certain i made the right choice
You did. Japan's release got discounted practically instantly and ours probably will too. There's zero reason to pay full price for this.

The decision to hybrid Front Mission with MGSV is a lot more interesting than GTA Cowboys: Realism over fun edition. Also much better art design. RDR only shines in the nature effects since those can be realistically beautiful while all the actual humans are ugly or average.

If nips are so bad at games, why do they keep winning fighting game tournaments?

if its carbon copy of tlou with mgs art design that should automatically give it 10 stars and be declared as the best game in generation, judging by how those were received. Somethings not right.

because then they ARE the difficulty wall

is it a blunder if everyone knew it would suck?