Gravity Rush is like Dark Souls: a game not made by Nintendo but still has the soul of Nintendo imprinted on it

Gravity Rush is like Dark Souls: a game not made by Nintendo but still has the soul of Nintendo imprinted on it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo isn't on talks with Sony to release the IP.

This isn't portbegging, it's an inevitability. Sony has abandoned the Japanese market and begun to sell all their anime styled IPs

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Other urls found in this thread:!XkdnnQZT!E2gCqPmDFSER0N_JyN1TNZoX1jH7UIMc1dmkgqTUHbs!a5VGXaAZ!2y_FhPGkIp2sZ6M-sVZW5gYRhxa4oNuu56No3tBLR-8

You sound like a fucking fag. This is now an Astrobot thread.

Stop making this fucking thread.

GR was made by Japan studio's which is owned by Sony Interactive, There will never be a Switch port, the switch wouldnt be able to run GR2 anyway.


Gravity Rush shills are so fucking desperate for relevancy that they go as far as to make these embarrassing threads

Is Yea Forums gonna fall for it again?

>everyone already forgot about Astrobot
>barely anyone cared in the first place because it was a VR game
such a shame

Nice to see a Gravity Daze thread but op argument sucks so fucking much.


(Somebody posts the osts already I missed them the last time)

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Same. Team ASOBI did great work, and in such little time. I hope the game sold well, they deserve it.

I dig it. (with 1 & 2 as a collection or something)

Don't nipples only get hard when a girl is aroused? Sorry, I don't actually know.

The Astrobot soundtrack is so great

Attached: THE PLAYROOM VR_20181215215937.png (960x720, 979K)

here you go!!XkdnnQZT!E2gCqPmDFSER0N_JyN1TNZoX1jH7UIMc1dmkgqTUHbs!a5VGXaAZ!2y_FhPGkIp2sZ6M-sVZW5gYRhxa4oNuu56No3tBLR-8

Dark Souls is the exact opposite of everything Nintendo represents though.

And yet it's on Switch.

Your move.

So what?
This thread is about gravity rush mate.

I love Nintendo but Dark Souls is mechanically nothing like a Nintendo IP, especially modern Nintendo

A game which will also be on Switch.

>This isn't portbegging
Except it is. That "soul of Nintendo" cringe is nothing but pure cope.

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>Gravity Rush is like Dark Souls: a game not made by Nintendo but still has the soul of Nintendo imprinted on it.
Again man? You said the exact thing last time, and then lots of people told you there were lots of other games with the lock on from OoT and before Demon's Souls but you just responded with "nuh uhh, doesn't count!"
can't we have a Gravity Rush thread without console war shit?

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GR is dead lmao
Sony won't ever bring it back it's a waste of money

Gravity Rush is a Sony exclusive, so there is literally no escaping the console war shit

Truth be that OP's post is a copy pasta. Don't know if its just from yesterday or if its even older, but its a certified copypasta from yesterday's thread at the very least

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The Gravity Rush devs are complete faggots for locking costumes behind online and then making it impossible to get them after the servers went down

>Don't know if its just from yesterday or if its even older, but its a certified copypasta from yesterday's thread at the very least

Gravity Rush runs at 30fps on PS4, imagine how choppy that shit would be on a Switch, imagine the graphical downgrades they'd have to make to bring it to an even acceptable level


I agree. This is all the fault of the Gravity Rush devs. They are terrible people who have ruined video games.

most overrated games ever, and I say that as someone who has 100%-ed them both

It would certainly fit on the Switch and give it a well deserved popularity boost and it does seem like Sony doesn't give a shit about good and original exclusives anymore but I really don't see it happening, at their core Sony really doesn't like to share and even when they are forced to they do everything to make the general public believe they aren't.

>being this dramatic because someone criticised a game dev for being faggots about game content

I am being completely serious. What are you talking about? This is very important to me, you idiot.

He's fapping to Kat and he will never going to share that doujin with the world.


I'm right here.

>Dark Souls has the soul of Nintendo
Their styles are nothing alike. Nintendo games are gaudy, Dark Souls is gothic. Nintendo games revolve around a childish, simple plot like "save the princess", Dark Souls games have an ambiguous plot.

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Imagine being this much of a zombie for Sony.

>Talking about Dark Souls, a Namco Bandai/Fromsoft game, versus Nintendo
>a zombie for Sony

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t. Sonyboy

And while we're at it Nintendo should stop hoarding mario and zelda, PS4 release please! Why can't they just learn to share already?

Mario and Zelda have too much gameplay in them to fiit on a Sony console

Nintendo has in fact released a Mario game on the most popular non-Nintendo console.

