Quickly shaping up to be my sleeper hit of 2019.
What say you?
Quickly shaping up to be my sleeper hit of 2019.
What say you?
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Literally just found out about it on Exclusively Games. How strange.
Thread theme song
tfw no one on my friend's list owns this
I was just telling someone how the 90s are becoming trendy. It's like full steam on the subculture.
this game is based
I'd say it has been for a few years now.
we've gone through the shitty 80's nostalgia decade.
Time for low poly
Haven't played Toejam and Earl before. Is this game a good place to start?
>never played the series before
>wondering if the newest game is a good place to start
>doesnt even consider trying out the first game
why are people so fucking retarded?
AAAAAAAND into the trash it goes.
I mean it would help if the game was pre-orderable on steam but it only became buyable the moment it came out
Toejam & Earl is my favorite game of all time and I've been keeping track of this new one's development for a few years now. Still don't know how I feel about the art style. Looks weird. Maybe playing it will feel different, so I'm considering buying it, eventually.
steam has the original for a dollar
good for that bc it's very much you get it or you don't, I've never seen a game series more polarized in "It's fantastic" and "it sucks" territory
Feels like a cross between the original and the second game. you forget all about the graphics once you start playing
>Developer respects their character's sexual orientation by not telling people who it is
What nice devs
One of the enemies in game is a fruity looking guy with a cell phone. It's probably him.
This. It's truly a wonderful game underneath its shit artstyle
>Toejam & Earl is my favorite game of all time
I've got it for my genesis and just can't force myself to like it. I've tried, believe me. Something about it just isn't fun (to me). Glad you like though, you do you.
I like it so much that, for me, no other game comes even close to it. It's absolutely flawless.
Did you used to play it with someone? It makes a world of difference.
Why is Toejams 3 menu rap stuck in my head?
Yeah I've tried solo and co-op, both ends up the same- turning it off within 30 minutes.
My only grip with this game is the art looks and feels cheap as hell, I liked ToeJam & Earl III's artstyle much better, but I know this was kickstarted so I will forgive the artstyle but I dunno if I can forgive the animation.
how does it even play whats the basic gameplay loop? i played the original back in the day and had no idea what the fuck was going on or what i was supposed to do. granted i was like 13 and a retard is it just like a hide and seek find the items or ?????????
can someone explain like im a retard how toejam and earl plays
Does any money go to the developers or should I just emulate it?
It's super simple. Wander around until you have mapped out the area. Use presents you find. If there's a rocket ship piece, grab it. Go into elevator up to next area. Repeat until you have all rocket ship pieces.
>open present in desperate bid not to get ran over by the ice cream truck
>total bummer
imagine opening a present on christmas and it was a total bummer