Oh, what's that? You thought it was Sony? Hahaha. Poor misguided fool.

Is Astro Bot the best VR game ever made?

Whenever ninty likes it or not the PC master race takes whatever is rightfully theirs and no amount of "but muh comfy" and "muh portability" will mitigate the fact that they get the superior experience overall. The PS4 is next btw

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Probably. But that doesnt mean much considering all vr games are absolute garbage.

Nobody cares but i still do

I haven't played it but I have doubts that it's better than VRChat.

I'm more surprised that somebody actually uses /3/.

Yes, everyone is well-aware of the fact that PC gamers exist on the scraps of console games that everyone else has already beaten and moved on from

Too much graphics to run on Switch

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>when u can move faster than the game has time to load in environmental textures and assets


they didn't expect you to lunar rocket jump from pleasure district to old town
stacking talismans kinda breaks some things

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>Kat's legs

I wish GR:R found a way to add lunar style. Regular shifting is so unfun in comparison

Was that from the wall clip launch or just purely from stacking talismans?

I stacked enough driver talismans to rocket jump there from another district

They could get hard if its cold too.

Mmm, nipples.

Funny how fast pasta goes stale.

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What is fast pasta?

GR isn't a good game though. It's as bland as the first Chibi Robo game and just as terrible.

its kinda like a classic nintendo, or any classic game really with no hand holding / only basic tutorials

It's too bad she canonically smells like greasy dumpster-diving gutter-trash

Is this post meant to imply that the Chibi-Robo sequels are good games?

The "NES difficulty" everyone talks about came courtesy of third-party developers; games developed by Nintendo themselves were always relatively easy and simplistic

That's not even true.

good thing I have no sense of smell

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And what's the source for that?

Except it is. Those games like Contra and Ninja Gaiden were not developed by Nintendo.

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Zelda 2 was and it's hard as fuck.


It's a shame they removed online because I recently got the plat and there's nothing left to do.

She even admits herself that she's stinky, and her diet consists of greasy street food, it's not hard to put two and two together to get a general idea of the odours wafting from her body at any given moment.

The way you describe it makes it sound like this could potentially be a fetish of yours.

It's poorly designed, not hard.

Zelda 2's original FDS release is significantly easier, it became more difficult in the worldwide release's localisation and was never the intention of Nintendo in the first place but instead a decision made by the localisation team.

It isn't, it's disappointing to me that Kat is so smelly and gross because I like her design otherwise

how do you think he's holding up?

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Not her fault! She just didn't have time to shower!

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user I...

I wonder if he even played her game.

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Profile is private, but they still have Kat has their profile picture. Its definitely still their username

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taking a single shower after a fucking year of not doing so won't be enough in itself to reverse the horrible things that have been occurring between her legs in the meantime

Somebody be real with me. Is the only appeal of this game waifushit, because I was about 2 hours in before I got annoyed by the controls and let it collect dust. Does it get good later or something?

>After a year
Technically it's not a year for her

No, it actually has good gameplay and stands on its own merits. It's not a game carried by waifushit like, say, Shantae.

Did ANYONE play her game? Playstation has so many fucking games that people just fucking ignore because the people who buy Playstation don't play Japanese games.

The original Shantae was one of the most technologically impressive Game Boy Color games ever made.

I own a physical copy, it's on my backlog.

Neck yourself Souls cunt

Maybe so but as of late, like with Half-Genie Hero, the gameplay is completely phoned in

They bit off more than they could chew with the art style. That's a problem with a lot of these Kickstarter games, they get funded millions and then they realize "Oh shit, this is still only enough to make a 2 hour game."

I think it was more laziness on their part honestly, and the assumption that Shantae herself and the fanservice would sell copies; there are other kickstarter games that provided much more gameplay for less.

>only Nintendo make game I like, so any game I like is Nintendo

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At least she has some semblance of self-awareness to realize that this is not normal.

That said I have no idea how she could go so long without a shower and not feel terribly itchy.

Astrobot reminds me of Ape Escape with it's charm

>Gravity Rush threads will now be taken over by this fucking autistic
Wish mods would ban these faggots. Any chance of discussion for games are being overtaken by dickheads like this. Barry is another prime example

It wasn't a year for her. She was at the bottom of the world, where time moves faster

They both have the soul of Nintendo. Switch port when?

Yes, but even a day or two is enough to start itching.

You can't pull that shit and beg for a Sony game cause it has gameplay, at the same time

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>the switch wouldnt be able to run GR2 anyway

switch can run Unreal Engine it's "technically 8th gen"

GR2 would just look like pure shit. 720p 30 fps docked anyone?

The closest Nintendo ever came to making something as deeply melancholic as Dark Souls was fucking Majora's Mask, and that game was a happy accident that came from Shiggy having a deadline feud with the game's creator.

Even then, Dark Souls is so distinct. That's From's beautiful soul, through and through. An arpg with a horror aesthetic that is done so beautifully well, you can feel sorrow drip from the flagstones. Despair, and regret for things that would not have been, were the world a fair place.

Weak bait

Dark Souls doesn't really have a horror aesthetic, that's more Demon's Souls and Bloodborne's thing

Man you literally play as a zombie in Dark Souls.

Dude, what?

Horror doesn't necessarily mean "scary." You've probably heard the expression "body horror." It doesn't have as much to do with your fear response as it does with your disgust response.

Dark Souls is much more "dark fantasy" in its presentation than horror. Enemies are ugly and grim but not really horrifying.

Lads - Are the servers on PS4 shut down and how much does this impact the game?

They are and it means you can never unlock a bunch of costumes because the devs never made them available like they should have.

There's a fuckton of costumes you can't get but the game itself is playable the same way. To their credit they did lower the price.

Exhibit 1. This whole fucking level. The hollows are grotesque and emaciated corpses with missing eyes. There are pudgy fat fucks that hold you in their arms and set themselves on fire, and there are giants that throw stone cauldrons full of blood and body parts at you.

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I think that'd annoy me if the costumes do anything. Are they just cosmetic and are any of them just blatantly better designed than default?

>are any of them just blatantly better designed than default?
Most of them are. You should probably pirate the game so you can hack in the costumes.

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Don't worry, they'll have all the costumes included once the Definitive Edition comes out on Switch

Big if true, I'll hold off to see if the autistic OPs claims come true.

That's just shit from regular old traditional fairy tales, not really spooky.

Her work clothes, the school uniform 1.0, and shifter 1.0 are the exclusive costumes. The rest can be unlocked by either having Gravity Rush remastered save data or by playing the game

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>play Bloodborne first
>love the fuck out of it
>get into DS
>it's a bunch of gay knights and shit

Medieval fantasy is fucking garbage as a genre across all mediums. People won't admit that's a good chunk of why Bloodborne was more popular

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Yeah but then there's also furniture you can only get online.

Demon's Souls has some moments like that but it's more like a mix of what you'd eventually come to see in Dark Souls and Bloodborne. Like, Dark Souls took all of DeS' dark fantasy moments and built around those while Bloodborne took all of DeS' horror moments and built around those.

I know, a few gestures too, but he was specifically talking the costumes, and honestly outside of being able to wear the work clothes everywhere, theres an unlockable equivalent for the other two. The costumes themselves aren't that big of a deal

And I haven't looked into it but there's probably a Gameshark or something for the PS4 anyway.

>when she sees your ceewee

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>Sony is giving up their anime IPs

DAMN! Aki looks like THAT!?

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>when you see HER ceewee

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The jewish sjw overlords who run things in sony's commiefornia headquarters are going to purge all anime games from the company's IP catalogue by selling them to nintendo, my based and redpilled uncle who covertly works at sony told me all about it

Imagine being a white person trying to pull off an afro.


Do you miss out on anything in Gravity Rush 2 now that the servers are shut down? Are there any online only trophies?

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Scroll up a bit. There are cosmetic things you'll miss out on.

>Do you miss out on anything in Gravity Rush 2 now that the servers are shut down?
Yes. There are costumes, talismans, and gestures exclusive to the online mode that you cannot get now.
There's also the fun of the online activities themselves that you missed out on.

>Are there any online only trophies?
No actually

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Just the photo challenges, that was pretty fun.
Also no, there's no trophy stuff related to the online.

So some costumes and stuff are impossible to get? Fuck that.

Don't worry, there will be a Switch version later this year with all the costumes.

You can still platinum the game, but yeah, there were two main online activities that were pretty fun but are no longer available, one was the treasure hunts, and the other was racing another person's ghost in the challenge missions. You can still do the challenge missions, but you can go against ghost nor can you see leaderboards anymore. Those leaderboards are gone

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Fuck off idiot.

>game sells like shit
>online dies
>now used for nothing but consolewar shitposting
I feel sorry for gravity rushfags


>PC has no grass

Zelda 2 and Metroid are pretty hard.

Mfw I'm able to collect all the online stuff but you never going to have the white Kat outfit

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Heres a quick and dirty run down of the 3 costumes not available due to the online shutting down. Work clothes, School Uniform 1.0, and Shifter 1.0. The other cosmetics were some furniture and photo items, along with 2 gestures.

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If it was possible I'd trade out my shifter 1.0 for white kat in a heartbeat

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So how come they never bothered making them available through other means (downloads or patching them in through offline collection means)? Seems retarded

Made by the same team behind Ape Escape.

Probably because they're not that great and if you want to use them you can just play GR1 instead.

I dunno. Whether or not a team gets to do patches, especially a year after its release, is down to the publisher I'm pretty sure. I ain't sayin' it ain't stupid, I'm just trying to show that theres still plenty of cool costumes unlockable in the game for those wanting to try the game now

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Pls don't use Kat for your consolewar shitposting

Of all the games Switchbeggars want from Playstation, why this one ? It's mediocre by all measurements
>Nonsensical story
>Awful mission design
>Mandatory grind to max out abilities
>Abilities that don't matter anyway since combat is about pressing circle while jiggling around
>Last four hours are the most trash I've ever played from a Sony first-party game
At least ask for an actual good game like Spider-Man or SotC or whatever, even the first GR, but not this junk

Kat's second game on switch would be like throwing pearls before swine. The hardware simply can't do the 11/10 world design and art direction justice. The scale and level of detail and fidelity is simply too much for Switch. The standard PS4 is already pushing it and suffers massively in parts.

If not for that fact, id be 100% ok with the idea. And it's why I'm ok with a GR1 port. But I'd rather not see such a delightful visual spectacle be reduced due to the switches needs and I'm not ok with people experiencing one of my favorite games like that.

>I wouldn't be surprised if something absolutely stupid and improbable wasn't happening

I'm so sorry for your folks.

Remember: Gravity rush is dead like Ape Scape or Jumping Flash, all of them buried for ever and ever under the success of games like HZD or Uncharted.

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but the last chapter is the best part of GR2, pleb

You just described Kingdom Hearts.

the more i see from this game the more i wonder why the fuck they made it VR
there is nothing Virtual Reality about it, you still feel like you are behind a screen controlling a character, if they just included a normal camera option there would be no difference

These guys made siren, right?
another one when

That casual outfit on the left with the erect nipples and asscheek poking out is fucking god-tier

Why are we getting so many Alua threads lately?

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Zelda 2 only became hard during localisation changes, Metroid is less difficult than it is tedious (and it's worth noting Nintendo always neglects Metroid until fan outcry becomes too deafening to ignore) because it's not a series it has much love for

Toyama went to a Siren expo the last year, he told in an interview that he didnt know there was so many fans of Siren so he was tempted to work in a new one or at least a new horror ip, so nobody knows, but at least he was vocal about he would like to work in a new survival game

Attached: Gravity Rush - Kat.jpg (773x1000, 549K)

it's the hot new bait falseflag shitposters have latched onto

The director recently had a Siren fan meetup, and it reinvigorated him after having a bad 2018. so maaaybe siren is the next game from him?

>because it's not a series it has much love for
Beside Super and Prime 1, sales on metroid series was always lower than zelda.

Do you think that Sony acknowledges Kat? They released these in Japan a few months ago

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Would it be worth getting these on PS4 or is it pretty likely that they're just going to be on PS5 in some form or another?

>nipples poking out
Man Kat's game does something you rarely see in ecchi games now

Japan doesn't care much for gritty sci-fi it seems

Because you haven't played it. The game is built around virtual reality scale, gimmicks, and perspective.

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It's meant to imply I've never played other Chibi robo games

SIE Japan does a lot more to show their girl off. I'm pretty sure both PS4 games have been on PS+ for them

>superior experience
That's nice and all but I can't take my pc to work.

Yup, Japan didn´t care about metroid until smash/GBA games arrived, when rule34 about animu zero Samus started to be more important to Metroid ad a brand than the games.

Are you Daga?

I will not call that acknowledge, but budget versions to recover money from the flop that become GR2 and GR1 remaster.

Attached: Kat SFW.jpg (695x900, 392K)

No, I saw this on a drawthread

It has the same filename as when it was uploaded and the white outlines remind me of stuff like

Why would they bother with budget versions' I guess that Gravity Daze still sold decently in Japan for a platinum version

>models still not ripped/rigged properly

>It has the same filename as when it was uploaded
4chanX lets you save images with the same filename like that. It doesn't necessarily mean anything anymore, though I prefer not to let people know that because I can really shitpost the hell out of a thread.

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imagine raven forcing kat to lick her puss

>implying kat would need to be forced

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>PEGI 12: Sex
>2 female symbols

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cue kat

Honestly, if the IP being bought by Nintendo were all it took to get another Gravity Rush game I'd be happy about it. Even if it did mean I'd have to buy into the switch meme and share threads with Nintendies. The series had so much potential and it breaks my heart to see Sony flush it down the toilet because the new SanFran office is embarrassed about Japanese games.

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>Ape Scape
Don't you mean Escape?

You're either shitposting or out of your mind. Gravity Rush will never be on a Nintendo console. Why would Sony ever 'be in talks' to give their IP to a competitor?

The game is dead because its shit and nobody wanted to buy it. The PS4 sold like 100 million consoles, basically everyone whos interested in videogames has a PS4 at home and still nobody bought this crappy waifu simulator. It's dead, let it go. You will never smell Kats unwashed ass.

platinum version=budget versions

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You can save the file with filename included. Is easy in this way instead of having one thousand files with numbers as filename.

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>You will never smell Kats unwashed ass
it hurts, bros...

GRfags are delusional

GR1 rift plane themes are the best in the series

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>The series had so much potential and it breaks my heart to see Sony flush it down the toilet
What potential ? We got two games and it feels like it was already overstaying its welcome

You should have pre-ordered as any true fan did.

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Is that a real icon that can be used for games or did the person who made that mockup just use it there as a joke?

>The series had so much potential
It had two games and still people didn't buy it. There is no "potential".

Frankly if getting a second game didn't cause it to reach its potential and have a proper conclusion then there's no hope for it.

Wow, the best in the series? The entire two game series?

the ending to 2 is a perfectly fine conclusion

it was badly worded but my point is those 3 songs are the best from either game

The second game has a proper conclusion. A shitty, rushed conclusion, but a conclusion nonetheless
Threads like these makes me wonder if people shitposting really played the games they talk about
Well I already know the answer but still

Except everything else is better on CEMU.
look at the draw-distance, texture res/filtering and shadows.

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There are many games that had a garbage first game, the second game being where it "clicked" (see: Street Fighter). But if you didn't managed by the second game, don't bother.
Gravity Rush is the kind of game that while it was never supposed to be a Uncharted-like blockbuster, still failed to be a solid, popular B game (like Shadow of the Colossus and Demon's Souls were for the PS2 and PS3).

Gravity Rush fans blame marketing, but it was marketed enough. Simply people didn't give a shit about the series.

I finished both games but the second game kind of didn't have a proper ending. It's only hinted that Kat came back. I want to know how the heck she got out of the singularity and what the hell ever happened to Kai after the Keystone Kops let him easily escape and disappear.

People thought Bayonetta would never be on a Nintendo console either. They thought it would be a one game wonder because it "didn't sell well enough" to get a sequel. Fastforward to now and not only have we got two Nintendo exclusive sequels to Bayonetta, but she's in Smash.

It's only a matter of time before Kat follows suit.

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Bayonetta was initially published by Sega. Gravity Rush is wholly owned by Sony. Sega don't make consoles anymore and Sony do. I don't know why you retards peddle this nonsense.

>dark souls
>soul of nintendo

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I think ambiguous endings are cool.

Have you ever thought about how the scent is so strong and she's always running and flying around so it probably permeates the air long after she's gone? Haha...

I didn't have the money to preorder it user

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Not him but when the se cond game arrived I just started to play the first one on vita, I understand your point but damn that outfit is gorgeous.

Ruined Paths is max comfy :3

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This is the sort of details you could disclose in a spin-off novel or manga but it's not material for a full-fledged game
And that sort of stuff is pretty much a staple in fantasy fiction, the ending of The Witcher 3 is exactly the same regarding Ciri coming back from the White Frost or whatever and nobody is claiming TW3 has a lackluster ending

Well the difference with The Witcher is that it's guaranteed to get more sequels and in fact recently got one so they can get away with not explaining everything. You are correct though that novels or comics are a decent way to continue or expand upon the story for something that has a decent fanbase but not big enough of one to justify a new game.

You know it sucks that the online outfits are unobtainable and all but when you think about it there's really no reason to use anything that isn't the 2B outfit.

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I disagree user, I only use the idol costume with luna style.

>Gravity Rush fans blame marketing, but it was marketed enough
That´s not true. The marketing ouside Japan was pretty much zero. Japan had a big marketing campagin while USA and Europe was more focused in HZD. It didnt help that was released in the same window than HZD, BOTW, Yakuza or RE

Two of which got PC ports.

Tick tock.

Wait wait wait
I think yurops really liked GR2, even their advertising in twitter was fucking gold.

>even their advertising in twitter was fucking gold.

port begging faggot

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It's inevitable.

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Nah it definitely feels like a sony game, lacks the polish of nintendo

Ooh, I'll add something about this in when I repost the thread tomorrow.